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Most here assume that if Nintendo plays it safe and just iterates, improving the joycons and specs mainly, that they’d have good outcomes. Make more really good software that only runs on the new machines, and stop selling the old machines eventually. That doesn’t sound terribly Nintendo-like though, as they pride themselves in hardware facilitating unique gameplay opportunities. Switch-but-better almost certainly won’t be the whole story.

Just thinking about Nintendo’s position and the debate around the Switch 2 naming - consider PlayStation 5 and the DualSense. My impression of the DualSense features are that they were for a fleeting moment a very coveted aspect of the new generation and a huge part of the pitch, but have somewhat fallen by the wayside outside of the occasional reviewer or fan mention. Not saying they don’t use them, but it’s very secondary to the system being the 5th PlayStation with great visuals. That just doesn’t seem like a very Nintendo approach to marketing were they to consider it the core difference between the old and new system (yes I know Nintendo left HD Rumble behind, but it was always a very small part of the Switch gameplay pitch). Nintendo might have called the console something like “PlayStation Sense” for example, with that name being the impetus for continued discourse and leaning into those features.

Switch as a name emphasized the uniqueness of the device incredibly effectively. If they were to add something new in the mix, while they might (should) keep the Switch name, it feels very likely that they’ll append some suffix that draws attention to its differences.

…I just hope it’s not a dumb name.
That would probably be very true of the Iwata era and was indeed the case throughout his tenure, but from everything out there about Furukawa it seems he's much less into taking risks and more of a conservative businessman so an iterative hardware approach would be entirely within his prerogative, which I think is perhaps a good thing in the greater scheme of it all - Nintendo fans' biggest problem with Nintendo for the last two decades has been the forsaking of better devices in favour of features nobody seemed to want, now it seems Nintendo are acutely aware that people are just asking for a better Switch more suited for the remainder of the 2020s

I'm personally hoping they just go with a blatant Switch 2 format and trademark, then a Switch 3, Switch 4, Switch 5 etc. for as long as gaming remains popular

There's a lot of interesting features they could incorporate into each generation without having to make it unrecognisably a Switch - everything about the Switch from its name to its colour scheme is iconic as is
I'm personally hoping they just go with a blatant Switch 2 format and trademark, then a Switch 3, Switch 4, Switch 5 etc. for as long as gaming remains popular
Same. I just want them to stick to one thing so we are not leaving games behind each gen. Switch has enough gimmicks. Improve joycons ergonomics and motion controls and call it a day.
I've just been thinking, I highly doubt Nintendo themselves will do much in the way of new ties that are cross-gen. They will want to get people off the system.

If Nintendo does any cross-gen, it will likely be in ports and remasters.

Pokemon will very likely be cross-gen until gen 10.

And some third party games will be cross-gen. Especially the one's based off first party IPs.
I've just been thinking, I highly doubt Nintendo themselves will do much in the way of new ties that are cross-gen. They will want to get people off the system.

If Nintendo does any cross-gen, it will likely be in ports and remasters.

Pokemon will very likely be cross-gen until gen 10.

And some third party games will be cross-gen. Especially the one's based off first party IPs.
cof cof cof Metroid Prime 4 as a cross-gen
Maybe I should've been a bit clearer: I don't think there will be any cross-gen titles released after next-gen launches.

There will be cross-gen titles that launch before next-gen and will get updates at next-gen launch.
That doesn't sound particularly likely.

Any game that can run on Switch has very little reason for Nintendo to not do a Switch release. But they also want it to run natively on their new device.

Sony and Microsoft do cross gen. It's profitable. It's effective. It maintains consumer trust and provides content for both the previous generation's glut of customers and for the new device.
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Maybe I should've been a bit clearer: I don't think there will be any cross-gen titles released after next-gen launches.

There will be cross-gen titles that launch before next-gen and will get updates at next-gen launch.
I do believe there will be a extensive semi cross-gen period, similar to Xbox and PS.
It will take years to transition 140M+ users to a new system, if ever.
Most of Nintendo's output, being AAs and ports, doesn't need new hardware and there's a lot of money to be made on the current install base.

I'd say at least half of first-parties will be cross-gen in the first year.
Big exclusive titles and better performance on the others is still a pretty big incentive to upgrade.

Or maybe there won't be cross-gen titles and users will be able to play NX2 games via cloud until they upgrade.
Time will tell.
For us poor sods who missed out on the weekend rumor because of someone, I hope there's a kind soul who knows about said rumor who can still be kind enough to post it here in hidden tags.
That doesn't sound particularly likely.

Any game that can run on Switch has very little reason for Nintendo to not do a Switch release. But they also want it to run natively on their new device.

Sony and Microsoft do cross gen. It's profitable. It's effective. It maintains consumer trust and provides content for both the previous generation's glut of customers and for the new device.

Several software houses now complain of unsatisfactory earnings/sales depending on the (increasingly exorbitant) development costs, making no secret of their desire to release on more platforms or announcing versions for the last generation.

If possible, I don't see why Nintendo should do the opposite.
I've just been thinking, I highly doubt Nintendo themselves will do much in the way of new ties that are cross-gen. They will want to get people off the system.
They had over 100 mi active users last time they reported it.

Nintendo shipped 45 mi Wii after 25 months. No other console crossed the 40 mi, including PS and handheld consoles.

So, in 2 years, they won't be able to transfer even half of their current user base. Getting that half off the system means pushing them to the competition, not to NG Switch.

Of course, if it starts badly and they enter into salvage mode like PS3DS, they may cancel all Switch versions. But otherwise, they will most likely keep a decent flow of new games to keep people engaged.

Not mention they can reach out for many 3rd party PS4 ports as "NG exclusive" to boost demand early on.
I would prefer new experiences that only Nintendo's next gen console can offer and I've never been a big proponent of cross gen. Sony and Microsoft have stagnated (from a gameplay and mechanics perspective) since the PS3/360 days so their stuff hasn't interested me that much in a long time. Which is a shame really since I loved PS3 era Sony.

The current install base may be one of the largest in gaming history however there is already an incredibly massive and diverse library available on the current system with a couple more years of support from some third parties and of course smaller titles from nintendo themselves.

It would be painfully disappointing if all Switch 2 owners had to play for the first half of the consoles life were the same games as the original system with higher frames and resolution and some PS4/5 ports sprinkled in.

Then again this is my own personal opinion and perspective and Nintendo will do what they do hahaha.
given Koizumi was the lead of the Switch and producer on Mario Odyssey, I'm willing to bet he'd push for the next 3D Mario to be on Drake, even if he's not involved with Drake. what else would Nintendo have to be a headliner for the system?
what else would Nintendo have to be a headliner for the system?
he ʰᵉ ʷᵉ here we go

so they're finally hERE
performing for YOU! 🎤

If you know the words
you can join in 🤝 TOO 🤝

put your hands together 🙏
if you want to clap 👏

as we take you through
this monkey rap! 🐒


DEE 🗣️ KAY 🗣️


he's the leader of the bunch 🦍
you know him well

he's finally 🔙
to kick 🦶 some tail 🍑

his coconut 🥥 gun 🔫
can fire in spurts 💥💥💥
if he shoots ya 🐵👉
it's gonna hurt!

He's bigger 🙌 faster 🏃‍♂️ and stronger 💪 too
He's the first member of the DK crew! 🗣️

given Koizumi was the lead of the Switch and producer on Mario Odyssey, I'm willing to bet he'd push for the next 3D Mario to be on Drake, even if he's not involved with Drake. what else would Nintendo have to be a headliner for the system?
It’s going to be exclusive. Nintendo didn’t hold out this long to make 3D Mario cross gen. At the end of the day the Switch 2 is their next system and they’ll need everyone to move over no matter how great the Switch is. It’ll be old hardware and history.
that has to exist and it's been rumors and hearsay for years

It’s going to be exclusive. Nintendo didn’t hold out this long to make 3D Mario cross gen. At the end of the day the Switch 2 is their next system and they’ll need everyone to move over no matter how great the Switch is. It’ll be old hardware and history.
obviously. I doubt they will be willing to make an even poorer game than what Bowser's Fury ran at. 720p/60 and 720p/30 was already outside of expectations for a 3D mario
The 3D Mario game going to be crossgen then?
I would prefer new experiences that only Nintendo's next gen console can offer and I've never been a big proponent of cross gen.
I think there's some disconntion here. Finding new experiences is a big priority to Nintendo and they will absolutely have some "can't be done on Switch" and " would take way too much effort" games. And next 3D Mario is the biggest candidate for that.

This doesn't means that they're so creative they can make dozen of those in a row. Nor they will demand all their studios to go open world and have more things going on than TotK.

So, there will be plenty of games which could run on OG Switch. Making them a NG exclusive benefits nobody, at least until they can make more systems than there are people already wanting to buy one.
It is time to remember a few obvious things

- Nintendo will have a Direct in September. Why ? Because those are tied to the Tokyo Game Show were JP publishers showcase games, a portion of which are revealed at the Direct.

- Nintendo could reveal games that would generate excitement even with a next-gen console looming. Most recently, games like Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Mario RPG did that among both a mainstream and enthusiasts crowd.

- Looking at Furukawa's claims, the Switch 2 will have a hook that goes beyond more power.

- Next platform will sell even if Nintendo games are cross-gen for a year or two; as shown by previous launch Nintendo games and PS5/Xbox sales. Cross-gen opens the door to a very wide audience and helps reach sales milestones for the biggest games.

- However, Nintendo will use its games to showcase what's new to the next platform and might therefore choose exclusivity on a case to case basis.
It’s going to be exclusive. Nintendo didn’t hold out this long to make 3D Mario cross gen. At the end of the day the Switch 2 is their next system and they’ll need everyone to move over no matter how great the Switch is. It’ll be old hardware and history.
Maybe the old switch will be like another piller remember when nintendo said stuff lilke the gba was the "third pillar" when ds came out and tbf gba still got a ton of games even after the ds launched
given Koizumi was the lead of the Switch and producer on Mario Odyssey, I'm willing to bet he'd push for the next 3D Mario to be on Drake, even if he's not involved with Drake. what else would Nintendo have to be a headliner for the system?
Ray-Traced Wave Race!!!!
Switch software sales haven't fallen off a cliff yet so its like 50/50 if they do crossgen. Personally I think They're willing to give up the potential extra software sales crossgen can bring to Ensure the Health of the Switch 2 in it first few years.
It’s pretty easy to see which games will be cross-gen & which ones aren’t:
  • Big flagship games like 3D Mario or new Animal Crossing will most likely be exclusive to Redacted
  • Games like Kirby, Mario Party/Sports, or Advance Wars will most likely be cross-gen
  • Jury is out still on games like Ring Fit or Labo. Also some of their more prominent mid-tiers like Fire Emblem or Xenoblade Chronicles are kinda question marks currently.
I had missed this statement.
If it's not DLSS for the first time on console I wonder what is 🤔
I just hope it doesn’t eat up too much horsepower. I was excited when Nintendo announced the NEW 3DS but was sad when I found out the main reason for the upgrade was for head tracking 3D.
A podcast/YouTuber who does not generally do journalism got contacted with some info.

They let a few other folk know that the info was coming so that folks could time their regular videos to potentially react to it.

Prime did what Prime does, and made anything said in confidence into a video because he’s a parasite with nothing to offer, and will burn any bridge for a hint of legitimacy.

Original podcaster who, it should be emphasized, doesn’t really do leaks or journalism would like to avoid the heat that comes with that topic.

Behind the scenes their original source gets cold feet as well, and asks the podcaster not to release said info.

None of this would have even bubbled to our attention had Prime not been a piece of shit.
What was it exactly about Nintendo Prime's actions that meant everyone got cold feet? Was it he was just bringing too much attention to it?
I just hope it doesn’t eat up too much horsepower. I was excited when Nintendo announced the NEW 3DS but was sad when I found out the main reason for the upgrade was for head tracking 3D.
DLSS' advantage is very straightforward. You save rendering costs in exchange for a flat reduction in capabilities (at a given output). In almost every case this is a favourable trade. Vanish any thought of DLSS "eating up horsepower", it literally cannot do that unless you CHOOSE to make it do so in some act of developmental misconduct. The whole purpose is that it SAVES horsepower. Uses it MORE efficiently.
I personally want the gimmick for this next system to be a boatload of new AA/AAA I.P. I think Nintendo can make a bunch of new 2 million + selling I.P.s in one generation if they really put their mind to it, especially now that they have unified their development. I also think they should invest more into making really high-quality indie level games, that can start out as 2D and then if big enough, they can make a 3d version of the franchise. Ideally for me, the reveal presentation would show off next-gen 3D Mario game as the big hook for the typical fans, and then everything else would be new I.P. either from Nintendo or third parties. I don't like the fact that Ring fit seem to be the only new major I.P. created for Nintendo after having a system as successful as the Switch. Look how big Splatoon managed to become, and that franchise started on Wii U.

In that same timeframe Sony managed to give us: Bloodborne, Order 1886, Driveclub, Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, etc. Not all of them where hits, but i think the franchises that did take off made up for the ones that didn't.
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These cross-gen discussions are admittedly weird to see if Nintendo's history is anything to go by. They've literally never had a real cross-gen period in any of their home consoles, let alone their handhelds where we were actually given original titles for a couple of months rather than downgraded versions from their next generation offerings. I don't see any reason for this to change, especially when considering the power jump we're dealing with.
I had missed this statement.
If it's not DLSS for the first time on console I wonder what is 🤔
While I wouldn't absolutely rule out it being DLSS, I think it's very unlikely. Reducing performance costs while hitting higher resolutions doesn't seem to me like the kind of mass-market spelling point Nintendo would put in commercials. In my view, the appeal of DLSS in a console setting should be for developers, while I think ideally it'd actually be invisible to players and they just get games that run better than they expect given the size of the hardware. Ultimately, that would mean the consumer selling point would be "good graphics," and I don't see Nintendo using that. If Switch 2 has a gimmick of some kind, I expect it to be something that has an immediately apparent impact on how you interact with the controller (e.g., motion controls), the screen (e.g., touchscreen), or the console overall (like Switch's hybrid nature or smaller things like StreetPass).

I'm with you, though: I have no idea what it would be. I guess that's the fun of Nintendo hardware design.
It’s pretty easy to see which games will be cross-gen & which ones aren’t:
  • Big flagship games like 3D Mario or new Animal Crossing will most likely be exclusive to Redacted
  • Games like Kirby, Mario Party/Sports, or Advance Wars will most likely be cross-gen
  • Jury is out still on games like Ring Fit or Labo. Also some of their more prominent mid-tiers like Fire Emblem or Xenoblade Chronicles are kinda question marks currently.
Yeah that's how I'd see it. Stuff that is released frequently will probably be cross gen for a time like Kirby and Mario Party. Flagship evergreens will be next gen only. Everything else will be a 50/50 depending on release timing, and dev/franchise. Like I'd assume Monolith is not going to be releasing anything cross-gen given their tech/scope ambitions, but I could see the next Fire Emblem being cross gen depending on timing.

In general though I'm not expecting a particularly massive cross gen effort though. Definitely not the 3+ years some people are talking about. Feels kind of pointless when 3rd parties are going to go hard on ports already.
I personally want the gimmick for this next system to be a boatload of new AA/AAA I.P. I think Nintendo can make a bunch of new 2 million + selling I.P.s in one generation if they really put their mind to it, especially now that they have unified their development. I also think they should invest more into making really high-quality indie level games, that can start out as 2D and then if big enough, they can make a 3d version of the franchise. Ideally for me, the reveal presentation would show off next-gen 3D Mario game as the big hook for the typical fans, and then everything else would be new I.P. either from Nintendo or third parties. I don't like the fact that Ring fit seem to be the only new major I.P. created for Nintendo after having a system as successful as the Switch. Look how big Splatoon managed to become, and that franchise started on Wii U.
The bigger issue for Nintendo is they currently don’t have enough people to pull off this strategy internally. Nintendo created a fair amount of new IP this gen: Ring Fit, Labo, Arms, Astral Chain, Game Builder Garage. However, I think it’ll be mostly the same team that made Ring Fit who will be responsible for new IP. Until the new building(s) are complete they’ll have to rely on 3rd parties or key partners for any new IP. This will probably be more true in the Indie space since I doubt Nintendo wants to step on their toes making high quality indie level games themselves.
I personally want the gimmick for this next system to be a boatload of new AA/AAA I.P. I think Nintendo can make a bunch of new 2 million + selling I.P.s in one generation if they really put their mind to it, especially now that they have unified their development. I also think they should invest more into making really high-quality indie level games, that can start out as 2D and then if big enough, they can make a 3d version of the franchise. Ideally for me, the reveal presentation would show off next-gen 3D Mario game as the big hook for the typical fans, and then everything else would be new I.P. either from Nintendo or third parties. I don't like the fact that Ring fit seem to be the only new major I.P. created for Nintendo after having a system as successful as the Switch. Look how big Splatoon managed to become, and that franchise started on Wii U.

In that same timeframe Sony managed to give us: Bloodborne, Order 1886, Driveclub, Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, etc. Not all of them where hits, but i think the franchises that did take off made up for the ones that didn't.
Sony is a great developer in every regard, but the way they essentially reboot their output every Playstation generation has always been insanely cool. Most of the new IPs last generation came from their studios, some of the ones you mentioned didn't do very well but those that did are basically tentpole franchises now. Nintendo is mostly a publisher based on legacy so you'll never see them making a brand new lineup like this, just one or two depending on timing.
This again...

It looks just as bad as last time but they're showing a different 'theme' this time. Why would a supposed developer's system have all these unrelated games from other studios installed?

In the corner of one of the images on their deleted post you can see the desktop pc which is probably what's actually outputting the image to the TV.
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Re: new gimmick

I think that stuff like AR and VR would be managed via an accessory instead of being directly incorporated in the console. Much like PlatStation and PSVR. The difference would be that Nintendo would aim to make it more affordable and actually do something that feels integrated from the getgo via their IPs.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Nintendo’s incursion to the metaverse is with their very own digital version of Super Nintendo World. Or maybe even Nintendo Land would be a VR game
Nope, there was supposed to be "something" shared on a podcast this weekend but the tease picked up traction and spread around and eventually they decided it wasn't worth the trouble.
Thanks buddy. Once I saw who "leaked" the would-be leak, I tuned out immediately lmao
They had over 100 mi active users last time they reported it.

Nintendo shipped 45 mi Wii after 25 months. No other console crossed the 40 mi, including PS and handheld consoles.

So, in 2 years, they won't be able to transfer even half of their current user base. Getting that half off the system means pushing them to the competition, not to NG Switch.
I don't see how this last sentence tracks. I don't see how lowered support for your handheld console would drive you to buy a PS5.

If you already own a PS5/Xbox Series console, then the only reason to play Switch is because it's a handheld or for Nintendo IPs. Those other consoles can't replace those two uses.

Exclusives drive hardware sales. The cross-gen period exists to maximize sales of software during the transition. Nintendo's software revenue is heavily driven by evergreen titles - Nintendo can continue to draw value from their existing evergreens by backwards compat.

The cross-gen period potentially reduces Nintendo's ability to make new evergreens. The NG is a ~6x performance improvement over the Switch. Unlike the Wii U to Switch jump, that's huge and games made exclusively for the system are likely to look much much better than cross-gen titles. Breath of the Wild holds its own nicely against Tears of the Kingdom, but will Tears look as good against a late-gen, truly native NG Zelda? Will games that look look like they're basically very pretty 360 era titles continue to sell as well in 2030 as Mario Kart 8 is selling now?

And if Nintendo places new control gimmicks into the NG, can Nintendo sell that new tech with cross-gen? Will Nintendo be able to properly sell the console and create titles that have a long tail if none of the early library are able to use cameras/screen casting/etc features in order to remain cross-gen viable?

None of this is to say that Nintendo won't have a cross-gen period. Just that it might not be in Nintendo's long term interest to lean on it heavily.

What was it exactly about Nintendo Prime's actions that meant everyone got cold feet? Was it he was just bringing too much attention to it?
I dunno that it did or didn't. Potentially that was gonna happen anyway, it's just Pretendo Slime made the whole thing public. And no especial reason to believe it was hard info in the first place. Tempest in a teapot, created at least partially by Slime's desire to whip up some chaos for his own benefit.
I don't see how this last sentence tracks. I don't see how lowered support for your handheld console would drive you to buy a PS5.

If you already own a PS5/Xbox Series console, then the only reason to play Switch is because it's a handheld or for Nintendo IPs. Those other consoles can't replace those two uses.

Exclusives drive hardware sales. The cross-gen period exists to maximize sales of software during the transition. Nintendo's software revenue is heavily driven by evergreen titles - Nintendo can continue to draw value from their existing evergreens by backwards compat.

The cross-gen period potentially reduces Nintendo's ability to make new evergreens. The NG is a ~6x performance improvement over the Switch. Unlike the Wii U to Switch jump, that's huge and games made exclusively for the system are likely to look much much better than cross-gen titles. Breath of the Wild holds its own nicely against Tears of the Kingdom, but will Tears look as good against a late-gen, truly native NG Zelda? Will games that look look like they're basically very pretty 360 era titles continue to sell as well in 2030 as Mario Kart 8 is selling now?

And if Nintendo places new control gimmicks into the NG, can Nintendo sell that new tech with cross-gen? Will Nintendo be able to properly sell the console and create titles that have a long tail if none of the early library are able to use cameras/screen casting/etc features in order to remain cross-gen viable?

None of this is to say that Nintendo won't have a cross-gen period. Just that it might not be in Nintendo's long term interest to lean on it heavily.

I dunno that it did or didn't. Potentially that was gonna happen anyway, it's just Pretendo Slime made the whole thing public. And no especial reason to believe it was hard info in the first place. Tempest in a teapot, created at least partially by Slime's desire to whip up some chaos for his own benefit.
Ah right I see, thanks
First off great post, completely agree with some of the post but I do have explain my positions on some parts.
Much delayed - but I realized afterward that I was a little grouchy writing some of these replies. Like I said, I've been in this hospital watching over my sister all week, and I have been a little tetchy. You write smart stuff Phenom08
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