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  • Furukawa Speaks! We discuss the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Successor and our June Direct Predictions on the new episode of the Famiboards Discussion Club! Check it out here!

StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

a very important point about FSR 3 that I just realized was present in all the videos I've watch

FSR 3 API requires an FSR 3 quality mode to be selected for FSR 3 Frame Generation

that and the notice about Series S would mean that FG of any kind is probably off the table for Drake
☝️ Team January stays winning yall

My body is ready!!!

I don't think adding extra layers of restrictions to hidden posts really achieves anything other than alienating new members. We're not discussing military secrets here, it's just video games, and if some YouTuber we don't like repeats some things then so be it.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *
Still catching up on the thread here so forgive me if this was already covered. Are we under the impression that Nintendo will stick with the model of plug and play with game cards? Or will they want to opt for slower higher capacity storage with mandatory installation on internal storage much like the recent PlayStation and Xbox consoles?

Does choosing one or the other impact the price of game cards in such a way where it may make enough of a difference for a publisher to not want to include the whole game on the game card?
Still catching up on the thread here so forgive me if this was already covered. Are we under the impression that Nintendo will stick with the model of plug and play with game cards? Or will they want to opt for slower higher capacity storage with mandatory installation on internal storage much like the recent PlayStation and Xbox consoles?

Does choosing one or the other impact the price of game cards in such a way where it may make enough of a difference for a publisher to not want to include the whole game on the game card?
If internal nvme then probably mandatory install for some games.
Once again a example of people taking digital foundry‘s word as a gospel.
It's amazing you can make a video about a game that won't be out for over a year running on a system that hasn't been announced and it's treated like its the end all be all.

Not that it matters since GTA6 wont be on Switch 2 regardless
It's amazing you can make a video about a game that won't be out for over a year running on a system that hasn't been announced and it's treated like its the end all be all.

Not that it matters since GTA6 wont be on Switch 2 regardless
I‘m looking forward to DF‘s „GTA 7 is too big for Switch 4“ vid./s
Once again an example of people taking digital foundry‘s word as a gospel.
I think if there had been a PC version too and the game was found to be running at 60fps on PS5/XSX it would considered possible, but the game running only 30fps, there not being a PC version (meaning the only lower quality assets are whatever Series S uses and no steam deck version) AND the likelihood that, like with Starfield, 30FPS is at least in part for CPU reasons, I think it’s safe to say that GTA6 isn’t coming to switch 2.
Dictator did a proper DXR on/off comparison on B3D

IQ-wise, the difference is minimal, but the performance difference is pretty big
in his sample shots, off/on
  • 42fps / 70fps
  • 99fps / 117fps
from this, we can tell that, assuming similar quality, SWRT is definitely heavier. even UE5 shows that because the quality is intentionally lesser in order to keep performance up
Once again a example of people taking digital foundry‘s word as a gospel.
Maybe once the gameplay video was out, a statement like that could have had more merit. Because curated trailers dont really offer anything.

Netflix showed the trailer for Beverly Hills Cop 4 for summer and if you know your lore, Nintendo loves Beverly Hills Cop 3. Summer release date confirmed. This is a joke, its a doctre reference lol.
the new FSR 3.0 release has FSR upscaling only. though it's probably possible to combine DLSS SR and FSR FG, the developer has to do it themselves, and that's probably something they don't want to spend time doing

speaking of



Oooh that memory usage, despite the frame time cost FG with FSR3 does not use a lot more memory, but async could increase the demand🧐

a very important point about FSR 3 that I just realized was present in all the videos I've watch

that and the notice about Series S would mean that FG of any kind is probably off the table for Drake

Where did you find this? I was looking at the website or PDF, but I couldn't see it.
After catching up,

I think the mods should have an internal discussion about the minimum requirements to view specific posts. I don't think the requirements should be anything crazy high as it may alienate people but I do believe having a reasonable minimum requirement to view specific hidden post would also stop some deadbeat youtuber taking information from this forum and reporting it like they have hidden sources. I encourage everyone and myself included be a bit more active on famiboards. There are other threads here that isn't just the hardware discussion and you're missing out on other cool conversations.

I do have a question, are there any consumer products that has the a78c 8 core processor in the wild that isn't related to the switch 2?

I can only really find this passmark test on an a78 4 core 8 thread processor clocked at 2000mhz that appeared in Q2 2023 obviously this isn't the switch 2 cpu but it's interesting nonetheless.

I’m more intrigued about Avatar primarily using screen-space reflections and then using ray-traced ones as a fallback when the screen is occluded. Seems like a smart move imo
Where did you find this? I was looking at the website or PDF, but I couldn't see it.

slide 5

I do have a question, are there any consumer products that has the a78c 8 core processor in the wild that isn't related to the switch 2?

I can only really find this passmark test on an a78 4 core 8 thread processor clocked at 2000mhz that appeared in Q2 2023 obviously this isn't the switch 2 cpu but it's interesting nonetheless.

PassMark - ARM Cortex-A78 4 Core 2000 MHz - Price performance comparison
Nvidia's bluefield system uses it, but that's not consumer
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I think if there had been a PC version too and the game was found to be running at 60fps on PS5/XSX it would considered possible, but the game running only 30fps, there not being a PC version (meaning the only lower quality assets are whatever Series S uses and no steam deck version) AND the likelihood that, like with Starfield, 30FPS is at least in part for CPU reasons, I think it’s safe to say that GTA6 isn’t coming to switch 2.
That there's no PC version announced doesn't mean it isn't coming. Starfield is also an example of a 30fps Series-only title that can still run on Steam Deck.
Since you say FSR3 is probably off the table for Drake, i assume it's not something more RAM can address? Since Series S notoriously have low RAM - unless I'm mixing up the RAM types (not really my comfort zone here)
less ram (though that's definitely a consideration), it's probably a combination of everything. AMD really recommend going below 60fps native for frame gen, and really doesn't recommend going below 30fps, there's probably just not enough resources to make FG worthwhile. 60fps modes are usually dropped from Series S as an optimization method since the gpu might struggle to keep up. frame gen is best used when not gpu bound after all.

AMD also doesn't recommend going low in your native resolution as it could exacerbate artifacting from the upscaling process. probably why they suggest Quality preset (though you can override this)
Since you say FSR3 is probably off the table for Drake, i assume it's not something more RAM can address? Since Series S notoriously have low RAM - unless I'm mixing up the RAM types (not really my comfort zone here)

Hmm Xbox series S has 10GB of GDDR6 224 GB/s, ~2GB gets reserved for system OS, but they recently updated the GDK (game development kit) to allow for hundred's more MB. So ~8.3 GB is over for the system and GPU.

I expect the next switch to have at least 12GB, but it remains to be seen what the memory width and speed are to have sufficient bandwidth and enable FG. Although there have been some tests with Zen 4-based handhelds (ROG ally/lenovo legion go & 7840U), which have ~50-100 GB/s of memory bandwidth and I have not read negative reception about FG on that. Although if a game does fill up that bandwidth, you're likely going to be more bottlenecked (e.g. Avatar).

IIRC the switch's OS is very efficient, but I don't remember how much RAM it currently uses. I expect the next switch to hopefully not take too much.
Hmm Xbox series S has 10GB of GDDR6 224 GB/s, ~2GB gets reserved for system OS, but they recently updated the GDK (game development kit) to allow for hundred's more MB. So ~8.3 GB is over for the system and GPU.

I expect the next switch to have at least 12GB, but it remains to be seen what the memory width and speed are to have sufficient bandwidth and enable FG. Although there have been some tests with Zen 4-based handhelds (ROG ally/lenovo legion go & 7840U), which have ~50-100 GB/s of memory bandwidth and I have not read negative reception about FG on that. Although if a game does fill up that bandwidth, you're likely going to be more bottlenecked (e.g. Avatar).

IIRC the switch's OS is very efficient, but I don't remember how much RAM it currently uses. I expect the next switch to hopefully not take too much.
I think it was 800MB.
Because things are a-brewing?
I don't think that the regurgitation of any rumors or info from this thread is preventable, as there is no practical means of stopping information posted on a public forum from spreading to the public. There's also the practical reality is that any leak of information is punishable by losing your job at minimum, and in this current economic environment in the tech sector the temporary clout is not worth risking job security IMHO.
If it is a huge concern and to retain insider information or sharing, maybe you might want to create a spin-off insider thread for those with a certain account age/post count, if that's possible. That way you don't split the format or communication in this thread, because I'm not that interested in inflating my post count just for reading the messages.

I think it was 800MB.

Hmm interesting, that's not too bad (wish I still had a hacked switch to check it myself xd), hope it doesn't increase that much if they decide to go for a 4k output resolution. Moreover, I think the current OS is nice, it would be annoying if it gets completely revamped :p

I also recall this article and presentation (I think resources refer to the storage of home menu assets v.s. running it)

The youtubers thing is exhausting. In spanish there is the Nintenleaks channel that makes daily videos talking about what is said in this thread.
They say that rumors have appeared that it would be announced in February with a launch in June? where do those rumors come from?
Feb announce June release was one of my guesses not sure there ever any serious rumour for these months just that the timeline could work if production was starting next year.

given some of the latest rumblings Q2 is looking less likely than before. could still happen as we're not even close to getting the full picture. i imagine Q1 people have called it a day by now though.
Well what about limiting free mail accounts? It will be harder for these YouTubers to register new accounts.
Hide tags were always a stop gap.

Famiboards was a little unknown when it first started. Then it gained a reputation, and everything noteworthy (and then some...) that was posted here was publicly restated elsewhere. So some people started using hide tags, and it worked for a bit, but now people have caught on and just scan this thread on the regular.

The permanent solution is to just accept that Famiboards is no less public than any other online space. Hide tags do still have some use when it comes to manipulating SEO (for example, that shipping record saga was largely kept to hide tags in part to keep Famiboards from being the most prominent thing to show up in Google searches while digging was still ongoing). But if it's not safe to post outside of hide tags, then it frankly doesn't have a place on Famiboards. We're a public forum at the end of the day, and we shouldn't pretend otherwise.
Which is exactly what you'll soon be seeing.

I do appreciate the fact that you take your time to provide us with information that you feel you can share with us. I hate the fact that a few bad apples is ruining the fun for all of us but it's necessary to stop these youtubers.

I think what Nate's saying is we'll soon see people just stop posting info, even in Hide tags, because it's known YTers are skimming

This is a question for the Mods in general so I will post on the site feed back about this topic but with the ability to put a minimum requirement to view information on a private post. What is the magic number we can institute without completely alienating everyone in this forum topic? Would it be 500 posts in famiboards? 1000? or maybe let's go extreme and say 5000? I think by doing it in this system will help weed out the youtubers who lurk or hardly participated in the forum from leaking out information. I know we cannot stop everything from leaking but we can certainly slowdown the flow and report the individuals making youtube content based on sensitive information shared with us better yet it may help us report the individuals abusing the forum for their own gain.

I know it's an unpopular approach but we as a unit has the responsibility of helping maintain a safe environment for the people in the know. I know it's selfish to ask people like Nate, Felipe, and others to continue to share information but we need to help create an environment for them to continue to share information with us without fear of some jerk posting things on youtube the next minute. I for one am willing to sacrifice my privileges of viewing said info if we institute a stricter post minimum to view private/hidden content in this thread.
I do have a question, are there any consumer products that has the a78c 8 core processor in the wild that isn't related to the switch 2?
The Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 uses 4 Cortex-A78C cores in conjunction with 4 Cortex-X1C cores (here and here). And I believe that's the only SoC for consumer products using the Cortex-A78C currently.
If it is a huge concern and to retain insider information or sharing, maybe you might want to create a spin-off insider thread for those with a certain account age/post count, if that's possible. That way you don't split the format or communication in this thread, because I'm not that interested in inflating my post count just for reading the messages.

Hmm interesting, that's not too bad (wish I still had a hacked switch to check it myself xd), hope it doesn't increase that much if they decide to go for a 4k output resolution. Moreover, I think the current OS is nice, it would be annoying if it gets completely revamped :p

I also recall this article and presentation (I think resources refer to the storage of home menu assets v.s. running it)

I would imagine that the mostly costly part of the Switch OS to eat up RAM would be the constant recording going on in case the user holds the capture button for a video recording.
I would imagine that the mostly costly part of the Switch OS to eat up RAM would be the constant recording going on in case the user holds the capture button for a video recording.
in fact, big demanding games has the video capture deactivated
Quoted by: LiC
I would imagine that the mostly costly part of the Switch OS to eat up RAM would be the constant recording going on in case the user holds the capture button for a video recording.
96 MB is reserved for video capture when it's enabled. That's not technically OS memory, though, it's donated application memory.

in fact, big demanding games has the video capture deactivated
This is true, but it's more likely because of the extra CPU usage from video recording, not the RAM.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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