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And yet it's political enough to thank far-right journalist and influencer Andy Ngo and British TERF (pleonasm?) Helen Lewis in the credits

So I'm kinda confused now because Alex Garland went on the Daily Show to talk about the movie and the state of western politics in general and was very critical of Boris Johnson and the overall horseshit the right are engaged in across multiple countries, and if he's on the side that it very much sounded like he's on then I wonder why the movie would have Andy Fuckin Ngo involved in any capacity 😐
So I'm kinda confused now because Alex Garland went on the Daily Show to talk about the movie and the state of western politics in general and was very critical of Boris Johnson and the overall horseshit the right are engaged in across multiple countries, and if he's on the side that it very much sounded like he's on then I wonder why the movie would have Andy Fuckin Ngo involved in any capacity 😐
Probably because he’s a meathead who doesn’t know his head from his ass.
So I'm kinda confused now because Alex Garland went on the Daily Show to talk about the movie and the state of western politics in general and was very critical of Boris Johnson and the overall horseshit the right are engaged in across multiple countries, and if he's on the side that it very much sounded like he's on then I wonder why the movie would have Andy Fuckin Ngo involved in any capacity 😐
I'm guessing they found random footage of demonstrators that worked for the film and chose to use it without paying much attention to who shot it.
Genuine, non ironic Shrek nostalgia will never cease to bewilder me
I rewatched them first 3 last year and had a good time with all three. The third one misses a bit but the first two are solid.

For me at least the first movie released when I was in elementary school. The trailer for the first movie was actually the first streaming internet video I ever watched. I really loved that movie as a kid and rewatched it a lot on VHS.

Shrek took the classic fairytale stuff that disney had presented for decades in a very classic and straightforward manner and twisted it in a fun way.

I enjoy irreverent takes on stuff like that. I watched some disney movies and stuff as a kid but I was never that into a lot of it. I've always vastly preferred Bugs Bunny to Mickey Mouse.
Shrek took the classic fairytale stuff that disney had presented for decades in a very classic and straightforward manner and twisted it in a fun way.
Shrek 2 is a genuine good movie and a very funny comedy, but I really dislike the first Shrek for this very reason. It's a movie that tells you "oh look, all classic fairy tale movies are so stupid and predictable" in its first half, and then proceeds to do everything it criticized in its second half. At the end of the day, it’s just a classic Disney fairytale movie, but with fart jokes, and I think it’s not nearly as irreverent as it thinks it is.
I feel like I'm living in crazy land. I was the target age for Shrek, and I loved the first 2 as a kid. But to see real Shrek love makes me feel like I'm dying.
I feel like I'm living in crazy land. I was the target age for Shrek, and I loved the first 2 as a kid. But to see real Shrek love makes me feel like I'm dying.

That's part of the Jokerfacation process love

It's making you into the Girl Joker and me into the Girl Harley Quinn
shrek just realized halfway through the movie that fairytales are great and it's cynical to just clown on them

also, for some reason, I saw Godzilla x Kong with my family. We never go to the cinema together, and none of us have real interest in the Monsterverse movies. That honestly made it better though, strange movie with weirdly not enough fighting at the end for my taste
Shrek 2 is a genuine good movie and a very funny comedy, but I really dislike the first Shrek for this very reason. It's a movie that tells you "oh look, all classic fairy tale movies are so stupid and predictable" in its first half, and then proceeds to do everything it criticized in its second half. At the end of the day, it’s just a classic Disney fairytale movie, but with fart jokes, and I think it’s not nearly as irreverent as it thinks it is.
Ehh, can't agree here.

If this was a disney joint when Shrek and Fiona kiss at the end Fiona and Shrek would both turn human and they'd live happily ever after in a castle. The fact that they are both full Ogres and go live in a swamp subverts the traditional disney fairy tail ending.

Those two were telegraphed pretty quickly as ending up together so they had to get there somehow. The protagonist of a story meeting and falling in love and getting together with another character isn't something that is really specific to traditional fairy tales. Lots of stories do this.

Usually in these kinds of stories the prince and princess get together so the prince being an evil, unambiguous villian is a big change.

I'm not trying to shit on fairy tale stories, but the disney versions of these things really have the edges sanded off and it makes them a bit dull. Look at the brothers Grimm version of Cinderella or Hans Christian Andersons Little Mermaid to see what I mean.

I'm not trying to say the disney films are bad either, but I think poking fun at them is totally fair. Parody is great. The first Shrek definitely parodies many elements of disney films, but I don't think it's meant in any mean spirited way, so I see no hypocrisy is what they're doing.

Mel Brooks has been quoted that you have to like the things you spoof. He didn't make parodies of Westerns, Hitchcock movies, and Star Wars out of contempt for the material, but because he liked them.

Also the humor in Shrek 1 is way more than just fart jokes.
Great news for all you Shrek freaks out there:
Shrek 4 is pretty emotional but a lot less comedy-focused. Puss in Boots 2 was absolutely fantastic however, legit Oscar contender for the animation category. I feel Shrek 5 could work but DreamWorks doesn't necessarily crush late sequels. Kung Fu Panda 4 just released, and I would describe it as okay.
I haven't watched a Shrek movie since George W Bush was President, but I'll take more Puss movies if they're like Last Wish.
Please do not call them Puss movies omg lol

Also, its funny that we live in a world where, as an adult, I have to constantly defend not having an interest in kids movies (I'm not upset about it, its just funny)
Saw Civil War and that was some bullshit. I find that the idea of turning Americans' fascination with violence against them by basically reproducing scenes from war films on national territory, is interesting, but it lacks the intelligence and commitment to justify its systematically provocative use of violence.

Politically it’s so afraid of saying anything that it ends up saying nothing. It opens with some shots about protests in the US, like BLM, to introduce its concept of “civil war” but it never explains anything further. Real “why is it called the United States if we’re so divided” shit. I follow this game writer called Doc Burford on Twitter and he once posted that the only real value system of libs “is personal comfort and "guys can't we all just get along," a moral system that allows nazis to prosper because it prioritizes comfort and non-conflict over goodness”. And that’s exactly where Alex Garland is at.

There is a moment in the movie where they refer to an “antifa massacre” without explaining anything about it: were the antifa massacred? Were they the ones committing violence? Who cares, the only thing important is bad people on both sides, violence is bad. You can’t do that, you can’t equate antifa to fascists or refusing to take a stance. If an elephant fights with a mouse, if you don’t take a stance, you’re for the elephant. It’s a movie about photojournalism that refuses to have a point of view, for fuck’s sake! Sound design is great though and it’s pretty well shot, but I really disliked it. And on top of everything the pacing is kinda bad, I was really bored at times.
Monkey Man was a bit over-directed and over-written but I don't care because I had so much fun. It reeks of cinema, passion and rage; you can feel that Dev Patel needed to get this film out, and all the stratagems they had to employ to shoot it give it an intensity and soul that few other action movies have nowadays.

To quote a Letterboxd review :


Go see it if you can.
Sometimes your Youtube favorites give you just what you needed, and remind me I really need a Conan rewatch:

Goddamn that soundtrack
Well shoot, that sequence sold me on watching the movie, good job lol.
It has a lot of early 80s cheese and low-budget feel to it sometimes, but it also has one of the greatest film scores of all time combined with one of Arnold’s best roles and an incredible performance by James Earl Jones. Plus a surprising amount of long, atmospheric shots like this one. Highly recommended.
challengers!! go see it. i like a few of guadagnino's other movies more than most but this one is really something else. electric filmmaking
okay so I just found out the Lord of the Rings trilogy is coming back to theaters in June, one night each.

and yall

it's the Extended Editions
okay so I just found out the Lord of the Rings trilogy is coming back to theaters in June, one night each.

and yall

it's the Extended Editions
I'm not sure I could handle a four hour movie at a theater, as cool as that would be. They should do them with an old-school intermission - everyone goes out to get a snack, a drink, mingle in the lobby while the LOTR soundtrack plays over the speakers, etc.
I'm not sure I could handle a four hour movie at a theater, as cool as that would be. They should do them with an old-school intermission - everyone goes out to get a snack, a drink, mingle in the lobby while the LOTR soundtrack plays over the speakers, etc.
I heard they had done intermissions during LotR showings in the past but I think that was when they were marathoning the trilogy in one day and they'd have intermissions between the movies. Dunno if when they play the Extended Editions they'd do intermissions in between each half. It'd make sense, I'd sure do it that way.
I always liked the DVD release of the Extended Editions because each film was on two discs and the split from disc 1 to disc 2 was always a great intermission point.

Plus it was goddamn comical to have the Council of Elrond end with:
Elrond: You shall be The Fellowship of the Ring.
*music swells*
Pippin: Great! ...where are we going?
*cut to black*
End of Part 1
The Straight Story (1999) - A truly gorgeous flick with a heavy dose of heart. My first David Lynch movie (Surely his other movies are as wholesome as this is smiles in an unsettling way at the camera).

Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins (2012) - Really sick action movie. It's so over-the-top at times but that doesn't prevent it from being extremely entertaining and have a good dose of heartfelt energy to it. The third act brings the ultimate action sauce I've ever seen on screen (that house fight is absolutely ridiculous). Maybe the only movie I've seen that has managed to brilliantly translate anime-level action to the medium of live action. What the heck is Hollywood waiting for to bring in Japanese directors for those live action anime adaptations they can't nail. This is the way to do it.
I was obligated to go see The People's Joker so I went and did that. Very complicated movie and I did walk away liking it. Had some extremely good bits.
Rurouni Kenshin Part II - Kyoto Inferno (2014) - Has better edited fight scenes than the first movie and looks gorgeous (better than the first even). Though, acting can be quite over-the-top at times. There are also some pacing issues, which are most likely due to the fact this is a two-parter. They're clearly trying to establish stuff, but some of it does not quite pay off here yet, as well as the ending being kind of abrupt.

Overall, the first is better for now, but maybe the third movie will end up better, with the amount of set-up out of the way?

It still has some magnificent setpieces (its action channels more swag than basically any Hollywood production ever, lol), as well as a good amount of visual eye-candy.

I was at a friends’ house the other night and their dad was randomly watching Last of the Mohicans, which I hadn’t seen in forever. I ended up sitting down and getting sucked in since it was close to the end, and… holy crap. I completely forgot just how incredibly hard that final sequence hits, even without watching more than half the movie! It’s definitely helped by having one of the best soundtracks of all time, because wow when that scene on the cliff starts playing out and the main theme kicks in… just beautiful, heartbreaking stuff.

Rurouni Kenshin Part III: The Legend Ends (2014) - As usual the action kicks, with a cool 4v1 in the third act. This installment centers itself a lot on the theme of self-worth, which allows Kenshin's character to progress and bounce off adversaries in great ways. On the other hand, pacing issues can still be felt, much like the second movie, and I would say they may even be a bit more pronounced.
I had the pleasure of seeing all three tobey maguire led spider-man movies in theaters over the last three weeks. Like most folks seeing them, I imagine, they were very formative movies for me. I personally think they hold up pretty well (though the post-9/11 nationalism is palpable in a few scenes). I think the stand-out feature of the series compared to the later series, and modern super hero movies in general, is the melodrama. They'll let things be sappy, or intentionally awkward, or a little slow. Not everything needs to be either action or jokes. Just a unique feel that feels (to me) to match the feeling of serial comics.

I personally think the movies get worse as they go, but they're all great. I was especially surprised how much the third one felt good in a theater, because I remember it being a slow drag in all my home rewatches since. The pacing actually felt pretty good. I know that popular opinion is that the second movie is the best, but part of me thinks that people like it because it's the only one with a happy ending. I think the lesson learned by Peter is too similar to the first movie. Can't deny Alfred Molina's performance though. The first will always be my favorite though. I just feel like it's lesson is infused in the whole thing, and Willem Dafoe really matches the tone of the film perfectly to me.

Anyways always fun to see a favorite movie back in the theaters again.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024). Pretty good. It's lighter on action in the third act than the modern trilogy that you'd expect and is a bit long. But, it lets you sink into its world, takes the time to develop and give you time with its characters. A lot of the new ones are quite likeable (or interesting), which is a pretty miraculous sell given it's about completely new. It is also a quite stunning movie most of the time (I think my only complaint is that sometimes the daytime forest scenes less colorful that you'd hope). Villain is quite charismatic. The intro will surprise you.

All in all, I don't think Zelda is going to have a big lack on good visuals or character relationships. Whether it can translate the energy of the series and how Wes Ball will manage Nintendo and Sony's limitations is still up for debate.
I had the pleasure of seeing all three tobey maguire led spider-man movies in theaters over the last three weeks. Like most folks seeing them, I imagine, they were very formative movies for me. I personally think they hold up pretty well (though the post-9/11 nationalism is palpable in a few scenes). I think the stand-out feature of the series compared to the later series, and modern super hero movies in general, is the melodrama. They'll let things be sappy, or intentionally awkward, or a little slow. Not everything needs to be either action or jokes. Just a unique feel that feels (to me) to match the feeling of serial comics.

I personally think the movies get worse as they go, but they're all great. I was especially surprised how much the third one felt good in a theater, because I remember it being a slow drag in all my home rewatches since. The pacing actually felt pretty good. I know that popular opinion is that the second movie is the best, but part of me thinks that people like it because it's the only one with a happy ending. I think the lesson learned by Peter is too similar to the first movie. Can't deny Alfred Molina's performance though. The first will always be my favorite though. I just feel like it's lesson is infused in the whole thing, and Willem Dafoe really matches the tone of the film perfectly to me.

Anyways always fun to see a favorite movie back in the theaters again.
Having rewatched the first two Spider-Man movies semi-recently, I agree about 2. It's a great movie but it rehashes a lot of elements of the first (including a supervillain who is driven insane by his tech) which makes it feel a little less standout. I think its biggest claim to fame is the train action setpiece, which is still incredibly impressive and a contender for the best fight scene ever put into an American superhero movie, but in terms of raw emotion and intensity, I'm not sure anything matches the final slugfest between Spider-Man and Green Goblin in the first movie. Just two characters punching the living daylights out of each other in a dark, creepy building. Beautiful stuff.

Generally speaking I think Spider-Man 2 benefits from a bigger budget and more confident direction from Raimi, but the first movie's story and bittersweet ending resonate slightly more for me, I would say.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024). Pretty good. It's lighter on action in the third act than the modern trilogy that you'd expect and is a bit long. But, it lets you sink into its world, takes the time to develop and give you time with its characters. A lot of the new ones are quite likeable (or interesting), which is a pretty miraculous sell given it's about completely new. It is also a quite stunning movie most of the time (I think my only complaint is that sometimes the daytime forest scenes less colorful that you'd hope). Villain is quite charismatic. The intro will surprise you.

All in all, I don't think Zelda is going to have a big lack on good visuals or character relationships. Whether it can translate the energy of the series and how Wes Ball will manage Nintendo and Sony's limitations is still up for debate.
Really glad to hear it's good, both because Zelda, and because munkey
So I actually hit two movies in the past few days:

The Fall Guy:
Gotta admit, I was not expecting this good of a movie. As someone who has been watching stunt BTS stuff for a while I recognized a lot of, I guess, stunt easter eggs? If that makes sense? There were several points where I was doing the leo_points_at_screen.webp at the equipment and tricks they were using in several moments. And I'm talking about the types of rigs that are normally painted out in post, but they're lovingly shown and allowed to shine here!

And I actually enjoyed the story, as even though it's a bit by-the-numbers in terms of beats the performers are having fun with it. Gosling and Blunt are darling, and the supporting cast is just goofy enough to add some seasoning to the whole thing. There's also some story beats/themes that to a slight degree paint the CGIification of Hollywood as an undesirable thing, and also paint (ending spoilers) deepfaking as the villain. It was directed by a former stunt coordinator and it really does feel like "what if a stunt team just made a movie about themselves?" and I think there's a sincerity to it that helps it work.

Also stay for the Jackie-Chan-esque BTS montage during the credits. There were several showpieces that I was sure were greenscreen while watching that it turned out they did for real (and it was often Gosling actually doing them for the closeups). Pretty rad little movie, thumbs up to everyone involved.

Boy Kills World:
What in the absolute motherfucking hell.
I went to see this knowing nothing except that it had positive word-of-mouth and a couple friends wanted to go. I was not expecting what I got. I thought it'd be a bloody revenge action flick but nope, it's a bloody revenge martial arts comedy. This movie oozes ridiculousness and I loved it. The fight choreography was a blast, the camerawork was nuts, Andrew Fuckin Koji is in it, the story made me afraid for the real world but succeeded in making me cheer for the hero, and the narration... my god the narration. I won't say it's similar to Stephen Chow movies, but it sure scratches the same itch. Geez.
Saw The Fall Guy. Pretty fun movie, if nothing particulay new or inventive. Gosling once again is literally me a crazy likable actor, and his chemistry with Blunt was wonderful.

I also caught the Phantom Menace rerelease. I think I liked it less than the last time I saw it, but being able to see the Pod Race and the Maul on the big screen was pretty fun.

Also my Twitter TL is flooded with people photoshopping Koba from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes into random movies, and I think that's very funny

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