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Do the different docks have different limits in how much power they pass through? They're all using the same AC adapter.

The bottom of the Nintendo Switch dock mentions having a max output of 18 W (15 V * 1.2 A).

But the bottom of the OLED model dock mentions having a max output of 39 W (15 V * 2.6 A).
When you say “prominent exclusives” I’m assuming you mean ports of 3rd party multiplats that are just exclusive to the Drake model…and skip the older models?

I don’t think this is going to happen as much as you think it will. I also don’t think even when it does happen, it will drive hardware sales much. 1st party drives Nintendo hardware sales.

The only 3rd party games that have any possible affect on Nintendo hardware sales are 3rd party Nintendo console exclusives (meaning not also available on all the pc/Xbox/PlayStation platforms)

I will be surprised if these publishers who didn’t think their game would sell that well to the 100 million Switch userbase to be worth the effort, will start clamoring to port to the 15 million Drake Switch userbase.

They will still have the same concerns if the demand from the switch userbase for game X is worth the effort to bother.

There will be some “vanity” projects ala Witcher 3 playable on the Lite, but it won’t be as many as you think.

Yep. We all get it by now. You have a backstage pass to Nintendo. Everything you think it right and everything that goes against what you think is wrong.
Handheld rdr2 that doesn't look or run like shit is the dream

I’m a weirdo who bought it for PS4 Pro and never put the disc in, and then sold it months later with the system. I just couldn’t get myself to bite on such a meaty game on the TV at the time. Still likely wouldn’t.

But I’d absolutely give it a shot on Drake.
Do we know why Nintendo lowered GPU clock from 921 MHz to 768 MHz in docked mode? I hope that Drake will go as high as possible.
The userbase of a pro update of a console is going to be a lot more engaged, higher software attach rate, than an original release console. That hypothetical 15 million could look pretty good.

AAA 3rd party gaming enthusiasts who will spend $500 on new hardware are the type who own multiple systems and/or invest in the 3rd party gaming system with the best fidelity/performance possible and the best online/services community as possible.

This will never be a Nintendo machine, not even the Switch.

I think people severely overestimate the appeal of playing a big AAA multiplat on a 7” 720p screen portable. Sure, there are gamers who who would love to play Red Dead Redemption 2 only portable and never play the Xbox/pc/ps version…but it isn’t that large. The majority market of that kind of game is elsewhere

I’m absolutely welcome to be proven wrong on this! But I haven’t been swayed yet. Only people theorizing about it.

If Red Dead Redemption 2 gets a Drake only port, I bet it wouldnt sell much more than 1 million tbh. Certainly nowhere near 3 million. And it really does seem if publishers of these big games don’t feel the promise of at least 3 million lifetime sales is there, they don’t put time/effort in a port for that platform. Pc/Xbox/ps has the promise of these minimums, no matter the userbase size. Even a Nintendo machine with 100 million userbase you are lucky if your multiplat port gets close to 3 million in sales.

I don’t think the power of Drake docked will change this much, tbh.

Nate said there will be third party exclusives and Stephen totilo revealed that one of them is Red Dead Revolver 2. There's a big chance this is gonna be another GBC.

I do believe there will be 3rd party Drake exclusives, of course there will be. I just question what type they are. The genre, how many other platforms it’s on already, what Drake will offer that all the other platforms it’s on doesn’t…etc

As for RDR2 being on Switch and only playable on the Drake? I have to see it to believe it. Supposedly Rockstar doesn’t think the effort to remaster GTA4 and RDR for the big 3rd party platforms is worth the return. If that’s true, porting a major game to just the low userbase Drake platform has to be the very LAST of their dev porting priorities lol

And the thing about "1st party drives Nintendo hardware sales" thing is wrong, multiple excellent Mario games couldn't save Wii U.

Multiple excellent Mario games were on the portable option at the time.

The problem with the Wii U was that it didn’t get enough 1st party gaming and 3rd party exclusive gaming support at all. Nintendo and other were divided in supporting multiple different Nintendo systems at the same time.

No amount of COD or AC or FIFA releases on the Wii U would have pushed hardware sales.

Making the Wii U the only place to play Zelda and Mario and Pokémon games? Not 3ds? I think you’d be surprised how much the Wii U would have sold. Even with the U in its name lol

Certain games sell Nintendo consoles and they're both first and third party alike: Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest etc.

You mentioned 3rd party games that are console exclusive to Nintendo machines lol…of course they help drive sales, I said as much.

We are talking about big multiplats that sell very well on pc/Xbox/ps.

And you'll see some multiplat third party games pushing Nintendo systems as some are better suited for handheld gameplay. Like Stardew Valley.

Yes. Again, how well is Stardew Valley selling on Xbox and PlayStation?

There are absolutely 3rd party games that can compete against Nintendo 1st party games on Nintendo systems. Lego games will never miss a Nitnendo platform, for example.

We aren’t talking about those. We are talking about the “support” people always lament Nintendo machines never get enough of. We are talking about “support” people are saying Drake power is going to get Switch that the earlier models never got.

Also, I disagree that Stardew Valley pushed any Switch hardware. I would argue that Switch software pushed Stardew Valley sales on the Switch. Stardew Valley is a game that is very complimentary with the 1st party games that actually drive Switch sales. People pick up Switch for Animal Crossing and then get interested in trying Stardew Valley. Not the other way around.
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I think you're putting too much stock in the wording. Nintendo can always mean the Switch branding itself. "Game Boy" lasted from 1989 to 2010, for example.

I’m as putting as much stock into wording as Nintendo does.

They won’t even use “console 2” to identify an actual next gen successor model. They certainly aren’t going to use it for a mid gen revision model.

You act like the way PlayStation names successor models isn’t I known thing in the console industry…
I’m a weirdo who bought it for PS4 Pro and never put the disc in, and then sold it months later with the system. I just couldn’t get myself to bite on such a meaty game on the TV at the time. Still likely wouldn’t.

But I’d absolutely give it a shot on Drake.

This is me too, I can’t play big meaty games on a TV much anymore (only ones are the PS exclusives like Days Gone) if I can pick them up on Switch I am much more likely to play them.
They won’t even use “console 2” to identify an actual next gen successor model. They certainly aren’t going to use it for a mid gen revision model.
If that's the case, how are they planning to differentiate the device from their revisions when it's the time to move on to a new generation? I think it will be important to know, since not everyone is able/willing to buy every single revisions every 2 years
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Do we know why Nintendo lowered GPU clock from 921 MHz to 768 MHz in docked mode? I hope that Drake will go as high as possible.
Original Erista Tegra would thermal throttle if it had maintained 921MHz all the time. 768MHz is "post-thermal-throttle" clocks.

Seeing how Drake is an entirely new SoC model on a node that is smaller than Erista's, it'll likely have higher "post-thermal-throttle" clocks as Mariko had headroom for such a boost, but Nintendo kept it the same for both Erista parity and increased battery life, but we don't even know what the standard clocks for the Drake chip even are...
Agreed. People are constantly dismissing the effects that third party support has over the Switch to be this successful.

Maybe third parties don’t drive as much as first party games, but we can’t deny that having a very vast and diverse library has helped the Switch to soar to new heights.

What’s the best selling 3rd party multiplat on the Switch that can also be found on the pc/Xbox/ps? Just curious.
Tests of a new "Switch Oled" model?

at the FCC:
2016 Swtich V1 reviewed under HAC-001
2019 Switch V2 reviewed under HAC-001
i.e. information was updated with a SoC and Memory upgrade letter therefore CPU Mainboard change.

at NCC (Taiwan):
2021: Switch Oled for development was revised HEG-002.
Why not in the FCC? because in the FCC the user manual is uploaded with the DEVKIT specifications. Therefore so far it is kept secret.

At the FCC:
2021 Switch Oled was reviewed under HEG-001.

Already on January 10, 2022 the internal and external photos were to be published. But if you check they are not enabled, why? maybe they issued a confidentiality letter for 180 days not to be published giving them a modified version of Switch Oled to certify, if it was immediately on July 13 it will be one year since the Switch Oled was reviewed at the FCC so they should announce something before that date, or automatically will be visible the letter of modification of the original model with the details.

Analyzing the HEG codename for the Oled
E=EL oled in Japanese
G=??? perhaps a reference to "Gameloop".
hello! does that confirm the fact that we will have an announcement on the 13th? and why on the 13th I don't understand? according to markomaro we will have metroid prime on the 13th
Do we know why Nintendo lowered GPU clock from 921 MHz to 768 MHz in docked mode? I hope that Drake will go as high as possible.
Standard/reference clocks don't really matter for devices like this. It's just what the chip designer feels is the sweet spot between performance and yields; while they have their methods for arriving at their numbers, the clocks themselves are ultimately rather arbitrary. When the form factor is this small, battery life isn't your only concern; thermals are as well. You can only dump out heat so quickly, and the smaller the object, the more difficult it becomes.

Drake, as we've seen from the leak, is a rather large chip. I can tell you with near certainty that it'll actually be even further from its reference clock in Nintendo's next device because of that. That's fine overall though; generally speaking, it's more efficient to have more cores clocked lower than fewer cores clocked higher. Put another way, let's say a hypothetical 6 SM Ampere variant drew 8W at full clocks. Underclocking a 12 SM part (like Drake) to draw that same 8W should get you more performance than using the 6 SM part at full clocks.

Nintendo's power targets will decide the clock speeds, not the other way around (which is why they stepped down to 768 MHz). Drake is big enough that they're almost certainly going to underclock it, but that's okay.
I imagine it will get much more third party support overall if it was more powerful. I think the Xbox Series S should help keep the bar low for current-get exclusive games which will help a future Switch 2 tremendously.

Nah. Xbox One X specs kept the bar low enough that the Switch could have gotten a reasonable port of any Xbox One game released 2013-2022 (Witcher 3 is a good example)

It didn’t, though. Hardware wasn’t the barrier.

The power of the Drake compared to Series S won’t change this dynamic.

Drake still wont get any “exclusive” ports of multiplats that appeared on the Xbox one from 2013-2022, even though Drake is clearly superior hardware wise than the Xbox one. So, forget about Series S lol

Basically all the western publishers have supported the Switch where they could (CDPR with TW3 port; EA with Apex, FIFA, Plants vs Zombies; Ubisoft with Immortals Fenyx Rising, old Assassin's Creed ports, Mario Rabbits, Just Dance; Take Two with GTA Trilogy, LA Noire, The Outer Worlds, BioShock; ABK with Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Tony Hawk)

Yep. Switch had fantastic 3rd party support, imo. Best of any Nintendo machine. The appeal of playing these games portably does change dynamics a bit.

But Switch support the next 3-4 years won’t be any different than the kind we’ve seen the last 3-4 years. Regardless of Drake existing.

Nintendo's biggest issue with third party was always their performance level, if Switch 2 is just a refinement on the Switch that's much more powerful, I really believe they'll reach near parity with PS5/XBS in terms of third party support.

No way in hell does any Nintendo machine reach near parity to Xbox/PlayStation in terms of multiplat support.

One is primarily a 1st party gaming machine, the other two are primarily 3rd party gaming machines.

It has nothing to do with “performance level” of Nintendo machines that dictate 3rd party port support. Nintendo’s biggest issue with 3rd party is that most multiplats can’t compete against Nintendo 1st party games on Nintendo platforms.

1st party Xbox/ps games are completely congruous to popular AAA 3rd party multiplats of the day (by design they are).
Just wondering: to stop leaks do separate factories fabricate the components and maybe assemble a section of the console early on?
I obviously don't know how Nintendo does it, but that sounds like a very expensive and complex operation just to stop leaks. It may be cheaper and easier to hire outside security firms ("ninjas") to deal with the risks; Nintendo themselves admitted doing so in the latest shareholders Q&A.

also, are the "colors" the leaker speaks of actual colors or is that jargon for something?
They are actual product colors.

If you are confused about Chinese, you can @ me. I will be faithful to the original.
Thank you very much for the offer. The typical content is not difficult for me, but sometimes certain internet lingos or pop culture references puzzled me. For example, at one occasion I didn't understand why people were referencing Popeye (大力水手); only after @Kysen kindly pointed out to me that it meant DLSS, I realized that it's a play on the pronunciation (Dà Lì Shuǐ Shǒu). So clever.
I will unfollow then, but how do we recognize the real nintendo insiders/leakers? thank you !
Self-claimed leakers that don't back their claims up are usually frauds. Even those with a proven track record can sometimes forecast events that don't materialize.

I would suggest you don't pay much attention to this subject at all. It's a waste of time. The OP of this thread is all you need. Thanks, @Dakhil BTW.
Self-claimed leakers that don't back their claims up are usually frauds. Even those with a proven track record can sometimes forecast events that don't materialize.

I would suggest you don't pay much attention to this subject at all. It's a waste of time. The OP of this thread is all you need. Thanks, @Dakhil BTW.
ok thank you!
Rdr2 is a really bad game (at least, I hated it), but I almost wish those bullshit rumors about it releasing on regular switch were true just to behold the technical marvel (or trainwreck, but I doubt it; I'm sure it would look surprisingly good).
As for RDR2 being on Switch and only playable on the Drake? I have to see it to believe it. Supposedly Rockstar doesn’t think the effort to remaster GTA4 and RDR for the big 3rd party platforms is worth the return. If that’s true, porting a major game to just the low userbase Drake platform has to be the very LAST of their dev porting priorities lol
Doubt it, a simple port does not require to update the game assets (other than buttons mapping) like you would with a remaster.
They have over 2000 employees, putting a few of them to work on a port is anything but unreasonable.
I obviously don't know how Nintendo does it, but that sounds like a very expensive and complex operation just to stop leaks. It may be cheaper and easier to hire outside security firms ("ninjas") to deal with the risks; Nintendo themselves admitted doing so in the latest shareholders Q&A.

They are actual product colors.

Thank you very much for the offer. The typical content is not difficult for me, but sometimes certain internet lingos or pop culture references puzzled me. For example, at one occasion I didn't understand why people were referencing Popeye (大力水手); only after @Kysen kindly pointed out to me that it meant DLSS, I realized that it's a play on the pronunciation (Dà Lì Shuǐ Shǒu). So clever.
Let's look this, https://lab.magiconch.com/nbnhhsh/
Although it has nothing to do with 大力水手.
I mean, thirds will be more compelled just to support the switch 2/Pro (I don’t care what it is, neither should you) because of the ease of doing so.

And switch has a decently good sweep of third party support going on for it.
I mean, thirds will be more compelled just to support the switch 2/Pro (I don’t care what it is, neither should you) because of the ease of doing so.

And switch has a decently good sweep of third party support going on for it.
Nintendo just need to slot in the Switch 2 in the performance profile of a low end PC and even the laziest devs can support it by just playing with the sliders.
There's no reason to think Nintendo won't be positioning it as such, the Switch was in many ways approached in a similar way. A lot of early ports were clearly sold as take your Unity/UE4 , play with sliders and release your game.

It's only been in the last couple of years that 3rd parties felt they had to put in a bit more work to get their titles running on Switch at the desirted IQ and FPS and impossible ports became part of the conversation.

It's fair to say in 2017 March, no one really thought we'd be seeing impossible ports as routine which is why that Doom 2016 drop in the Sept 2017 direct was in many ways much more important to the whole conversation of what is possible on Switch than any other release, including BTOW. so on one hand expectations have also been raised. But generally a 2TF device with modern GPU features in and DLSS in 2023 is much better positioned to get lazy ports of PC releases than a 400 GF device in 2017 because baseline PC specs did not expode 5 fold in 5 years.
Nah. Xbox One X specs kept the bar low enough that the Switch could have gotten a reasonable port of any Xbox One game released 2013-2022 (Witcher 3 is a good example)

It didn’t, though. Hardware wasn’t the barrier.

The power of the Drake compared to Series S won’t change this dynamic.

Drake still wont get any “exclusive” ports of multiplats that appeared on the Xbox one from 2013-2022, even though Drake is clearly superior hardware wise than the Xbox one. So, forget about Series S lol
The Witcher 3 was not a reasonable port. It was a miracle port and even then the Switch really struggled with it.

Yep. Switch had fantastic 3rd party support, imo. Best of any Nintendo machine. The appeal of playing these games portably does change dynamics a bit.

But Switch support the next 3-4 years won’t be any different than the kind we’ve seen the last 3-4 years. Regardless of Drake existing.
Switch itself? Sure. Switch Pro/2 will absolutely have more exclusive big AAA games. (By exclusive I mean exclusive to the Switch 2 and not on OG Switch, not exclusive to Nintendo entirely)

No way in hell does any Nintendo machine reach near parity to Xbox/PlayStation in terms of multiplat support.

One is primarily a 1st party gaming machine, the other two are primarily 3rd party gaming machines.

It has nothing to do with “performance level” of Nintendo machines that dictate 3rd party port support. Nintendo’s biggest issue with 3rd party is that most multiplats can’t compete against Nintendo 1st party games on Nintendo platforms.

1st party Xbox/ps games are completely congruous to popular AAA 3rd party multiplats of the day (by design they are).
Why can't the Switch also be a third party machine?

Also if third parties didn't care about the Switch they wouldn't release anything on it but like you said the Switch had fantastic 3rd party support. I'm just saying "Drake" will get more demanding games because it wouldn't need a miracle port to get it on the system.
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It’s a chicken and egg scenario
What I meant by that is the user I was replying to even said that the Switch had great 3rd party support. I’m sure if western publishers could get their more demanding titles on the Switch, without having to pull off a miracle port that cost so much money it might not even be a ROI, they absolutely would
Switch "XYZ" will serve Nintendo as a bridge to the next console, whether it be, hybrid (continuing the Switch series) or something completely new as Nintendo, unlike its competitors, is used to doing.
"PRO" (used once only by Sony for ps4) or "2" (never used by Nintendo from memory) are distinctions that do not change the perception of what it will be: a new model that will run more modern games.

Checked again and yes, he did say so. I wonder if it's still being made for base Switch. Or they moved completely to Drake.

But wasn't supposed to be the first chapter of RDR to come to Switch?
And most importantly, is Totilo reliable?
Original Erista Tegra would thermal throttle if it had maintained 921MHz all the time. 768MHz is "post-thermal-throttle" clocks.

Seeing how Drake is an entirely new SoC model on a node that is smaller than Erista's, it'll likely have higher "post-thermal-throttle" clocks as Mariko had headroom for such a boost, but Nintendo kept it the same for both Erista parity and increased battery life, but we don't even know what the standard clocks for the Drake chip even are...
I think do have an idea of what the max clocks could be when looking at the AGX and NX models. Quite a few of them hover around 920 Mhz for the GPU.
I think do have an idea of what the max clocks could be when looking at the AGX and NX models. Quite a few of them hover around 920 Mhz for the GPU.
using the 32GB AGX model as a reference (it has 256 more cores than Drake), 930.75MHz is the max gpu frequency. however an unknown amount of power is taken up by the DLA cores (1.4GHz), those DLA controllers (742MHz), and PVA cores (704MHz and 486.4MHz). potential clocks could be higher
Handheld rdr2 that doesn't look or run like shit is the dream

If the game is really in development for Switch and Drake this is most likely what R will for Switch since it’s CPU and Ram limited (especially in docked mode):

  1. DRS - the game will most likely run at 480-520p. Run higher or lower resolution depending on what is showing on screen.
  2. Low amount of foliage - there will be foliage but it will be greatly toned down
  3. Low resolution shadows - absolutely lowest quality possible and perhaps blob shadows on characters, NPC and animals
  4. Agressive LoD - characters, objects and more will have reduced polygon budget from short distance
  5. 15fps character animations - just like aggressive LoD the game will run character animations at 15fps from a short distance
  6. No additional animations - swaying trees, foliage and more are turned off
  7. Less particles - lots of particles will be toned down
  8. reduced texture quality - worse quality to save on bandwidth
Drake will probably run full fat PS4/XBO version at ease in undocked mode and docked mode even if it doesn’t utilize DLSS
If the game is really in development for Switch and Drake this is most likely what R will for Switch since it’s CPU and Ram limited (especially in docked mode):

  1. DRS - the game will most likely run at 480-520p. Run higher or lower resolution depending on what is showing on screen.
  2. Low amount of foliage - there will be foliage but it will be greatly toned down
  3. Low resolution shadows - absolutely lowest quality possible and perhaps blob shadows on characters, NPC and animals
  4. Agressive LoD - characters, objects and more will have reduced polygon budget from short distance
  5. 15fps character animations - just like aggressive LoD the game will run character animations at 15fps from a short distance
  6. No additional animations - swaying trees, foliage and more are turned off
  7. Less particles - lots of particles will be toned down
  8. reduced texture quality - worse quality to save on bandwidth
Drake will probably run full fat PS4/XBO version at ease in undocked mode and docked mode even if it doesn’t utilize DLSS
The GA107 Die is about ~167mm^2 and has 24SMs

Drake would have half as many so it would be at least ~80mm^2 solely to the GPU

4-8 CPU cores (big and/or LITTLE) would be about, er, 30-50mm^2?

This would be about the size of the Steam Deck APU.

So, it’s most likely 8nm.

And thus, expect very low clocks.
Reminder that RDR2 runs better on PS4 than Witcher 3 ever did.
But reminder also that if rockstar never bother bringing the more lucrative and less resource intensive GTA 5, there's very little reason to expect them to go through the trouble for RDR2.
I think the complete opposite of this. When Japanese studios make graphically demanding games they do that to woo the western audience. Many of them, including Namco and Square, are under impression that the "core western gamers" do not own Switches so they skip the system for certain games. Namco could have made a Tales game that could run on Switch and sell better, but they focused on next gen systems thinking they would have their Monster Hunter World moment. They were mildly successful but they thought wrong. Nintendo needs more than a powerful platform to have a full Japanese support. They need to make sure they know that Nintendo rules west too. Otherwise we would have Dark Souls 2 on Switch by now.

On the other hand, many western games skip Switch due to hardware limitations. There's nothing stopping the publishers like Activision, Ubisoft and Take Two to release ALL of their lineup other than weak hardware. Take Two have already brought whatever they can to Switch and Ubisoft is doing the same slowly. Once the more powerful hardware arrives, they'll dump the games they couldn't on Switch.

My prediction: No Elden Ring or Yakuza unless Nintendo directly requests the ports from respective publishers. But stuff like Mafia trilogy, Modern Assassin's Creed games, Call of Duty could be part of the launch window lineup of this next Switch.

It didn't! 3DS had a very rough first year in 2011, so bad that Nintendo had to cut $70 off its price. They had MK7 and SM3DL ready for fall but the hardware sales stayed slow until 2012 where they launched AC and 3DS XL. In japan, however, Monster Hunter 3G gave the console a boost in fall 2011.

Mario games sell astronomically but Nintendo needs stuff like AC, Pokémon and MH to move hardware. Mario alone does not make the console an attractive purchase there needs to be more than that. Wii U is the sole evidence of that, it had neither a real Pokémon or AC game.
Your agreeing with me that the hardware price was making it difficult for software to move hardware. Once the price was dropped, MK7 & other keys titles during that period started moving hardware & building momentum for the titles after it. AC & MH capitalized on this momentum along with the XL.

As for the WiiU, it’s evidence that the console was a product for no one. The irony is that MK8 was a major contributor to hardware sales.

As we have seen with Wii, DS, & Switch, Nintendo doesn’t really need a MH to move hardware. They help but they are not the reason people buy Nintendo hardware.
This is me too, I can’t play big meaty games on a TV much anymore (only ones are the PS exclusives like Days Gone) if I can pick them up on Switch I am much more likely to play them.
With the way the industry is going it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Game Pass and the new PlayStation Plus Premium service came to the next Switch tbh as MS and Sony probably view Nintendo in the same light as PC meaning it’s a platform that doesn’t directly compete with their platform so why not get those players paying you a subscription.

The tough part will be giving Nintendo a large enough taste of that subscription for them to bite. If they offer half the subscription fee to Nintendo it will be very attractive indeed. Halo, Gears, Forza, God of War, Gran Turismo and Horizon on the go on top of Nintendo exclusives all with good image quality would be awesome.
In about 4 minutes it lost 3% battery life. 😬🥶
It’s a benchmark meaning it pushing the engine as much as possible. He’s also using an unlocked framerate. You can run RDRII with PS4 settings at 720p/30fps and get around the same battery life as BotW did on the launch Switch.
But wasn't supposed to be the first chapter of RDR to come to Switch?
And most importantly, is Totilo reliable?
RDR1's code is notoriously a mess. It won't come anywhere else unless it had a engine migration.

And yes, Stephen Totilo is one of the most respected reporters in the industry. He'd never share something like that if there wasn't any truth behind it.
It’s a benchmark meaning it pushing the engine as much as possible. He’s also using an unlocked framerate. You can run RDRII with PS4 settings at 720p/30fps and get around the same battery life as BotW did on the launch Switch.
you could, but that's definitely not the demo for the Steam Deck

The GA107 Die is about ~167mm^2 and has 24SMs

Drake would have half as many so it would be at least ~80mm^2 solely to the GPU

4-8 CPU cores (big and/or LITTLE) would be about, er, 30-50mm^2?

This would be about the size of the Steam Deck APU.

So, it’s most likely 8nm.

And thus, expect very low clocks.
I still don't expect lower clocks than the Switch. and then I expect the cpu to be clocked higher at ~1.25GHz all core minimum
The GA107 Die is about ~167mm^2 and has 24SMs

Drake would have half as many so it would be at least ~80mm^2 solely to the GPU

4-8 CPU cores (big and/or LITTLE) would be about, er, 30-50mm^2?

This would be about the size of the Steam Deck APU.

So, it’s most likely 8nm.

And thus, expect very low clocks.
Hard to pay attention these days. Is there anything lately to suggest 8nm?
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

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