Sales Data Updated sales numbers for Switch titles: Super Mario Bros. Wonder (11.96M), Super Mario RPG (3.14M), and more

Amazing number for Mario rpg, couldn’t be happier. If it sold that well in just over a month, 5 million seems reasonable
scarlet/violet have passed gold/silver and are now the third best selling pokemon titles (thanks to serebii)

Is Scarlet/Violet at least from Gameplay aspect an interesting Pokemon Game? I am not into Pokemon and only heard that its technically still more or less a train wreck. So I can assume that the game is still fun to play, if you ignore the technical shortcomings? Or are Pokemon Fans just blind?
Is Scarlet/Violet at least from Gameplay aspect an interesting Pokemon Game? I am not into Pokemon and only heard that its technically still more or less a train wreck. So I can assume that the game is still fun to play, if you ignore the technical shortcomings? Or are Pokemon Fans just blind?
imo its technical problems make it pretty hard to enjoy and it's had pretty bad word of mouth. however it had a great launch due to the excitement for an open world pokémon game

creatively it has a lot of strength. fun ideas, good setting, good premise. its production doesn't do the concept justice though
Is Scarlet/Violet at least from Gameplay aspect an interesting Pokemon Game? I am not into Pokemon and only heard that its technically still more or less a train wreck. So I can assume that the game is still fun to play, if you ignore the technical shortcomings? Or are Pokemon Fans just blind?
Technical mess

One of the best pokemon in many respects. And that's a rather common thought
it's had pretty bad word of mouth. however it had a great launch due to the excitement for an open world pokémon game
FWIW, S/V’s sales curve has stronger legs so far than most other Pokemon games - I’m not so sure the WOM is that bad outside of certain internet bubbles tbh


So it seems that Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is now the second-best selling 3D Mario game of all time.
Is Scarlet/Violet at least from Gameplay aspect an interesting Pokemon Game? I am not into Pokemon and only heard that its technically still more or less a train wreck. So I can assume that the game is still fun to play, if you ignore the technical shortcomings? Or are Pokemon Fans just blind?

I have been with the series since the very beginning and played almost all mainline Pokémon games. In my opinion (together with Arceus) it actually offers some of the best gameplay simply for being truly refreshing in many regards (and featuring the first true open world).
With the latest DLC they also managed to craft a truly challenging addition to the campaign which really made you think (and sweat). Also some really outstanding moments storywise (thinking especially of the Sc/V endgame as compared to Sword/Shield in particular).

So yeah, most fun I had in ages. Also the technically worst performing game (together with Age of Calamity) I have ever played so much. These two things are (for better or worse) not mutually exclusive to many.

Here's hoping that these phenomenal sales don't make them continue down the road of technical messes. But the comments of Nintendo of back when the game came out and the more recent comments by the Pokémon company regarding Palworld etc. make me mildly hopeful.
Mario RPG did way better than I expected. Honestly thought it would hit 1.5-2m, i wonder what sell through is vs shipped. Hope it persuades Ninty to do a sequel, and let the Paper Mario team try something new (Zelda/Splatoon RPG?)

Wonder did great, saw so many expecting it to hit 15m on installbase but they expected wayyyy more from the Mario movie hype. Especially since that hype died down from April, and was prob more effect for Mario game sales then.
Also, it's still "just" a 2D Mario game- those tend to veer more towards the casual side than the hardcore like 3D Marios, so it'll sell more through time rather than being frontloaded like TOTK.

Pikmin 4 is solid, hope Ninty is happy with the sales. I don't think the series will ever be a super hit like Zelda/Mario, the strategy gameplay style will always keep it at Kirby/Metroid caliber imo. I just hope they don't wash down the mechanics/simplify it further for future games or else it'll lose its identity. P4, mainly the beginning of the game, came bit too close to over explaining and dumbing down for me.

Would love DLC for Pikmin 4 and Wonder for next direct. Or something like what Sony does with Mile Morales/Lost Legacy - a "half-sequel" expansion game using assets from the first
Can’t help but think how the AC team plans to outdo themselves. Pandemic really helped AC sales so they have to understand that they probably wont be hitting numbers like that in the next iteration. I’d gladly be wrong though.
The rest of this industry needs to look at these sales numbers and see that something has to gives. The state of triple a game development is wildly unsustainable, yet here Nintendo is with a 2d platformer that probably cost a fraction of what Sony spent on Spiderman 2, or Microsoft spent on halo infinite, to develop. And I imagine it’s outsold most of the big games released in 2023. You don’t need mega budgets to be a mega seller
Can’t help but think how the AC team plans to outdo themselves. Pandemic really helped AC sales so they have to understand that they probably wont be hitting numbers like that in the next iteration. I’d gladly be wrong though.
Expand multiplayer capabilities. Not go full mmo, but more people in each other's towns, cooperative towns, social hubs, etc
Super Mario Bros Wonder selling almost 12M in its first quarter is nothing bad for a game that isn't major release, right? 😝

I wonder how Twitter discourse from people that kept saying they were right on the "no major releases after TotK" is at now. Admitting they didn't know 2D Mario was coming or that they underestimated how big 2D Mario still is doesn't seem to be an option so I think people will say "TotK sold 18.5M in its first quarter" without the context that 2D Mario is more leggy than front loaded. And that it already outsold most AAA games released in 2023 period lol.

Pretty glad on Super Mario RPG selling 3m already! Hope Super Mario RPG 2 is greenlighted soon(if it isn't in the works already...).

Pikmin 4 already having sold 3.33M is a pretty great result too, hope it makes Pikmin 5 not take a decade to come. 2027 maybe?


I think Tears of the Kingdom and Super Mario Bros. Wonder will sell a lot through the Switch 2's life so they can probably go super big like reaching 30M eventually. Just depends on how BC will work or if they're repackaged(just having a Switch 2 logo alongside Switch on the box instead of a Deluxe version is my guess).
I haven't been this smug about a game's sales since some dork on Reddit told me Smash was a niche game that would never ever ever outsell Zelda or Mario.

It turns out Nintendo was totally right to hitch their holidays to Wonder!
- Mario Wonder at 12 million

Not bad for the C-team.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe hitting 60 million nearly a decade after the Polygon pie chart is wild.
Some Nintendo fans are so used to success in the Switch era that success is no longer good enough for them. Kind of gives you insight into what a stockholder things! Tears of the Kingdom has sold 20 million copies in 7 months. It took Breath of the Wild 3 years to achieve that. Now of course the context for both games are different. Getting a Switch was a barrier to entry to playing BOTW so as Switch sales grew, so did BOTWs. That's how the game got its long legs. Now on the flip side, if the chunk of the people that made up the "legs" for BOTW bought TOTK in the first 7 months, then they of course can't also be the legs for the game 2 or 3 years down the line. Not unless they want to buy the game twice. If you go back and track the sales of BOTW, any given quarter doesn't seem impressive. But it it built up over time. We may not know if TOTK outsells BOTW for many years now and if ultimately doesn't, who really gives a shit? If needing to outsell your the best selling in the franchise each and every time is the qualification for success, then most games in existence, most sequels, are going to be considered failures.

As for Mario Wonder, here's an article from January 2010 announcing that New Super Mario Bros Wii has sold 10.5 million copies.

The game released in November 2009 and went on to sell 30 million copies. Will Wonder surpass NSMB WII? Maybe. Maybe not. But we can clearly see that it's tracking about the same pace as one of the best selling Mario games of all time.
The rest of this industry needs to look at these sales numbers and see that something has to gives. The state of triple a game development is wildly unsustainable, yet here Nintendo is with a 2d platformer that probably cost a fraction of what Sony spent on Spiderman 2, or Microsoft spent on halo infinite, to develop. And I imagine it’s outsold most of the big games released in 2023. You don’t need mega budgets to be a mega seller
Once they realize the secret to success is to use Mario, that's really gonna tip the industry on its head. Can't believe it hasn't dawned on them yet.
Is Scarlet/Violet at least from Gameplay aspect an interesting Pokemon Game? I am not into Pokemon and only heard that its technically still more or less a train wreck. So I can assume that the game is still fun to play, if you ignore the technical shortcomings? Or are Pokemon Fans just blind?
It's probably my favorite Pokemon game, mechanics-wise. I really enjoyed exploring the world, they have some interesting layouts and biomes. The gym leaders have a lot of personality and they're involved with the character a lot more than previous games. Also, one of the most epic final boss battles in Pokemon.

The game is split into 3 goals: (1) the traditional gym badge path, (2) hunting for 8 new giant colossus-like pokemon, and (3) breaking up the "team rocket" camps around the world. The latter being the weakest gameplay-wise, but the others are fairly entertaining. Each path has a decent storyline and set of characters attached to it.

I can't speak to the performance aspect though, since that stuff never really bothers me. I completely get how it can ruin someone else's time and I don't want to discount others' experiences, but those issues just didn't seem that big a deal to me. You can call me blind or whatever, but I can't help it if I actually had a good time.
Glad to see Pikmin 4 is still doing well, all things considered.

I hope they can keep up momentum going into 5… More Pikmin shorts before some of the future movies would probably help? And also maybe not taking as long to make 5 would probably help a lot too…
idk why nintendo is so hesitant in bundling splatoon 3 with a switch lite/v2
it could easily prop up splatoon 3 to sell more than 2
I wish they updated the sales figures for all of their games. I want to see what kind of effect the Mario Movie had on Tropical Freeze's sales. It was at 4.62 million as of Q4 2022.
Let's talk about the real inevitability, mario kart 8 will become the best selling nintendo game ever in a couple of years, it's at 69mil with both wiiU and switch release so it only (lol) needs 13mil copies sold to outsell wii sports, that's like 2 more years of mario kart 8 deluxe sales like this year. It's hilarious to think that mario kart wii seemed like an unreachable years ago and now it's going to double that game.
SMRPG is wayyy better than i was expecting - and thank goodness for that!

SMBW seems pretty good, though i feel like it is behind DS and Wii? i’m sure someone posted those two’s numbers, i just haven’t read through this thread entirely… everything happening while i was slumbering always stresses me out 😩
SMRPG is wayyy better than i was expecting - and thank goodness for that!

SMBW seems pretty good, though i feel like it is behind DS and Wii? i’m sure someone posted those two’s numbers, i just haven’t read through this thread entirely… everything happening while i was slumbering always stresses me out 😩

First quarter sales

New Super Mario Bros Wii: 10.55 million
Super Mario Bros Wonder: 11.96 million
SMRPG is wayyy better than i was expecting - and thank goodness for that!

SMBW seems pretty good, though i feel like it is behind DS and Wii? i’m sure someone posted those two’s numbers, i just haven’t read through this thread entirely… everything happening while i was slumbering always stresses me out 😩
I'm not sure NSMB DS is a good point of comparison because of its massive legs. First quarter sales were 3,82m and it ended up selling 30,8m.
If you had told me that Pikmin 4 and TotK would sell a similar number of copies over the holiday quarter I would have been shocked in both directions.

Amazing for Pikmin 4, bad for TotK. Incredibly front-loaded sales for Zelda. Great overall numbers, but very front-loaded. That's a weaker Q4 than BotW ever had in 6 years (until this year). Even this year there's only 300k between BotW and TotK when the latter is the new hotness.

I get it - BotW was the de facto system seller every holiday for new Switch owners, but I'm still surprised that TotK's legs look similar in this quarter to Pikmin 4 when the initial level of interest for Pikmin was at least 10 times less.
I fully acknowledge that where it is now is remarkable and I am in the wrong. But I fully expected TOTK to do more.

Pikmin 4 is a great result, we're definitely not going to wait 10 more years for Pikmin 5.

I'm with everyone else I wanna see where everything else is now. Metroid, DK:TF, etc.

Mario Wonder sales are great.

People are ready for Switch 2 and yet business is still good. Gunna be a good year.
@Lugia667 thanks! (not sure why my quote function won't work.)

that is really impressive, then. the weekly japanese charts definitely painted a slightly worse picture than NSMBW, especially without taking digital into account. really hard to be precise with this stuff weekly/monthly nowadays i guess, especially with NPD giving breadcrumbs.
Once they realize the secret to success is to use Mario, that's really gonna tip the industry on its head. Can't believe it hasn't dawned on them yet.
It’s not just Mario though, smaller games in the pc space like phasmaphobia, lethal company, and among us blew up. Minecraft is also comparatively small game. I think there is a market for smaller games from big publishers to like Ubisoft with a prince of persia, so long as they keep their sales expectations realistic and budget it accordingly
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Let's talk about the real inevitability, mario kart 8 will become the best selling nintendo game ever in a couple of years, it's at 69mil with both wiiU and switch release so it only (lol) needs 13mil copies sold to outsell wii sports, that's like 2 more years of mario kart 8 deluxe sales like this year. It's hilarious to think that mario kart wii seemed like an unreachable years ago and now it's going to double that game.
Insane how close it is to Wii Sports, considering one was a pack-in title and the other a full fledged $60 game.
The numbers really leave hope for a Super Mario RPG 2.

The team assembled to develop the remake of Super Mario RPG looked like a one shot, with many people involved in the original game. I wonder if this same team can develop a new entry, which is not at all the same type of project.
The numbers really leave hope for a Super Mario RPG 2.

The team assembled to develop the remake of Super Mario RPG looked like a one shot, with many people involved in the original game. I wonder if this same team can develop a new entry, which is not at all the same type of project.
I still have questions of SE coming back for sequel. Nintendo can just go directly to ArtePiazza and make a(nother) spirtual sequel
When you look at these numbers, this is one of the reasons why it is so tempting to have your own console. When the majority of your 1st party releases can relish in sales of millions and more which you have complete ownership of, despite the overhead of console development and the risk of that hardware tanking your software, this really is the ideal state which MS really wanted to achieve.
Remember when People say that Mario Wonder was not a triple AAA game, I hope they eat their words after seeing these numbers habahhaa
It’s not just Mario though, smaller games in the pc space like phasmaphobia, lethal company, and among us blew up. Those are also really small games, Minecraft is a comparatively small game. I think there is a market for smaller games from big publishers to like Ubisoft with a prince of persia, so long as they keep their sales expectations realistic and budget it accordingly
Fwiw, I agree the ever inflating budgets aren't tenable, and that there is success to be found in smaller projects. I'm definitely with you that not everything has to be some sprawling, vast experience. A tight, well-made game that aims smaller but nails exactly what it wants to do can be fantastic, and successful.

It's just that it's not quite as simple as putting out some 2D platformer and finding success. Even if that game is of high quality. Of course there are smaller-scale games that have become monumental, but if you look at how many indie games are actually out there, or how many b and c-tier series have bit the dust due to lacklustre sales, your odds of blowing up aren't exactly stellar.

I don't think that should preclude bigger companies taking chances on titles with smaller budgets, but... most can't make that their whole strategy either.
I still have questions of SE coming back for sequel. Nintendo can just go directly to ArtePiazza and make a(nother) spirtual sequel
True, but at the very least, it seems like Fujioka was always down to do another RPG starring Mario before he retired.

I'd love it if he got to have his wish granted.
I love that some of you goblins tried to steer this into a Paper Mario discussion.

I'll see you later this year.


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