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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST14 Nov 2022| Comfy And Easy To Wear

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I don't know if you were still looking for some strategy game suggestions, but I wanted to throw a couple your way just in case. These are RTS games, so if you like the more turn based strategy these won't fit that bill. Just an FYI, I'm absolutely terrible at the genre, but there are a few that I've had a blast playing anyway.

The Age of Empires games are great. 2 might be my favorite, but 4 is really good as well.
Age of Mythology is fantastic as well.
If you want to see the beginnings of the genre, Dune 2 is where to start. It's pretty primitive, but it's a great history lesson of where it started.
Command and Conquer is another series that I really like, especially the early titles.
The Total War games are highly regarded, but they are a little too in depth for my brain. Extremely high quality though.
Total Annihilation is great. It's pure chaos and just a ton of fun. It was also the first RTS to use 3D models and structures for everything.
Myth is good one. It was made by Bungie before their Halo days.
Blizzard's craft games are also fantastic, but as you know they aren't the same company now as they were back then, so it's hard to full on recommend them anymore. What happened to Warcraft 3 will forever haunt me.

Sorry if these have been mentioned to you before. I just really like to point out games for people to play that they may not have heard of. There's a lot more out there of course, but I'm a scrub at these games and these are the ones that I've really enjoyed playing.
Halo wars was my only real experience with the genre before. I decided to try empire at war the other day, I’ve owned it for a while but never played it until I got my steam deck and I fell in love with the game.

Age of empires is a series I’ve been eying for a while but a lot of those others I’m not that familiar with it. I have to see if they’ll work on the deck good or not. ProtonDB is usually a good place in that regard.

Would the command and conquer remaster be a good one to check out?
Welp, my AirPods, or the right one anyway, started making an awful low frequency hum when using the noise cancellation. They are as old as can be (gen 1 around launch) and have dropped to the floor a million times, but I don't really feel like buying a new pair. Luckily it is just the noise cancellation, and the sound is alright when I disable it.
I had the same issue, apparently it’s a known issue and they’ll fix it for you for free
Halo wars was my only real experience with the genre before. I decided to try empire at war the other day, I’ve owned it for a while but never played it until I got my steam deck and I fell in love with the game.

Age of empires is a series I’ve been eying for a while but a lot of those others I’m not that familiar with it. I have to see if they’ll work on the deck good or not. ProtonDB is usually a good place in that regard.

Would the command and conquer remaster be a good one to check out?
It would! All it did was update the resolution and graphics. The cutscenes are all the same and the gameplay is intact. It's a great remaster. If you get into it, they also sell the entire series in one package, and there are some all time classics in there.
Welp, my AirPods, or the right one anyway, started making an awful low frequency hum when using the noise cancellation. They are as old as can be (gen 1 around launch) and have dropped to the floor a million times, but I don't really feel like buying a new pair. Luckily it is just the noise cancellation, and the sound is alright when I disable it.
I'm looking for just about any excuse to upgrade to the new airpod pros but mine are still too new to justify it. the second they start to even begin to go bad though, I'm springing for the new ones!
I'm intentionally ignoring that news about Russia and Poland for my own sanity so instead I'll remark about how cold it's been the past few days and in fact it's snowing outside right now. I don't like snow. Let me enjoy my autumn! Autumn forever, down with winter.
Joining you in this to preserve my sanity because my friend's have all the tactful nuance of a raging bull in a teashop when discussing this development.

My first regret with the first snowfall is that without fail, everytime, the entire populace forgets how to drive. I'll be swearing and cursing up and down the highway so much it'll make a sailor blush.
It would! All it did was update the resolution and graphics. The cutscenes are all the same and the gameplay is intact. It's a great remaster. If you get into it, they also sell the entire series in one package, and there are some all time classics in there.
I will say the games you listed do work on the deck so I’ll add them to my wish list and keep an eye on them on the next big steam sake, thanks for the recommendations.
I had the same issue, apparently it’s a known issue and they’ll fix it for you for free
Oh, is it this thing? https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues

It says it covers affected Airpods for three years, and these are older than that. I'll still check if there's anything they could do.

I'm looking for just about any excuse to upgrade to the new airpod pros but mine are still too new to justify it. the second they start to even begin to go bad though, I'm springing for the new ones!
Hah! To be honest, that's how I also thought I'd be, but now that the chance is there, I don't feel like taking it! It may be just today though, and tomorrow I'll rush to order a new pair 🙃

Ooh I don't know ever since getting some nice noise cancelling Anker headphones I don't think I could go without!

I also have a Bose headset with noise cancelling that I use while working, and that's when the feature is most important for me. I think I can manage without it on the AirPods, although I may change my mind after the first commute on a train.
Joining you in this to preserve my sanity
yeah I’m in this boat too

events are at the top of my mind and with everything else going on today (a lot) I simply have to… I don’t even know but I simply must

not that it hasn’t derailed my tenuous grip on a hard day but

wow I’m not succeeding at not



hey @bellydrum also just fyi the dark mode secret html background is now white instead of black — got a bright lil status bar in the phone zone


not urgent but just in case you didn’t know

not that I’m one to talk about code fixes because I’m in this mode right now at my job and also life

I dug out my good ol DS Lite, and it still feels so nice to use. Also, I need a new Elite Beat Agents.
I really like airpods in both execution and concept, but I have enough qualms to never get them again

not being repairable is a big one. like I’m not even a hardcore “all things must be repairable” person, I get the limitations of a certain kind of consumer tech, etc etc

but like… getting Bluetooth issues after a few years where I’d either have to do pricey pricey repair or get new ones? occasionally not charging? etc?

it’s enough to tank it for me

if they were perfect for all my needs, and less expensive, maybe

but working with audio and video means pretty much any added latency is a bust

so I’m not gonna pay that much just to listen to jams in my underwear when I’m making dinner and doing the dishes

I succumb to the cord

I am tethered

I will begrudgingly cook with pockets
With Super Nintendo World going open in America next year, I have a suggestion for the American Universal parks: Open up a Kirby Cafe within the parks. I want a place in the states I can go to eat adorable Kirby themes food and buy Kirby merchandise. I want this so much.

If y'all don't know about the Kirby Cafe, take a looksie here.
I have a better suggestion:
Open up Kirby Cafes in cities all across North America. Don't restrict it to Florida and Southern California, give the love to the masses. World peace is yet achievable!

My first regret with the first snowfall is that without fail, everytime, the entire populace forgets how to drive. I'll be swearing and cursing up and down the highway so much it'll make a sailor blush.
I live in a place where it never snows and the populace here still forgets how to drive. I assume it's triggered not by snow but by the sun rising and people existing.

having worked in both fields, I finally feel seen ❤️
I'm just over here trying not to start any games cuz I know I'll just drop them the instant Pokemon is playable
yeah I’m in this boat too

events are at the top of my mind and with everything else going on today (a lot) I simply have to… I don’t even know but I simply must

not that it hasn’t derailed my tenuous grip on a hard day but

wow I’m not succeeding at not



hey @bellydrum also just fyi the dark mode secret html background is now white instead of black — got a bright lil status bar in the phone zone


not urgent but just in case you didn’t know

not that I’m one to talk about code fixes because I’m in this mode right now at my job and also life

This issue is bothering me much more than I thought it would lol
I really like airpods in both execution and concept, but I have enough qualms to never get them again
Airpods are one of the (admittedly relativy few) Apple products that I suspect would be far less popular if they weren't Apple products, especially the Max version. You can get better sound quality and/or battery life for cheaper (and noise canceling for the Pro/Max versions). It seems like the main appeal for many is how easily they pair with your other Apple devices, but presumably this is something you only do once and not something I would personally make a purchasing decision over
Happy birthday Nate! Go get turnt on a Tuesday and may your cuppeth of Hennessy flow freely!
Happy birthday, Nate! Hope you can celebrate it as it should!

Airpods are one of the (admittedly relativy few) Apple products that I suspect would be far less popular if they weren't Apple products, especially the Max version. You can get better sound quality and/or battery life for cheaper (and noise canceling for the Pro/Max versions). It seems like the main appeal for many is how easily they pair with your other Apple devices, but presumably this is something you only do once and not something I would personally make a purchasing decision over
You’re right, but if you have a whole Apple ecosystem at home it really is very practical. It’s not just the ease to connect, it’s also the fluidity you can go from one device to another, like if I’m listening music on my Mac and then my phone rings I can pick it up and the music will stop automatically so I can answer the call with my AirPods. (Also I like them because I hate in-ear headphones)
...how do I see the newsletter again?
I think you've gotta subscribe to it... somehow? It's a personalized email thing. Check in your My Nintendo account settings, there's probably an opt-in setting in there somewhere
I assume the stats must be a North American thing only, because I see nothing of the sort in my newsletters
Trying out some cool customization features while considering what we can offer via the Shop

What kind of free customization options would you want to buy from the Shop?
Trying out some cool customization features while considering what we can offer via the Shop

What kind of free customization options would you want to buy from the Shop?
how can I make my posts seem more serious? I want people to really take my posts seriously

Trying out some cool customization features while considering what we can offer via the Shop

What kind of free customization options would you want to buy from the Shop?
entrance theme wrestling style every time I post and haven't posted in a bit
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