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StarTopic Resident Evil 4 |ST| Back 4 Bingo

Great ST. Game controls brilliantly. I might triple dip on Xbox once they fix the control issues there.
I can't get over how they've managed to make the controls less precise than an 18 year old game
They must have really fucked up the console versions because at least on PC, it's much, much better controlling than the original. It's frankly the most smooth controlling third person shooter I've ever played.
I'm playing on PS5 and I feel like my accuracy at the end of every chapter has been way better than my OG RE4 runs (maybe outside the Wii version because duh).
They must have really fucked up the console versions because at least on PC, it's much, much better controlling than the original. It's frankly the most smooth controlling third person shooter I've ever played.
Barring deadzone issue on Xbox demo, no complaints. Even has gyro on PS5.
Me after I get caught in my 79th bear trap

Yeah I was just trying to guess. Personally think the game controls great.
I think Capcom messed up with the default sensitivity and speed setting for camera and aiming. They might've tried keeping things too close to RE Village versus how RE4 should feel. But I really hope they fix the demo issues still present.
I wasn’t going to get this for a while as every trailer just looked like the OG game albeit much prettier. As I have played through the game twice on GC, once on on the Wii, the HD version on PC and most recently on the Quest I had little interest to play the game again any time soon.
Predictability I succumbed to the hype and boy oh boy am I glad I did, it’s basically a completely new game. It also fixes my only very minor gripe with the OG which is its focus on action at the cost of Exploration.
I’m so happy right now , I’m pretty sure this is going to be one of my favourite games of all time, it’s so damn good!
the only thing that surprises me here is that you thought this was 1:1 exactly the same but prettier from the trailers. I've not even watched the last two trailers and knew that wasn't what they were doing at all.

but at least you're enjoying it!
The bear traps in this are a prime example of how video game graphics becoming full of hyperdetailed elements and visual "clutter" just creates so much visual noise that makes environments hard to read which is why the yellow paint on item drop boxes and ledges has to exist. The bear traps are just impossible to even notice unless you're sneaking and looking at the floor now.

Sometimes "better" isn't better.
One thing I'll say is that it's a shame Del Lago wasn't made better. It might actually be worse, since it's not only monotonous this time, but also super easy. Even on hardcore I can't imagine it puts up much of a fight.
The bear traps in this are a prime example of how video game graphics becoming full of hyperdetailed elements and visual "clutter" just creates so much visual noise that makes environments hard to read which is why the yellow paint on item drop boxes and ledges has to exist. The bear traps are just impossible to even notice unless you're sneaking and looking at the floor now.

Sometimes "better" isn't better.
I'd say it is better - they actually implemented a gameplay mechanic that was in the original in a way that actually factors into the gameplay loop of the village. Vs. the original where it had one memorable section in the beginning and few uses after. It's neat you have to check your surroundings more consistently.

Edit: erased the part about the original, could just be wrong
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The control issues on Xbox are annoying but I might still get it anyway...
It's also not really a graphics thing, the OG game had hard to spot bear traps too. Especially because that game had 2 colors, brown and grey. They were just rarely in the game.
Can't really say that this mirrors my experience with the original at all. Maybe this was more of an issue with the crappy PS2 version but in the other versions the bear traps are barely obfuscated. And in the HD version they stick out. In the RE4R demo I didn't even realize what I had stepped into.
Can't really say that this mirrors my experience with the original at all. Maybe this was more of an issue with the crappy PS2 version but in the other versions the bear traps are barely obfuscated. And in the HD version they stick out. In the RE4R demo I didn't even realize what I had stepped into.
Hm idk, maybe? The thing is the only time the traps are placed well in the original is also the time they're hardest to see, and they're not used often in general. I'd load up the HD version and take a screenshot but im lazy so I'll take your word for it.
I haven't really felt any weird controls on Xbox, for what it's worth! Something felt off to me playing Village on Series S, but this is totally fine. Excited to play a bit more today.

Also I love the bear traps lol I'm with @Dardan Sandiego that they never really felt like they served a purpose in the original because you can just see them out there on Front Street 99% of the time. Here you really do have to be careful...or just walk into a lot of them like me, laugh and slam a chicken egg
do the bear traps even do damage or is that only on hardcore? since I swapped around between both difficulties I don't remember when I paid attention but one definitely didn't do any damage and basically just locked me into the animation of getting out
do the bear traps even do damage or is that only on hardcore? since I swapped around between both difficulties I don't remember when I paid attention but one definitely didn't do any damage and basically just locked me into the animation of getting out
I don't think they do. But they do keep you in place in a game that doesn't really have i frames.
Hey. I don't know if you are already discussed this but, how is the performance on series S?. It's the only way I could play it right now.
I’ve been using the setting that favours frame rate and it’s been mostly great! Feels close to 60, couple little dips here and there. Haven’t tried the resolution setting yet
I don't think they do. But they do keep you in place in a game that doesn't really have i frames.
really hate the not having any iframes whatsoever when I jump roll through windows into a crowd and I get up super slowly and then immediately get grabbed without any chance to make an input
What's the word on its performance on PS4? I've tried the demo and it ran well enough, but I'm worried that some later are will be awful.
I'm really surprised the aiming is seen as worse. I finished Chapter 1 with 80% accuracy, and I've never ever done that. Perhaps I'm taking less shots because Leon is a little more mobile this time? So I'm taking higher quality shots overall rather than praying and spraying?

I love this game.
Spent a good hour and change on Chapter 4 / exploring the lake, called it at the typewriter before the church approach. I think that's been my favourite part of the game so far, docking at all the little areas, lootin', shootin'. That wrecked ship in the middle! So cool.

Props to Leon for going absolutely full rip on that boat's motor no matter how hard you push the trigger, he is party people
The hardest part for me is trying to ignore years and years of muscle memory. The literal second ganado killed me like a piece of shit just because i rushed on him looking for a round kick after an headshot...except he wasn't stunned at all lol. Now that i'm starting to learn how the game wants to be played things are going way smoother.

Really fucking impressed so far btw.

It's RE4.

But different.

But still the same.
In case (like me) you missed this news because you were busy playing Resident Evil 4: The Mercenaries update hits on April 7th! Not too far at all.

What's the word on its performance on PS4? I've tried the demo and it ran well enough, but I'm worried that some later are will be awful.
I’m playing the PS4 version and honestly, I’m at chapter 5, but the game runs pretty smoothly. RE engine scales pretty well. Some textures are lower res, but hey, I feel like I’m not missing out on anything the newer systems have.

Not surprised the game is running this well. Village ran perfectly well too.
This game has been a blast so far. Love the knife parry, melees and guns feel powerful (though the reloads aren't as satisfying as the OG), and I love how they've remained largely faithful but also changed things up in some spots to mess with my expectations.

The description for hardcore saying it was for people who played the OG baited me into trying it and honestly... it's been pretty smooth sailing. One death so far from a stick of dynamite during the one area where you get the Eagle emblem because I didn't notice my health wasn't at full lol. Whenever I've been running low on ammo the game has been doing a fairly good job at stocking me back up again, so here's hoping it keeps up that way
Loving the game, and have even fully adapted to the Xbox controls and have no problems there...

....is anyone else noticing a lot of texture pop-in? I'm on performance mode with RT on, and it seems like it happens a lot. Every time I open the attache case and close it, there is pop-in. Cutscenes sometimes have it. I'm also noticing another weird issue where the lighting/colour will 'pop' into a new setting as I enter a new doorway. Then when I run back through it, it fades properly to the different setting, but it oftentimes just pops to the new setting.

This isn't effecting my play through or anything like that, but it is kind of strangely unpolished.
Loving the game, and have even fully adapted to the Xbox controls and have no problems there...

....is anyone else noticing a lot of texture pop-in? I'm on performance mode with RT on, and it seems like it happens a lot. Every time I open the attache case and close it, there is pop-in. Cutscenes sometimes have it. I'm also noticing another weird issue where the lighting/colour will 'pop' into a new setting as I enter a new doorway. Then when I run back through it, it fades properly to the different setting, but it oftentimes just pops to the new setting.

This isn't effecting my play through or anything like that, but it is kind of strangely unpolished.
I'm on PC, but I've noticed some texture pop-in as well, mainly whenever the camera zooms into something up close like when examining certain objects. Can't say I've noticed the lighting thing though
The catapult section is just annoying
I like it. One of my favorite part in the OG actually, and it didn't disappoint me in the remake. Maybe even better. You can aim and shoot zombies with the canon !
Always felt satisfying to me to destroy the catapults one at a time.
I'm going into this very excited for the gameplay, which looks better than the original, but worried for the comedy/dialogue, which looks like it might be less funny. Someone needs to tell Capcom they can put the personality and sense of identity of REVII and REmake 3 into their prestige titles like REmake 2 and 4 :ROFLMAO:
Just finished Castle. So far, beyond the "your right hand comes off ?", all the corny lines are there.
That one isn't there simply because Ramon doesn't contact you by radio this time.
It's very, very faithful. Just somehow even bigger than the original which already was a fucking huge game.

I loved that you can still sit on the throne... And they have the dialogue text "now isn't the time to rest" appear like it was in the original, same sound effect for the text and everything
Great ST. Game controls brilliantly. I might triple dip on Xbox once they fix the control issues there.
Xbox version results in diminished prestige of this legendary game, due to the busted deadzones. Sad times.
My PS5 copy arrived today! I was able to pre-order it during one of Target’s B2G1 deals over the holidays, so it only cost me like, $40. Pretty good deal.
I think I’m getting worse at action games, I’ve died several times now. Or maybe it’s because it’s 1 am over here. Playing on normal btw.

I’m reading that others who started with hardcore are pretty content, but even as someone who completed the OG twenty times, REmake is tougher than the original. Encounters with the Ganados are for more engaging and versatile.

Arrived in the castle, the first encounter did not agree with me 😅

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