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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST8 May 2022| Prime Real E-ST8

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…and some people wonder how misinformation is still so rampant on the internet. Lol
I am absolutely judging people who share/react to this who did not even put in the absolute minimal amount of effort of clicking the link to see the blog post in question is 7 years old.
I am absolutely judging people who share/react to this who did not even put in the absolute minimal amount of effort of clicking the link to see the blog post in question is 7 years old.
Links are for old people. All I need is a familiar avatar telling me it's true and I'll believe it instantly.
I mean, yes? You play a game like xenoblade of course story is going to be a key factor to you. So is Kid Icarus for example. Or Mother. And those are a just few nintendo examples.
While my post was half joking in tone my point was more about how reductive these criteria were, as other people mentioned there are tons of beloved games that don’t even have voice acting. It’s kind of lame that this kind of gaming meme basically encourages people to just list their favorite modern AAA game while classics like idk, freaking Tetris are systematically disqualified

Even the old IGN reviewing criteria, while not perfect, are much more inclusive (presentation, graphics, audio, gameplay, lasting appeal). By separating stuff like storyline (will elaborate on that term later), characters and voice acting, you’re basically splitting the presentation part, it’s just not representative of how diverse videogames can be if the discourse is mainly on the games that excel in those aspects.

As for the story part, I just think it’s a misleading and reductive term, narrative or scenario is more accurate. Putting an emphasis on the “storyline” kind of implies that you expect your videogame story to be as good and presentable as other medias like movies or series. A lot of AAA games have lots of cutscenes, some aping movie scenes even, they have traditional narrative structures. They have the biggest production values in order to achieve that. Putting value on this type of storytelling is kind of shallow and limiting, you mention Mother (only played Earthbound) and that game arguably doesn’t have much going on in terms of story/ongoing plot but it does have a strong narrative overall. For example I mentioned Kid Icarus Uprising, you could argue that the game doesn’t have a 10/10 storyline because the plot of that game kinda doesn’t make sense, there is no traditional character arc, a lot of the twists are just excuses for the game to go on. If you would directly adapt it into an anime it would be a pretty lousy one. However, its story is perfectly fine in the context of a videogame because not only it makes for good banter between the characters, but especially because it has good pacing, it has a good balance of harmonies and dissonances, each twist has some kind of impact on other aspects of the game, that’s what good narrative is about.

I could go on and on with other examples but yeah I just feel like ultimately, the game part (gameplay, player agency, however you want to call it) is most important but if you value narrative for whatever kind of game, it’s just not accurate to evaluate it based on criteria like the quality of graphics or voice acting because those only indicate if the game had the budget for these or not
I've stayed away from all that stuff but now that I'm almost 40 I think I might be about ready to start.

Maybe I'll pull a Reverse-Miyamoto

Okay seriously though, "Winds of Malice" would be one of the best fake BotW2 titles I've seen (I know that's not what you were talking about but still).
it definitely just happened while I was typing this up and figured I’d title case it just in case

also I was thinking about how the chain sword would work and figured it’d be regular / a lil whippy while in hand, but it you went to throw, it’d hookshotcha

which would frankly be swaggy

but if they implement hookshot, it might be the magic arm, which would be spooky and sick as hell
okay well I hit reply too early on that one but the shitpost energy is too powerful to correct
it definitely just happened while I was typing this up and figured I’d title case it just in case

also I was thinking about how the chain sword would work and figured it’d be regular / a lil whippy while in hand, but it you went to throw, it’d hookshotcha

which would frankly be swaggy

but if they implement hookshot, it might be the magic arm, which would be spooky and sick as hell
Yeah I 100% expect the spookyarmshot to be a thing (if there's a ____shot at all) but I like the idea of a whippy sword being thrown into a hookshot. Kinda like Noctis' blade warp in FFXV, but somehow even cooler and more satisfying (and I really liked the sword warp like damn)

okay well I hit reply too early on that one but the shitpost energy is too powerful to correct
I put a Yeah! on it just for the lulz
Gem crafting In Xenoblade is something I never understood in the 100 years I put into the game.

And it’s coming back for 3 in some way. If it’s explain poorly again. I might be not be using Gems to their full potential again lol.
Yeah I 100% expect the spookyarmshot to be a thing (if there's a ____shot at all) but I like the idea of a whippy sword being thrown into a hookshot. Kinda like Noctis' blade warp in FFXV, but somehow even cooler and more satisfying (and I really liked the sword warp like damn)

I put a Yeah! on it just for the lulz
Very tangentially related but I'm proud of it so I'll share, I have a spell in my game called portal strike where the character creates a portal in front of them and another one near a distant enemy and shoves the weapon into the portal and back to do 3x melee damage from a distance.

Also planning to do one where the portal opens up into an enemy's internal organs for a chance of insta-kill.

Portals are underused in fantasy.
Yeah. Binge drinking is so lame.

But sipping a nice rum? Or a fine whisky? Or maybe a quality IPA? That's where the good stuff is. Pair the IPA with a lovely curry, the whisky with a haggis and tatties dish and the rum with writing some trashy fanfic.
I try to limit my alcohol consumption (a lot of relatives are alcoholics and it apparently runs in the genes) and for those of you who wanna enjoy a quality IPA without actually drinking alcohol, you may be interested in the Brooklyn Special Effects IPA, which is a tremendously good alcohol-free beer. Hits all the right IPA notes with a slight litchee aftertaste.

And for @Vash, the Guinness 0.0 is also very good, albeit a bit expensive.
Very tangentially related but I'm proud of it so I'll share, I have a spell in my game called portal strike where the character creates a portal in front of them and another one near a distant enemy and shoves the weapon into the portal and back to do 3x melee damage from a distance.

Also planning to do one where the portal opens up into an enemy's internal organs for a chance of insta-kill.
Bluepoint better never touch Bloodborne for remake purposes. Or any dev, for that matter. The game is perfect as is, a simple upres and higher framerate is all it needs.
Alright, I picked up this Eldin Ring game everybody was raving about a while ago, time to see what it's all about. The only From Software game I've played is Dark Sould 2, which I didn't get very far in. I will probably be very bad at this.
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Alright, I picked up this Eldin Ring game everybody was raving about a while ago, time to see what it's all about. The only From Software game I've played is Dark Sould 2, which I didn't get very far in. I will probably be very bad in this.

It's the "easiest" in the sense that you can just fuck off into a different direction if you hit a wall and get lost for hours. Don’t get discouraged by enemies that are too difficult and don’t try to hit your head against a wall and you should be fine.
Which game is better for a short session in bed for bed?

Big Brain Academy
Dr Kawashimas Brain Training

Never played either franchise before.
It's the "easiest" in the sense that you can just fuck off into a different direction if you hit a wall and get lost for hours. Don’t get discouraged by enemies that are too difficult and don’t try to hit your head against a wall and you should be fine.
Thanks for the tip, I really appreciate it! I was hoping this would just magically click with me and I'd be able to enjoy the rest of their output. Having the option to avoid frustration should definitely help with that.
I've always thought of story and gameplay to be sort of the same thing. Like, when you play BotW, the game you're playing IS the story. I always likened it to the environmental descriptions in LotR, which are very elaborate, and creates a sense of immersion. It doesn't do anything for the arcs, beats and scenarios, but it's still "story". I think gameplay works the same.

So, a game with "no story" or "little story" is actually a game with as rich a story as a game heavy with cutscenes, only in a different way. As far as I'm concerned.
Alright, I picked up this Eldin Ring game everybody was raving about a while ago, time to see what it's all about. The only From Software game I've played is Dark Sould 2, which I didn't get very far in. I will probably be very bad at this.
From what I've seen, there's a fair amount of non-FromSoft fans who really love Elden Ring. The game does a lot to make the formula more accessible.
I watched Monster University for the first time.

What a disappointing film. I wouldn’t call it bad tho, decent film, some laughs, beautiful/colorful animation, voice acting was good.

But the writing and story was just underwhelming. Nothing wrong with a more simplistic film, its just there was a sense of “this could’ve been so much better” throughout the film. Wish the games were a long part of the film, they really rush these after the first challenge. Randell was wasted and his reasoning for being a antagonist in the original film feel flat, could’ve been written much better, felt almost lazy how rushed that was. This film felt like it couldn’t decided if it wanted antagonists or not, but I think the most disappointing aspect of the film was it’s setting. Now this is more of a personal thing, but seeing the ending of them working their way up to scarers was a far more intriguing scenario, that I wish that was the film lol. The college thing wasn’t used to it’s full potential.

All and all. Not a bad film, would recommend for a casual watch and some laughs. But not memorable.

Man. I’ve really been catching up on my films lately. Sadly, once summer work hits, I’ll be falling behind again.
Quite tired of the cynicism of the internet, not gonna lie;

(or I'm just old)

I know this sounds super cliché, but the internet is whatever you make it. It's always good to be more selective about what social media accounts you follow. (Twitter, YouTube, Reddit). Spend less time at sites that raise your stress and blood pressure.

I found ways to reduce the amount of time I spend on the internet. As a result, my mental health has significantly improved.
@Sadist i am taking a break from my collecting hobby as well as my autographs and what not in general to focus on saving more. No transformers, figures, Funko pops, etc.

I will try and get more Ds and psp games here and there but sparingly

I want to save as much as I can. I’m trying to change my spending habits some as well.
Hey you gotta do what ya gotta do

Going to buy a car soon and saved up a nice amount. Still going to hurt to part with the money lol.
I know this sounds super cliché, but the internet is whatever you make it. It's always good to be more selective about what social media accounts you follow. (Twitter, YouTube, Reddit). Spend less time at sites that raise your stress and blood pressure.

I found ways to reduce the amount of time I spend on the internet. As a result, my mental health has significantly improved.
Thanks for the suggestions; I do think time to time to spare me of the trouble of checking certain circles, but sometimes is 'required' to me to stay in check even work on that day; -- But I do think it's more on me often too, I'm becoming less and less tolerant of the stuff I read (mind you, I don't interact with those ever lol);

But I'm trying my best to stay sane, Thanks again! 🐺 💕
Okay so like

How did nobody respond with any pictures of Owen Wilson?

Seriously, what's happening to the aby̵̡͕͗s̵̢̫̬̕s̴̨͈͐̏?̴͙̓̔͘
I went right to implementing the effect so I can upload a video to show you, so that's my bad.

Doesn't look as cool as it did in my head by the way, oh well.
To this day I still hate the fact that dunkey's Xenoblade 2 reviews is the most viewed Xenoblade video on YouTube.
DONTNOD said on their Twitter they will reveal a game they have been working on tomorrow.

I hope it's a new narrative game by Michel Koch, I miss Life is Strange 2 so much
Now I feel like playing Link's Awakening again.

Link’s Awakening 2019 is one of my favorite Zelda games. I need to play it again soon. And also maybe I should play the original, since I love the remake so much..
I went right to implementing the effect so I can upload a video to show you, so that's my bad.

Doesn't look as cool as it did in my head by the way, oh well.
I'm kinda picturing it looking like the crazy stretching torso effect from DBZ when they literally punch through someone's gut. 😅

No idea what it'd be like to implement a program that could do that to any enemy without animating each one by hand.

But it'd be rad.

And gross, probably.
I try to limit my alcohol consumption (a lot of relatives are alcoholics and it apparently runs in the genes) and for those of you who wanna enjoy a quality IPA without actually drinking alcohol, you may be interested in the Brooklyn Special Effects IPA, which is a tremendously good alcohol-free beer. Hits all the right IPA notes with a slight litchee aftertaste.

And for @Vash, the Guinness 0.0 is also very good, albeit a bit expensive.
I'll have to try it. I don't have a drinking problem or anything just really enjoy a Guinness and how every places pours a different one

Cold Guinness and watching sports has become one of my favourite combinations in the last couple of years.
Yup. Was never into them growing up but spent some time with family in Ireland and began to really enjoy them. I'll try a Guinness at every restaurant/bar I go to just to taste it. Still chasing that deliciousness that everywhere in Ireland had. It's just not the same in states. But I'll keep searching!

Baseball/hockey and Guinness has been my favorite pairing this season
i haven’t followed nintendo speculation in a few months, what are the latest rumors on upcoming unannounced games? if there are any
Some sort of DK game, a new Fire Emblem, and a Metroid Prime Remake are currently rumored. That's about it.
I'm kinda picturing it looking like the crazy stretching torso effect from DBZ when they literally punch through someone's gut. 😅

No idea what it'd be like to implement a program that could do that to any enemy without animating each one by hand.

But it'd be rad.

And gross, probably.
I was actually working on the melee attack one. The internal one is gonna be way less interesting, just like a little glow effect then the enemy reacting to being hit.

I do plan to have a dessicate spell too where a bunch of fluids are extracted so that might be kinda gross. But it lowers their fire resistance!
Mario Paint Superstars will have redesigned Joy Con where the IR sensor is on the bottom. It will track your movement when you move it over let’s say a table. The pointer on screen will move accordingly. I heard they have issues with the patents though.
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