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Console is emerald green
I could see Rockstar porting Red Dead Redemption 2 as a year one title. As for GTA VI, I can't say I expect it. But Rockstar may consider it due to the games insane budget of $2 Billion and with Xbox essentially out of the picture as a major revenue source compared to the 360. But it's not needed. Like, at all.
Let's say the game sells around 25 million on PS5, Miles Morales is the best selling PS5 game at 10 million physically and 5 million digitally so I think this is a fair number. (GTA5 sold 20 million on PS4, but 30 million on PS3.) They would make $1.7 Billion in revenue.

Even if slim, Xbox Series S/X sales would likely bring that number closer to $2.3-2.6 Billion. Granted, given Rockstar's budget for their games, this is not a highly successful profit. However, GTA Online exists. The combined sales and revenue of Online for GTA V have given Rockstar $8+ Billion.
Rockstar doesn't need the Switch 2 for GTA VI to be a success. Would it help with revenue? Absolutely. The PS5 has sold around 50 million units. In this time-frame, the PS4 sold around 60 million units. The Switch has sold 80+ million units in this time-frame as well. The Switch 2 could very easily hit PS4 numbers, and that would essentially double the game's revenue. (I may be a bit off with time-frame though.)

Rockstar doesn't need GTA VI on Switch 2. But it sure as hell would be a massive benefit. (Given the system sells well.)
As for if the system can handle it, honestly I don't think we can tell right now. All we have is a teaser trailer that is most definitely pre-rendered in a lot of areas, and games usually look worse on release as those trailers run on high-end PCs, and they gotta optimize for consoles.
internet smart people, how much deditated wam would it take to get 60fps captures

my splatoon clips are almost literally nauseating
Not necessarily double the RAM due to the way video works, so assuming they stick to the same quality I’d say 28 to 30 MB instead of 17 MB (which is the amount of space a 30 second buffer of 30 fps video takes up on switch 1)
Hello, I’m new here(joined this week) and was attracted to these forums because of the recent Switch 2 leak. Just wanted to say that the people that were able to decipher all that information and break it down for us are awesome and I’m very happy I was able to find this place! 🙂
The fan in the dock is definitely curious. Like I'm not sure how that could be designed to cool the Switch itself. Which makes you think it's for cooling the dock, but I'm not sure why you would need to do that.
There are two possibilities:

  • Docked is pushed harder for higher GPU clocks and power consumption
  • Eases the burden on the main Switch 2 fans somehow. I've heard some reports on how the fan in some systems are starting to break down, but I dunno if this could fix that issue.
You're misunderstanding me, let me phrase it another way. The question is "are RAM prices going down, and if so, at what speed?"

The current gen consoles were launched within days of each other in 2020. We can look up the spot price of RAM when the PS5 was released at DRAM exchange, and look at the spot prices today. RAM has only come down 15% in price over the last 5 years. Inflation has been 20% over the course of that time

This isn't consumer pricing, it's not a "tactic" to make consumers upgrade. You simply cannot double the amount of RAM in a system over the course of 5 years without raising the prices of that system faster than inflation.

Meanwhile, Sony is saying in their financial briefings that they can no longer pursue a strategy of selling devices at a loss, because game sales aren't enough to make up for it long term. The next generation devices are going to be sold at a lower performance/dollar rate, regardless of tech growth or inflation.

If RAM costs are rising at the same time that margins need to, something has to give. Either Sony and Microsoft skimp on memory, or they skimp on performance. With MS promising "the biggest generational leap" and Sony launching a PS5 Pro, they're unlikely to skimp on performance.

Could Sony and MS stick 32 GB of RAM in their next systems? Sure, it's entirely possible. But it's not a sure bet.
i can barely tell a diference between a PS4 game to a PS5 game, how Microsoft/Sony can expect and claim, we gonna have the biggest jump of all our console, if they are mentioning a PS1 to PS2 jump, or a PS3 to PS4 jump, i could understand, is no longer this massive jumps, we saw up to the PS4 era.
i can barely tell a diference between a PS4 game to a PS5 game, how Microsoft/Sony can expect and claim, we gonna have the biggest jump of all our console, if they are mentioning a PS1 to PS2 jump, or a PS3 to PS4 jump, i could understand, is no longer this massive jumps, we saw up to the PS4 era.
My bet is power off the cloud. You remember each Xbox One is 3 Xbox Ones? That was bullshit, but maybe they can pull it off 15 years later.
It's a codename (if it's real). Codenames do not mean anything.
That's not entirely true. Sure it's often the case the name has no meaning, but not always.

Project Reality: The codename for the Nintendo 64, chosen to emphasize the console's transition to 3D graphics and immersive gaming experiences.

Revolution: The codename for the Wii, which reflected Nintendo's vision of revolutionizing the gaming industry with the Wii's innovative motion control technology and accessible gameplay.

NX: The codename for the Switch, while not officially stated, it wouldn't be hard to imagine NX standing for "the neXt Nintendo console"
That's not entirely true. Sure it's often the case the name has no meaning, but not always.

Project Reality: The codename for the Nintendo 64, chosen to emphasize the console's transition to 3D graphics and immersive gaming experiences.

Revolution: The codename for the Wii, which reflected Nintendo's vision of revolutionizing the gaming industry with the Wii's innovative motion control technology and accessible gameplay.

NX: The codename for the Switch, while not officially stated, it wouldn't be hard to imagine NX standing for "the neXt Nintendo console"

Dolphin: Island Delfino/ Sunshine reference?
Whether it's Muji or Oz, at best, the meaning of the codename is abstract enough that it'll only make sense in retrospect once Nintendo has their big conference where they lay out their vision for the console.

...That said, [Wizard of] Oz is a fun codename. Pay no attention to the DLSS behind the curtain.
It's rockstar though. If they think it'd be a pain to develop for, they could ignore switch 2 no problem.

I think the Series S version will also be a pain to develop on because of the limited RAM

the only hope for GTA6 on the Switch 2 is ironically the series s. If rockstar is able to put a solid 720p-900p/30 portable and 1200p-1440p/30 in docked mode, then we’re are golden.

Plus DLSS will do all the heavy lifting for the GTA6 port. Also the reason GTA5 didn’t happen on switch is most likely because they couldn’t get the online mode to function on it and rockstar real money maker is sadly the online.

Like RDR got a decent port on the Switch, like rockstar are interested with putting their games on a Nintendo system.

I think GTAV didn’t happen because the PS360 versions where on their way out and testing to make online events/online expansions was probably too much for switch
That's not entirely true. Sure it's often the case the name has no meaning, but not always.

Project Reality: The codename for the Nintendo 64, chosen to emphasize the console's transition to 3D graphics and immersive gaming experiences.

Revolution: The codename for the Wii, which reflected Nintendo's vision of revolutionizing the gaming industry with the Wii's innovative motion control technology and accessible gameplay.

NX: The codename for the Switch, while not officially stated, it wouldn't be hard to imagine NX standing for "the neXt Nintendo console"
Revolution is the only one of these that can be argued to be meaningful.

Whether the Switch 2 codename is Muji, Ounce, or a secret third thing, it does not describe anything about the hardware or Nintendo's plans. Personally, I'm over the codename issue. There's no point in arguing about it when we don't even know what it is, and if we did, it wouldn't tell us anything.

Dolphin: Island Delfino/ Sunshine reference?
I mean, sort of... except backwards. They named Isle Delfino after the console.
The fan in the dock is definitely curious. Like I'm not sure how that could be designed to cool the Switch itself. Which makes you think it's for cooling the dock, but I'm not sure why you would need to do that.
As long as it connects to an air intake or exhaust on the main unit, it could increase the airflow and so further cool it.
As long as it connects to an air intake or exhaust on the main unit, it could increase the airflow and so further cool it.
Yes, if I'm recalling correctly, doesn't docking Switch (current gen) open up some sort of slot to make it easier for cooling airflow?

The need to cool the device a bit more when docked doesn't appear to be limited to just the current gen Switch - Switch 2 will benefit from extra cooling when clock speeds are higher in docked mode.
NX: The codename for the Switch, while not officially stated, it wouldn't be hard to imagine NX standing for "the neXt Nintendo coconsole"
In Japanese, "X" is often pronounced as "cross" (see Street Fighter X Tekken, for example). It's Nintendo Cross. Crossing their home console and handheld lines into one platform.
So I know we're a few days past the manifest details, and i apologize if this was already discussed, but I was curious: I don't recall seeing anything about a possible camera on the tablet. If it wasn't listed with the other parts is there a good chance that there is no camera on the tablet?
GTA6 won’t come to the Switch for the same reasons GTAV never did.
But we could see both come to Switch next. 😉

For the same reason Switch got GTA Trilogy. Switch got every GTA retail release in its lifetime, even if that WAS just the trilogy, Nintendo was more than a little hands on with it, weren't they? I'd expect them to be willing to court Rockstar again.
As long as it connects to an air intake or exhaust on the main unit, it could increase the airflow and so further cool it.
Right, but the exhaust is probably going to be on the top again, so I can't imagine it helping there. I guess if they could push air up through the bottom where it docks, where there will presumably be some vents, it would make sense.
Rockstar doesn't need GTA VI on Switch 2. But it sure as hell would be a massive benefit. (Given the system sells well.)
As I said before, If GTA6 happens, it'll be Nintendo decision, not a Rockstar one. Rockstar right now is a Nintendo partner studio, Nintendo has already published 2 of their games on Switch (their involvement in these ports could be more, we can't know for sure). If Nintendo wants GTA6 on their system, they'll make it happen. It'll be costly but for GTA, any amount of cash will be worth it.

Nintendo was pretty serious about AAA gaming on Switch early in its lifetime but right now, they're even more serious. They hired Gio Corsi, the man who made miracles happen. This is the best chance for Nintendo to push for release parity. They're gonna let no game skip Switch 2 for no reason and if they can help bringing them in, they will.
But we could see both come to Switch next. 😉

For the same reason Switch got GTA Trilogy. Switch got every GTA retail release in its lifetime, even if that WAS just the trilogy, Nintendo was more than a little hands on with it, weren't they? I'd expect them to be willing to court Rockstar again.
I mean a remaster of a ps2 game, is not remotely the same.

If Rockstar sees enough in it for them to bend over backwards for Nintendo, they will. But I kinda have a feeling they have their hands full with the ps5/ series version, and don't see enough additional profits in an OZ port to make it worth it. Because lets face it, everyone will play the game no matter where it is.
I mean a remaster of a ps2 game, is not remotely the same.

If Rockstar sees enough in it for them to bend over backwards for Nintendo, they will. But I kinda have a feeling they have their hands full with the ps5/ series version, and don't see enough additional profits in an OZ port to make it worth it. Because lets face it, everyone will play the game no matter where it is.
I just don't think it would be a "bend over backwards" at all at all.

Not sure if shared before, TotK running native 900p 60 FPS / 1080p 40 FPS / 1440p 20-30 FPS on an overclocked Switch with 8 GB of RAM.

I'm really excited for what patches can bring.
I just don't think it would be a "bend over backwards" at all at all.
Your don't know, maybe theyre pushing simulations for all it's worth, and it's cpu bound. Maybe there's some bottleneck.

I'm not holding my breath, but I won't negotiate further with your optimism.
So I’m guessing Muji is the codename for the codename.

Damn… Nintendo really is the only company that would create 2 codenames to keep the real codename secret.
That is not a codename my man. To me it clearly looked like a placeholder. And a native Japanese speaker said it even.
You're misunderstanding me, let me phrase it another way. The question is "are RAM prices going down, and if so, at what speed?"

The current gen consoles were launched within days of each other in 2020. We can look up the spot price of RAM when the PS5 was released at DRAM exchange, and look at the spot prices today. RAM has only come down 15% in price over the last 5 years. Inflation has been 20% over the course of that time

This isn't consumer pricing, it's not a "tactic" to make consumers upgrade. You simply cannot double the amount of RAM in a system over the course of 5 years without raising the prices of that system faster than inflation.

Meanwhile, Sony is saying in their financial briefings that they can no longer pursue a strategy of selling devices at a loss, because game sales aren't enough to make up for it long term. The next generation devices are going to be sold at a lower performance/dollar rate, regardless of tech growth or inflation.

If RAM costs are rising at the same time that margins need to, something has to give. Either Sony and Microsoft skimp on memory, or they skimp on performance. With MS promising "the biggest generational leap" and Sony launching a PS5 Pro, they're unlikely to skimp on performance.

Could Sony and MS stick 32 GB of RAM in their next systems? Sure, it's entirely possible. But it's not a sure bet.

Does this account for RAM advancements? For example, I would assume 8GB of LPDDR4 RAM could have been sourced for the same if not cheaper price in 2022 compared to what Nintendo was paying for 4GB in 2017 when Switch launched. Couldn't Sony have saved some cash by sticking with GDDR5 rather than GDDR6 for PS5? I guess my point is we are typically seeing higher performance ram alongside increase in capacity, which certainly increases cost.
As I said before, If GTA6 happens, it'll be Nintendo decision, not a Rockstar one. Rockstar right now is a Nintendo partner studio, Nintendo has already published 2 of their games on Switch (their involvement in these ports could be more, we can't know for sure). If Nintendo wants GTA6 on their system, they'll make it happen. It'll be costly but for GTA, any amount of cash will be worth it.

Nintendo was pretty serious about AAA gaming on Switch early in its lifetime but right now, they're even more serious. They hired Gio Corsi, the man who made miracles happen. This is the best chance for Nintendo to push for release parity. They're gonna let no game skip Switch 2 for no reason and if they can help bringing them in, they will.
IMHO, it will come down to storage/physical release requirements. If there needs to be a physical release and no carts big enough to handle it, it could be a stumbling block.

Ditto for the game size and how it works with the 256GB storage, since likely at least 30% will be reserved for the OS and potential suspend/quick start options.
It's Oz (Project Oz)

I heard about it before when oldpuck mentioned he knew the codename last year and I was on my hunt researching online and asking anyone about info and coming up with crazy theories that's when I first heard it so I didn't pay attention as I was gathering lot of rubbish data

I didn't fully believe it but the riddle and the Land of Oz map linking to the colored buttons, and the fact that OZ is the logical letters following NX adds up a lot, also the fact that DLSS can be referred as "Magic" in mainstream spheres

Ounce is an alias for the codename Oz
Am i a bad person for wishing Switch 2 comes in the same OG grey colors? I kind of like it....
I'm personally hoping for gray or similar but with some color accents. All gray would seem bland to me but at the same time something with too much bright obnoxious color just wouldn't do it imo.
It's Oz (Project Oz)

I heard about it before when oldpuck mentioned he knew the codename last year and I was on my hunt researching online and asking anyone about info and coming up with crazy theories that's when I first heard it so I didn't pay attention as I was gathering lot of rubbish data

I didn't fully believe it but the riddle and the Land of Oz map linking to the colored buttons, and the fact that OZ is the logical letters following NX adds up a lot, also the fact that DLSS can be referred as "Magic" in mainstream spheres

Ounce is an alias for the codename Oz
Wait… Fr
So colour’s buttons bro won, huh interesting that DLSS is referenced as magic.

Hi guys, do you think that with all the leaks recently, the Switch 2 will be able to run MH Wilds?
It's more than capable enough.
I have a feeling RE:9 will be just fine too ^_^

The current Switch was more than capable enough to run Kingdom Hearts HD Remix.

Just because the Switch can capably run a popular multiplat doesn’t mean publishers will spend time/effort porting it. I wouldn’t expect cloud games to disappear on the new hardware either.

One possible "grace" in the specs of Switch next is that a developer could choose not to "rise to meet the challenge", and instead work on the same graphics fidelity level as Nintendo Switch, but with less need for optimisation, better performance, and a higher resolution.

For example, Penny's Big Breakaway on Xbox Series S Vs Nintendo Switch, the same overall fidelity but pushing a higher resolution with a higher, more stable framerate.

I agree and I think this is how Nintendo will handle most of their games over the next few years. Keeping the same target profiles they have been designing towards the past 7 years and use the capabilities of the new hardware to make them look and run much better. Like they have shown to devs with Drake BotW and how they are clearly going to do with Metroid Prime 4.

I think most 3rd party devs will do this too. Why ignore the 150 million Switch’s out there? A much smaller percentage of 3rd party devs will actually try to make exclusives for the Drake Switch and push the pedal to the metal.
It's Oz (Project Oz)

I heard about it before when oldpuck mentioned he knew the codename last year and I was on my hunt researching online and asking anyone about info and coming up with crazy theories that's when I first heard it so I didn't pay attention as I was gathering lot of rubbish data

I didn't fully believe it but the riddle and the Land of Oz map linking to the colored buttons, and the fact that OZ is the logical letters following NX adds up a lot, also the fact that DLSS can be referred as "Magic" in mainstream spheres

Ounce is an alias for the codename Oz
Oz: The Great and Powerful
GTA6 won’t come to the Switch for the same reasons GTAV never did.
I think that if it can come to the Series S it will very likely drop on the Switch 2 oo. The technical limitations may not be that similar (Supposedly more RAM on the Switch 2 but more power on the Series S, theoretically), but if cuts are made on one they might as well just make the cuts on the other too.
And i'd guess it might be easier to optimize a game for 'less powerful' hardware than something more complex like lacking RAM? Not sure, but i do think it's possible though
The current Switch was more than capable enough to run Kingdom Hearts HD Remix.

Just because the Switch can capably run a popular multiplat doesn’t mean publishers will spend time/effort porting it. I wouldn’t expect cloud games to disappear on the new hardware either.

I agree and I think this is how Nintendo will handle most of their games over the next few years. Keeping the same target profiles they have been designing towards the past 7 years and use the capabilities of the new hardware to make them look and run much better. Like they have shown to devs with Drake BotW and how they are clearly going to do with Metroid Prime 4.

I think most 3rd party devs will do this too. Why ignore the 150 million Switch’s out there? A much smaller percentage of 3rd party devs will actually try to make exclusives for the Drake Switch and push the pedal to the metal.
Nintendo and 3rd parties have never done that. There are cross gen games sure, but all companies move onto the next hardware and the same thing will happen here. You can use that argument for every console. Why ignore the 150 million users on ps2 when the ps3 came out, why ignore the 100 million plus ps4 users, why ignore the 150 million ds users. There is no precedent form them releasing a successor and suddenly they stick to switch specs so they are playable on both machines.
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