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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Having read the patent text, they do say there could be other control inputs on each side of the device, like directionals on the left and a stick on the right. So it's really just a Switch Lite-type device where a case of temporary insanity led somebody to decide that home and screenshot buttons really really needed to be on the bottom. There are a few other maybes like the ability to use an external display that oldpuck mentioned, and having a lid or cover for the screen, but those aren't salient compared to the explicit position of those inexplicable bottom buttons.

We're currently at a point where Nintendo hasn't even officially confirmed that new hardware is coming, with every interview sidestepping the question. They're going to just acknowledge its existence first. Maybe they'll just call it the next generation of Nintendo hardware. Maybe they'll give us the actual name. Maybe they'll say it will release by the end of the next fiscal year. Maybe they keep it vague until later. But regardless, I don't think we aren't going to see the hardware when they do that. They'll wait a little while longer. Bet on it.
I would gladly bet on it. (Not avatars, though, I don't do that. Cash, sure.) When the hardware is announced, it will be a full reveal.
me waiting for natedrake (or literally anyone) to drop his new info so we can stop talking about emulators:

Don’t worry the conversation will loop back around that way again even with new information.
They acknowledged the existence of the console as the NX in 2015 and told us when it was releasing in April 2016. The reveal of the name and the hardware was October.
They announced the Wii U in April 2011 as their next generation system before revealing the hardware and name in June.
They gave us a press release for the Nintendo 3DS with a "temp" name that became the actual name, plus the main gimmick, in March 2010. We didn't see the actual handheld until June.
Iwata teased the Revolution at E3 2004, a year before they'd even show the hardware. We didn't get to know the name of the console for another year after that.

Over at Microsoft, we first learned about the Series X|S as Project Scarlett at E3 2019 in a long teaser video that didn't show the hardware. We didn't get to see hardware until December.

Over at Sony, the company officially acknowledged the PS5 in a financial report in April 2019. We got release date in October. Hardware specs in March 2020. Didn't get to see the console itself until June.

Announce that they're making new next-generation hardware -> reveal what the hardware looks like -> release the hardware

We're currently at a point where Nintendo hasn't even officially confirmed that new hardware is coming, with every interview sidestepping the question. They're going to just acknowledge its existence first. Maybe they'll just call it the next generation of Nintendo hardware. Maybe they'll give us the actual name. Maybe they'll say it will release by the end of the next fiscal year. Maybe they keep it vague until later. But regardless, I don't think we aren't going to see the hardware when they do that. They'll wait a little while longer. Bet on it.
Again, this simply isn't true. Nintendo has mentioned the successor in no uncertain terms, they just haven't given it a name.
We're currently at a point where Nintendo hasn't even officially confirmed that new hardware is coming, with every interview sidestepping the question. They're going to just acknowledge its existence first. Maybe they'll just call it the next generation of Nintendo hardware. Maybe they'll give us the actual name. Maybe they'll say it will release by the end of the next fiscal year. Maybe they keep it vague until later. But regardless, I don't think we aren't going to see the hardware when they do that. They'll wait a little while longer. Bet on it.
Prior warning to my crack-theory, I am not an expert in this, this is purely the perspective of some rando Business student in the UK.

The main reason why Nintendo ideally wants to be quiet, at least from my perspective, is to do with the Switch's current lifecycle. Famitsu, as usual, reported sales figures for all major consoles in Japan recently and reported that 100 thousand Switch OLED systems sold in the week of October 2nd. That's comically big for a console that's Six and a half years into it's life. Announcing a new console now would halt the momentum of the Switch's sales too drastically for an extended period of time. Being quiet about the new system is best practice until they can swiftly reveal-to-release their new console.

With the Switch 1's reveal to release, there was a lot less to lose. The Wii U's momentum was non-existent already so there was far less risk to revealing the NX early, so giving the system time to give hype made a lot of sense. Doing that cycle in a shorter period of time would be the best practice for the Switch 2... assuming they can do it.

They want to release this system during the slight downward curve of the system's sales cycle, but they don't want to kill the sales that are currently being made. That's my view on it at least.
Switch is a 9th Generation hybrid platform. That is a fact, and not a feeling, and when all is said and done, it will have spent more of its shelf-life alongside the PS5/XS. This is not a controversial statement in the slightest, and it’s wild that it would blow anybody’s mind at all. The 10th Gen successor won’t be lacking. It’ll be more modern than the AMD-powered systems, and even have hardware-specific advantages which have a very high ceiling of disruptive potential. See, the trouble with the “Generations By Power” narrative is that it was invented for the sole purpose of erasing Nintendo and Nintendo fans from all gaming discourse, but by the same BS parameters, one would have to decide what the hell the Switch Lite is, considering that it’s significantly more powerful than the 8th Generation (New) 3DS and PS Vita.

The point of organizing generations by power isn't some anti-nintendo conspiracy. It's about having a better understanding of what were the main advancements of each generation. Gen 9 has been mainly defined by Ray Tracing and Fast Data Storage, neither of which the Switch 1 can do but will both be features of the Switch 2.

60FPS isn’t “industry standard”, but the term has become nothing more than marketing buzzword bollocks since the PS5/XS dropped. Wii U had 60FPS. So did the Wii and GameCube, and the N64, and the SNES, and the NES. In fact, the Wii U had 120FPS in StarFox Zero, too. “60FPS” isn’t “current standards”, it is, was, and always will be the developer’s choice. It will NEVER, EVER be standardised on consoles. Nintendo publications target it more often than not, while it’s not in PS/XBox’s interests to force standardisation of it, no matter the hardware. Or third parties, for that matter - It’s one of the ways they can try to deny the realities of diminishing returns, and a lot of fans swallow it up. The moment they do target it, it will be even clearer that there isn’t much between the Nintendo platform and theirs. We see this when Astro and Sackboy have games which are no better than the Wii U’s Super Mario 3D World, a title which launched around the time of their predecessors. While we’re at it, 4K isn’t a standard, either. PS/XBox have been selling sub-High Resolution boxes as “powerhouses” for nearly 18 years. PS360 was sub-HD a lot of the time. XB1/PS4 didn’t always hit 1080p. Once the cross-gen is over, you’ll see more PS5/XSX games hit 1440p, and the XSS 1080p.The only reason anybody is enjoying the higher tier performance is because they’re playing a lot of games which exist on their predecessors, with a new generation of patches. I don’t know who needs to hear any of this, but I’m very much done with the pretence.

Whether or not a singular WiiU title could run at 120FPS is not really what matters here. What matters is what a console can accomplish at stable, smooth framerates with the standard for what is considered "stable smooth framerates" raising over time. Back in the days of the SNES and N64, stable and smooth 3D rendering just meant 30FPS because often games were only doing 15-20FPS.

New consoles running the games of the previous generation but in a better resolution/framerate/new-coat-of-paint has been a thing since nearly the start of the history of video games. That doesn't disprove the fact that people expect a game to run at least in 60FPS unless it's doing some very taxing stuff that a last gen console wouldn't even be able to run at an unstable 30FPS. Switch 2 versions of PS5/XSX games is going to be like Switch 1 versions of PS4/XBO games where certain compromises are both inevitable and expected. It'll be fine because the Switch 2 will be doing approximately what people expect a Generation 9 handheld to do. When GTA 6 on the Switch 2 has to resort to only running at 30FPS and visual settings comparable to the game's lowest PC settings, it'll be a version that still sells because it'll be what people expect for the handheld version.

Also comparing the visual fidelity of Astro's Playground to Super Mario 3D World is so absurd it makes pretty clear you have never played the former and are just defensively trying to downplay generational differences.
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"proprietary and mostly bad, poorly supported ISAs" isn't wrong. But I also wonder if moving to "one" ISA won't result in a twisty maze of extensions that's just as bad
Some guy: - "There are 11 distinct Markdown specifications".
Clever guy: - "OK! Let's standardize it"!
Some guy: - "There are now 12 distinct Markdown specifications".
Prior warning to my crack-theory, I am not an expert in this, this is purely the perspective of some rando Business student in the UK.

The main reason why Nintendo ideally wants to be quiet, at least from my perspective, is to do with the Switch's current lifecycle. Famitsu, as usual, reported sales figures for all major consoles in Japan recently and reported that 100 thousand Switch OLED systems sold in the week of October 2nd. That's comically big for a console that's Six and a half years into it's life. Announcing a new console now would halt the momentum of the Switch's sales too drastically for an extended period of time. Being quiet about the new system is best practice until they can swiftly reveal-to-release their new console.

With the Switch 1's reveal to release, there was a lot less to lose. The Wii U's momentum was non-existent already so there was far less risk to revealing the NX early, so giving the system time to give hype made a lot of sense. Doing that cycle in a shorter period of time would be the best practice for the Switch 2... assuming they can do it.

They want to release this system during the slight downward curve of the system's sales cycle, but they don't want to kill the sales that are currently being made. That's my view on it at least.

And according to Famitsu, seems like Switch already sold better at the same time this year (2.28m) than last year (2.15m) in Japan (thanks to the Mario and Zelda model). So Switch still have some momentum yet.

Hmmm… Whoever that is has forgotten what PS360 games actually looked like, so, I wouldn’t take them seriously, tbqh. It’s a crock of BS, considering that Nintendo already produces some of the best graphics in the entire industry, full stop. Personally, I haven’t seen a PS5/XS title that impresses me more.
I remember back in the day, I played on a Wii U and a PS4 for the first time at the same time in a friend's house. I was honestly more blown away by Mario Kart 8 than any PS4 title he had.
And according to Famitsu, seems like Switch already sold better at the same time this year (2.28m) than last year (2.15m) in Japan (thanks to the Mario and Zelda model). So Switch still have some momentum yet.

As mentioned, Nintendo (according to my theory) wants to keep this type of momentum going. That being said, Nintendo's lighter release schedule in the coming months will likely yield slower Switch 1 sales... I think.

Jury is out as to if Nintendo is willing to undercut the Switch 1's momentum with the Switch 2's release, but I still believe it's likely enough to happen. We'll just have to see how the next couple of months go.
As mentioned, Nintendo (according to my theory) wants to keep this type of momentum going. That being said, Nintendo's lighter release schedule in the coming months will likely yield slower Switch 1 sales... I think.

Jury is out as to if Nintendo is willing to undercut the Switch 1's momentum with the Switch 2's release, but I still believe it's likely enough to happen. We'll just have to see how the next couple of months go.
I think after the christmas period Nintendo will no longer have anything to hide. Wonder will be the last mega selling game for the Switch, after that software and hardware sales decline will probably just keep going down faster and faster so Switch 2 reveal can happen any time from January-March next year.
So Nintendo has filed a patent with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on 11/11/2022 that was released today, for a device that seems to have a different button/connector layout to the current Switch model family (e.g screenshot button on the top/bottom part of the unit)

I'm not sure translation is 100% correct, as the "Home Menu Button" seems to be positioned where the docking port is on the current system, so maybe "home" really means docked?

It could be nothing, but to my old eyes this doesn't seem like a previously released patent/design or a system/dev kit already in the wild, so I thought to share it "just in case".



(drawings are rotated from originals for easier viewing)
  • 1 Portable game device
  • 5 Display
  • 11 Front
  • 12 Rear side
  • 13 Top surface
  • 14 Bottom surface
  • 31 First operation part
  • 32 Second operation section
  • 33 Third Operation section
  • 34 Fourth Operation section
  • 41 Power operation section
  • 42 Volume operation section
  • 43 Home menu operation section
  • 44 Operation unit for saving screen images
  • 52 Earphone jack
  • 55 First speaker opening
  • 56 Second speaker opening
None of your images are showing :s
Although I continue to think that the release will be in H2, I wonder why the Nintendo eshop has been offering so many new bundles lately.
The latest one I noticed is from Ubisoft which is offering all Assassin's Creed games released on Switch for €39.59.
I mean, they don't have to empty the shelves... 🤔
the reason is simply, Nintendo is doing everything they can to reach or surpass the 15 milions hardware milestone they set for the current fiscal year(because this year could be the final holiday sales for Nintendo Switch,with the iminent launch of Switch sucessor next year)
They acknowledged the existence of the console as the NX in 2015 and told us when it was releasing in April 2016. The reveal of the name and the hardware was October.
They announced the Wii U in April 2011 as their next generation system before revealing the hardware and name in June.
They gave us a press release for the Nintendo 3DS with a "temp" name that became the actual name, plus the main gimmick, in March 2010. We didn't see the actual handheld until June.
Iwata teased the Revolution at E3 2004, a year before they'd even show the hardware. We didn't get to know the name of the console for another year after that.

Over at Microsoft, we first learned about the Series X|S as Project Scarlett at E3 2019 in a long teaser video that didn't show the hardware. We didn't get to see hardware until December.

Over at Sony, the company officially acknowledged the PS5 in a financial report in April 2019. We got release date in October. Hardware specs in March 2020. Didn't get to see the console itself until June.

Announce that they're making new next-generation hardware -> reveal what the hardware looks like -> release the hardware

We're currently at a point where Nintendo hasn't even officially confirmed that new hardware is coming, with every interview sidestepping the question. They're going to just acknowledge its existence first. Maybe they'll just call it the next generation of Nintendo hardware. Maybe they'll give us the actual name. Maybe they'll say it will release by the end of the next fiscal year. Maybe they keep it vague until later. But regardless, I don't think we aren't going to see the hardware when they do that. They'll wait a little while longer. Bet on it.
Switch reveal was in completely different circuntances, Wii U was a flop, very diffrent of today, with a console that have very high chances of destroning PS2 and become the highest selling hardware of all time, i doubt if Wii U was a success(Nintendo would problaby has launched Switch in 2019/2020), Wii U was cut short so Switch could born and fix Wii U misstep
And according to Famitsu, seems like Switch already sold better at the same time this year (2.28m) than last year (2.15m) in Japan (thanks to the Mario and Zelda model). So Switch still have some momentum yet.

If that chart is accurate, this will be another banner year in Japan over the Holidays. NG Switch couldn't ask for a more solid foundation.
And according to Famitsu, seems like Switch already sold better at the same time this year (2.28m) than last year (2.15m) in Japan (thanks to the Mario and Zelda model). So Switch still have some momentum yet.

yes, all this align with severals statement by Shuntaro Furukawa, that want a smooth transiction for Switch to it sucessor, Nintendo has flonbed severals hardware transictions, so is very crucial for them to transiction it next generation of console in the smoothy way possible, also to keep the stronger momentum of Switch to it sucessor
And according to Famitsu, seems like Switch already sold better at the same time this year (2.28m) than last year (2.15m) in Japan (thanks to the Mario and Zelda model). So Switch still have some momentum yet.

isn't this only switch OLED units? famitsu shows the switch as 3.16 million TY vs 3.5 million LY. switch overall is still down this year, though obviously amazingly, not by much.
And according to Famitsu, seems like Switch already sold better at the same time this year (2.28m) than last year (2.15m) in Japan (thanks to the Mario and Zelda model). So Switch still have some momentum yet.

The lightning strikes while the iron is hot.
the reason is simply, Nintendo is doing everything they can to reach or surpass the 15 milions hardware milestone they set for the current fiscal year(because this year could be the final holiday sales for Nintendo Switch,with the iminent launch of Switch sucessor next year)
I don't think they need to try particularly hard. Q1 performance off the back of the Mario movie and TOTK may have me a bit optimistic, but it feels like 15 million is a lowball that could easily be surpassed. It's part of the reason why I think an announcement in November is plausible. Announcing new hardware in the middle of the holiday season, even if they don't show it, could impact sales. Could totally be wrong on that, but I like the theory and it plays nice with the current situation of them getting all the holiday bundles out a month earlier than usual.

Switch reveal was in completely different circuntances, Wii U was a flop, very diffrent of today, with a console that have very high chances of destroning PS2 and become the highest selling hardware of all time, i doubt if Wii U was a success(Nintendo would problaby has launched Switch in 2019/2020), Wii U was cut short so Switch could born and fix Wii U misstep
The NX being announced when it was? Yes, it was a unique circumstance, since they basically killed the Wii U right then and there, in the middle of its third year on the market. But the how? Not really. I just listed several consoles that were similarly announced in investors' meetings or press releases ahead of proper reveals at events like E3. The Switch isn't particularly odd in that regard.
And according to Famitsu, seems like Switch already sold better at the same time this year (2.28m) than last year (2.15m) in Japan (thanks to the Mario and Zelda model). So Switch still have some momentum yet.

isn't this only switch OLED units? famitsu shows the switch as 3.16 million TY vs 3.5 million LY. switch overall is still down this year, though obviously amazingly, not by much.
This would be the reason why I would not reveal Switch 2 this year and release it in Q1 2024 in Nintendo .It makes no sense with strong holiday sales with Switch.

As a consumer, I would love a Switch 2 to be released on the first half of the year.. but from a business perspective, the Switch isn't in the same situation as Wii U was.. I don't want to wait until next fall, but it's probably gonna happen. Summer is the earliest release window imo.
This would be the reason why I would not reveal Switch 2 this year and release it in Q1 2024 in Nintendo .It makes no sense with strong holiday sales with Switch.

As a consumer, I would love a Switch 2 to be released on the first half of the year.. but from a business perspective, the Switch isn't in the same situation as Wii U was.. I don't want to wait until next fall, but it's probably gonna happen. Summer is the earliest release window imo.

They don’t make decisions based on what’s happening right now but when they predicted what would happen now

The lightning strikes while the iron is hot.

Exactly, they better announce it while the Switch still have momentum and not drag it out to death
isn't this only switch OLED units? famitsu shows the switch as 3.16 million TY vs 3.5 million LY. switch overall is still down this year, though obviously amazingly, not by much.
It's a FY x FY comparison. So the tracking starts in April. The numbers you're saying are for the CY (Calendar Year. Starting from Jan 1).
This would be the reason why I would not reveal Switch 2 this year and release it in Q1 2024 in Nintendo .It makes no sense with strong holiday sales with Switch.

As a consumer, I would love a Switch 2 to be released on the first half of the year.. but from a business perspective, the Switch isn't in the same situation as Wii U was.. I don't want to wait until next fall, but it's probably gonna happen. Summer is the earliest release window imo.
Still, all the new consumer won’t buy the new console in years probably.

There are two faces of the medal
Not sure why a relatively small bump in the OLED sales numbers YoY in Japan (only?), notably due to special editions, has any bearing on release plans.
Not sure why a relatively small bump in the OLED sales numbers YoY in Japan (only?), notably due to special editions, has any bearing on release plans.
Tbh I completely forgot the Mario OLED existed when I made my theory earlier, but it doesn't really affect what I meant. Nintendo doesn't want to affect the ongoing Nintendo Switch sales momentum, quelle surprise.
It has been talked about, and it would potentially disguise codes. However, Nintendo’s recommended graphics mode for their graphics library already does this same kind of trick for rendering.
I am not sure what you mean by disguise codes? But I suppose there could be drawbacks to rendering out of sync like this beyond pure latency, it just seems that if it works as they describe, the rendering time of DLSS would be largely irrelevant unless it gets so absurd it starts to approach the overall frame-time.

What benchmark are you referring to? The only game-driven benchmark I am aware of that is on a 20 series card is Rich’s upcoming video, but he’s testing on a 2050M, which is Ampere, despite the name
Ah, I wasn't referring to any particular benchmark. I haven't been fully keeping up with this but have seen references to comparisons with 20xx cards floating around, but they probably all trace back to that one then. That does seem to be best GPU to use for comparisons. I am still not sure whether PC games actually utilize concurrent rendering for DLSS though.
Tbh I completely forgot the Mario OLED existed when I made my theory earlier, but it doesn't really affect what I meant. Nintendo doesn't want to affect the ongoing Nintendo Switch sales momentum, quelle surprise.
...and they didn't want to affect the ongoing Nintendo 3DS sales momentum of 2016, one of Nintendo 3DS' biggest years.

But they did. Because a new generation is more important for the company long term! Even moreso with this one, the next gen Switch is Nintendo's only real way forward, and announcing it during a healthy but off-peak holiday season for Switch can help transfer consumer goodwill over, help sustain brand mindshare, and... Won't affect sales of Nintendo Switch.

How many times will it have to be said before this thing is announced:

The type of people who buy Nintendo Switch in its SEVENTH year are NOT the consumers targeted by a new product launch, and the consumers targeted by a new product launch are NOT the same consumers Nintendo expects to be buying Nintendo Switch!

Announcing the next gen allows them to, if they want, open pre-orders. Or, at the very least, let people get ready and save up for it. So would they rather have a LOT of revenue later at the CHANCE of slightly, if at all, reduced revenue now, or would they rather let the holidays blow over and fart it out when people aren't even thinking of spending?
I am not sure what you mean by disguise codes?
That was a typo! Disguise “costs”

But I suppose there could be drawbacks to rendering out of sync like this beyond pure latency, it just seems that if it works as they describe, the rendering time of DLSS would be largely irrelevant unless it gets so absurd it starts to approach the overall frame-time.
The issue is that because Nintendo games mostly render out of sync already, there isn’t a place to stick DLSS rendering. But I am unclear on how much DLSS runs purely on tensor cores and how much it competes with rendering
Although not explicitly related to Nintendo and Nvidia, RISC-V International's claim is certainly aggressive.

"proprietary and mostly bad, poorly supported ISAs" isn't wrong. But I also wonder if moving to "one" ISA won't result in a twisty maze of extensions that's just as bad
Yeah, aside from general monoculture concerns, I have some doubts that a single ISA could even be flexible enough to work for all these applications.
So 17.0.0 added a ton of new service APIs, which are slowly starting to make their way onto switchbrew. Most of them don't super conclusively tie back to this thread's purpose, but one in particular (spotted by @LiC) does seem to stand out:
1004[17.0.0+] SetTouchScreenResolution

This strongly implies two things:
  1. The NG hardware will have a touch screen with a different resolution (likely, but not necessarily implying a different screen resolution to match)
  2. There is some need to change the resolution that touch data is reported at while the console is running
The most straightforward explanation for #2 would seem to be BC, as existing Switch games would expect touch data at the current resolution and not the new one.
There's a lot of interesting changes made with 17.0.0!

Including a lot of changes to users, like CreateDeviceHistoryRequest, "Resume" (as in resume setting up a user account) and "Suspend"- and a new system to allow you to select a Nintendo account when you start setting up a user, rather than importing a user or making a user then linking your account later.

Perhaps relevant to migration?

As for DeviceHistory, I'm not sure if it refers to history of THAT device, as in system logs, or if it's a history of devices THAT USER has used.

The second one would make sense if they're setting up accounts to more easily span multiple systems across generations.
So 17.0.0 added a ton of new service APIs, which are slowly starting to make their way onto switchbrew. Most of them don't super conclusively tie back to this thread's purpose, but one in particular (spotted by @LiC) does seem to stand out:

This strongly implies two things:
  1. The NG hardware will have a touch screen with a different resolution (likely, but not necessarily implying a different screen resolution to match)
  2. There is some need to change the resolution that touch data is reported at while the console is running
The most straightforward explanation for #2 would seem to be BC, as existing Switch games would expect touch data at the current resolution and not the new one.
One wrinkle to this which someone clued me in on is that it's in the hid user service, not the hid:sys system service. Most of the hid service stuff is accessible to games and other user application so it tends to be non-system-y (but not all of it, I don't think, at least not in the normally available SDK). So I'm not sure if this would actually be the place for such an API.
So 17.0.0 added a ton of new service APIs, which are slowly starting to make their way onto switchbrew. Most of them don't super conclusively tie back to this thread's purpose, but one in particular (spotted by @LiC) does seem to stand out:

This strongly implies two things:
  1. The NG hardware will have a touch screen with a different resolution (likely, but not necessarily implying a different screen resolution to match)
  2. There is some need to change the resolution that touch data is reported at while the console is running
The most straightforward explanation for #2 would seem to be BC, as existing Switch games would expect touch data at the current resolution and not the new one.
What are the odds they're preparing the firmware that'll be shipped with NG Switch's? I said this in the general Switch 2 Speculation Thread, but they did a very similar thing with the OLED Model.

Copying basically what I said here:
  • April 2021 for 12.0.0., which added mentions of Blue Tooth and a new dock. This was probably them preparing things for the firmware that would ship with the OLED model.
  • May 2021 was 12.0.1, which stabilized things like the Blue Tooth support.
  • July 5th, 2021, was 12.1.0, which updated every single part of the OS, and was a more stable version of the firmware that was shipped with the OLED Model. It was released the same day it was revealed.
  • September 2021 was 13.0.0. which actually added Blue Tooth
  • October 2021 was the OLED's release.

Could we see something similar with this? Is this even how it works?
Gotta admit I enjoy seeing how much of the speculation shared in this thread is reported elsewhere as rumors or leaks.
Referring mostly to the bad leaks correct? (Soldier delta: Two SKUs, digital only model, etc)

It’s the only things I’m finding out there currently and its kind of maddening because it’s such a bad rumor to hang on for days (weeks?) at this point.
I'm a big fan of 10k but him coming into the thread and throwing a grenade of sketchy info for the Nintubers to propagate is the funniest shit to me
Referring mostly to the bad leaks correct? (Two SKUs, digital only model, etc)

It’s the only things I’m finding out there currently and its kind of maddening because it’s such a bad rumor to hang on for days (weeks?) at this point.
All of the speculation over what the firmware update may mean is being reported today as a leak/rumor by some outlets.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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