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StarTopic Super Mario Bros. Wonder |ST| It’s a Wonderful Extra Life

Just 100% the game and got all 6 medals. The game is great but I have to agree that the bosses were lackluster. Especially the final boss which was disappointing: Mario games usually at least get that one right.

That said the online feature is amazing if only for having it on the secret final level. Slowly making your way though the gauntlet with strangers and helping each other is something I've never thought I'd experience in a Mario game.

Sorry Green Yoshi, you were too far away to help over that last invisible section. You'll beat that level soon enough. 🥲

The tenth section of Final-Final Test Badge Marathon is invisible platforming over a bottomless pit using the bouncy triangles.
100% finished

Overall I get why many are calling this the "best since World", but for me I found most of the Wonder mechanics to distract from the pure Mario platforming that I love. I'd much rather go back and replay NSMBU, heck I'd rather replay NSMBWii. I just vastly prefer not constantly having the perfect formula 2d Mario level pacing interrupted with the Wonder stuff which is often all style no substance for me.
How would you rank it in comparison to past 2D Mario games?
That's the easy part of the invisible segment

EDIT: This is also my reaction, now that I've reached the bit you're talking about.
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I wasn’t interested in them before actually playing the game, but I’m really coming around to loving the badge system. Great way to add some variety in to how you choose to play through the levels. I’m pretty tempted once I wrap everything up to play through levels again but as Yoshi with some different badges equipped. It’s the first 2D platformer in years where I actually want to replay levels almost immediately.
How would you rank it in comparison to past 2D Mario games?
For me personally? Only mainline games

2) World
3) NSMBWii
4) Wonder
5) Land 2
6) SMB3
8) SMB1
9) NSMB2
10) SMB 2/USA
11) Land
12) Lost Levels

I don't consider Land 3 or World 2 to be Mario games, they're a Wario and Yoshi game perspectively. I also wouldn't rank the Maker games since they're completely different.

I think everything from SMB1 and up is a 10. I absolutely adore all these games. Even the worst game on this list (Lost Levels) I think has value and is worth playing.
really enjoyed the wonder flower in “Pull, Turn, Burn”—glad that there’s at least one scary one
You're telling me there's no seventh medal? Come on, 7 worlds, 7 royal seeds, "7 wonders of the world?" How can there only be six medals?

Anyway, I'm considering trying to do a no-continue clear of the final level, but I know I'm going to choke the invisibility section at least a few times, so that's kind of demotivating.
Quoted by: LiC
Odd that a near identical wonder occurred in two world three levels back to back.

EDIT: and for the wonder on the next “trial” to completely trivialize the whole level lol?
Looking at some of the early modding stuff and apparently every level has a code for a timer. Probably a left over from when the game still had one, but it'll be neat if modders can make stages that reimplement it for Luigi U style stages.
You're telling me there's no seventh medal? Come on, 7 worlds, 7 royal seeds, "7 wonders of the world?" How can there only be six medals?

Anyway, I'm considering trying to do a no-continue clear of the final level, but I know I'm going to choke the invisibility section at least a few times, so that's kind of demotivating.
Update: Got it first try! I took damage once, and a checkpoint restored the Super Mushroom, but I started with no items and it was deathless. Happy with that.
The world maps give me origami king vibes with their sense of place and interactivity!

I can’t do super long sessions of this game. It’s so jammed packed compared to other stuff I’m playing that I feel spoiled!
So I've 100%'d the game (except for getting all the standees) and the only thing stopping me from starting a new game to do it all over again is, unless I'm missing something, you can only have one save per profile? That's kinda weird right? Especially for a Mario game; I remember Odyssey having something like 5 save files per profile.
Hey, whoever decided (final level spoilers) the last section of the Badge Marathon should use the invisibility badge ... I just want to talk

This level damn near broke me. That final portion with that and no checkpoint was just cruel. It sure felt super satisfying after completing it though 😅
So I've 100%'d the game (except for getting all the standees) and the only thing stopping me from starting a new game to do it all over again is, unless I'm missing something, you can only have one save per profile? That's kinda weird right? Especially for a Mario game; I remember Odyssey having something like 5 save files per profile.
Wait really? I could've sworn there were 3 save profiles.
Okay, I just need to know: is there more to the invisibility section if I can get past the inflatable fish? It's been an hour of failure. I have every section before that down to a science, so I keep getting enough coins to effectively cancel out each death. I'm stuck in a loop. I need to know how far away the end is. Please. I need to know.
Okay, I just need to know: is there more to the invisibility section if I can get past the inflatable fish? It's been an hour of failure. I have every section before that down to a science, so I keep getting enough coins to effectively cancel out each death. I'm stuck in a loop. I need to know how far away the end is. Please. I need to know.
If it's the section I'm thinking it is then...

You're at the end, fair warning though, getting the top of the flag is tricky.
Okay, I just need to know: is there more to the invisibility section if I can get past the inflatable fish? It's been an hour of failure. I have every section before that down to a science, so I keep getting enough coins to effectively cancel out each death. I'm stuck in a loop. I need to know how far away the end is. Please. I need to know.
Nope, that's it. Purple fish, handful of green fish, solid ground. The only thing after that is making sure you get the top of the flagpole, but you can (and SHOULD!) take your time with that.
Okay, I just need to know: is there more to the invisibility section if I can get past the inflatable fish? It's been an hour of failure. I have every section before that down to a science, so I keep getting enough coins to effectively cancel out each death. I'm stuck in a loop. I need to know how far away the end is. Please. I need to know.
You're almost there. It's purple inflatable fish, then some green inflatable fish coming from the other direction and then you're done with pits/hazards. After that, there's still some block stairs and another one of those bouncy triangles before the flagpole, but it's all over solid ground.
I've just died in that part right now and I want to burn some offices.
Is "Badge Marathon" in the magma world? Because I just completed that few mins ago (everything.. for the green checkmark). I hate, hate the challenges there and I hope there's not similar "badge marathon" in Special World
Anyone else doing a no badges run the first time through (outside of the badge specific challenge levels)?

I also have this weird thing where I only allow myself to play as Mario the first time through. It's a Mario game dammit!
Goddamn I love this game.
It's just so packed with happiness and creative ideas, I have a big silly smile on my face the whole time.
In a year packed with great games, this one still shines as something really special.
And that Switch "click" when you jump off the flagpole; more satisfying than the first sip of coffee on a chilly Winter's morning.
100% done including the final final level which I adored. Amazing game overall and easily my favorite 2D Mario game. Just so much fun to play, the levels are awesome, and there’s so much creativity and new ideas throughout. I have some small complaints like no post game, but overall I had a blast.
Mario Wonder is like Tetris. It makes you want more after but sadly unlike Tetris Mario Wonder is finte. :(

Well this game makes me excited for next 3D mario.
100% finished

Overall I get why many are calling this the "best since World", but for me I found most of the Wonder mechanics to distract from the pure Mario platforming that I love. I'd much rather go back and replay NSMBU, heck I'd rather replay NSMBWii. I just vastly prefer not constantly having the perfect formula 2d Mario level pacing interrupted with the Wonder stuff which is often all style no substance for me.
Just getting to World 3 and I kind of get this. The Wonder effects are cool, but often definitely more spectacle than anything else. And they seem to mostly just extend the stage, whereas if you don’t do them the stages feel pretty short. Actually they often feel kind of short even with the Wonder sections.

I’m really liking the game but I can see where you’re coming from, especially with the platforming.
Mario Wonder is like Tetris. It makes you want more after but sadly unlike Tetris Mario Wonder is finte. :(

Well this game makes me excited for next 3D mario.
The 3D Mario team has been cooking for over 6 years, I’m immensely excited and don’t know what to expect at all.

I know a lot of people take Bowser’s Fury as a prototype but I don’t even think that’s a given. I genuinely believe all bets are off.
Against the needs of my sleep cycle, I decided to play through Fluff-Puff Peaks tonight. Nice to have the ice/mountain theme done much earlier this time around!

When my partner and I were playing World 1 before, they mentioned how the Wonder Seeds and Wonder Effect challenges felt like getting Power Stars in Super Mario 64 and such. The literal mechanical trope is obvious, but it was i how they utilized sections of the courses or twisted up the mechanics where the comparison was made. I feel like World 2 really sells that. While the trek up the mountain is linear, with a branch off to the Special World but only one secret exit, the three zones on the mountain are themselves open areas. It's not the "sequel to Super Mario World" interconnected map that I expected, but it instead envokes the structure of 3D Mario. There is plenty of room to pick and choose your missions, from lengthy courses to short challenges. And while many Wonder Effects focus on adding new layers to an existing layout, there were quite a few that lead to unique level design, and I enjoy the back and forth there. It's good range, and it shows that many of these courses do stand up without their gimmicks.

Special shout outs to all of the new enemy types shown in this world, to the timed appearing/disappearing block challenge course and it's Special World counterpart, and the incredible SMB Super Mario Maker airship remix used for the airship stages here.
Managed to finish the 6th area, I really liked how that map works. Gonna tackle tomorrow the final part
Haven't finished it yet but I'm getting there and uh...I can't believe that this might be the best 2D Mario game ever. I just don't know what else there is to say. This game is just too fun.

Lol I love that it's Dring posting that.
yeah....just peep the comments then lmao.
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Digging the music a lot. I think it fits the style really well and I don’t think it is unremarkable or forgettable at all.
Just reached the last world.

Surprisingly enough, I actually have some complaints/things I feel are a bit underdeveloped that I touched on in this thread but I’m gonna combine them all.

The first main thing is Bowser, bosses and castle levels. They all tie to eachother so here goes. I’ve said over and over how the game needed more bosses and boss variety. I really think there’s room for improvement here and it really sticks out as the biggest flaw of the game. This really should’ve been 2D Mario’s jump in quality for bosses, but instead it’s a downgrade. More of them, and make them the best yet for the next game please. Make them each challenge the player on a different mechanic like Galaxy’s did, make them a spectacle.

Next is the “boss levels” which the game is also, given the above, naturally a bit anemic on. Best thing I can say is that they look really cool and unique to Wonder, and that the airship music is great. Next game, again, needs a total refresh. The removal of fortresses but keeping Castles and Airships sticks out, and comes off as a bit uninspired and like an obligation while everything else is so improved. Perhaps for the next game, do away with that structure entirely and have the boss levels all be different.

Then there’s Bowser and Jr. I’d love a new villain, but I think Bowser as the villain is just as important as Mario as the main character at this point, and I can understand why. But if that’s the case, Bowser needs some new boss henchmen imo. Someone else besides Jr., the Koopalings, and Kamek every game. Broodals in Odyssey were a good start

The World Map is my second area of improvement. They’ve got a great thing with the individual maps, but there’s two points I’m surprised to find the game a bit lacking on.

1) Interconnectivity. Full, seamless map with no loading screens next game please, complete with secret exits that connect worlds to other worlds in sequence-breaking ways.

2) speaking of secret exits, the game has… surprisingly few of them that I’ve encountered, considering all the talk of secrets pre-release. Nothing really comes close to the trickiest secret exits of World and the NSMB games either. I want more of them, and more devilishly hidden ones too.

Overall the game has little interconnectivity and the secret exits it does have almost always culminate in a single path to the special world from that world. And for Worlds 3 & 5 you don’t even get that, you just have to revisit the final Poplin house in each one in order to get the Special World warp, was just confusingly anticlimactic. I definitely expected more here

That being said… the improvements in moment to moment gameplay here are just SO good that Wonder is probably still my favorite 2D Mario when all is said and done. From the animations, to the massive step up in art style, the beautifully curated Wonder Flower setpieces, the deluge of new and interesting mechanics and enemies. It’s just so much more of a delight from minute to minute at its core that my big picture complaints just fade away.

NSMB felt B-tier, lacking that “Nintendo magic” that pours through in their best games, while Wonder has it in spades. It’s definitely the moment we’ve been waiting for where 2D Mario gets the 3D Mario level of care, attention and polish.
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100% this over the weekend
Really happy with how fresh and unique it felt. Had a blast playing with the online enabled and seeing random people come together to help each other through the levels. There was a red Yoshi in particular on the final final level who was waiting for me to catch up and place standees in well thought out areas to help me through that challenge and the whole experience was just really heartwarming.

The badges were really fun for diversifying the gameplay up and it was really nice seeing unique level themes and a ton of brand new enemy designs and all the expressiveness of the characters and enemies was lovely to see.

The only complaint I have is the surprising lack of boss variety in a game chock full of unique and brand new ideas but for me that is a minor blemish in an otherwise top tier experience.

I don't think it quite topples Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3 for best 2D Mario game for me, but it does fit nicely into the top 3 and I'm very happy with that
Is "Badge Marathon" in the magma world? Because I just completed that few mins ago (everything.. for the green checkmark). I hate, hate the challenges there and I hope there's not similar "badge marathon" in Special World
It's in the Special World ans is the final secret level of the game. You need to collect every Wonder Seed and Purple Coin in the game and reach the top of all the goalposts to unlock it
complete with secret exits that connect worlds to other worlds in sequence-breaking ways.

I've thought quite a bit about this already, but I don't think the World or NSMB secret exit setup is compatible with Wonder's structure; it'd have to be an entirely different game. You have to get the Royal Seed at the end of each world to complete the game, so skipping entire worlds is off the table. Given you need a high enough Wonder Seed count to open the final level of each world, and the game already allows you to pick and choose which levels you play in the open segments of the map, there wouldn't be much to gain from shortcuts either since in all likelihood you'd need to go back to get more anyway. Lastly, the back half of the game allows you to play World 4-6 in any order regardless so any shortcuts to them or within them would be worthless. Considering how the Ask the Developer interview talks about following the progression system of a 3D Mario, and all of the above, this was never going to happen in Wonder. The Captain Toad cameos are perhaps their cute way of previewing where you'll be going without actually including direct shortcuts that break progression.
How does the pity powerup work in this game? How many deaths do you need to take before it works? Does it come up in multiplayer?

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