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Site Event Community Game Challenge - Halloween 2021 | October 15th-November 1st

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At the moment, I believe five is the limit.

In any case, yes, I would love to see a more visually appealing/coherent badge style! I whipped this up because it's what I had at the moment and wanted to get the event underway before the end of October. 😅 Thankfully there is a limit to the size (they won't get any bigger than they already are, auto resizing and all) but I would also prefer more appealing badge images. In the future, this shouldn't be a problem (I made a thread where you can submit ideas/suggestions/badge designs just now) since ideally the idea of the challenge & the design of the badge will go hand in hand.

Great! I just shared some ideas and suggestions in the thread on both the design of the badges and the challenges themselves. Thanks for the hard work, Dopply!

Now I just need to find a copy of a Castlevania game to play, haha.
Bloodlines defeated, the resurrection of Dracula has been averted.

Fun fact, the name and image of the Haunted Castle challenge comes from the arcade game by Konami tangentially related to Castlevania. I find the flyer absolutely hilarious. What is Dracula doing here lol

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I'm just gonna say, going from the controls in Metroid Dread to the ones in Circle of the Moon is quite the experience. I'll do it for the badge though lol.
When I saw that Dracula badge on my phone screen I thought it was a painting. Crazy to see it’s actually a super campy photo, haha.
Heh, I've been doing a Resident Evil series playthrough for the first time, so this works.

Doing Re3make now so I'll post a screen when I finish.
This is fun! I was already doing the stuff required for the AC badge. May also try for the Horror Icon one. The game doesn’t have to be on a Nintendo platform, does it?
Completed Aria of Sorrow earlier this month and it made me in the mood for some SotN but didn't do it, might as well just do it now !

Will try to find time to redo a playthrough of RE Village too.
I turned on ACNH this morning and saw that I lost my island. Forgot about cloud save being unavailable with ACNH lmao, so I won't do the Animal Crossing one ahah 😭
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Damn I shouldn't have blown through the Castlevania Advance Collection before Dread came out.
I was about to upload a screenshot of my Symphony of the Night (XBLA) fully maxed save but then I forgot that I never uploaded my 360 save to the cloud so I have to restart the entire game now :eek:

So long, Crissagrim...
Code Veronica is free right now on Games With Gold, and I've never played it, so I'm going to try that.
This seems fun. I definitely wanna play Resident Evil 2 Remake at some point this month anyway and I might try to get an A rank on Luigi's Mansion 1 although I've never done that before so that might be kinda hard.
This seems fun. I definitely wanna play Resident Evil 2 Remake at some point this month anyway and I might try to get an A rank on Luigi's Mansion 1 although I've never done that before so that might be kinda hard.
Best advice, as @Robert said, is to get the 2 Gold Diamonds from the game. They are worth 80M out of the 100M required to get the A rank, so you wouldn't want to miss them ahah. Good luck!
I finished Circle of the Moon & Harmony of Dissonance, if that counts ^^ (check the crown)

Thanks ^^
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Looking at your playtime for the Castlevania collection, it looks like you actually didn't qualify for that badge, but that's my fault for not looking into it better, so I will you keep the badge. My bad!
My bad too, I completly missed this rule, I'll be more careful next time :)

I did finish Metroid Dread in Hard mode today, and it was quite horrifying at some points ^^", especially since I wanted to finish it under 4 hours and had to avoid a lot of life & missile upgrades (30 % item completion).
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Wow, that should make it a lot easier then. I'll be sure to hunt those down. Thanks.
You're welcome!
Currently playing L'sM and I did the first 2 areas. The first Luigi's Mansion is one of my favorite games of all time, I love the atmosphere and the gameplay is simple yet so satisfying.
Playing on the 3DS remake since I don't have any other home console than the Switch right now (I'm not at home for some weeks). Grezzo did a good job porting the game to the 3DS, it feels almost the same as the original, except for controls which are a little bit messy at the beginning. I forgot I could move the Poltergust in the direction I look to with pressing B, it seems oddly explained in the tutorial lol. But it was not a problem until Bogmire, where I found out about that.
Here's my progression so far:

Well, it's time for dinner here, so I might continue after eating.
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Yeah the 3DS port is really good, it's very close to the original, plus the 3D effect is great. Personally I'll probably just play the GameCube original going forward since the game is identical and the graphics, as impressive as they are, are still a step down on 3DS. If you have no other way of playing, though, it's a great way to access it. I must have beaten the original at least ten times lol
Yeah the 3DS port is really good, it's very close to the original, plus the 3D effect is great. Personally I'll probably just play the GameCube original going forward since the game is identical and the graphics, as impressive as they are, are still a step down on 3DS. If you have no other way of playing, though, it's a great way to access it. I must have beaten the original at least ten times lol
Yeah graphics on the GameCube one are still impressive to me nowadays. Texturing, lighting, the game really look gorgeous.

I must have beaten the original at least as many times, maybe even twenty or more. I remember playing it sooo much when I was younger, also playing with my sister, like when we were doing run where we each tried to beat the game as fast as possible to see which of us was the best. It was so cool. I also learned routes for speedrun (Any% OoB) ahah.
Since, I beat the game ~ once every year, GameCube or 3DS.
Just started playing Resident Evil Deadly Silence yesterday on my dsi xl. It my first time playing the first one, so I'm bit excited about it. I'm near the beginning where Burton and I split up to look for Wesker and I already die twice to the dog that jump through the window.
Fun idea. I've been pretty bad about completing games for the past while/haven't done a whole lot of gaming in general, but I'll see if I can't knock one or two of these out.

Going to go in the spirit of the forum and try to keep to a Nintendo theme, with that in mind I've chosen to start on Eternal Darkness. I haven't played this since I was a kid and while I'm remembering general elements of the game as far as setting and characters go, I'm at square one with how to actually progress, so it should be good fun to revisit. Just got done choosing my artifact (which I've also forgotten the significance of, though I can infer - I went with the red one).
Just started playing Resident Evil Deadly Silence yesterday on my dsi xl. It my first time playing the first one, so I'm bit excited about it. I'm near the beginning where Burton and I split up to look for Wesker and I already die twice to the dog that jump through the window.
OH, I had this game! It was way before I get into Resident Evil and became a fan ahahah.
Not the best version of the first game but I always thought it was kinda cool to play Resident Evil 1 on DS and I had a good time with it. I hope you'll like it!!
Best advice, as @Robert said, is to get the 2 Gold Diamonds from the game. They are worth 80M out of the 100M required to get the A rank, so you wouldn't want to miss them ahah. Good luck!
Just a small correction, each Gold Diamond is with 20M, the scoresheet I posted shows the total value of both diamonds.

Also, if anyone needs some advice on how to get that A Rank, I've got some tips.

  • Remember the goal. To get A-Rank in the either the original NTSC GameCube version or the 3DS version, you need to have a total of 100 million gold at the end of the game. As BGBW pointed out, if you're playing the PAL version of the GameCube game, you need to have 150 million gold, which necessitates playing the hidden mansion, as there is not enough treasure in the regular mansion. There's a total of 142,390,000 gold avaiable in total, so you can miss around 40 million or so and still hit the target. Just keep this figure in mind as you play.
  • Examine everything. If Luigi can touch it, press A and examine that sucker. If you can't touch it, use the Poltergust and vacuum it until either money pops out, or just dust, which indicates that there's nothing there. There's money stuffed everywhere in the mansion, so make sure to check everything you come across. Once you clear an Area and the lights come on permanently, check it over again, as you may find additional money that you didn't find the first time. Examining everything will also reveal the locations of objects that give hearts, which is very handy to remember.
  • Check the room while it's dark. Two valuable sources of income, Speedy Spirits and Golden Mice, only appear when a room is still dark, so don't capture all the ghosts in a room before examining everything. Speedy Spirits hide inside examinable objects, and startle Luigi when he examines them. If you catch one, it'll erupt into a fountain of coins and bills, and occasionally drop a jewel. You only get once chance however, so if it escapes or you don't vacuum it when it's stunned, it's gone for good. Golden Mice can appear in two ways: either by scanning a hidden piece of cheese with the Game Boy Horror, or by random (around a 25% chance) when you enter specific rooms. Like the Spirits, catching one will shower you with money and the occasional gem, so get as many as you can. Unlike the Spirits however, they will respawn if you miss them. Just leave the room and come back, and you can try again.
  • Practice the Portrait Ghosts. Over 20 million of my final score came from the pearls dropped by the Portrait Ghosts, so doing well on them is very important if you want the top rank. You don't need to get gold portrait tier fights every time, but the large pearls dropped by gold portraits are worth 1 million each, so you'll want to grab at least a few on your adventure. Remember that you can save before fighting the ghost if you want another chance. Note that the four Area bosses do not drop any pearls, so you don't have to worry about what rank you get on those.
  • Save often! Missed a Speedy Spirit? Had a bad portrait fight? Reload your save and try again! There's no cost to saving (apart from the time it takes to run back to you were, har har), so do it as often as you need to. In addition, you can also copy your save to other slots as a backup in case you need to revert further back.
  • The blackout is a one shot deal. All of the Toads disappear once it starts, so you will not be able to save during that time. The Golden Mice respawn in case you missed any, and there's a couple of Speedy Spirits that only appear during the blackout. However, that means you're going to have to check all over the now ghost-infested mansion if you want a crack at them, and dying means you lose it all. Whether or not that's worth the risk is up to you. If you're going for it, memorize the locations where hearts spawn, so you know where to stop to get health back. In particular, the drawers in the Nursery always drop a large (50 HP) heart, so go there if you've taken a beating. Also keep in mind that ghosts drop hearts if you manage to catch two at once, so it pays to take some risks.
  • Get those Gold Diamonds! Because each is worth 20 million, they're a crucial part of hitting the target. Missing both of them leaves only 102 million left to collect, which is an extremely tight window. Getting both, on the other hand, leaves you with only 60 million to grab out of a remaining 100 million. You can get one for catching all 50 Boos (you don't actually have to do this to beat the game, you only need 40). E. Gadd can give you a hint on how to grab the second after catching a Boo, but because it's randomized on when he'll give you said hint, you may not receive it until it's too late. In case that happens, or you just want to know now, I've included instructions on how grab it under the spoiler tag. As I said before, make sure you save at Toad to claim your prize. You really don't want to finish the game and realize you're 20 million poorer.
  • In Area 2, the first time you enter the Boneyard, you should see a seed planted in the dirt yard. Water it with using the water elemental, and it should turn into a sprout. After you beat Bogmire, return to the yard and water the sprout, turning it into a flower. Return to the yard after beating Boolossus, and the flower has now turned into a pod. Water that pod to reveal your reward, along with a very nice amount of additional money.
Just a small correction, each Gold Diamond is with 20M, the scoresheet I posted shows the total value of both diamonds.

Also, if anyone needs some advice on how to get that A Rank, I've got some tips.

  • Remember the goal. To get A-Rank in the either the original NTSC GameCube version or the 3DS version, you need to have a total of 100 million gold at the end of the game. As BGBW pointed out, if you're playing the PAL version of the GameCube game, you need to have 150 million gold, which necessitates playing the hidden mansion, as there is not enough treasure in the regular mansion. There's a total of 142,390,000 gold avaiable in total, so you can miss around 40 million or so and still hit the target. Just keep this figure in mind as you play.
  • Examine everything. If Luigi can touch it, press A and examine that sucker. If you can't touch it, use the Poltergust and vacuum it until either money pops out, or just dust, which indicates that there's nothing there. There's money stuffed everywhere in the mansion, so make sure to check everything you come across. Once you clear an Area and the lights come on permanently, check it over again, as you may find additional money that you didn't find the first time. Examining everything will also reveal the locations of objects that give hearts, which is very handy to remember.
  • Check the room while it's dark. Two valuable sources of income, Speedy Spirits and Golden Mice, only appear when a room is still dark, so don't capture all the ghosts in a room before examining everything. Speedy Spirits hide inside examinable objects, and startle Luigi when he examines them. If you catch one, it'll erupt into a fountain of coins and bills, and occasionally drop a jewel. You only get once chance however, so if it escapes or you don't vacuum it when it's stunned, it's gone for good. Golden Mice can appear in two ways: either by scanning a hidden piece of cheese with the Game Boy Horror, or by random (around a 25% chance) when you enter specific rooms. Like the Spirits, catching one will shower you with money and the occasional gem, so get as many as you can. Unlike the Spirits however, they will respawn if you miss them. Just leave the room and come back, and you can try again.
  • Practice the Portrait Ghosts. Over 20 million of my final score came from the pearls dropped by the Portrait Ghosts, so doing well on them is very important if you want the top rank. You don't need to get gold portrait tier fights every time, but the large pearls dropped by gold portraits are worth 1 million each, so you'll want to grab at least a few on your adventure. Remember that you can save before fighting the ghost if you want another chance. Note that the four Area bosses do not drop any pearls, so you don't have to worry about what rank you get on those.
  • Save often! Missed a Speedy Spirit? Had a bad portrait fight? Reload your save and try again! There's no cost to saving (apart from the time it takes to run back to you were, har har), so do it as often as you need to. In addition, you can also copy your save to other slots as a backup in case you need to revert further back.
  • The blackout is a one shot deal. All of the Toads disappear once it starts, so you will not be able to save during that time. The Golden Mice respawn in case you missed any, and there's a couple of Speedy Spirits that only appear during the blackout. However, that means you're going to have to check all over the now ghost-infested mansion if you want a crack at them, and dying means you lose it all. Whether or not that's worth the risk is up to you. If you're going for it, memorize the locations where hearts spawn, so you know where to stop to get health back. In particular, the drawers in the Nursery always drop a large (50 HP) heart, so go there if you've taken a beating. Also keep in mind that ghosts drop hearts if you manage to catch two at once, so it pays to take some risks.
  • Get those Gold Diamonds! Because each is worth 20 million, they're a crucial part of hitting the target. Missing both of them leaves only 102 million left to collect, which is an extremely tight window. Getting both, on the other hand, leaves you with only 60 million to grab out of a remaining 100 million. You can get one for catching all 50 Boos (you don't actually have to do this to beat the game, you only need 40). E. Gadd can give you a hint on how to grab the second after catching a Boo, but because it's randomized on when he'll give you said hint, you may not receive it until it's too late. In case that happens, or you just want to know now, I've included instructions on how grab it under the spoiler tag. As I said before, make sure you save at Toad to claim your prize. You really don't want to finish the game and realize you're 20 million poorer.
  • In Area 2, the first time you enter the Boneyard, you should see a seed planted in the dirt yard. Water it with using the water elemental, and it should turn into a sprout. After you beat Bogmire, return to the yard and water the sprout, turning it into a flower. Return to the yard after beating Boolossus, and the flower has now turned into a pod. Water that pod to reveal your reward, along with a very nice amount of additional money.
Oh, thank you for the correction, I've read the screenshot too fast and didn't realize my error.
Well, it might be hard to get the 100M now I realizing my mistake. I'm about 80M if I count the gold diamond from Boos and I'm near the end... Hmmmm. 😭
Tbh I think I could retry it if i miss lol. The game is pretty short after all.
Also, you can also get money by watering the plants here and there in the mansion. I don't think you talked about it so I leave this here! It might be helpful since you can also get gems by doing this!
It was really, really tight, but hey, I DID IT! A Rank!



Took me 3:50 according to my 3DS's activity log.
It was stressful in the end since I did many mistakes, like I only got a few big pearls and missed some Golden Mices and Speedy Spirits. But I am glad I did it. I wanted to do a new playthrough of Luigi's Mansion for a few days now, and the community challenge made me want it even more.
Watering the plants really saved me here.

Thank for the great idea @Dopply ! Now I'm thinking... Should I start Resident Evil Revelations 2 (since it is in my backlog for a long time now), or maybe some Castlevania? I wanted to wait until Bloodlines launched on the NSO at the end of the month but I'm not sure I'll have enough time to finish it before the challenge ends. Hmmmmm 🤔
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Here from my recorded original Luigis Mansion 3 Playthrough back when the game came out:

Remember that the challenges can only be rewarded via badge if the challenge is completed during the time of the event. Sorry, good work, but this unfortunately wouldn't qualify.
I'm definitely going to try to play some horror games, I just need to finish off the current titles I'm doing then I'll try out some of the Resident Evil and Silent Hill games! I need those badges =D
Surprisingly did not take too long to grind it out, though that Ring of Arcana probably helped.


Slashy slashy!
thanks to this thread I finally started my first castlevania run, I got requiem on ps4 which is sotn+rondo.
right now I'm in stage 4 of rondo damn this is hard hopefully I can finish by the end of the month.
Eternal Darkness has been good fun and is surprisingly breezy. I remember having trouble with it when I was younger but this is much more straightforward than most survival horror titles. Confident I'll be on to another game before long.

I'd forgotten a lot more than I realized, including most of the ways the game has fun with you.

I think I enjoy the subtler, eerie effects more though.
thanks to this thread I finally started my first castlevania run, I got requiem on ps4 which is sotn+rondo.
right now I'm in stage 4 of rondo damn this is hard hopefully I can finish by the end of the month.
I found Rondo to be one of the more difficult ones in my series playthrough so far tbh. SotN is a lot more forgiving though.
I found Rondo to be one of the more difficult ones in my series playthrough so far tbh. SotN is a lot more forgiving though.
I never played any castlevania before, were all games like this where you got few lives then if you're dead and out of lives you're back to the beginning of the level without save point.
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