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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Yeah, def feel MH6 will probably be announced ahead of March, likely at TGAs, or maybe revealed alongside Switch 2's announcement so they can just be like "It's on all platforms, including the Nintendo Switch 2!"

Seriously though, I feel Capcom does not get how to do Anniversary announcements for long-lived popular franchises like this.

Yeah, after Rise ending up on all platforms, the same happening with 6 / World 2 is the dream.

They can still do those "portable" entries like Rise, again multiplatform, as the stop gap. They usually launch with enough time in between so that there's not "too much" MonHun.
Little thing about 1. here.

As of now, outside of me (and others) wishing for it, there's no indication MH 6 / World 2 will be on ReDraketed.

You can't say that MH is a timed Nintendo exclusive, you could've only said that for Rise.

I don't see MH 6 / World 2 being locked to any of the big three. It's big enough to carry it's own weight, so an announcement at the TGA's or the 20th anniversary in March 2024 is the most likely outcome.
Oh, I recall them wanting to have the Monster Hunter franchise be a Nintendo exclusive a while ago. Since they helped with publishing Monster Hunter Tri and such. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2...nter_from_sony_playstation_to_nintendo_switch

I specifically say timed-exclusive because I'm sure the game would come to other platforms at some point like how Rise did, I'm also not sure if they've publicly changed this mindset. If they have then correct me.
not gonna happen, unless Nintendo really want to negatively impact Switch holiday sales
Holiday of the seventh year? Do you really think that who finally decide to buy a switch now will give up for a console that is not launched yet?

And Nintendo can do a price cut for current model to maintain the sales.

And Mario RPG can gain a new bundle with that new price or a trailer running on Switch 2 with a amazing ray tracing and day 1 path for free to people that buy it now.
In terms of Nintendo Live, worth remembering that it historically, despite what many including myself would hope, has been more focused on demoing older games and barely has had any focus on having upcoming games. They stuck it right next to Pax Prime with 4 upcoming releases announced and about to release and could only muster Super Mario Wonder, and the only previous one to demo a new game, if I recall, was the 2019 one which only did so for Brain Age and Ring Fit, so not necessarily mega-tons. Why they are trying to sell dedicated Nintendo fans on games they already have, I'm not Nintendo marketing. But that timing doesn't seem to imply it would have Switch 2 demos anyways, Nintendo wouldn't be demoing a March release of a console in November unless they had to (freed from the restraints of E3 demos, I imagine plenty of devs are quite happy), while an event like this in particular would probably do little to collide with any announcement itself, assuming its in line with how the Switch was announced. In other words the timing isn't indicative of anything happening or not happening to me.

I've searched Capcom's IR library and had seen no indication of some unannounced multi million seller releasing before the end of the fiscal year. I concur with others that that was assumed due to misunderstanding or miscommunication.
Oh, I recall them wanting to have the Monster Hunter franchise be a Nintendo exclusive a while ago. Since they helped with publishing Monster Hunter Tri and such. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2...nter_from_sony_playstation_to_nintendo_switch

I specifically say timed-exclusive because I'm sure the game would come to other platforms at some point like how Rise did, I'm also not sure if they've publicly changed this mindset. If they have then correct me.

Rise was very successful for initially being on a single platform, but World was more successful.

Outside of maybe keeping 6 / World 2 away from PC and Xbox in Japan again, i don't see Capcom limiting the sales of the next "big" mainline game in any way with exclusive shenanigans.

So 6 / World 2 will be PS5, PC and Xbox. That's pretty much a given.

The interesting thing is wether or not they're willing to port / day one launch it on Switch 2, too.

Technically, by the rumors, the device should be able to be a target, since RE Engine is very scalable.

But as of now, it's best to treat any MonHun announcement unrelated to anything Switch 2. ^^

So much of PR and announcements has dramatically changed, 20 years ago is irrelevant. It's like saying 10 years ago "Nintendo will never release a Hybrid because since the Gameboy they've always had a handheld and a home console".
Guess what, things change and old practises are not set in stone for eternity.

None of us know when the announcement and release will be but people arguing and being so sure when they do not have a clue is utterly preposterous and really, really boring to keep reading.
When i say 'traditional launch and reveal' i'm not comparing to anything 20 years ago, which is another thing people get overly attached with here. It's not like the ghost of Iwata is handling this launch either.

I'm looking at what Nintendo would do if they could just announce /launch a console normally in 2024, it would IMHO look very similar to how Xbone and PS5 were announced and revealed. The details may differ, but that's the kind of cycle we would expect, with perhaps less emphasis on specs. and more of a show not tell approach.

Would not suprirse me if that Matrix demo gets leaked eventually as part of the marketing.
I'm looking at what Nintendo would do if they could just announce /launch a console normally in 2024, it would IMHO look very similar to how Xbone and PS5 were announced and revealed. The details may differ, but that's the kind of cycle we would expect, with perhaps less emphasis on specs. and more of a show not tell approach.
You have no idea and neither do I.
No clue who the "we" you're speaking for is.
For my own reference, why do we think the person is "probably" talking about T239 at all (binned or whatnot)? The tweet seems to not be in response to anything and the other tweets from this person is just about GPUs in general.
as I said, they leaked stuff regarding Nvidia in the past. if I'm correct in that Drake related stuff is cordoned off, then this would have to be in the broader stack. there's also no other chip that has 8 A78 cores and 1280 cores, unless it's a cutdown Orin. so it's either that or a cut down T239. and again, assuming this is actually pointing to a chip

I'm blanking out on where I read it, but I believe CDPR said that they focused on Overdrive first, but will be adding RR to the other RT modes?
it didn't sound like they were definitely going to be adding it to standard RT, just that it could. even if they don't, I'm hoping they do for their UE5 plug-in for testing to see if it fixes the boiling issues

EDIT: it was at a different site. saw it on wccftech

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holy fuck, ray reconstruction does exactly what I hoped it would do in UE5

PC players need to collectively demand UE/Other RT-Deployed Engines expose a RT Res Scale option stat.

Also NVIDIA give us a SW Lumen toggle you cowards, I want to see how RR handles 1/16th Res RT.

But yeah, goes to show how heavy UE5's Denoiser is

Even with HW Lumen (1/4th res) RR replacing it moves this scene from 44 FPS to 50FPS with much better quality


I know what its doing is replacing and improving the denoisers so of course it looks "less noisy" but de-noising is really anti-aliasing for the aliasing caused by low ray counts vs. low pixel sample counts in rasterization. The immediate pure visual result to my eyes is "wow, it looks so much less aliased", I really would like to second the want to be able to manually mess with ray-casting settings for a demo like this. To be able to take this, and find exactly how many rays one can scale down to with DLSS ray reconstruction on to get similar visual results as the default without ray reconstruction would be the true test of how much more "performant" ray reconstruction is. It is night and day though, I'd love to try this on Portal RT, I have to imagine thats available if DLSS 3.5 is out, right?
I know what its doing is replacing and improving the denoisers so of course it looks "less noisy" but de-noising is really anti-aliasing for the aliasing caused by low ray counts vs. low pixel sample counts in rasterization. The immediate pure visual result to my eyes is "wow, it looks so much less aliased", I really would like to second the want to be able to manually mess with ray-casting settings for a demo like this. To be able to take this, and find exactly how many rays one can scale down to with DLSS ray reconstruction on to get similar visual results as the default without ray reconstruction would be the true test of how much more "performant" ray reconstruction is. It is night and day though, I'd love to try this on Portal RT, I have to imagine thats available if DLSS 3.5 is out, right?
aye, RR is coming to that as well. don't know if they gave a date though
No one with a short summary of Nates podcast yet?

  • The Nintendo Direct discussed three key game announcements: the first look at gameplay for "Princess Peach," the surprise reveal of "F Zero 99," and a revival of the GameCube classic "Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door."
  • Nate & MVG speculate that Nintendo is in a transitionary period, seemingly moving towards next-gen with the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. Leaked emails from Microsoft hint at this next-gen console's power capabilities.
  • The absence of "Metroid Prime 4" from the Direct is speculated to be because it may serve as a cross-generation game, held back intentionally to make a maximum impact on the next-gen console.
  • An Xbox leak suggests that the Switch 2 could be a full generation leap in performance, potentially on par with PS4 and Xbox One. The hosts discuss the potential use of technologies like DLSS to enhance performance.
  • Corporate maneuvers were touched upon, particularly the notion that Nintendo could be an acquisition target and their measures to prevent hostile takeovers. Nate ultimately conclude that Nintendo is far more likely to retain control.
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So, there's lots of pictures and videos of RT and DLSS technology being posted that look amazing, but I'm very tech-illiterate when it comes to these things and can't really distinguish between the different examples being shown, especially when numbers and different hardware parts are being discussed. If I want to try and look at idiot-proof videos for what we can realistically expect in terms of graphics/performance for the Switch 2 given the current low-ball assumptions on the hardware, i.e. something akin to base PS4 with DLSS, RT and such, would it suffice to do a simple YouTube search with "PS4 + DLSS + RT" to get an idea or should I look for something more specific?
  • Corporate maneuvers were touched upon, particularly the notion that Nintendo could be an acquisition target and their measures to prevent hostile takeovers. Nate ultimately conclude that Nintendo is far more likely to retain control.
I want to chuckle at the notion except. . . Microsoft's acquisition of Activision is at $69B and Nintendo's current market cap is $55B.

Nintendo would of course expect a premium, and there would be massive regulatory hurdles, but financially this is far less crazy than I first thought.

Still won't happen though.
Ridge Racer 8 will be a launch title.

cancelled for Switch 1 & moved to Switch 2 a couple of years back. first mainline RR since the PS3, probably sell billions.

This is exactly what I'm desperately hoping for. Ridge Racer also turns 30 soon. I feel old.


Side note: Nate's gonna investigate if F-ZERO GX is still a thing, in the coming months. I surely hope it is.
I want to chuckle at the notion except. . . Microsoft's acquisition of Activision is at $69B and Nintendo's current market cap is $55B.

Nintendo would of course expect a premium, and there would be massive regulatory hurdles, but financially this is far less crazy than I first thought.

Still won't happen though.
The fact Nintendo's "big pile o cash" is more than 10% of their entire value is extremely funny.

How do you do that? Why do they need such ludicrous(from my perspective and experience working with European companies) liquidity? They could drag their own stock price up at the drop of a hat.

As for the post from @P4bl0 on the chit chat, I agree strongly on "transitionary period". Princess Peach Showtime is Nintendo Switch's Mario Sports Superstars. From release window, to proximity to next gen, to being announced before and possibly releasing after next gen, to being multiple genres, based in the Mario Universe, and not being developed internally. It's really got all the hallmarks of a last gasp, hahahaha.
Good news. Ray reconstruction has no visible cost or is even slightly faster:

Of course, the t239 will have less tensor cores, so it will take a bigger hit, but traditional denoisers are also expensive, so in the end it shouldn't cost much to have ray-reconstruction on Switch 2. Earlier in the video they stated that Cyberpunk devs said that, while it's only available for path-tracing for now, it should be available for standard ray-tracing effects in the future.
So, there's lots of pictures and videos of RT and DLSS technology being posted that look amazing, but I'm very tech-illiterate when it comes to these things and can't really distinguish between the different examples being shown, especially when numbers and different hardware parts are being discussed. If I want to try and look at idiot-proof videos for what we can realistically expect in terms of graphics/performance for the Switch 2 given the current low-ball assumptions on the hardware, i.e. something akin to base PS4 with DLSS, RT and such, would it suffice to do a simple YouTube search with "PS4 + DLSS + RT" to get an idea or should I look for something more specific?
the most obvious ones would be stuff like Steam Deck, ROG Ally, and AYA Neo 2, and the like. that said, those have the caveats of them being PCs and not consoles with bespoke optimizations.

Digital Foundry has some good coverage. the first video has some ray tracing testing

I think it's evident at this point that Nintendo's internal codename for the new system is NG. It's used liberally in the FTC filing documents and is a clear derivative of NX. I think it's likely the codename that has been twisted into "Nintendo Switch NG" by other parties for clarity.

However, wouldn't Nintendo Switch NG be a pretty dope name for the final product? It sounds cool (of course), and could stand for a lot of different things: next generation, new games, and new graphics.
Ehh. I think it's just a shortening of Next Gen they're using for external purposes. Not very different from when I get tired of picking one of the names going around here and just refer to it as the "next thing".

NG is also pretty common Japanese term for No Good, enough to get its own Unicode character. 🆖
Those holding out all the way to year 7 for the Switch purchase during holiday season is going to drop that idea as soon as Switch 2 is announced?
Most people are expecting the next thing to cost something like 14-28% more than the current most popular model. It's very dissimilar from previous transitions.
Let's say the current information we have from the Nvidia leak is 100% accurate and nothing changes, and let's say that Kopite is 100% right and it is definitely the T239 at 8nm...

Would RT Reconstruction be possible with what we know so far?
Basically all the same stuff is possible, it just depends how much power you want to spend to get there and how much heat you're willing to put up with.
It’s possible on every other RTX GPU in existence so it’d be weird if it weren’t.
Possible is a lower bar than meaningfully useful, though.
I encourage you to look at Switch sales during the holidays against any other quarter
This made me curious about splitting up shipments by quarter. At this point the Jan-June quarters have one more than Jul-Dec, so take that into account.
Jan-Mar: 23.33m
Apr-Jun: 23.43m
Jul-Sep: 24.86m
Oct-Dec: 57.91m
August would:

2. Not distract away from the Switch's promotional cycle during its last holiday
Unless they announce in August and then make everyone forget about it in September, it sure would.
They going to say that Wii U was off the market and completely ignore that 3DS was still very active at the time
We can count on Switch's October-December 2023 for both hardware and software beating 3DS's full-year 2016.
So, there's lots of pictures and videos of RT and DLSS technology being posted that look amazing, but I'm very tech-illiterate when it comes to these things and can't really distinguish between the different examples being shown, especially when numbers and different hardware parts are being discussed. If I want to try and look at idiot-proof videos for what we can realistically expect in terms of graphics/performance for the Switch 2 given the current low-ball assumptions on the hardware, i.e. something akin to base PS4 with DLSS, RT and such, would it suffice to do a simple YouTube search with "PS4 + DLSS + RT" to get an idea or should I look for something more specific?
I would say no, since "PS4" is more akin to the handheld mode experience of NG Nintendo Switch, so instead of targeting 4K with PS4 specs, it's more likely targeting 1080p with PS4 specs after DLSS.

If you want a "more realistic", less "eye candy" look at what that means, you should look at videos that push DLSS Ultra Performance mode to its limits; even with an older version of DLSS, I am impressed that a sub-HD image can become very passable 1080p!

Now, if you can, imagine how many effects and polygons a PS4 could have rendered if a dev targeted 480p, and not 1080. It's a lot, right?

Well, that's about the performance we'd be looking at for NG Switch. Higher detail, lower internal resolutions.

TV Mode is a different beast, being more like a power-starved Xbox Series S. While I would say handheld mode is like "last gen with lower (internal) resolutions and more detail", TV mode is likely to be like "next gen with higher (output) resolutions and less detail".

It's in a funny space where FLOP for FLOP, the lowest common denominator is handheld mode's PS4-like performance, but it has more graphical features and better upscaling than say, Xbox Series X.
I want to chuckle at the notion except. . . Microsoft's acquisition of Activision is at $69B and Nintendo's current market cap is $55B.

Nintendo would of course expect a premium, and there would be massive regulatory hurdles, but financially this is far less crazy than I first thought.

Still won't happen though.
It would be basically illegal, per the Japan Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of 1949.
Still working on my dlss 3.5 breakdown, but basically : In its full desktop form, dlss 3.5 would be useful only in some edge cases. For the vast majority of RT workloads they'd be better off with a cutdown version.
This is why I'm waiting for UE5 DLSS 3.5 integration. We can compare the performance of RR against the closest thing the industry has to "standard" denoisers.
Given the willingness to pay for the latest nodes and the latest cores, could Nintendo have, in this hypothetical situation, released a Switch 2 within their realistic power budget, with an ARM CPU that could keep up with Microsoft's hypothetical 2020 ARM CPU well enough to at least run most current gen exclusives?
Assuming I understand your question, I don't think the situation would be radically different than it is now.

Switch 2 wouldn't change. The core in the Xbox would, but we have a pretty good idea of what that would look like. The 2018 ARM core, has a high performance server class variant, called the N1, which was optimized for the same process node that the Series consoles already use. At similar clocks, the Zen 2 devices tend to outperform it, but not by huge margins, and the power efficiency is much much higher. Which means that Microsoft could probably afford to push the clocks even further than they did in the Series consoles, making up some of that gap.

it's super cool that all the top tier hardware posters know the codename while I'm sitting here scratching my stinky ass staring blankly at the fucking wall
If people don t leak it, does it mean it says something about the console ?
I've heard this console name - probably code name, though I guess there is a microscopic chance that it's the actual name - from multiple people. However, I suspect at least a couple of those people have the same source behind the curtain. Not willing to put that Ultimate Source on blast.

The only "special information" that this code name has is that it allows you to instantly spot a certain class of fake leaks - leaks which look fake for other reasons anyway.

Also the thing that tells me benchmarking againt past leak cycles to draw a conclusion on release or announcement is pointless. Previous codenames were known very early on (café, revolution, dolphin etc). That we don't know it by now is a sign that Nintendo cracked down strongly on plumbing issues I guess.
I think this has to do with Nintendo changing their software release cadence. The "next" console was always a sort of open secret, and Nintendo (and other companies) almost needed to talk about them early, simply because they needed to fill the late-gen software slump with excitement. Code names were a way to do that.

Nintendo has really tried to kill the software slump this gen. During the ramp up, they depended on Wii U ports, and here in the cooldown, a lot of remasters/remakes, but there is a Giant Tentpole Release pretty much every year. Nintendo doesn't have a separate handheld line to keep making software sales from during the ramp up. I think Nintendo wants all eyes on Switch until the last minute.
I've heard this console name - probably code name, though I guess there is a microscopic chance that it's the actual name - from multiple people. However, I suspect at least a couple of those people have the same source behind the curtain. Not willing to put that Ultimate Source on blast.

The only "special information" that this code name has is that it allows you to instantly spot a certain class of fake leaks - leaks which look fake for other reasons anyway.

Very interesting!
This is why I'm waiting for UE5 DLSS 3.5 integration. We can compare the performance of RR against the closest thing the industry has to "standard" denoisers.

Assuming I understand your question, I don't think the situation would be radically different than it is now.

Switch 2 wouldn't change. The core in the Xbox would, but we have a pretty good idea of what that would look like. The 2018 ARM core, has a high performance server class variant, called the N1, which was optimized for the same process node that the Series consoles already use. At similar clocks, the Zen 2 devices tend to outperform it, but not by huge margins, and the power efficiency is much much higher. Which means that Microsoft could probably afford to push the clocks even further than they did in the Series consoles, making up some of that gap.
So yeah, a couple of comments. First of all, I'm imagining regardless Microsoft would be pushing their power budget as much as they can, RISC by its nature in theory should perform worse clock for clock, but be able to run at much higher clocks to regain the difference in performance (if done correctly of course). So I agree, that would be where the gap comes from, though I wonder how far they could push the clocks up with a customized N1 based CPU.

Also definitely useful insight but the question is less "how would this scenario be different realistically" (of course Nintendo wants to get away with the same profit margins if they can) but "Nintendo wants to ensure the maximal number of multiplatform current gen only games come to Switch 2, however, current gen is suddenly running on maximal feasibly clocked 2020 (ie, same node) ARM CPUs over Zen 2. Does the gap grow enough that Nintendo has no feasible response in 2024, or if they are willing to spend on the latest and greatest portable ARM has to offer for their power budget, could Nintendo feasible respond without losing insane amounts on their system?" The real question is how would this turn out in 2028 and 2032 for Microsoft and Nintendo respectively, but I'm leaving that up to "who the hell knows" so I think this version of the question is a bit more interesting.
I want to chuckle at the notion except. . . Microsoft's acquisition of Activision is at $69B and Nintendo's current market cap is $55B.

Nintendo would of course expect a premium, and there would be massive regulatory hurdles, but financially this is far less crazy than I first thought.

Still won't happen though.
just Pokemon alone is worth more what Microsoft paid to own Activision Blizzard,they will problaby have to spend $200 bilions to own Nintendo

If even former Nintendo employees think this is the case..

It gets interesting when they mention the "recap" at the end of the Direct, according to them this Direct was the last push for Switch only content.

Just a bit more clarification: They both think that Nintendo can have 1 more Switch-focused direct in early 2024, however, they also think that Nintendo will announce their next console early next year for a summer release.

If even former Nintendo employees think this is the case..

It gets interesting when they mention the "recap" at the end of the Direct, according to them this Direct was the last push for Switch only content.

yes that recap section, on the end of the Direct, give me end of generation vibes, here our finals anouncement for Switch, enjoy them, next year you all gonna play next 3D Mario on our next console
Just a bit more clarification: They both think that Nintendo can have 1 more Switch-focused direct in early 2024, however, they also think that Nintendo will announce their next console early next year for a summer release.
They definitely know what they're talking about given their until-very-recently history with the company and tendency to predict events and Directs with a very high degree of accuracy way ahead of time, Krysta was predicting there would be no Zelda HD ports at the last Direct despite knowing for a fact they've existed as completed Switch titles for a good while now (she's either seen or played them), which does make it look like they're perhaps being held back for one final Switch-focused event
They can still do those "portable" entries like Rise, again multiplatform, as the stop gap. They usually launch with enough time in between so that there's not "too much" MonHun.
They will probably have stopgap MH entries, because if MH6 releases lets say next year, the next entry is not gonna be MH7. Ideally those stopgaps lets them be creative.

Kamiya got a this controller to obviously implement color buttons on their switch 2 projects lol
the most obvious ones would be stuff like Steam Deck, ROG Ally, and AYA Neo 2, and the like. that said, those have the caveats of them being PCs and not consoles with bespoke optimizations.

Digital Foundry has some good coverage. the first video has some ray tracing testing

I would say no, since "PS4" is more akin to the handheld mode experience of NG Nintendo Switch, so instead of targeting 4K with PS4 specs, it's more likely targeting 1080p with PS4 specs after DLSS.

If you want a "more realistic", less "eye candy" look at what that means, you should look at videos that push DLSS Ultra Performance mode to its limits; even with an older version of DLSS, I am impressed that a sub-HD image can become very passable 1080p!

Now, if you can, imagine how many effects and polygons a PS4 could have rendered if a dev targeted 480p, and not 1080. It's a lot, right?

Well, that's about the performance we'd be looking at for NG Switch. Higher detail, lower internal resolutions.

TV Mode is a different beast, being more like a power-starved Xbox Series S. While I would say handheld mode is like "last gen with lower (internal) resolutions and more detail", TV mode is likely to be like "next gen with higher (output) resolutions and less detail".

It's in a funny space where FLOP for FLOP, the lowest common denominator is handheld mode's PS4-like performance, but it has more graphical features and better upscaling than say, Xbox Series X.

Thank you both for the videos and the insights, very helpful!

The only "special information" that this code name has is that it allows you to instantly spot a certain class of fake leaks - leaks which look fake for other reasons anyway.

Okay now I’m actually more excited than I was before to find it out haha
2. Nintendo Live is apparently happening in Hong Kong and Taipei. They announced it last night in such short notice.

It's happening in Hong Kong on November 11th - 12th
It's happening in Taipei on November 25th - 26th
Very weird timing, considering that after WarioWare, their releases only consist of remakes beyond the Peach game, which isn't launching for another 5 months. They could very well have something before both of these dates. It seems weird to me to do this at all if they weren't going to have something around this time.
I don't think these new Nintendo Live dates are really indicative of anything beyond the fact that Nintendo is really happy with how these community events have done in Japan and now the United States, and wish to expand ASAP. The recent one in Seattle is the only one so far that had an upcoming title available to play. Otherwise, the focus of these events are squarely on being casual gatherings for Nintendo fans and their families to play multiplayer games with others (Hong Kong and Taipei will probably add WarioWare to the mix), watch tournaments, and attend concerts.
They definitely know what they're talking about given their until-very-recently history with the company and tendency to predict events and Directs with a very high degree of accuracy way ahead of time, Krysta was predicting there would be no Zelda HD ports at the last Direct despite knowing for a fact they've existed as completed Switch titles for a good while now (she's either seen or played them), which does make it look like they're perhaps being held back for one final Switch-focused event

Kit also called Paper Mario TTYD being in this specific direct. Granted, he did say, "it's been heavily rumored for a while now"
They will probably have stopgap MH entries, because if MH6 releases lets say next year, the next entry is not gonna be MH7. Ideally those stopgaps lets them be creative.

Kamiya got a this controller to obviously implement color buttons on their switch 2 projects lol

Bayonetta 4 finaly having a console with colored buttons to it actions, red A for punch?
So, there's lots of pictures and videos of RT and DLSS technology being posted that look amazing, but I'm very tech-illiterate when it comes to these things and can't really distinguish between the different examples being shown, especially when numbers and different hardware parts are being discussed. If I want to try and look at idiot-proof videos for what we can realistically expect in terms of graphics/performance for the Switch 2 given the current low-ball assumptions on the hardware, i.e. something akin to base PS4 with DLSS, RT and such, would it suffice to do a simple YouTube search with "PS4 + DLSS + RT" to get an idea or should I look for something more specific?
From what I can understand, we’re getting a PS4 in handheld mode and PS4 pro in docked. With better image quality + RT.

What we can expect?

Current gen games. I guess Series S videos would be good, but the new Switch will have better image quality than Series S games.
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do you really believe that the entirity of Mario Kart team was working on the Booster Course Pass, of course not, DLC require less resources/personel then working on a game
My overall point still stands. It doesn't make sense to release Mario Kart 10 BEFORE the next 3D Mario. The user I quoted speculated that Mario Kart would release in 2024 and 3D Mario in 2025. I don't agree with that assessment that's all.

Why announce DLC for Mario Kart 8 in 2022 that lasts for 2 years if the next entry comes out in 2024? Mario Kart 8 already had DLC courses on the Wii U, Deluxe has been out on Switch since 2017. Why make the decision to release 6 WAVES of DLC if the next entry was coming so soon?

Again the conventional wisdom for the past couple years was that the Switch 2 would launch with TOTK in 2023. That obviously didn't come to pass. It's safe to say we're not getting a new 3D Zelda game as a launch title with the Switch 2 in 2024. Next best thing is 3D Mario.
Okay so neither of these posts are getting what I'm saying. I'm not talking about my own expectations, price or anything like that.
But the second post in particular misunderstands that we wouldn't get all 512gb either as well as the fact that MS is now replacing that with a(more expensive but my point isn't costs)1TB. 512 gb in 2024 would be less than all their selling machines atp.

I get what you're saying but if Switch 2 did launch with 512GB it would undoubtedly have more available storage than the Series S so you were technically incorrect- unless you think the Nintendo OS is going to balloon from 6.1GB to something nearer the Series S 148GB in a single generation. Considering one of their explicit design choices is a very light OS this is essentially impossible.

Redesigns / new models having more storage (at a greater cost) is whatever and not what you originally said.

Anyway, not even sure what your point is / was. A hybrid having less storage is absolutely expected + the market has shown to not be at all bothered by this (afterall the OG Switch had far worse storage in comparison to the PS4 than the Switch 2 will to PS5) + people's choices in the smartphone market show that lower cost, reduced storage options are more popular..............

So yeh. 128GB is my expectation and that will be reasonable. 256GB would be the dream scenario
Regarding MH; I think they will continue with 2 mainline games per generation but it doesn’t mean it will be a home console game followed by a portable entry.

Regarding switch directs; I still think we will get one more direct (either general or mini) in Q1 to announce the rest of Switch 1 2024 lineup, including LM2 and PM TTYD dates. They will continue to give Switch support through FY2024/25 and surely 2025/26. Also late third party ports/collections, small-mid budget games (including indie stuff) will help the transition to be very smoothly.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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