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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

There had never been a market for a $350 Nintendo console until last year, this is how time and inflation works.

How inflation works? The PS5 is $500 and is the most expensive games console on the market. Nintendo haven’t had the most expensive console on the market since the Nintendo 64.

Part of the reason Nintendo has been a able to find success with the Wii and Switch has been by heavily undercutting the competition in price.
How inflation works? The PS5 is $500 and is the most expensive games console on the market. Nintendo haven’t had the most expensive console on the market since the Nintendo 64.

Part of the reason Nintendo has been a able to find success with the Wii and Switch has been by heavily undercutting the competition in price.
Switch during 2018-2020 had the same price as Xbox One S and PS4 slim with much worse bundles and Black Friday/Christmas deals and still outsold them every single month in NA.
Switch during 2018-2020 had the same price as Xbox One S and PS4 slim with much worse bundles and Black Friday/Christmas deals and still outsold them every single month in NA.

PS4 and Xbox One were 5-7 years old during that period.

Personally I think Switch would have outsold them if launched at the same time but not if the Switch was the same price.
PS4 and Xbox One were 5-7 years old during that period.

Personally I think Switch would have outsold them if launched at the same time but not if the Switch was the same price.
Switch since it’s second year has always been outselling PS4 launch aligned, don’t think it would have changed if they released at the same time at the same price
How inflation works? The PS5 is $500 and is the most expensive games console on the market. Nintendo haven’t had the most expensive console on the market since the Nintendo 64.

Part of the reason Nintendo has been a able to find success with the Wii and Switch has been by heavily undercutting the competition in price.

The Switch was literally the same price as the PS4 and Xbox One S at launch, so heavily undercutting isn't really true here.

For the record I think the Drake will cost $400, but eventually we'll get a $500 Nintendo console, it's straight up inevitable.
I wouldn't be surprised if Drake was TV-only. It would be a nice way to reduce the price a little bit. And a few years later, Switch 2 as a hybrid console in 2025-26.
I know most people would be upset with this but honestly I wouldn't be very upset if this happened. The clocks would probably be way higher too and put the thing in line with XSS with DLSS on top. Day one.
IMO, I feel like the Switch 2 will be priced higher than expected and even needed due to the popularity the brand has seen with the Switch. And I also don´t see the next Nintendo console being more successful than the Switch in terms of units moved. Even the DS and PS2 couldn´t recreate their success even with solid successors (the Wii U was just a disaster so that does not apply here)

  • There are too many Switches out there and a number of consumers are fine with the already available library of first party entries. They have Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, etc.
  • While gaming sales are usually unaffected by a recession, there could be less enthusiasm to adapt to new hardware with a premium price. And Nintendo would be competing with the relatively young PS5 and XSX with a $400-$500 price tag making decisions a lot harder for consumers on which to get.
  • Lack of new ¨game changing¨ concept that is able to impress like when the hybrid console model was shown off may lessen the impact of the console.

All in all, I think Nintendo is going to focus on making more money rather than getting more units than the Switch next time because it is just too hard to redo
I felt the $300 switch was a worse value proposition when compared to a PS4 at the same price, yet the Switch still managed to keep up with the PS4 in sales at the same price or more. I think a 5nm $500 Switch NXT would be a better a value proposition than the PS5, and the PS5 has no problem selling out and would actually sell a lot more if they could produce enough.

I think the New System having a healthy number of exclusive features and games when compared to the current Switch, will make the itch to upgrade that much stronger. Remember, you are getting an all-in-one complete Nintendo experience, so you don't have to buy a Nintendo console and handheld separately to get access to the full Library of Nintendo software. I suspect the new system will be strong enough to get at least much more Japanese AA/AAA support Day 1 than the Switch did, adding in some major Western support will help even more. A Hybrid system that can play RDR 2,MW2,SF6,BOTW2,MP4,ELDEN RING, DRAGONS DOGMA 2,POKEMON ARCEUS 2 etc with relatively good visuals/performance will help a lot. Backwards compatibility will also help a lot, consumers will have the option to sell their old switch to help pay for the new one.

As long as consumers can feel and see the huge upgrade, it will be easy to justify it in a world where gaming is super prevalent, and people are more introverted in this crazy world. The Switch brand is huge and there are many things the current switch is lacking that can receive huge upgrades.

I say announce a $350-400sku and $499 Sku so that you can market a $350-400 switch NXT but ship way more of the $499 model because you know for the first year or so that the more premium model will sell out to the enthusiast crowd.

Nintendo just has to make sure they get their blatant online issues sorted out by then. Aside from visuals and performance, their online is another major reason why I would skip Switch versions of 3rd party games, and not having a basic messaging/party system is very limiting.

If Nintendo does all this though, i foresee this clearly being their best system overall imo. Since the hybrid gimmick isn't new anymore, Nintendo should try to take the hybrid gimmick to its peak potential to help recapture some of the WOW factor. This upgrade could like going from NES(Switch) to SNES(Switch NXT), in terms of how beloved and great the system ends up being overall.
I think too much is made of price, if a product clicks and meets that Zeitgeist as Wii and Switch did, then $50 either way doesn't make much difference.
There had never been a market for a $350 Nintendo console until last year, this is how time and inflation works.
Even portable $250+ or home console $300+ were both big nonos until 2017. Then all of a sudden there was more demand for it than anything ever.
I can see them doing this to offset people immediately gravitating to Drake over all existing models.
If they want to prevent people from buying the new machine, they probably just shouldn't release it.
Even portable $250+ or home console $300+ were both big nonos until 2017. Then all of a sudden there was more demand for it than anything ever.

If they want to prevent people from buying the new machine, they probably just shouldn't release it.

I should probably move off of this, but remember when the Vita was an “absolute steal” for $250? People thought that was a great value at launch, then it just shit the bed (I know, memory cards, first party abandonment, ect). Price is important to the point that it shouldn’t give people sticker shock, like the PS3, but if the value prospect is there people will buy it, and if it isn’t there people won’t buy it, no matter how cheap you make it.
There is a market for ~500$ consoles, it wouldn't be surprising to see it between 400-500$ as long as the hardware is good enough to justify the price.
I agree, a price cut can always be made.

By now the price bar, accomplices being smartphone prices, has been raised.
I don't see Nintendo targeting the $500 price point for Switch. Just seems out of character for them at this point and the next Switch won't be anywhere near the power of a PS5/XSX. Personally I'm thinking $400 is likely what they hope to target. Definitely no more then $450 but I doubt even that.
I should probably move off of this, but remember when the Vita was an “absolute steal” for $250? People thought that was a great value at launch, then it just shit the bed (I know, memory cards, first party abandonment, ect). Price is important to the point that it shouldn’t give people sticker shock, like the PS3, but if the value prospect is there people will buy it, and if it isn’t there people won’t buy it, no matter how cheap you make it.
when the Vita and 3DS had their prices announced, I thought Sony had an easy win. but they fucked that up themselves

in any case, $400-$450 Drake is an easy sell, IMO. if necessary, bundling a game with it would do good too. not MK8 or Smash, but probably not something like BotW2. maybe Metroid Prime remake?
when the Vita and 3DS had their prices announced, I thought Sony had an easy win. but they fucked that up themselves

in any case, $400-$450 Drake is an easy sell, IMO. if necessary, bundling a game with it would do good too. not MK8 or Smash, but probably not something like BotW2. maybe Metroid Prime remake?

If I had to guess launch year games, assuming it comes early next year: cross gen Zelda at launch, cross gen Prime 4 later, updates to MK8, splatoon 3, ect, and an exclusive Mario game during the holiday season. Through in some wild card like Pokken 2 or a new ip here and there.
I wonder if Nintendo will push to establish a relationship with Take Two like they did with Bethesda early on Switch lifespan to get their full support for Drake. They are already one of the biggest supporters in the West when it comes to big publishers and having most of their franchises would be huge at giving an idea of what is possible to have on the console
I don't see Nintendo targeting the $500 price point for Switch. Just seems out of character for them at this point and the next Switch won't be anywhere near the power of a PS5/XSX. Personally I'm thinking $400 is likely what they hope to target. Definitely no more then $450 but I doubt even that.
This is part of the reason why I don't expect them to market this as if it's the "next switch", at least at first. $500 as a premium upgrade is a lot easier to sell then as a new baseline model.
when the Vita and 3DS had their prices announced, I thought Sony had an easy win. but they fucked that up themselves

in any case, $400-$450 Drake is an easy sell, IMO. if necessary, bundling a game with it would do good too. not MK8 or Smash, but probably not something like BotW2. maybe Metroid Prime remake?
My guess is something like 1-2-3 Switch at most.
I don't see Nintendo targeting the $500 price point for Switch. Just seems out of character for them at this point and the next Switch won't be anywhere near the power of a PS5/XSX. Personally I'm thinking $400 is likely what they hope to target. Definitely no more then $450 but I doubt even that.
PS5/XSX are actually irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. That isn't as provocative a statement as appears on the surface. As long as XSS exists, both of those systems will be held to it because Microsoft won't mandate a policy which allows publishers to miss it. So, that means XSS will get GTA6, and by the same token, RDR3. It will get Witcher 4, and Monster Hunter World 2. It could have the next Final Fantasy title. That's where a Switch successor really needs to be, tbqh, and that level of performance is attainable; In fact, Drake's GPU will have 20% more shader cores than the XSS (or 2/3 of the PS5's 2304), and a big disruptor in DLSS. If it can be used to achieve up to 1440p, or even PS5 resolutions, and boost the frame rate where needed, it would offer better value, even at a PS5-style price than an XSS-one. I doubt they're averse to the thought of higher pricing, especially if they want to promote definitive portable gaming as a unique selling point - One might argue that you were paying similar prices to access the full Nintendo suite, anyway, for example, $298 for GameCube and GBA ($199 + $99), $399 for Wii and DS ($250 + $149), and even when you consider discounted prices, about $478 for Wii U and 3DS ($299 + $179). So, with all their publications in one place, it isn't unthinkable... BUT it has to be in a position to get 3rdP ports from the latest XBox/PS. Anything less at that point of entry is a very hard sell and destined to fail - Hence my previous posts about Generational Purpose.
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When talking price the biggest factor we need to take into account when it comes to the value proposition is Nintendos own products that are available. If they drop the red box you can get a switch OLED for $350 or Drake that also has an OLED screen but is shown to be far more capable at $450.

Its only $100 more to get a much more powerful next gen system whilst Nintendo still sells the OLED, I'd bet numerous body parts that they will market it as a far more capable, next gen system. Soon as Drake hits mass adoption, say 2-3 years after launch they can then drop the OLED and think about launching a Drake lite at $200 and price reduce Drake to $400 if need be, but only if need be, otherwise its a convenient way for Nintendo to have raised the perceived value of their products in the market.
When talking price the biggest factor we need to take into account when it comes to the value proposition is Nintendos own products that are available. If they drop the red box you can get a switch OLED for $350 or Drake that also has an OLED screen but is shown to be far more capable at $450.

Its only $100 more to get a much more powerful next gen system whilst Nintendo still sells the OLED, I'd bet numerous body parts that they will market it as a far more capable, next gen system. Soon as Drake hits mass adoption, say 2-3 years after launch they can then drop the OLED and think about launching a Drake lite at $200 and price reduce Drake to $400 if need be, but only if need be, otherwise its a convenient way for Nintendo to have raised the perceived value of their products in the market.

They have the
200$ Lite
280$ Switch
350$ OLED
The Switch 2 will mainly appeal to the core gamers for >400$
Nintendo wants to keep their momentum, this will only work with giving the older Switch to family member (their strategy of more than 1 system per house) and adopting the new version. 350$ is what they should aim for.

But I agree, I spent far more money on software than bothering about 50/100$ over the course of the lifespan. But then I don’t think I’m a normal Switch player.

My brother has a more leisure approach, bought the V2 and has 7-8 games. He has his Mario Kart, 2D Mario and Switch Sports. Why should he upgrade?
I also believe we will see some kind of tv-only cheap budget solution for the OG some time after Drake is released. If you remove the screen and battery it could give them something in that under $149 territory.
Almost sounds like some kind of television device.
A Shield if you will.

Will it be true that Sakurai in his twitter account would be giving the first hints of what Nintendo is preparing? , will there be announcement soon?
  • Sakurai published pictures of his consoles and "controllers", attention to the controls, I’m imagining it or it would be the new haptic control, but it has no logo.
If someone has seen a similar one, indicate it. It looks like a pro-controller but with slight changes, perhaps a prototype.

The Hype does not stay there because in the following tweets, places two sentences with dots in a row(...), if you put both in a single sentence in order, ends up indicating that there would be a Switch that he doesn´t show in pictures.
  • Switchドック横置きへの反応がありましたがこのゲーム棚、2つあったりして
There is also reference to their work. It will be that they are clues and says that they are already working on this product.
  • If I’m talking about twitter, another mystery would be the Nintendo banner on your Japan account, where you see mario and luigui displaying an empty or white space.
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I wonder if Nintendo will push to establish a relationship with Take Two like they did with Bethesda early on Switch lifespan to get their full support for Drake. They are already one of the biggest supporters in the West when it comes to big publishers and having most of their franchises would be huge at giving an idea of what is possible to have on the console
well the rumored RDR2 is still on the table despite the (alleged) cancellation of the current gen versions. that's a good opener. as would be a port of GTA5, sans Online. Rockstar, though, doesn't have much else beyond that though so maybe Take 2 can fill in with other stuff
This is not aimed at you specifically but what does the bolded even mean at this point? The PlayStation "We Believe In Generations" 5 will only start getting current-gen exclusives on a regular basis in 2023, its third year on the market. How extensive are we talking, five years of cross-gen?
For as long as they think games will work on it. So I'd say 5 years sounds reasonable.

Will it be true that Sakurai in his twitter account would be giving the first hints of what Nintendo is preparing? , will there be announcement soon?
  • Sakurai published pictures of his consoles and "controllers", attention to the controls, I’m imagining it or it would be the new haptic control, but it has no logo.
If someone has seen a similar one, indicate it. It looks like a pro-controller but with slight changes, perhaps a prototype.

The Hype does not stay there because in the following tweets, places two sentences with dots in a row(...), if you put both in a single sentence in order, ends up indicating that there would be a Switch that he doesn´t show in pictures.
  • Switchドック横置きへの反応がありましたがこのゲーム棚、2つあったりして
There is also reference to their work. It will be that they are clues and says that they are already working on this product.
  • If I’m talking about twitter, another mystery would be the Nintendo banner on your Japan account, where you see mario and luigui displaying an empty or white space.
I actually understand what you're saying here, iNess! Those are some genuinely interesting points, and if accurate, could point to new things happening sooner than later!

I'm beginning to #believeiniNess

Will it be true that Sakurai in his twitter account would be giving the first hints of what Nintendo is preparing? , will there be announcement soon?
  • Sakurai published pictures of his consoles and "controllers", attention to the controls, I’m imagining it or it would be the new haptic control, but it has no logo.
If someone has seen a similar one, indicate it. It looks like a pro-controller but with slight changes, perhaps a prototype.

The Hype does not stay there because in the following tweets, places two sentences with dots in a row(...), if you put both in a single sentence in order, ends up indicating that there would be a Switch that he doesn´t show in pictures.
  • Switchドック横置きへの反応がありましたがこのゲーム棚、2つあったりして
There is also reference to their work. It will be that they are clues and says that they are already working on this product.
  • If I’m talking about twitter, another mystery would be the Nintendo banner on your Japan account, where you see mario and luigui displaying an empty or white space.

Not that I know anything about the Japanese language, but I don't know how you got that sentence from what he tweeted.

Just to add to the discussion. I'm really really loving my new Switch OLED. So I think there's a chance Drake is really coming sooner than later.

You know, to fuck me.
re: TV only switch. The Switch market is roughly split between those who play TV mode mostly and those who play handheld mode mostly, and Famiboards anecdotally suggests that Hard Core Gamerz are also split.

A revision is going to be marketed as a an enthusiast device to a small segment of the market. Cutting that group further in half doesn't seem super smart. Especially since there is a limit to how much additional power a "mostly BC device" is going to be able to take advantage of. You get into, say, Series S territory and.. well, existing switch games can't use that power, and new games which do will have to be Drake exclusives - but how many of those exclusives are you going to get if you've cut the audience in half by keeping it TV only?

It just seems seriously unlikely to me
the only way nintendo would make a TV only device is if their game design or hardware philosophy dictated that it be a TV only device...
Essentially they'll only go back to being TV only when they can't do what they want with a hybrid device. (or whatever the current limiting factor is)

I especially think that just taking away portable mode, a screen and a battery, though a compelling price point is not a compelling product and there would need to be something more to it to warrant or justify cutting those major selling points and features of the switch. It also makes no sense to limit such a device to the switch (or drake) performance profile. So for me something like a high performance device with a focus on some new gimmick or feature (AR, VR, Something new and unexpected) would be required to make the shift back to being an ONLY TV device.
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This is not really related to the thread, but my headcanon is that by the end of the generation Microsoft will make the xbox series s into a portable console
Admittedly, that sounds like an amazing handheld gaming console, especially if Microsoft decides to die shrunk the Xbox Series S's APU.
Steam Deck kind of is a portable series s. But if anything, Sony would be more likely to try portable again VS MS, I think.
Yes, but a handheld Xbox Series S should have less bottlenecks than the Steam Deck with respect to the CPU.

And I don't think I agree. I don't think Sony wants a segmentation between home console developers and handheld gaming console developers, like how there was segmentation between PlayStation 4 developers and PlayStation Vita developers. Unlike Nintendo, who can consolidate first party home console developers and handheld gaming console developers together as practically one development team, I don't think Sony can currently do so, unless mobile technology can progress to the point where porting home console games to handheld gaming consoles is relatively straightforward. (Sony's handheld gaming console probably has to be a x86-64 one, not an Arm one, to keep compatibility with Sony's home console. And I think FSR 2.0 can only do so much using ALUs [e.g. compute units (CUs) for AMD GPUs or CUDA cores for Nvidia GPUs] instead of dedicated AI accelerators.)

I think there's a possibility UFS 2.1/2.2 could be the worst case scenario with respect to the internal flash storage on Nintendo's new hardware since I've seen an increasing amount of relatively affordable smartphones using UFS 2.1/2.2 (e.g. Moto G Stylus 5G (2022) , OnePlus Nord N20 5G (2022), etc.).
re: TV only switch. The Switch market is roughly split between those who play TV mode mostly and those who play handheld mode mostly, and Famiboards anecdotally suggests that Hard Core Gamerz are also split.

A revision is going to be marketed as a an enthusiast device to a small segment of the market. Cutting that group further in half doesn't seem super smart. Especially since there is a limit to how much additional power a "mostly BC device" is going to be able to take advantage of. You get into, say, Series S territory and.. well, existing switch games can't use that power, and new games which do will have to be Drake exclusives - but how many of those exclusives are you going to get if you've cut the audience in half by keeping it TV only?

It just seems seriously unlikely to me
They are absolutely not going to lead with a TV-only Switch, but it makes a certain amount of sense as a late adopter budget model. It's probably the only way to cut costs more than Switch Lite does.
Not that I know anything about the Japanese language, but I don't know how you got that sentence from what he tweeted.

In an earlier tweet, Sakurai posted a drawer of game controllers:

One of them appears to be a Switch Pro controller with one of these on top: https://www.play-asia.com/cyberprem...nintendo-switch-pro-co/13/70f5vb?tagid=737848

Our friend is wondering if this is a secret new haptic controller
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Will it be true that Sakurai in his twitter account would be giving the first hints of what Nintendo is preparing? , will there be announcement soon?
  • Sakurai published pictures of his consoles and "controllers", attention to the controls, I’m imagining it or it would be the new haptic control, but it has no logo.
If someone has seen a similar one, indicate it. It looks like a pro-controller but with slight changes, perhaps a prototype.

The Hype does not stay there because in the following tweets, places two sentences with dots in a row(...), if you put both in a single sentence in order, ends up indicating that there would be a Switch that he doesn´t show in pictures.
  • Switchドック横置きへの反応がありましたがこのゲーム棚、2つあったりして
There is also reference to their work. It will be that they are clues and says that they are already working on this product.
  • If I’m talking about twitter, another mystery would be the Nintendo banner on your Japan account, where you see mario and luigui displaying an empty or white space.
It´s a protective cover. Better to do the same as Sakurai and buy yours, although I still have my doubts, because I wonder how the new control will be, and why despite his phrase in Japanese?
I was thinking about how to help Nintendo improve security against unauthorized copying.
I came up with the following: License control by user account (Online connection required).
  • When loading the user interface, video game icons will be loaded depending on whether they are installed or from an external cartridge.
  • When selecting the video game icon, the system will run a check in the store per user account.
  • The system will validate if the license is valid and linked to the requesting user account.
  • If it complies with the validation, it will check the version of the video game, in case it is not updated, it will request to update it.
  • If both the license validation and the version validation are fulfilled, the game will be executed.
  • After this, the system can be disconnected and allow to play offline, useful for portable mode.
  • In case the video game is not associated to the account, the purchase of the same will be requested.
  • In this scheme the cartridge becomes general and not specific, Nintendo would sell standard cartridges to record video games (internally should be set maximum values for the base game, patches and DLC). Hence the retailer of the physical store can advise the customer which cartridge to buy to save his game 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, ect.
  • That is to say the digital video games, would give the option to virtualize to the physical format, within them would be registered the license, version of the video game and associated account (only to facilitate the execution).
  • In addition, the skin for the videogame cartridges could be sold, either specific or decorative.
  • Inside the virtual store, a control of which license is associated to which Nintendo account and which version of video game was downloaded would be kept. Besides if it is linked to a cartridge or not (This linking is virtual and it would be enough to request to unlink, to use the cartridge with another videogame, request made from the owner, if it is lost the system could indicate who has it, if it loads it in the system).
  • Additionally I have a concept called "friend eshop", this concept would revolutionize the ownership of the license, allowing via NFC to two people to exchange a game owner, through the eshop, ie would allow the option of resale with a direct commission for nintendo, also Nintendo could limit the times that a game is resold, keeping track in the store, and indicating users the limitation after the transfer of license.
  • If implemented well, Nintendo would earn directly from resale, it would give users the sastifaction to resell their video games in a safe way. And this would boost sales and audience.
  • Basically it is the merger of eshop with the NFT concept for license ownership.
Observations: Strict RAM control, preventing the cartridge loaded game from accessing the OS/store or damaging the hardware (this requires monitoring by the OS to stop a game in case of any variation of hardware standards, SoC temperature, Battery consumption, corrupted data, etc).

Summary: the idea is a new approach to the digital store, with support for mini hard disks (cartridges), with sales of skins. Maybe this concept will allow to lower the cost of video game sales for both Nintendo and the user. The store would eventually be a storage server (library) with a license verification system.
By verifying the version of the game and only allowing to run the latest version, it allows that if there is any exploit, it can be patched in a general and fast way. The OS/store would also be forced to update before running any game.
I was thinking about how to help Nintendo improve security against unauthorized copying.
I came up with the following: License control by user account (Online connection required).
  • When loading the user interface, video game icons will be loaded depending on whether they are installed or from an external cartridge.
  • When selecting the video game icon, the system will run a check in the store per user account.
  • The system will validate if the license is valid and linked to the requesting user account.
  • If it complies with the validation, it will check the version of the video game, in case it is not updated, it will request to update it.
  • If both the license validation and the version validation are fulfilled, the game will be executed.
  • After this, the system can be disconnected and allow to play offline, useful for portable mode.
  • In case the video game is not associated to the account, the purchase of the same will be requested.
  • In this scheme the cartridge becomes general and not specific, Nintendo would sell standard cartridges to record video games (internally should be set maximum values for the base game, patches and DLC). Hence the retailer of the physical store can advise the customer which cartridge to buy to save his game 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, ect.
  • That is to say the digital video games, would give the option to virtualize to the physical format, within them would be registered the license, version of the video game and associated account (only to facilitate the execution).
  • In addition, the skin for the videogame cartridges could be sold, either specific or decorative.
  • Inside the virtual store, a control of which license is associated to which Nintendo account and which version of video game was downloaded would be kept. Besides if it is linked to a cartridge or not (This linking is virtual and it would be enough to request to unlink, to use the cartridge with another videogame, request made from the owner, if it is lost the system could indicate who has it, if it loads it in the system).
  • Additionally I have a concept called "friend eshop", this concept would revolutionize the ownership of the license, allowing via NFC to two people to exchange a game owner, through the eshop, ie would allow the option of resale with a direct commission for nintendo, also Nintendo could limit the times that a game is resold, keeping track in the store, and indicating users the limitation after the transfer of license.
  • If implemented well, Nintendo would earn directly from resale, it would give users the sastifaction to resell their video games in a safe way. And this would boost sales and audience.
  • Basically it is the merger of eshop with the NFT concept for license ownership.
Observations: Strict RAM control, preventing the cartridge loaded game from accessing the OS/store or damaging the hardware (this requires monitoring by the OS to stop a game in case of any variation of hardware standards, SoC temperature, Battery consumption, corrupted data, etc).

Summary: the idea is a new approach to the digital store, with support for mini hard disks (cartridges), with sales of skins. Maybe this concept will allow to lower the cost of video game sales for both Nintendo and the user. The store would eventually be a storage server (library) with a license verification system.
By verifying the version of the game and only allowing to run the latest version, it allows that if there is any exploit, it can be patched in a general and fast way. The OS/store would also be forced to update before running any game.
the emulation scene would absolutely be able to spoof that check the same way they spoof every copy protection
I was thinking about how to help Nintendo improve security against unauthorized copying.
I came up with the following: License control by user account (Online connection required).
  • When loading the user interface, video game icons will be loaded depending on whether they are installed or from an external cartridge.
  • When selecting the video game icon, the system will run a check in the store per user account.
  • The system will validate if the license is valid and linked to the requesting user account.
  • If it complies with the validation, it will check the version of the video game, in case it is not updated, it will request to update it.
  • If both the license validation and the version validation are fulfilled, the game will be executed.
  • After this, the system can be disconnected and allow to play offline, useful for portable mode.
  • In case the video game is not associated to the account, the purchase of the same will be requested.
  • In this scheme the cartridge becomes general and not specific, Nintendo would sell standard cartridges to record video games (internally should be set maximum values for the base game, patches and DLC). Hence the retailer of the physical store can advise the customer which cartridge to buy to save his game 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, ect.
  • That is to say the digital video games, would give the option to virtualize to the physical format, within them would be registered the license, version of the video game and associated account (only to facilitate the execution).
  • In addition, the skin for the videogame cartridges could be sold, either specific or decorative.
  • Inside the virtual store, a control of which license is associated to which Nintendo account and which version of video game was downloaded would be kept. Besides if it is linked to a cartridge or not (This linking is virtual and it would be enough to request to unlink, to use the cartridge with another videogame, request made from the owner, if it is lost the system could indicate who has it, if it loads it in the system).
  • Additionally I have a concept called "friend eshop", this concept would revolutionize the ownership of the license, allowing via NFC to two people to exchange a game owner, through the eshop, ie would allow the option of resale with a direct commission for nintendo, also Nintendo could limit the times that a game is resold, keeping track in the store, and indicating users the limitation after the transfer of license.
  • If implemented well, Nintendo would earn directly from resale, it would give users the sastifaction to resell their video games in a safe way. And this would boost sales and audience.
  • Basically it is the merger of eshop with the NFT concept for license ownership.
Observations: Strict RAM control, preventing the cartridge loaded game from accessing the OS/store or damaging the hardware (this requires monitoring by the OS to stop a game in case of any variation of hardware standards, SoC temperature, Battery consumption, corrupted data, etc).

Summary: the idea is a new approach to the digital store, with support for mini hard disks (cartridges), with sales of skins. Maybe this concept will allow to lower the cost of video game sales for both Nintendo and the user. The store would eventually be a storage server (library) with a license verification system.
By verifying the version of the game and only allowing to run the latest version, it allows that if there is any exploit, it can be patched in a general and fast way. The OS/store would also be forced to update before running any game.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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