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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST10 2022 July| ve A Live

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None of my irl friends own an Xbox right now and have not had one since the 360 days. I have never owned owned one until a month ago. My friend list is, therefore, a wasteland.

If anyone here feels like adding me to their friend list, shoot me your gamertag via DM or just reply to this post, since we don't have a dedicated thread.
Yo @chocolate_supra! How do you feel about vinyl records?

Either way, I think you should check this out purely because look at this beautiful cover art:

Interesting. They are ending MCU Phase 4 early. It ends with Black Panther Wakanda Forever. Daredevil getting an 18 episode series. New Captain America announced. Phase 5 ends with Thunderbolts.
Dude you left out the best reveal:
None of my irl friends own an Xbox right now and have not had one since the 360 days. I have never owned owned one until a month ago. My friend list is, therefore, a wasteland.

If anyone here feels like adding me to their friend list, shoot me your gamertag via DM or just reply to this post, since we don't have a dedicated thread.
I’m DrMSnap on Xbox. Haven’t been on it lately but I have a Series X.
lmao Marvel is going into phase 6 now at the panel thing. It's so weird seeing how differently the film industry operates with this stuff than the gaming industry. Can you imagine Nintendo just laying out all their releases for the next 4 or 5 years? lol. I mean, i know most of that is just due to the nature of how the two industries operate differently but i do feel like the video game industry doesn't need to be quite so damn secretive all the time.
I still think Marvel is doing way too much stuff at once, but I'll take more Avengers movies and Loki season 2 thank you very much.
I'm sure I'll watch those Marvel things but I'm not sure I'd say I'm "hyped" for any of it. So long as they're entertaining diversions I'll continue to stick around.
I mean, hard to get hyped when a lot of them are so far off. I have trouble even getting hyped for stuff that’s two weeks away, never mind years.
Yo @chocolate_supra! How do you feel about vinyl records?

Either way, I think you should check this out purely because look at this beautiful cover art:

I actually don't do the vinyl collecting thing but holy cow I want that art on my wall.
I really don’t care for Marvel. A shame chase there’s so much content and the only things I will watch on my own are Spider-Man.

Anything else has to be free or I’m invited to go see. Haven’t even watched some of the fan favorite films like Infinity War.
What if in the next Nintendo Direct Nintendo shows us the Zelda -after- Breath of the Wild 2 and just puts a 2028 tease at the end?
Re: Marvel stuff

Kang is one of the few comic villains I already knew about before being brought into the MCU, and since his comics story seemed to me to be sorta reminiscent of Trunks (if Trunks eventually became Cell and he found out and went back to stop it), I've been intrigued and been fanficcing in my head for years how he and Nate Richards could weave into the MCU. Now that he's not just popping up in Loki and Quantumania but also seems to be the big bad for the wholeass Multiverse Saga? Color me hyped three years ahead.
Might have mentioned this before, but the only thing Marvel I am looking forward to anymore is Across the Spider-Verse.
I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Black Panther 2, but goddamn that trailer was great. Probably the best trailer for the MCU.
After 6 months of being stuck in that horrible workplace, my girlfriend has finally had her last day there this Friday and moved on.
She at least got to leave on a good note as parents, kids and colleagues gave her some lovely parting gifts and cards showing just how much she was appreciated, which was great as while she was there she felt like she wasn't making a difference, now there's at least some proof she had a positive impact.

We're celebrating with a weekend of gaming, Godzilla movies, and "corrupting" each other with foods from our respective cultures. (Kangaroo burritoes, crumpets, and vegemite from me, Asian snack foods from her)

My weeb indoctrination continues; she has me watching Evangelion, drinking Strong Zero and eating green tea flavoured Pocky. She has also been taking me along on her World of Warcraft raids and rubbing my head for good luck while she grinds for rare loots drops haha
Real talk though, I hope the MCU gets its shit together from here on out. Spider-Man and Shang-Chi are the only good movies of this phase and the shows haven't been nearly as good as they could be. She Hulk doesn't look good but I'd be glad to be wrong. Black Panther 2 looks really good and I have high hopes for Ant Man, so hopefully those are the start of something great.
Real talk though, I hope the MCU gets its shit together from here on out. Spider-Man and Shang-Chi are the only good movies of this phase and the shows haven't been nearly as good as they could be. She Hulk doesn't look good but I'd be glad to be wrong. Black Panther 2 looks really good and I have high hopes for Ant Man, so hopefully those are the start of something great.
I genuinely think this is gonna be a similar thing to the Infinity Saga. Phase 1 was "wtf who even are these characters, how is any of this gonna connect and make sense?" Then Phase 2 was "oh okay, we're picking up steam, the characters have worked their way in and got their footing, this stuff is really good now." Then Phase 3 was "This is literally what we've been hoping and asking for all along."

Change 1, 2, and 3 to 4, 5, and 6 and I think we have the same thing with the Multiverse Saga. Especially since mutants and Fantastic Four are finally coming into play, bringing fans the "picking up steam" moments. Plus there's rumors we'll be getting more Spiderman and Fantastic Four coming in so late could set up Phases 7-9 to be the fuckin Galactus Saga. And that would be rad.
whenever I hear about a million marvel projects coming down the pipe (two avengers in a year?) I just think “damn, those poor VFX artists”

legit I hope none of them have to work a second of overtime
I’d be more excited for 2025 movies if I was sure America would still be a democracy and not some kind of Christian fascist hellscape. I mean, any more than it already is.
None of my irl friends own an Xbox right now and have not had one since the 360 days. I have never owned owned one until a month ago. My friend list is, therefore, a wasteland.

If anyone here feels like adding me to their friend list, shoot me your gamertag via DM or just reply to this post, since we don't have a dedicated thread.

Invitation is open to all on Fami
I also have this awful metallic taste in my mouth, it feels like my saliva is burning or something, Jesus it's awful.
Had the same issue, it was gone after roughly a week. Here's hoping for it to be gone sooner rather than later in your case as well!
I'm pretty excited for all of the MCU stuff, but I am a little concerned. I'm not a comic book guru in the slightest, but the more knowledgeable ones on ERA seem to think that Disney is trying to speed run through Secret Wars.

I don't know anything about the plot(s) in the comic books. I just hope the storyline is good in the film.
My CPAP is broken and its 80 degrees F most nights here so sleeping has been like it was during my worst years, pretty sporadic. Should get it fixed just as the nights become pleasant again.

Also avoiding One Piece and XBC3 spoilers like it was my job.
Just finished Watching Everything Everywhere All at Once. This movie goes at a million miles per hour. I feel like I need a smoke and I don't even smoke.
So hype for classic colors Daredevil in She Hulk
Decided to watch Wheel of Time. The books have been one of those things I considered getting on and off, but my Strange Brain demands I buy them all at once and so I've not got round to it yet. Read through the whole Realm of the Elderlings a couple of years ago, and read through all of the Stormlight Archive so far last year, so maybe I'll get into the Wheel of Time books... at some point in the future.
Decided to watch Wheel of Time. The books have been one of those things I considered getting on and off, but my Strange Brain demands I buy them all at once and so I've not got round to it yet. Read through the whole Realm of the Elderlings a couple of years ago, and read through all of the Stormlight Archive so far last year, so maybe I'll get into the Wheel of Time books... at some point in the future.
I was obsessed with Wheel of Time in high school, I remember being on a speculation forum for future books (that’s still there! Dragonmount) all the time. I can’t say how well it holds up (there’s definitely some questionable gender dynamics) but If you go in keeping in mind it started in the late 80s I think it’d be fine. The only real issue is that it’s 14 giant books long, so it’s kind of an undertaking.
Gonna need some time to relax from this wild and busy evening.

Marvel Comic Con panel.
Second game of the Guardians doubleheader.
Minnesota Aurora in the USLW final.
Minnesota United match.

And I run Discord servers for those three teams.
I just got two different instances of Xenoblade 3 ads while scrolling Twitter. So either ads are really ramping up, or the algorithm just knows me very very well
I'm pretty excited for all of the MCU stuff, but I am a little concerned. I'm not a comic book guru in the slightest, but the more knowledgeable ones on ERA seem to think that Disney is trying to speed run through Secret Wars.

I don't know anything about the plot(s) in the comic books. I just hope the storyline is good in the film.
Not sure how speedrunning Secret Wars is a concern when it's the finale to Phase 6 and we're still in Phase 4. Unless they mean Secret Wars should take up more than one film? In which case I could see them sprinkling the setup all through the Multiverse Saga, while the actual titled film is the finale of all that. Especially since incursions have already been namedropped in a film this year.
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