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Previews SMT V Previews

So when do you guys think we will get the next PV? We know it'll be this week but this question is whether is Tues, Wednesday, or Thurs
I don't want to read any previews because I don't really want to spoil myself with additional information and feel like I've seen enough of it in trailers and the Treehouse footage.

But previews seem to be overall positive, from what I gather?
Its fun! Great RPG.
Right, I’m pencilling it in for early next year!

I swear its the game I’ve probably given the most thought to playing without actually ever buying it. Ive gone the full spectrum of impressions on it, from initially turning my nose up at it when it wasn’t the FE/SMT crossover I wanted, to thinking the combat system looked cool, to finding the music videos awful, to finding them so-bad-they’re good, to just laughing at the FE theme in one of the cut scenes. I probably should play it just to experience it in context rather than in weird cuts. I mean, I like SMT, FE, JRPGs and turn-based-combat. What could go wrong!
I’ve had that on my ‘to play’ list for years now. Every time I hear enough good things that it gets near the top, I read a barrage of criticism that pushes it down :D
I hopped off it really hard on wii u, was really upset at the lack of a English dub, but I ended up getting it on switch. Its cheesy, but honestly was endearing. Soundtrack was great, some good characters, the dungeons are basically proto-P5, combat is actually pretty unique while stil retaining FE/SMT mechanics. Not the best offering of either franchise, but I enjoyed my time with it once I got into it
👀 this is gonna be my first shin megami tensei game can't wait! Sounds good so far!
I'm just saying Metroid has more mainstream appeal than SMT.

Not that Metroid actually has much, lol. Just that SMT has even less of that.
I dont even know if I'm fully on board with that. There are various reasons I could see SMT performing better at least critically than Metroid Dread, I feel like Dread has some undesirable characteristics for standard reviewer tastes and largely is getting a bump from its legacy status in the genre.
I dont even know if I'm fully on board with that. There are various reasons I could see SMT performing better at least critically than Metroid Dread, I feel like Dread has some undesirable characteristics for standard reviewer tastes and largely is getting a bump from its legacy status in the genre.
Belda? Over here? In this place? 😲
Finally read the Polygon preview. That’s definitely a take. I can see why they ran it because it’s from the perspective of someone seriously into P5, but I think it’s to their detriment as they kept comparing the two in a bit obnoxious manner.

That said, it does have merit as it’s a good cautionary tale to Persona fans eyeing the game: know what you like about Persona before diving into this, a lot of what you may be expecting is not present here despite the shared history. I think that’s worth having.
I apply Belda to everything though. I'm equal opportunity belda.

I think SMT V will get a bump from being linked to Persona and Nintendo this time around.
Ehh...even there, I find that to be rather pointless because it really would apply to any beloved series, developer, and hyped game. Only no-name ones wouldn't get any kind of bump from something like that
Ehh...even there, I find that to be rather pointless because it really would apply to any beloved series, developer, and hyped game. Only no-name ones wouldn't get any kind of bump from something like that
Yes, but its still a factor to varying degrees. I think a Nintendo first party gets more of a bump than a third party game being marketed by Nintendo. The point being saying Metroid is the ceiling for score this year isn't necessarily correct in my opinion if you take into account genre, tone, production values, etc... So yes, Metroid is the more "mainstream" that doesn't mean SMT can't overtake it in other "review friendly aspects" while still retaining bumps from being an exclusive being pushed by Nintendo off the back of a breakout JRPG. Im not saying it to disparage Metroid, I'm just saying its worth talking about all the factors that lead to hype and typically high scores. SMT will probably score lower, but that largely depends on the quality of the title.
Glad things are sounding really positive! I love SMT (and Persona lol), so I'm really eager to play this. Been having a great time with JRPGs this year, so nice to wrap things up with a bang.
Yes, but its still a factor to varying degrees. I think a Nintendo first party gets more of a bump than a third party game being marketed by Nintendo. The point being saying Metroid is the ceiling for score this year isn't necessarily correct in my opinion if you take into account genre, tone, production values, etc... So yes, Metroid is the more "mainstream" that doesn't mean SMT can't overtake it in other "review friendly aspects" while still retaining bumps from being an exclusive being pushed by Nintendo off the back of a breakout JRPG. Im not saying it to disparage Metroid, I'm just saying its worth talking about all the factors that lead to hype and typically high scores. SMT will probably score lower, but that largely depends on the quality of the title.
But that's all just coming down to feelings and preferences at that point. I could see merit in the argument but it just ultimately leads to people knocking down games they aren't as fond of or propping up ones they prefer. Not saying that's what you're doing but it's what usually ends up happening and why I never ever liked those type of points

As for scoring lower, hmm...I wouldn't be surprised if it does but I also don't think it's so unlikely that it could be in a similar range
I’ve had that on my ‘to play’ list for years now. Every time I hear enough good things that it gets near the top, I read a barrage of criticism that pushes it down :D
Perhaps you'd like it, no idea. I thought it was thoroughly unremarkable and I kinda didn't dig the combat.
But that's all just coming down to feelings and preferences at that point. I could see merit in the argument but it just ultimately leads to people knocking down games they aren't as fond of or propping up ones they prefer. Not saying that's what you're doing but it's what usually ends up happening and why I never ever liked those type of points
I mean feelings and preferences are largely all we can do when predicting critical reception.

Yes I agree Belda being used as a way to say "this game is bad, this one is good" is a dumb argument because most games benefit from name recognition bumps. I think saying every game is effected by it in the same way is also incorrect, I think a new first party game is going to generate a lot more hype than a third party one. Its just trying to consider to what degree a game gets hyped up for and why so you can make an educated guess on how other games will perform. Its like how the industry largely likes putting up story driven, cinematic, action adventure titles for goty. Its how something in a genre that isn't "preferred" can get a high score and not even get a nomination for goty.

So its not me saying Metroid is bad or doesn't deserve its score. Im saying Metroid isn't the typical type critics go for and maybe thats why its not cracking 90, I think this factor helped it, SMT may not have that, but here are some other factors I think it can make up that difference with, etc... So I understand the knee jerk reaction to "belda", but I think its still relevant and worth discussing to predict scores.
I mean feelings and preferences are largely all we can do when predicting critical reception.

Yes I agree Belda being used as a way to say "this game is bad, this one is good" is a dumb argument because most games benefit from name recognition bumps. I think saying every game is effected by it in the same way is also incorrect, I think a new first party game is going to generate a lot more hype than a third party one. Its just trying to consider to what degree a game gets hyped up for and why so you can make an educated guess on how other games will perform. Its like how the industry largely likes putting up story driven, cinematic, action adventure titles for goty. Its how something in a genre that isn't "preferred" can get a high score and not even get a nomination for goty.

So its not me saying Metroid is bad or doesn't deserve its score. Im saying Metroid isn't the typical type critics go for and maybe thats why its not cracking 90, I think this factor helped it, SMT may not have that, but here are some other factors I think it can make up that difference with, etc... So I understand the knee jerk reaction to "belda", but I think its still relevant and worth discussing to predict scores.
On that note, I would agree
I think SMTV might actually get a review advantage by not being as mainstream as Metroid, so the not-appealing-to-mainstream elements are treated less harshly because no one's expecting SMT to appeal to the mainstream. Whereas Dread had the baggage of being a heavily advertised first party Nintendo franchise which means it was exposed to a large audience that may not have expected the more "Metroid-y" elements and the harder than average difficulty.

Then again Nintendo and Atlus are pushing SMT hard so it might also run up against a similar issue, but imo probably to a much lesser extent
Personally I don't really care much for reviews when it comes to games because most of time I know what I want out of a game and know precisely what I enjoy. However, in this specific case, I do want reviews to be glowing for SMT V because I want the game to have good wom so that it can help push sales.
Glad the previews are good. That Q&A session posted earlier has me even more excited.
Reading the previews, super excited!

Really liking the orbs that restore your HP/Mana when in the field.
Yeah I can't see this getting 90+ on MC or OC. It's not going to be more mainstream than P5, and there will no doubt be some critics will either want it to be more like Persona or be turned off by the difficulty.
I thought it had an easy mode?
This looks great! Kinda crazy we had to wait this long, but it looks like it's worth the wait!
I'm just saying Metroid has more mainstream appeal than SMT.

Not that Metroid actually has much, lol. Just that SMT has even less of that.
Are there public stats on how the SMT mobile game is performing? That's probably a decent way to measure "mainstream appeal," at least in certain countries. Seems to still be getting collab events at least.
Previews didn't mention this but I hope later stages of the game has different environments, just apocalyptic Tokyo would be boring. SMT4 and 4A had wide variety of settings but the dungeon design sucked.
I hadn’t read much of this thread, and randomly picked Polygons preview… seems it wasn’t the best choice? Half of it is lusting over Persona 5 and complaints about how this wasn’t it.

Also no offense but the preview restrictions sound awful. 90 minutes only, and those first 90 minutes just dump you right into the Tokyo Hellscape? I assume there’s a lot more game here than just battles, even if it’s not “Persona 5”, right?
I hadn’t read much of this thread, and randomly picked Polygons preview… seems it wasn’t the best choice? Half of it is lusting over Persona 5 and complaints about how this wasn’t it.

Also no offense but the preview restrictions sound awful. 90 minutes only, and those first 90 minutes just dump you right into the Tokyo Hellscape? I assume there’s a lot more game here than just battles, even if it’s not “Persona 5”, right?
Yeah Polygon's review has already achieved laughingstock status, it's pretty bad

And yeah preview restrictions in general are weirdly strict. Though SMT is very battle focused, there's still story, exploration, and side quests like any typical JRPG. Just less story stuff really, or rather more in the background
I hadn’t read much of this thread, and randomly picked Polygons preview… seems it wasn’t the best choice? Half of it is lusting over Persona 5 and complaints about how this wasn’t it.

Also no offense but the preview restrictions sound awful. 90 minutes only, and those first 90 minutes just dump you right into the Tokyo Hellscape? I assume there’s a lot more game here than just battles, even if it’s not “Persona 5”, right?
Contrast that with IV where it’s 90 minutes of feudal times and menu based towns 😄
I just really wanna know more of the general setup to the plot, like the trailers all say that apparently YHVH is dead an we see Lucifer dissolve in a cutscene so some wild non-standard shit for an SMT game must be going on. Really excited to know more
I really enjoyed SMT IV on 3DS, though I didn’t quite finish the game (neutral route) due to a backlog of mandatory side quests. Hopefully this game deals with that a little better.

Regardless, I’m definitely looking forward to this!
I think this will be my first SMT. Will propably get it for Christmas, since I'll be occupied with FFXIV once Endwalker comes out
Personally I don't really care much for reviews when it comes to games because most of time I know what I want out of a game and know precisely what I enjoy. However, in this specific case, I do want reviews to be glowing for SMT V because I want the game to have good wom so that it can help push sales.
JRPGs, in particular, fall into the camp that I like to call the "if it's in a genre I love, and ESPECIALLY if it's more niche and/or anime, add 5-10 to the Metacritic score for your own personal rating". This obviously isn't a hard and fast rule, but I find that a JRPG breaking, say, 85 MC usually means it's a VERY good JRPG just due to how they tend to be reviewed. 90+? Quite possibly some of the greatest RPGs of the last decade and/or all time. (This has held true for me recently: DQ11S, Xenoblade 1, Persona 5/R, and FETH, etc.)
I haven't really been looking at the nitty-gritty game details for this so I was excited to hear there's a focus on exploration and there are even some collectibles.
Between Monster Hunter Rise, No More Heroes 3, Metroid Dread and this, 2021 will probably end up being my favorite year of the system. Great games by great games.

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