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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Does Drake support 120fps?:unsure:
everything can support 120fps hypothetically im pretty sure. it's just down to whether or not it has:
  • the hook ups to actually be able to display it to a TV/monitor
  • a game which is easy enough to render so the system can reasonably push out 120 frames a second.
you can probably get a handful of less strenuous games on the Switch to run at 120fps but it wont look any different since i dont think the dock supports anything more than 60hz output and the built in screen is 60hz as well.
Nintendo has shown off plenty of tech demos in the past that never ended up reflecting what the system could actually do. I'm just going to continue with the cautious approach. You can do you, though.
But, as far as we know, this is literally the game running on the target hardware (if that is a devkit or a PC with similar specs, we don't know). Not a cutscene with a fixed angle camera or something in that vein. It is the game being executed. If that couldn't be possible, they wouldn't have shown it, specially to developers. Developers are not consumers, Nintendo doesn't have to sell then the console, they have to show them its power and features.
Sure if you are counting demos shown to the press where there is some benefit to maybe juicing them up - there is very little point showing behind closed doors demos to potential dev partners and going overboard with what the system can actually do in a way that misleads them. That would just be stupid
And damaging for third-party support and trust going forward.
So if Nate has heard conflicting reports on the RAM, and "8" is not a number he's heard mentioned at all in this context.....does that mean the mixed reports on RAM are actually between 12 GB and 16 GB?
So if Nate has heard conflicting reports on the RAM, and "8" is not a number he's heard mentioned at all in this context.....does that mean the conflicting numbers are actually between 12 GB and 16 GB of RAM?
That would be my guess.
So if Nate has heard conflicting reports on the RAM, and "8" is not a number he's heard mentioned in this context.....does that mean the conflicting numbers are actually between 12 GB and 16 GB of RAM?
Considering we have a separate rumor that devkits have 16GB and retail will have 12GB, this would definitely make sense, yes.
It's an undeniable conclusion that they saw the Presents early. Are you saying they're a programmer at a Pokémon outsourcing company, who was able to see the Presents early?
I was an animator on contract for Sony
And I saw all of their PS4 reveal videos on the server before reveal… yes … even KNACK.

It’s totally possible. Is this Pokémon thing for real? Who knows
toggles on hype post mode

So, good ray tracing capability is implied eh?
A fair number of folks ask for and/or expect a "3D Mario" as a launch title for the NG. Yes, yes, I understand that the implication is that it's supposed to be a "3D Mario platformer".


DK's paw curls

The "3D Mario" launch title is Mario & company spending their weekend playing laser tag (last spoiler box).

That said, who says that a Mario first/third person shooter can't have Platformer Elements ™️ in it? Embrace verticality. Free the souls bound by gravity.

Imagine getting the drop on some fools... from straight above. Way above. And while you're falling down, you're firing away... but not straight at them. You're aiming at the mirrors and prisms all around. All those laser beams bouncing around... harder for your quarry to escapee, right? And hey, I never said that you had to fall all the way down to the same level as your targets...
Hmm, and the concept of cover isn't mainly just along the X & Y axes now :unsure:
Nintendo steers the genre onto a new, omnidirectional-focused path.
Oh shoot, yeah that may have been speculation based on that assumption. In which case it's probably wrong.
Well, to be fair, Nintendo has re-used stuff from previous systems on newer ones so it wouldn’t necessarily be too surprising. Plus I can’t imagine it’d have as much of a focus on 120 FPS as the other two systems. That being said, it would be nice if it was a more modern dock that can support 4K @ 120 FPS
I was an animator on contract for Sony
And I saw all of their PS4 reveal videos on the server before reveal… yes … even KNACK.

It’s totally possible. Is this Pokémon thing for real? Who knows
I don't think this anecdote is even comparable, but even if we accepted that could be happening with this supposed Pokémon programmer, then the question is why someone would intentionally base 99% of their leak on the Presents airing three days later, even though they could have leaked lots of other things in their position as a programmer, but also they decided to throw in an extremely juicy hardware leak that had nothing to do with the Presents.

There is a much better explanation than this convoluted silliness, and that's that it was somebody who saw the Presents early, and was trolling.
I mean, we could say the same for a lot of games that skipped switch...
very different times we are in now, also the gap between systems will be much less. Switch 1 didnt get as much 3rd party support as one might hope because of caution. The Wii U was a flop before and devs and publishers didn't want to go all in on a console which hadn't proven itself. Obviously there are exceptions, but by and large companies did not get in early enough and weren't willing to spend the extra time and money to port games to the Switch. With Nintendo once again proving themselves as a major competitor in the console market and a console which is seemingly pretty darn powerful, 3rd party support will be better since devs will want in on another console which is bound to sell a crap ton of units.
"my Mother comes visiting us next week and will stay for a month"
What if gamescom was to show western devs and on tgs they are going to show japanese devs, honestly makes sense to me. I expect more info by then
So after what we heard, I think there won’t be problems with Third Party AAA Next Gen ports for Switch 2
Yes, except for console exclusive deals (as always)

Big 3rd partners and AAA games "impossible" for the actual hardware is in the works for this new system (both ports and new releases)
Will them launch day & date with the console release? — I don't know yet (but the possibility remains)
What if gamescom was to show western devs and on tgs they are going to show japanese devs, honestly makes sense to me. I expect more info by then
if tokyo gameshow isnt a leak blowout the system isnt real and nate's been duping us the whole time.
I don't think this anecdote is even comparable, but even if we accepted that could be happening with this supposed Pokémon programmer, then the question is why someone would intentionally base 99% of their leak on the Presents airing three days later, even though they could have leaked lots of other things in their position as a programmer, but also they decided to throw in an extremely juicy hardware leak that had nothing to do with the Presents.

There is a much better explanation than this convoluted silliness, and that's that it was somebody who saw the Presents early, and was trolling.
You can only conclude that's a better explanation by dismissing some of the other specific details they mentioned including the contents of the version 1.2.0 patch that wasn't acknowledged in the Presents, the new special tera and altered tera forms that also wasn't in the Presents but revealed months later, and the anticipated early 2024 window they gave which is now looking like the intended time

Of course what you're saying could be the case, but you're trimming a block to fit it into a round hole
Quoted by: LiC
Just look at the Yakuza games as an example of this LOL.
Ignoring the devs' weird reasoning for the games not hitting the switch, the Yakuza games are in a tough spot because 5/7 games could run on the system and the 2 that can't are pretty important. 2 Kiwami and 6 would just melt the system. Dragon Engine games are beat the shit out of the PS4 and Xbox One, there's even some problems every now and then with the Series X and PS5. And you can't just skip 2 and 6, they're the ends of 2 important arcs.
I'm worried people are overhyping themselves in regards to just how graphically capable this new system will be. I think things need to be dialed way back...
I actually hated Nintendo ditching IBM and AMD in favor of mobile hardware when rumors of the Switch were being talked about before its reveal because I didn't think ARM could ever hope to be in a decent ballpark for a game console.

Mobile hardware's changed a lot since then and ARM's 64-bit days are swinging harder than before in the raytracing era of GPUs across the board, even as low as Mali GPUs. I can see Nintendo getting decent mileage on anything at least on the level of a Cortex-A78 CPU.
Depends on the resolution. I think it was determined that it probably cannot output 4k/120fps because of the display port bandwidth.
T234's DisplayPort 1.4a (as well as the link rates for T239 listed in Linux) don't have enough transfer speed to support 4K120. 1440p120 would be doable. I doubt Nintendo will support 120 Hz output anyway.
T234's DisplayPort 1.4a (as well as the link rates for T239 listed in Linux) don't have enough transfer speed to support 4K120. 1440p120 would be doable. I doubt Nintendo will support 120 Hz output anyway.
kinda unrelated - I'd like to get some data on how many games on the PS5 and Xbox SeX actually support 120hz as well as how many people with said consoles even have 120hz capable monitors/TVs. I always felt like the average consumer would never have a TV capable of 120hz so the advertising for 120hz was basically BS.
You can only conclude that's a better explanation by dismissing some of the other specific details they mentioned including the contents of the version 1.2.0 patch that wasn't acknowledged in the Presents, the new special tera and altered tera forms that also wasn't in the Presents but revealed months later, and the anticipated early 2024 window they gave which is now looking like the intended time

Of course what you're saying could be the case, but you're trimming a block to fit it into a round hole
The clothing rewards for DLC purchases were in the Presents. And I have already acknowledged (in just about every post) that the Terastal form was the one part of the leak not from the Presents. And you should acknowledge that what the posts actually said about it was extremely vague and easy to guess. They did not say it had a hexagon form, they just said "special Terastal appearance" and then later "some Pokémon will get new Terastal forms."

They said DLC2 was planned for early 2024 in their second post, after the Presents had aired, and when everyone was already debating what the release window was, with many people saying they thought it meant early 2024.
The clothing rewards for DLC purchases were in the Presents. And I have already acknowledged (in just about every post) that the Terastal form was the one part of the leak not from the Presents. And you should acknowledge that what the posts actually said about it was extremely vague and easy to guess. They did not say it had a hexagon form, they just said "special Terastal appearance" and then later "some Pokémon will get new Terastal forms."

They said DLC2 was planned for early 2024 in their second post, after the Presents had aired, and when everyone was already debating what the release window was, with many people saying they thought it meant early 2024.

They did mention the Hexagon

So the next date we might get some leaks is TGS, it will probably be the same as Gamescom but maybe more Japanese centric.
Yes, except for console exclusive deals (as always)

Big 3rd partners and AAA games "impossible" for the actual hardware is in the works for this new system (both ports and new releases)
Will them launch day & date with the console release? — I don't know yet (but the possibility remains)
what would you, in your opinion, consider top 5 modern AAA games that'd come there year 1? based on specs & company history on switch or even nintendo in general
They announced this year they would use Nvidia IP for automotive infotainment:

Then there were claims that partnership could extend to smartphone and laptop chips:

All of these announcements/rumors happened this year but they probably did a lot of research before-hand last year.
It kinda lines up with the rumors of devkits being recalled and a Nintendo project being canceled.

Mediatek being at the forefront of mobile tech:
And probably also 5G and Wifi, they would be a far better partners than Nvidia for Nintendo, if they integrate Nvidia's IP right.

Nvidia are focused on their datacenter/GPUs businesses, they may want to license their IP for mobile, that's also why they wanted to buy ARM.
Mediatek is investing in mobile AI and RT:
A partnership with Nvidia makes a lot of sense.

Nvidia, Mediatek, Nintendo and others could be rallying behind a single software stack and framework, instead of each developing their own chips.
The partnership is about using an Nvidia GPU and a Mediatek SoC for the CPU

It’s really not what you think it is,

Today, NVIDIA offers GPUs for laptops, desktops, workstations and servers, along with systems-on-chips (SoCs) for automotive and robotics applications. With this new GPU chiplet, NVIDIA can extend its GPU and accelerated compute leadership across broader markets.

MediaTek will develop automotive SoCs and integrate the NVIDIA GPU chiplet, featuring NVIDIA AI and graphics intellectual property, into the design architecture. The chiplets are connected by an ultra-fast and coherent chiplet interconnect technology.

That’s literally it. It’s not about putting it into a soc as a joint venture, because Nvidia doesn’t need a Mediatek SoC for that since they have ARM licenses and can do that on their own. It’s about having two chips on a single board working with each other.

It’ll look similar to this:

Im aware of the rumors you’re referring to, but they quite frankly don’t make sense anyway and shouldn’t be paid attention to.
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