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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Deep breaths
That's why it's curious to me.

Multiple Switches?

Pyoro learning about it? (Meaning it's probably ended up in someone's marketing department.)
can be the four switches be the mechanic of the console ?

4 modes ? a new way to interact 4 switches ?

since its for marketing , it means we will know pretty soon
Whether it be reveal or announcement, I just want Nintendo to officially confirm the existence of the Switch successor, just so that start saving ๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ต and get hype!
Well that's what you get for reading into everything lmao.
Y'all are embarrassing yourselves honestly like jesus. I don't think speculation in this thread has been this tinfoil uh. conspiracist levels. (see mods, i'm watching my language)
Its the timing that is most suspicious. If Nintendo is going to announce Switch 2 around the investors meeting, now is around the time PR leaks like Pyoro specializes in would appear, and its around that time Pyoro made his tweet.
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That's why it's curious to me.

Multiple Switches?

Pyoro learning about it? (Meaning it's probably ended up in someone's marketing department.)
It's either
  1. Switch vanila
  2. Switch lite
  3. Switch Oled
  4. Switch 2
Maybe it's talking about modes like
  • Handheld
  • Docked
  • Table top mode
  • Magnets???
Maybe... whelp, that's pretty much everything i got
3. "Huffing copium" is some alt-right twitter language so that's not making it easy to give you benefit of the doubt
id just like to say that "huffing copium" is prolly more attributed to gamingsphere, i seen it used a lot in twitchchats. i dont think that we should necessarily connect it to some political idealogy in this circumstance. i agree wit your post in general tho

that said, someone pass me the copium cus im all in on switch 2 news on the 7th
It's either
  1. Switch vanila
  2. Switch lite
  3. Switch Oled
  4. Switch 2
Maybe it's talking about modes like
  • Handheld
  • Docked
  • Table top mode
  • Magnets???
Maybe... whelp, that's pretty much everything i got
wait , if it has magnets , probably the new controller can be togheder without the joy con support

this or there are more ways to connect the switch since is magnet (vertical ?)
can be the four switches be the mechanic of the console ?

4 modes ? a new way to interact 4 switches ?

since its for marketing , it means we will know pretty soon
I'm not entirely convinced of the significance of the number of switches, so to speak, but like... Yeah. There ARE multiple switches, one SPECIFICALLY labelled SW2, he'd have known how people would react. Plus, Necro saying "Multiple Switches"? I think it's you know, another Switch.
It's either
  1. Switch vanila
  2. Switch lite
  3. Switch Oled
  4. Switch 2
Maybe it's talking about modes like
  • Handheld
  • Docked
  • Table top mode
  • Magnets???
Maybe... whelp, that's pretty much everything i got

With me convinced of very little except for there being "more than one" in question, I'm sticking to my expectation. Two new models, one for the OG Switch, one for the new gen.

Though again, the number of switches could mean nothing; it's just that there is another, an additional Switch, a SW2.
I'm not entirely convinced of the significance of the number of switches, so to speak, but like... Yeah. There ARE multiple switches, one SPECIFICALLY labelled SW2, he'd have known how people would react. Plus, Necro saying "Multiple Switches"? I think it's you know, another Switch.
  • Midori
  • Brazil
  • Necro
I think Midori is the one that's giving me a brain fart, since she strangely deleted her retweet and is also the most prominent leaker that i have ever seen.
  • Midori
  • Brazil
  • Necro
I think Midori is the one that's giving me a brain fart, since she strangely deleted her retweet and is also the most prominent leaker that i have ever seen.
Brazil weighed in? I must have lost it in the fervour, please fill me in!
The dream scenario would be a reveal trailer of the hardware itself as well as seeing some launch games like the Mario game. The hype would be enormous if that were to happen in a few days.

If Pyoro's tweet is about the Switch 2 that could mean that he is hinting more about one form of Switch 2 trailer rather than just a PR announcement.

Revealing the Switch 2 hardware look would make sense if Nintendo is nearing the start of production.
Brazil weighed in? I must have lost it in the fervour, please fill me in!
it's probably important to know that @Brazil only retweeted, but there is always a chance that he either have heard something or nothing.
But Midori is the one that in my opinion intrigues me the most.
If it's running on ARM, then it's not really a "PC handheld" anymore. The whole draw of something like the ROG Ally to a PC gamer is that it's the exact same as an equivalent PC under the hood with no architectural weirdness, and having to deal with x86 to ARM translation would add quite a bit of jank. So long as Nvidia doesn't have an x86 license and Intel continues to prioritize productivity in their CPU architectures, AMD will continue to dominate the handheld PC market.
Fair enough with the PC part. it's gonna be really interesting when they get a Nvidia GPU with an AMD or Intel CPU.

The GPU and the CPU on Deck don't run at max speed at the same time, they're power limited. The GPU gets priority.
Yeah I've heard that, but don't think I got answer on the exact speeds (and I did some searching) other than each other's on paper clock speeds (including SD's 2.4-3.5GHz range). Of course this is on a 15 watt TDP, and I'm guessing missing is required to go to higher, and requires like 25 watts total or something with less than an hour of battery life?

The max GPU speeds of 1.6GHz or 1.6 TFLOPs on on SD will always be the comparison point. In this case, if the CPU only goes 2.1-2.4Ghz when max GPU 1.6Gh, is enabled, Switch 2 should without a doubt, steam roll it in CPU performance, no? The Switch 2 is already anticipated to use 8 A78C cores (7 for gaming) at around 1.5-1.7GHz

Honestly kinda disappointed. It's still a technical marvel in it's own right as a handheld PS4 with 15 watts on 7nm TSMC (OG version). But it's just not how I imagined it. The power gap between it and the Series S is wider than I thought on the CPU front (outside of 3 vs 7 for gaming).
But it makes more sense now why it's the most efficient/powerful PC handheld at 15 watts when the CPU is only around 2GHz on 3 CPU cores with the GPU maxed , or when the GPU is as low as 1GHz when CPU are max clocks vs 8 AMD CPUs at higher clocks, despite using newer nodes like 5nm.

I wonder how SD OLED fares in power draw though in regards to max clocks.

it doesn't change much for that Switch 2 I guess. Better expected performance comparisons vs SD, nit against current gen, nothing changes.
I place very little faith into MLID's "sources", but I wouldn't be too surprised if 1.3GHz (and therefore 4 TFLOPS) was an internal target for Nvidia, even if they didn't expect Nintendo to clock it that high. Even if Nintendo had settled on, say 1.1GHz as a target clock in docked mode during the design process, the actual clock speed could end up lower or higher than that based on the performance of the silicon, other hardware design changes, etc., so there would want to be some wiggle room in achievable clocks to accommodate that. A 1.3GHz clock is probably a reasonable upper limit of what Nintendo may choose, and also a round number in both clock speed and Gflops, so it's a plausible target for Nvidia. Besides, every other Ampere GPU can clock well past 1.3GHz, so it's really quite a modest target for the architecture.

On the LPDDR5X side, I could see it happening for two reasons outside of performance requirements. The first is simply that Nvidia was already working on an in-house LDDDR5X controller (for Grace) with a similar tape-out timescale, and it may have been the case that using the updated controller would have a near-zero impact on cost and timelines, so it was basically the default option.

The second is availability of LPDDR5/X RAM down the line. Back when Nintendo and Nvidia started supporting LPDDR4X with Mariko, I assumed it was purely for the sake of the power efficiency benefit. This may have been partly the case, but in the years after release, LPDDR4 has all but disappeared from the market, with LPDDR4X almost completely replacing it. Being able to use a widely available (and therefore cheap) form of RAM for the rest of the console's life was likely a major reason behind switching from LPDDR4 to 4X.

With Switch 2, it seems pretty unlikely that there will be a Mariko-style updated SoC at any point in the console's lifespan, which means they'll need to design a system which they can still buy parts for perhaps as much as 8 years later. Nintendo (and, I'm sure Nvidia) have surely spent a lot of time talking with RAM manufacturers about the production lifespan of the parts they're interested in, and if it's expected that LPDDR5X will almost completely replace 5 in the same way 4X replaced 4, then there would be a very strong incentive for Nintendo to have an SoC with LPDDR5X support even if they had no intention of using the higher speeds.
I think a revision is definitely possible if Nintendo isn't happy with the battery life of Switch 2 on release, and if they think they will still gain the same profit (or more), or save $s on newer parts meant to extend the battery life.

1. If Switch 2 gets the same battery life as OG Switch at launch (3 hrs), a revision will happen. YES
2. If switch 2 battery life is closer to Mariko, maybe not.
When I say revision, I mean node revision with power draw savings. I don't think we'll get a big jump node like 20nm to 16nm, but I do think a 30-50% power savings is probably possible like Steam Deck OLED vs Steam Deck OG.
3nm node in 2029/ might save 20% on power draw and be mature enough to cost the same as 5nm does now, slap on an OLED screen, and a more newer and power efficient SSD, it can probably be done.
As for RAM... If we are lucky and manage to get lpddr5x--and with max speeds of 8533 Mbit/s (134GB/s) at launch, maybe for a 2029 revision we can get LPDDR5X-10700. Using a 12nm node process, it offers 25% more bandwidth.. or 25% power efficiency (I'm assuming at the same clockspeeds as a regular lpddr5x).. so .75 watts vs 1 watt ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ?
I don't know when the lpddr5x-10700 will be released. Maybe in late 2025

I wonder how Pyoro feels knowing he has this much sway of the Nintendo Online community by simply posting a pic of an very old cartridge, (That is referencing the year i turned one year old)
There are also GameCube prototypes with 3D screens out there, Nintendo seems to be always interested in 3D (and VR).

It's what I mentioned a few days ago, and you commented on me being a seer.

A seer dwells amongst us!

Tbf, I didn't know about Rad Racer and Famicom 3D System. But that is another point that yes, Nintendo is always interested in stereoscopic 3D at least.
Good find @Shoulder !


So I'm putting on my tinfoil hat again, but I wanna make it deluxe:

Pyoro sends out an image of the Nintendo World Championships cartridge, which shows 4 switches. But what if the whole image doesn't tell one thing, but multiple things?
Switch 3 tells 1m 15s -> 60 + 15 = 75 ~> 7/5 = investors meeting date.


SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4 could tell me 2 kinds of things, it's either:

SW1= Switch
SW2= Switch Lite
SW3= Switch OLED
SW4= Switch II

Or it means there's a 4th way to switch between play modes:

SW1= TV Mode
SW2= Handheld Mode
SW3= Tabletop Mode
SW4= ??? Mode


On the NWC cartridge itself we see Square and Rad Racer.
Rad Racer apparantly made the Famicom 3Dsystem

What if Pyoro made a cryptic hint in a cryptic hint?
Rad Racer's name in the image would be such a vague hint to the 3D system, implying 3D/VR mode is the 4th way to Switch on the Switch II?

Again, it's a tinfoil hat as big as my house, but holy mother of sheep, somehow I can see Pyoro pulling that off, as in giving multiple hints in 1 image. It's also my complete bias that A: Yes, I wanna be right about something so absurd, it would be funny, and B: My bias of getting 3D back again.

Behold my concept again:


Like I said a few days and month's ago, This is my concept/mock-up of what I like to see. Stereoscopic 3D headset, that shows you your gameplay in 3D, while others can watch it in normal way on the console or TV. It would be so insane to me if I got that right, although, I'm happily admitting that it's mainly wishful thinking from my part. But Nintendo has a long history with experimenting in 3D gaming, that apparently started in the Famicom days, that I can see them doing it again. Especially since someone in January sended out a patent of Nintendo from November 2022, in which there was a focus of a headset, whether it be VR, AR or MR.

End of story/theory. I'm going to sleep now. I'll see you all tomorrow. I'm a bit exhausted from all this thinking. ๐Ÿ˜…
Hiya, long-time lurker joining in on the hype today. ๐Ÿ‘‹ Normally Pyoro clarifies pretty quickly what their hints are related to, right? I don't know their usual posting hours, but I wonder if they're sleeping and that might be why. That always is a possibility. This thread's been going wildfire and I've been trying to catch up since I woke up, lol.

On the topic of magnets and those rumors though, I'm praying it'll be in hall effect joysticks, but I won't be mad if it really is for a locking mechanism. The current ones on the Switch are pretty secure, but I don't have full confidence in them. I've got pretty shaky hands. In my experience, sometimes the joycons will be "locked in" but still shift around a little on the rail. OG Switch rails haven't failed me yet, but I worry that one day my hand's just going to do its own thing and finally knock something loose. If the 2 has something that'll keep the joycons in even more firmly, then count me in.
Okay, now I crawl back into my hole and I hope you all have a good day.
I wonder how Pyoro feels knowing he has this much sway of the Nintendo Online community by simply posting a pic of an very old cartridge, (That is referencing the year i turned one year old)

They confirmed that they have an account on Fami, so they're assuredly sitting back enjoying the chaos
All I really want is the minimum amount of information that would allow third parties to announce their titles are coming to the hardware, so we can start imagining with a little bit more substance. Like how Dragon Quest 11 was announced for Nintendo NX.

Some kind of reveal trailer or tease would be nice, but that feels like 'closer to launch' material.
Seems like youโ€™ve stronger believe than the whole of the Silksong fandom, congratulations.
Did you see the recent id@Xbox stream? The whole love chat was demanding for Silksong.
HDR is a must on the Switch 2, and it better be the best HDR in any game console, nice and bright and full DCI-P3 color, none of this 1000 nits max HDR, let me use these new 5000 nits Mini-LED TVs in some ultra bright colorful HDR Mario games! (Sorry for the rant lol)
I am looking forward to HDR Mario but I wouldn't expect Nintendo putting out the best anything.
I donโ€™t think we should be looking too deep into Pyoroโ€™s tweeted image. Just the simplicity of it being a possibility Switch 2 news teaser. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s necessary to dwelve deep, like thinking of it referring to four possible gameplay experiences
I don't see how could anyone argue that this is about anything else other than the Switch 2.

Pyoro may tease but He doesn't troll or intentionally mislead. If some hint He drops is misinterpreted he will quickly clarify.
If it's minor stuff like NSO, NES remix or the NWC He would just say so like he did in the past.
He also isn't stupid, He knows his audience and would think twice before posting an image with words like "Switch 2" an liking joke tweet about the Switch 2.

To be clear I'm not expecting a reveal at the investor meeting, I'm expecting something along the line of the 3DS "to whom it may concern" announcement or a tweet similar to the April 2016 NX tweet, "The next generation of Nintendo is coming March 2025!", which would still be huge considering Nintendo still hasn't acknowledged the thing in any way.
I'm preatty sure that if this wasn't about Switch 2 Pyoro would have already talked about to stop people.

Fully expecting at least a social post with the name/logo of the next console sooner than later.
It's simple to understand. It's not hard to find that image by searching for "SW2 Nintendo." Same as it appears if you search with a 3 or 4. So it's not weird or you don't need any kind of super photographic memory, as the first user said, to find the image and relate it to SW2.

Please, seriously, read the message and what I was replying to.
But why would you search for SW2? Nobody ever called it that. Sure if Nintendo announce a codename SW2 next week I'll agree, but otherwise, it doesn't make sense.
Pyoro liking the tweet that mocks the Switch holistic detectives by linking the image to Switch 2, Switch 3 and Switch 4 is surely not confirmation either.
But why would you search for SW2? Nobody ever called it that. Sure if Nintendo announce a codename SW2 next week I'll agree, but otherwise, it doesn't make sense.
Pyoro liking the tweet that mocks the Switch holistic detectives by linking the image to Switch 2, Switch 3 and Switch 4 is surely not confirmation either.
NSW is a trademarked abbreviation for the Switch by Nintendo, and is fairly commonly used. So there is some precedent for calling it a N(intendo) SW and would explain why Pyoro picked a Nintendo related image with 'SW2', if this is indeed a Switch 2 hint. It is a stretch, but that's how they are. Their hint for one of the Wonder flower effects where the pipes slither around was a worm emoji.
could we see the announcement of switch 2 occour at 9 pm EDT ? because i belive its 10 am japan time , and sometimes nintendo jp make announcements at that time , and i belive a console is a thing nintendo japan would have more importance than US
to be honest I'm a bit of a pessimist but the bird has let their tweet simmer too long for it to just be a simple NSO thing. I have to agree with people here that it means something more than just a little NSO update.
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