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Wait, by "DOA" you mean "dead on arrival", or something else?
I was gonna comment on this but I am starting to think some members intentionally try to ruffle feathers by being constant contrarians.

Wait, by "DOA" you mean "dead on arrival", or something else?
They're referring to how people thought the system would fail when Nintendo priced it at $299, not that it actually was DOA. The point being that despite what we these gaming forums think, Nintendo could probably push the pricing past $399 and be perfectly fine.
They're referring to how people thought the system would fail when Nintendo priced it at $299, not that it actually was DOA. The point being that despite what we these gaming forums think, Nintendo could probably push the pricing past $399 and be perfectly fine.
Oh okay, I see now. In that case, I disagree with the Tulpa.

I don't think system would necessarily be DOA if Nintendo went over $399 (I made no such assertion, so mentioning "DOA" was kind of random), but the struggle would likely be real.
Sorry, what's the significance of knowing the code name in the first place? Just for funsies?
in this thread there's no limit left unbroken, no hint left unresearched.

Also if nintento has 2 codenames and one of them is a placeholder made to cover the other one maybe we can extrapolate something from it
How can you brute force an hash knowing only one word? i'm not an expert, in fact i'm researching on the subject right now for the first time in my life but from what i've come to understand having one word in a full sentence isn't enough?
I don't know, either. I'm just going off what Scires said could be possible here.

All I can really think of is there could be a few different ways to hash, and if you brute force the different combinations, being able to pick out a string from what's there could narrow down the pool. This is just me guessing, I've got no idea how to actually do it, so think of my question as a mix of wild conjecture and the limited knowledge I have of encryption thanks to an old university project. It's essentially throwing ideas at a wall to see if it sticks.
How can you brute force an hash knowing only one word? i'm not an expert, in fact i'm researching on the subject right now for the first time in my life but from what i've come to understand having one word in a full sentence isn't enough?
For funsies I tried in the Python shell to generate SHA 256 hashes with various combinations of 'The codename is Ounce' 'The codename is Oz' 'lol it's ounce' since Scires said it's a sentence containing the codename. But I'm not going to bother continuing (fun exercise though, it's been a while) since you'd have to generate a whole lot of permutations of different sentences with different characters and capitalization to properly brute force what the original sentence could be (assuming it actually is Ounce / Oz in the first place and not some entirely different name). Totally not worth it.
i see, but 5/6 months will be enought, to manifacture enough consoles, to meet the demand?
Probably not. But being able to fully meet launch demand isn't a realistic goal unless you're launching something like a PS3, 3DS, Wii U.
I know it's unlikely, but since it's something I've never seen asked before...

How would you guys feel if a stylus pen were packaged with the Switch 2?
If they can make it seamlessly store in the system as with DS, right on.
GTA6 won’t come to the Switch for the same reasons GTAV never did.

Witcher 3 is a good touchstone. Any Xbox One game could have been ported to the Switch. There is no reason to expect any greater percentage of games ported to the new hardware running on Series S.
Rewording: "Because one difficult port happened, all ports between these systems are viable and every port that didn't happen is for totally other reasons." Come on, that's crud. Make things easier to happen, they become more likely to happen.
Pretty much. Knowing it might help uncover more information but I think a lot of people just like having names for things. It makes the system seem a bit more real.
It would absolutely be convenient to have a shared name to use, rather than dealing with the hodgepodge of Switch 2, Switch Next, Switch NG, Switch Advance, Super Switch, Drake, the next thing, etc.
since you'd have to generate a whole lot of permutations of different sentences with different characters and capitalization to properly brute force what the original sentence could be (assuming it actually is Ounce / Oz in the first place and not some entirely different name). Totally not worth it.
Thank you for your insight on it- dang, that sounds like a lot of effort for something that's probably right in front of us anyways. Software isn't my forte, so it's interesting to learn how SHA256 works. I guess that's why it's so effective as encryption, but it's still neat to see. I learn a bit more each day on this thread, more than I did at school! :D
It would absolutely be convenient to have a shared name to use, rather than dealing with the hodgepodge of Switch 2, Switch Next, Switch NG, Switch Advance, Super Switch, Drake, the next thing, etc.
While it is true I love the randomness. everyone has is own way to name the console but is always understandable.
Did you know famiboarders have more than 100 words to describe the switch 2?
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We should all come together and submit ideas for our own codename, and then put them on a giant wheel and spin it to determine what we call the thing going forward.
We should all come together and submit ideas for our own codename, and then put them on a giant wheel and spin it to determine what we call the thing going forward.
Mods should let everyone submit their names, then hold a poll.

Everyone who doesn't call it the name chosen gets banned. Joking on the last part... or am I?
Witcher 3 is a good touchstone. Any Xbox One game could have been ported to the Switch. There is no reason to expect any greater percentage of games ported to the new hardware running on Series S.

Yes, many games could be ported to Switch.. after months of extra work, generally almost a year after other platforms. And developers generally struggled especially with RAM size and CPU power - most recent example being Arkham Knight. That really makes development for switch very unattractive.
SNG so far appears to have enough power to run ports of current gen with much less work - allowing release alongside other platforms with less development costs.
Honestly, its not the best example since its a common tactic in the PC market so they can force you to upgrade every 1-2 generations.
You're misunderstanding me, let me phrase it another way. The question is "are RAM prices going down, and if so, at what speed?"

The current gen consoles were launched within days of each other in 2020. We can look up the spot price of RAM when the PS5 was released at DRAM exchange, and look at the spot prices today. RAM has only come down 15% in price over the last 5 years. Inflation has been 20% over the course of that time

This isn't consumer pricing, it's not a "tactic" to make consumers upgrade. You simply cannot double the amount of RAM in a system over the course of 5 years without raising the prices of that system faster than inflation.

Meanwhile, Sony is saying in their financial briefings that they can no longer pursue a strategy of selling devices at a loss, because game sales aren't enough to make up for it long term. The next generation devices are going to be sold at a lower performance/dollar rate, regardless of tech growth or inflation.

If RAM costs are rising at the same time that margins need to, something has to give. Either Sony and Microsoft skimp on memory, or they skimp on performance. With MS promising "the biggest generational leap" and Sony launching a PS5 Pro, they're unlikely to skimp on performance.

Could Sony and MS stick 32 GB of RAM in their next systems? Sure, it's entirely possible. But it's not a sure bet.
That's a very standard size for a hash like this
Yup. Doesn't matter if it's a single character or entire Encyclopedia Britannia, SHA256'ing the contents will produce 64-bit hash.

It's an one-way, you cannot extract anything out of a hash.

One could however try different sentences with the codename, to see if the same 64-bit hash was created. But it does not 100% means the sentence was correct if a matching hash was found (although I don't know what the chances of collision are like for an average sentence containing maybe 4 to 5 words, across all possible 64-bit combinations, which would be something like more grains of sand than an entire beach can hold probably)
I have a quick question, what’s the problem with the Wii U backward compatibility? Is it that the Wii and Wii U were different architecture?

Because I’ve seen it mention here that Wii U backward compatibility was a mess.

Like I’m guessing we won’t face the same problem the backward compatibility the Wii U faced with the Switch 2
The Wii and Wii U were the same architecture. When you ran Wii games on Wii U, it turned off extra cores and features so it would run in "Wii mode." But because Nintendo chose to make Wii U backwards compatible with Wii, that tied their hands and forced them to use an ancient chip whose core design dated back to 2000 with GameCube and the PowerPC chip it was based on. Sony and Microsoft both switched to x64 architecture with PS4 and Xbox One but Nintendo would be left behind for many years because of their decision to stick with PowerPC.

There's a tweet being circulated that Switch 2's T239 won't be natively backwards compatible with Maxwell (the Switch's graphics arch) and will require some solution to be developed to tackle that, but Nintendo will have to have some way of handling backwards compatibility given the large install base of Switch.
There's no problem with Wiii U BC, it's 100% accurate as far as Im aware.
Wii games on Wii U are criticized for the smoothing and other issues that Wii U introduces, it's not a 1:1 experience, see this video for the details:
There's a tweet being circulated that Switch 2's T239 won't be natively backwards compatible with Maxwell (the Switch's graphics arch) and will require some solution to be developed to tackle that, but Nintendo will have to have some way of handling backwards compatibility given the large install base of Switch.
More than "a tweet". This is a common discussion point in this thread.

It might be useful to have some kind of speculation summary in the OP for new members. Right now it's pretty much only news reports.
You're misunderstanding me, let me phrase it another way. The question is "are RAM prices going down, and if so, at what speed?"

The current gen consoles were launched within days of each other in 2020. We can look up the spot price of RAM when the PS5 was released at DRAM exchange, and look at the spot prices today. RAM has only come down 15% in price over the last 5 years. Inflation has been 20% over the course of that time

This isn't consumer pricing, it's not a "tactic" to make consumers upgrade. You simply cannot double the amount of RAM in a system over the course of 5 years without raising the prices of that system faster than inflation.

Meanwhile, Sony is saying in their financial briefings that they can no longer pursue a strategy of selling devices at a loss, because game sales aren't enough to make up for it long term. The next generation devices are going to be sold at a lower performance/dollar rate, regardless of tech growth or inflation.

If RAM costs are rising at the same time that margins need to, something has to give. Either Sony and Microsoft skimp on memory, or they skimp on performance. With MS promising "the biggest generational leap" and Sony launching a PS5 Pro, they're unlikely to skimp on performance.

Could Sony and MS stick 32 GB of RAM in their next systems? Sure, it's entirely possible. But it's not a sure bet.
The Only way to have more RAM for Sony and Microsoft is to have a lighter operating system if the RAM is too expensive to have more.
The Only way to have more RAM for Sony and Microsoft is to have a lighter operating system if the RAM is too expensive to have more.
I’m extremely intrigued to see how Sony and Microsoft will handled NG, with prices not dropping.

I’m also intrigued with the price of the PS5 pro.
There's a tweet being circulated that Switch 2's T239 won't be natively backwards compatible with Maxwell (the Switch's graphics arch) and will require some solution to be developed to tackle that, but Nintendo will have to have some way of handling backwards compatibility given the large install base of Switch.
Makes sense, I wouldn’t be surprised if they use an emulator for backward compatibility like Xbox. Also I would guess with that having FPS and resolution bumps would be easier that way.
I don't think CD drive bringing success for SNES during its lifecycle was ever going to be a thing. All consoles in this gen were cartridges.

Well, there was CD-i system, but it was a commercial failure.
There's the Sega CD and Neo Geo CD, but they really weren't that successful at all.
I don’t see GTA VI selling as well as GTA V due to Xbox consoles selling less and less each generation. it would be weird to ignore a next gen handheld hybrid console that will most likely sell 100+ million over its lifetime vs Xbox Series X/S that will probably sell less than 50 million before the next generation Xbox comes out.

A Switch 2 version would have lower resolution textures, less vegetation, lower draw distance and more compared to a Series S version. But it would probably have better/equal IQ thanks to DLSS compared to FSR 2 even if it runs on a lower resolution. Heck wasn’t it leaked that the game was in development for the PS4 too a while back?

With talk about BC, is there any possibility that Nintendo could have standard BC on Switch 2 but have emulation with Native CPU support if you are subbed on Nintendo online? Like games get locked 30/60fps and run at it’s maxed resolution on BC but with emulation they run at 1440/4k? Or is that simply not possible?

I have to say I’m glad that Nintendo went with LPDDR5X as I thought they would go with LPDDR5. At least this will avoid another Handheld/Docked mode imbalance in bandwidth like it was on Switch
I don’t see GTA VI selling as well as GTA V due to Xbox consoles selling less and less each generation. it would be weird to ignore a next gen handheld hybrid console that will most likely sell 100+ million over its lifetime vs Xbox Series X/S that will probably sell less than 50 million before the next generation Xbox comes out.
It's rockstar though. If they think it'd be a pain to develop for, they could ignore switch 2 no problem.
It's rockstar though. If they think it'd be a pain to develop for, they could ignore switch 2 no problem.
Whatever Rockstar have in store for the successor, Nintendo will definitely be involved with it. They published RDR and GTA Trilogy physically, they'd definitely do much more than that for GTA6, a game likely to be the most crucial this generation.
I don’t see GTA VI selling as well as GTA V due to Xbox consoles selling less and less each generation. it would be weird to ignore a next gen handheld hybrid console that will most likely sell 100+ million over its lifetime vs Xbox Series X/S that will probably sell less than 50 million before the next generation Xbox comes out.
the only hope for GTA6 on the Switch 2 is ironically the series s. If rockstar is able to put a solid 720p-900p/30 portable and 1200p-1440p/30 in docked mode, then we’re are golden.

Plus DLSS will do all the heavy lifting for the GTA6 port. Also the reason GTA5 didn’t happen on switch is most likely because they couldn’t get the online mode to function on it and rockstar real money maker is sadly the online.

Like RDR got a decent port on the Switch, like rockstar are interested with putting their games on a Nintendo system.
There's no problem with Wiii U BC, it's 100% accurate as far as Im aware.

The problem was all the sacrifices Nintendo made to make it so.

Instead of going with an APU like the 2 others and getting a lot more bang for buck, they made a Frankenstein mcm along with IBM, AMD and Renesas.
And people say Nintendo is cheap.... They just don't value power as much as Sony and MS.
Is it Ounce / Oz? In version 16.0.0 released on Feb 21 2023, there's a file added named "ssl_TrustedCerts.Ounce.info"

+ the hint given by @finite
So IF OUNCE is the code name... what could it mean?

Ounce wouldn't be a very relevant term in Japan, they are on the metric system after all. However I'm not sure what else it could refer to other than the measurement. I went to ChatGPT and...
Rich (BB code):
However, as of my last update in January 2022, there are no widely recognized alternative meanings for "ounce," "oz," or "onsu" in Japanese beyond their usage as measurements. These terms are primarily understood and used in the context of measurements, particularly in relation to volume or weight.

So... weight? Considering the size increase I don't think that's it. I do have one theory... and it might be built on copeium but...

I've had a dream that this new console would have a strong focus on being a REAL home console experience. With a chip built from the ground up and can really sing when docked. That is, not just a portable device that can plug in to a TV. Now we know the dock has a fan. Perhaps they are actually doing it. The chip is wide. With the use of the fan in the dock (in conjunction with the fan in the device itself) and a focus on a great heatsink design (in the now bigger sized product) perhaps they can really clock this thing a lot higher then any of us expect. Pushing it up over 4TF. Maybe even getting to 5? Who knows what's possible if they...

Squeeze every ounce of power out of it.

Make every ounce count. Not a wasted ounce.
Whatever Rockstar have in store for the successor, Nintendo will definitely be involved with it. They published RDR and GTA Trilogy physically, they'd definitely do much more than that for GTA6, a game likely to be the most crucial this generation.
yea and those two did really well on switch I think gta 6 on switch 2 would just a net benefit for both rockstar and nintendo
You're misunderstanding me, let me phrase it another way. The question is "are RAM prices going down, and if so, at what speed?"

The current gen consoles were launched within days of each other in 2020. We can look up the spot price of RAM when the PS5 was released at DRAM exchange, and look at the spot prices today. RAM has only come down 15% in price over the last 5 years. Inflation has been 20% over the course of that time

This isn't consumer pricing, it's not a "tactic" to make consumers upgrade. You simply cannot double the amount of RAM in a system over the course of 5 years without raising the prices of that system faster than inflation.

Meanwhile, Sony is saying in their financial briefings that they can no longer pursue a strategy of selling devices at a loss, because game sales aren't enough to make up for it long term. The next generation devices are going to be sold at a lower performance/dollar rate, regardless of tech growth or inflation.

If RAM costs are rising at the same time that margins need to, something has to give. Either Sony and Microsoft skimp on memory, or they skimp on performance. With MS promising "the biggest generational leap" and Sony launching a PS5 Pro, they're unlikely to skimp on performance.

Could Sony and MS stick 32 GB of RAM in their next systems? Sure, it's entirely possible. But it's not a sure bet.
And here is good to remember that PS5 increased in price, just no on the USA.
So IF OUNCE is the code name... what could it mean?

Ounce wouldn't be a very relevant term in Japan, they are on the metric system after all. However I'm not sure what else it could refer to other than the measurement. I went to ChatGPT and...
Rich (BB code):
However, as of my last update in January 2022, there are no widely recognized alternative meanings for "ounce," "oz," or "onsu" in Japanese beyond their usage as measurements. These terms are primarily understood and used in the context of measurements, particularly in relation to volume or weight.

So... weight? Considering the size increase I don't think that's it. I do have one theory... and it might be built on copeium but...

I've had a dream that this new console would have a strong focus on being a REAL home console experience. With a chip built from the ground up and can really sing when docked. That is, not just a portable device that can plug in to a TV. Now we know the dock has a fan. Perhaps they are actually doing it. The chip is wide. With the use of the fan in the dock (in conjunction with the fan in the device itself) and a focus on a great heatsink design (in the now bigger sized product) perhaps they can really clock this thing a lot higher then any of us expect. Pushing it up over 4TF. Maybe even getting to 5? Who knows what's possible if they...

Squeeze every ounce of power out of.

Make every ounce count. Not a wasted ounce.
I like your reasoning lol. But Im not buying it. I think it's more likely to be Wizard of OZ. Or simply N+1 X+2.
So IF OUNCE is the code name... what could it mean?

Ounce wouldn't be a very relevant term in Japan, they are on the metric system after all. However I'm not sure what else it could refer to other than the measurement. I went to ChatGPT and...
Rich (BB code):
However, as of my last update in January 2022, there are no widely recognized alternative meanings for "ounce," "oz," or "onsu" in Japanese beyond their usage as measurements. These terms are primarily understood and used in the context of measurements, particularly in relation to volume or weight.

So... weight? Considering the size increase I don't think that's it. I do have one theory... and it might be built on copeium but...

I've had a dream that this new console would have a strong focus on being a REAL home console experience. With a chip built from the ground up and can really sing when docked. That is, not just a portable device that can plug in to a TV. Now we know the dock has a fan. Perhaps they are actually doing it. The chip is wide. With the use of the fan in the dock (in conjunction with the fan in the device itself) and a focus on a great heatsink design (in the now bigger sized product) perhaps they can really clock this thing a lot higher then any of us expect. Pushing it up over 4TF. Maybe even getting to 5? Who knows what's possible if they...

Squeeze every ounce of power out of it.

Make every ounce count. Not a wasted ounce.
codenames don't always mean anything. otherwise they wouldn't be codenames
if the 3DS codename CTR was named after the Centrair airport, then who knows where Nintendo got OZ from, it could be the NX letters displaced, it could named after Omaezaki city, it could be th letters ON arranged vertically then rotated, it could be that we're not in Kansas anymore.
I like your reasoning lol. But Im not buying it. I think it's more likely to be Wizard of OZ. Or simply N+1 X+2.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We literally have no evidence that Ounce is the codename, just a few tweets and a post here, and nothing at all about Oz. Someone suggested the hint in the post meant "Oz" (as in Wizard of Oz), but only before someone posted the the file that had Ounce in the filename.
I could see Rockstar porting Red Dead Redemption 2 as a year one title. As for GTA VI, I can't say I expect it. But Rockstar may consider it due to the games insane budget of $2 Billion and with Xbox essentially out of the picture as a major revenue source compared to the 360. But it's not needed. Like, at all.
Let's say the game sells around 25 million on PS5, Miles Morales is the best selling PS5 game at 10 million physically and 5 million digitally so I think this is a fair number. (GTA5 sold 20 million on PS4, but 30 million on PS3.) They would make $1.7 Billion in revenue.

Even if slim, Xbox Series S/X sales would likely bring that number closer to $2.3-2.6 Billion. Granted, given Rockstar's budget for their games, this is not a highly successful profit. However, GTA Online exists. The combined sales and revenue of Online for GTA V have given Rockstar $8+ Billion.
Rockstar doesn't need the Switch 2 for GTA VI to be a success. Would it help with revenue? Absolutely. The PS5 has sold around 50 million units. In this time-frame, the PS4 sold around 60 million units. The Switch has sold 80+ million units in this time-frame as well. The Switch 2 could very easily hit PS4 numbers, and that would essentially double the game's revenue. (I may be a bit off with time-frame though.)

Rockstar doesn't need GTA VI on Switch 2. But it sure as hell would be a massive benefit. (Given the system sells well.)
The 'clue' had the words Weight and Ounce. So I guess it means it's a different weight related word, I'd guess KILO because why not.

Edit: It looks like I may have a few hours of catching up to do though.
It looks like it's spelled out in that file as Ounce but if it was the acronym "OZ," I did find one thing it could be referring to:

Online Zone (オンラインゾーン, Onrain Zōn): In the context of online activities, gaming, or virtual communities, "OZ" might refer to an online zone or space where users interact, play games, or engage in virtual experiences.

So maybe we could see a much stronger focus on online gaming in this next generation from Nintendo?
the only hope for GTA6 on the Switch 2 is ironically the series s. If rockstar is able to put a solid 720p-900p/30 portable and 1200p-1440p/30 in docked mode, then we’re are golden.

Plus DLSS will do all the heavy lifting for the GTA6 port. Also the reason GTA5 didn’t happen on switch is most likely because they couldn’t get the online mode to function on it and rockstar real money maker is sadly the online.

Like RDR got a decent port on the Switch, like rockstar are interested with putting their games on a Nintendo system.
Wildly optimistic, but at least it should be able to run somewhat. If they could even get that entire game working on handheld mode that alone would be an achievement (docked is not the only one that matters, remember).
It looks like it's spelled out in that file as Ounce but if it was the acronym "OZ," I did find one thing it could be referring to:

So maybe we could see a much stronger focus on online gaming in this next generation from Nintendo?
It's a codename (if it's real). Codenames do not mean anything.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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