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Pre-Release Elden Ring Hype Thread [Release date February 25th, 2022]

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I'm debating on whether to pick this up day 1. I will definitely buy it eventually, but I know I'll need to devote significant time if I have any chance of getting good enough to finish it. I struggled through a handful of Bloodborne bosses before other games and general life caused me to put it down. I've never played any other From games.
Interview with Hidetaka Miyazaki

In general, I’d like new players to feel unpressured and that they can approach the game at their pace. I don’t want to enforce any playstyle or particular route because I’d like them to experience that sense of freedom. And I realize that while we offer games with a high level of challenge, we design them in a way that feels fulfilling to overcome. But I don’t want new players to worry or stress about that difficulty too much.

In Elden Ring, we have not intentionally tried to lower the game’s difficulty, but I think more players will finish it this time. As I mentioned, the player’s level of freedom to progress through the world or return to a challenge later are all elements that I feel will help people get through the game at a more leisurely pace. Also, there isn’t a focus on pure action. The player has more agency to dictate their approach against, for example, the field bosses in the overworld and how they utilize stealth in various situations.
I'm really glad he gave It Takes Two a shout-out. Fantastic game.
The hype for Elden Ring has reached an all time high. Dan Tack at game informer did an AMA stream after playing the full game for 10 hours and stated it is now his most hyped game of his career/life. He’s obviously a big souls guy, but still very high praise.
I’ve never played a From game but I’m interested in Elden Ring. But I’m also intimidated as all get out. I’m not normally one for super hard games. Should I try an older From game like Dark Souls first, or would it be ok to just jump in here?
I’ve never played a From game but I’m interested in Elden Ring. But I’m also intimidated as all get out. I’m not normally one for super hard games. Should I try an older From game like Dark Souls first, or would it be ok to just jump in here?
Personally I'd just wait and jump in with Elden Ring since it's so close to releasing now. That said if you can find a cheap copy of Dark Souls 3 that'd be the closest to Elden Ring's gameplay if you want to give it a try.

The first Souls game you play is always the hardest though, more than anything you just need to be patient and willing to learn the systems, know that dying is fine and that it's a rpg in which you can grind if you need to. The games are not very demanding at all in terms of twitch reflexes and dexterity required.

Edit: Also use a shield if you want an easier time!
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The last time I was this excited for a game's release was Breath of the Wild.

In the past, I've forced myself to solo every FROM boss (and every platinum), but getting too old to spend hours angry and swearing; jolly co-op, let's goooooo.
Not saying BotW is bad but Elden Ring does fix a lot the problems that I have with BotW like the lack of enemy variety, the lack of expansive dungeons, and weapon durability.
I love weapon durability in BoTW. But in a Soulslike? No thank you. It's an annoyance in Dark Souls and I'm glad it's gone here (it is gone here right?)
The nice thing about the Souls formula is that it automatically makes exploration quite rewarding, just hide a bunch of cool weapons/spells into nooks and crannies like they do with the original games already but on a bigger scale map and you have a reason to go exploring everywhere, every side dungeon or treasure chest might have your future favorite weapon or a reason for a new build.
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I’ve never played a From game but I’m interested in Elden Ring. But I’m also intimidated as all get out. I’m not normally one for super hard games. Should I try an older From game like Dark Souls first, or would it be ok to just jump in here?
It will still probably be rough as you get your bearings and learn the "From" style of gameplay and all that, but I think Elden Ring is going to be a pretty good place to start. The simple change that you can go all over the map right away means that you're much less likely to get stuck on any one section or boss since you can just decide to move on and explore somewhere else and come back later.
All this new gameplay and I promised myself not to watch any of it. This is the Dark Souls of self-restraint, smh.
I recently picked up Dark Souls III again after not playing any Souls games in ages and it's kicking my butt (in 60fps thanks to BC <3). I've become too used to Sekiro, hope I'll be ok with Elden Ring.
The nice thing about the Souls formula is that it automatically makes exploration quite rewarding, just hide a bunch of cool weapons/spells into nooks and crannies like they do with the original games already but on a bigger scale map and you have a reason to go exploring everywhere.
That's part of the reason I find Bloodborne being the most beloved Souls-game on the internet pretty perplexing, to be honest.

Like imagine devaluing build diversity, humanity, and weapon pickups in the overworld in a Souls game.

I mean, uh, Elden Ring hype!
I’ve never played a From game but I’m interested in Elden Ring. But I’m also intimidated as all get out. I’m not normally one for super hard games. Should I try an older From game like Dark Souls first, or would it be ok to just jump in here?
Frankly? Use a cheat engine every now and then. I use WeMod when I'm stuck in a game on my PC.
I bought Sekiro physical, and then traded it in quickly after. I loved it, then hated how I just couldn’t progress and recognized it was only going to get harder.

So what say you all - XSX physical or digital here? Somethings telling me I’ll want to beat this one and I should go digital just for convenience (I also have around 45000 MS points)
I’ve never played a From game but I’m interested in Elden Ring. But I’m also intimidated as all get out. I’m not normally one for super hard games. Should I try an older From game like Dark Souls first, or would it be ok to just jump in here?
I think you should be good to jump in with Elden Ring. They're really emphasizing the fact that it'll be a more newcomer-friendly experience, relative to their previous games.

Is there any advice you have for newcomers coming into Elden Ring, whether that’s a suggested class or playstyle?

In general, I’d like new players to feel unpressured and that they can approach the game at their pace. I don’t want to enforce any playstyle or particular route because I’d like them to experience that sense of freedom. And I realize that while we offer games with a high level of challenge, we design them in a way that feels fulfilling to overcome. But I don’t want new players to worry or stress about that difficulty too much.

This time in Elden Ring, we have many options at the player’s disposal to confront challenging situations and use their cunning to outsmart enemies and bosses. They can come back to something later when they’re at an impasse so that they can have this freedom of progression and not have to bang their head against a wall over and over. They can figure out what to do and how to approach it again, at their own pace.
How has the ongoing discourse around game difficulty and accessibility impacted the way you’ve tailored and maintained FromSoftware’s trademark difficulty in Elden Ring? Was this something your team has been trying to be more mindful of?

Yes, we have. It’s a valid discussion. I feel like our approach to these games, not just Elden Ring, is to design them to encourage the player to overcome adversity. We don’t try to force difficulty or make things hard for the sake of it. We want players to use their cunning, study the game, memorize what’s happening, and learn from their mistakes. We don’t want players to feel like the game is unfairly punishing, but rather that there’s a chance to win a difficult encounter and make progress. We understand that Souls-like games are regularly associated with impossible levels of difficulty with high barriers to entry. But we try to design the games to make the cycle of repeatedly trying to overcome these challenges enjoyable in itself. So we hope that with Elden Ring and the new options it provides, it will be a success in that respect.

In Elden Ring, we have not intentionally tried to lower the game’s difficulty, but I think more players will finish it this time. As I mentioned, the player’s level of freedom to progress through the world or return to a challenge later are all elements that I feel will help people get through the game at a more leisurely pace. Also, there isn’t a focus on pure action. The player has more agency to dictate their approach against, for example, the field bosses in the overworld and how they utilize stealth in various situations. We’ve even reduced the number of hoops that you have to jump through to enjoy it in multiplayer. So we hope the players embrace that idea of receiving help from others. And we feel like the overall clear rate will go up this time because of these things.
I think you should be good to jump in with Elden Ring. They're really emphasizing the fact that it'll be a more newcomer-friendly experience, relative to their previous games.

This is a good point. The most difficult aspect for newcomers to FROM games is patience. You need to have patience to learn enemy attack patterns, and its intended that you don't often succeed at first. For gamers who are used to lightning DPS inputs, it can feel counter-intuitive and frustrating. Push through it, and learn that combat in these games is a dance, not a race.
Maintaining the media blackout has been EZPZ but I just can't wait to see you all on the other side later this month! After finally finishing the Dark Souls trilogy last year by beating DS3 for the first time, I feel ready to approach our glorious next incarnation of the poison swamp mechanic. 😂
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Maintaining the media blackout has been EZPZ but I just can't wait to see you all on the other side later this month! After finally finishing the Dark Souls trilogy last year by beating DS3 for the first time, I feel ready to approach our glorious next incarnation of the poison swamp mechanic. 😂
Same! I’m on blackout as well, although I’m sure I’ll read some reviews when those come out. Hard to believe we’re only three weeks out.
Previews are out! I'm not on media blackout AT ALL, I wanna know as much about this game as I can. So I've watched a few (the EZA one is great) and I'm really digging this. My only concern was I wanted an option to turn off blood, because I am babey, and it turns out that's in the options menu. That's for real the thing that turns ER from a "maybe" to a sure-thing for me. I am now full on hyped.
Dang, I wanna watch the previews, since I won’t be able to buy day one. But I kinda wanna go into it fresh.
I’ve never played a From game but I’m interested in Elden Ring. But I’m also intimidated as all get out. I’m not normally one for super hard games. Should I try an older From game like Dark Souls first, or would it be ok to just jump in here?
Its new comer friendly. The open world will allow you to not feel stuck on a tough area or boss. Can literally just go somewhere else until your stronger. The stealth element should also help
Got the platinum trophy on Dark Souls Remastered in preparation for this. I am super excited for it, I just hope the framerate will be more stable than what we got in the network test...
Still wondering why we haven't gotten the PC specs yet. I've seen that they were there for a few hours, at least the minimum specs, but got deleted again shortly after.
Not sure whether those posted really were the min specs or just bs. Really weird all around, I feel, given we're less than two weeks away from launch.
Yeah i thought that was strange as well. The specs that were listed for minimum specs seemed quite high tho so maybe there was a mistake?
Not sure if this counts as "proper forum etiquette" here, but...

If anyone wants to help me make an ST thread for Elden Ring, that would be appreciated. I could use the help.

Especially with anyone that uses or has good PhotoShop or Canva skills.

I can't upgrade my graphics card because of those skyrocketing GPU prices(still have a 1070) so I'm going to buy it on PS5. Probably it is also my most hyped game since BOTW(though not on the same level). While I like BOTW it has tons of problem I'd like to be addressed on the next batch of open world games. And Elden Ring seems to be the first built with this in mind. I hope I don't get disappointed.
I received the Demon's Souls remake for Christmas and as much as I enjoyed it, it didn't kick my ass anywhere near as hard as I thought. Please, Elden Ring, destroy me.
edit: accident

edit 2: while I'm here already - gotta say I'm extremely hyped. might end up with egg on my face, but i feel like this is the From game that i see through to the end.
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I can't upgrade my graphics card because of those skyrocketing GPU prices(still have a 1070) so I'm going to buy it on PS5. Probably it is also my most hyped game since BOTW(though not on the same level). While I like BOTW it has tons of problem I'd like to be addressed on the next batch of open world games. And Elden Ring seems to be the first built with this in mind. I hope I don't get disappointed.
This may be a dumb question, but can you update your GPU by having, say, a BestBuy or other technology retail company replace your graphics card with another one (like if I wanted to replace my graphics card in my laptop with a different graphics card that's more powerful)?

Sorry, I know nothing when it comes to computers, including my own laptop.

This may be a dumb question, but can you update your GPU by having, say, a BestBuy or other technology retail company replace your graphics card with another one (like if I wanted to replace my graphics card in my laptop with a different graphics card that's more powerful)?

Sorry, I know nothing when it comes to computers, including my own laptop.

Never had a laptop with dedicated GPU but usually they aren't removable like on PC. Instead they are fixated on motherboard.
I saw there was a new Vaati video that looked super interesting with minor spoilers and new stuff, and it is REALLY hard not to watch that. Only 12 days left, I can manage to be mostly blacked out until then. I think.
Still wondering why we haven't gotten the PC specs yet. I've seen that they were there for a few hours, at least the minimum specs, but got deleted again shortly after.
Not sure whether those posted really were the min specs or just bs. Really weird all around, I feel, given we're less than two weeks away from launch.
I half thought they accidentally posted the recommended as the minimum requirements by accident when I first saw them lol, would be funny if that's actually the case now that they're removed.
I‘m starting to feel that pre-release hype I last felt with Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne, before the Souls fatigue set in with Dark Souls 3.

And let me tell you it feels amazing to be 12 days away from a game that is the culmination of everything From has learned in the past decade.
Man the hype is real. There’s really nothing like playing a souls game at launch and discovering all the secrets as a community.

Highly recommend that you all subscribe to this channel to keep up with Elden Ring news and the person himself also warns out when there are going to be spoilers incoming.
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