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Mostly the former. There's The Run, a streamed race between experienced speedrunners where the jobs they get are voted on (and you can donate to boost your vote) and there's usually a way of switching jobs if you don't like what you get, which requires you to make a small dono ($3-6 I think).

So there's a few incentives but I generally just do a run and donate when I'm done.
ohh ok I think the streamer race is what I missed and made some of the info confusing. Thanks!

Don't have time for this now but wish I could participate, it sounds fun. And I really want to play V as I love Bravely Default
Anyone looking at doing the FF5 Four Job Fiesta this year? For those who don't know, it's a yearly charity thing where you run FF5 with your jobs selected randomly according to which rules you set - the basic rules give you a class from each crystal. It supports the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund.


Was thinking of making a thread if there's interest.
I'm in. Honestly the pixel remaster make it so much better to replay this
Dunno a better place to make my first post than here. Hey, ya'll. Been playing through all of Dragon Quest for the first time over the last month and a half! I'm currently like... 1/3 of the way through DQ8? Happy to have some legitimate cutscene direction after playing 1-7 back to back.

Not super big on the series (tbh I think 1-3 aren't really worth playing in their current form outside of history reasons, though the narrative stuff at the end of 3 is cool!). I know 5 is a very popular "best one" pick but I didn't really enjoy that one. I had a good time with 4, 6, 7, and 8 (so far!). Really just decided to start this journey cuz I wanted to be more "educated" about the series, I guess. Been a longtime FF super fan but this was mostly a blindspot for me.
Dunno a better place to make my first post than here. Hey, ya'll. Been playing through all of Dragon Quest for the first time over the last month and a half! I'm currently like... 1/3 of the way through DQ8? Happy to have some legitimate cutscene direction after playing 1-7 back to back.

Not super big on the series (tbh I think 1-3 aren't really worth playing in their current form outside of history reasons, though the narrative stuff at the end of 3 is cool!). I know 5 is a very popular "best one" pick but I didn't really enjoy that one. I had a good time with 4, 6, 7, and 8 (so far!). Really just decided to start this journey cuz I wanted to be more "educated" about the series, I guess. Been a longtime FF super fan but this was mostly a blindspot for me.
Welcome :) Looking forward to reading your posts as you play through!
Dunno a better place to make my first post than here. Hey, ya'll. Been playing through all of Dragon Quest for the first time over the last month and a half! I'm currently like... 1/3 of the way through DQ8? Happy to have some legitimate cutscene direction after playing 1-7 back to back.

Not super big on the series (tbh I think 1-3 aren't really worth playing in their current form outside of history reasons, though the narrative stuff at the end of 3 is cool!). I know 5 is a very popular "best one" pick but I didn't really enjoy that one. I had a good time with 4, 6, 7, and 8 (so far!). Really just decided to start this journey cuz I wanted to be more "educated" about the series, I guess. Been a longtime FF super fan but this was mostly a blindspot for me.
Profile pic checks out 👍
Dunno a better place to make my first post than here. Hey, ya'll. Been playing through all of Dragon Quest for the first time over the last month and a half! I'm currently like... 1/3 of the way through DQ8? Happy to have some legitimate cutscene direction after playing 1-7 back to back.

Not super big on the series (tbh I think 1-3 aren't really worth playing in their current form outside of history reasons, though the narrative stuff at the end of 3 is cool!). I know 5 is a very popular "best one" pick but I didn't really enjoy that one. I had a good time with 4, 6, 7, and 8 (so far!). Really just decided to start this journey cuz I wanted to be more "educated" about the series, I guess. Been a longtime FF super fan but this was mostly a blindspot for me.
Ah, a fellow DQ member
The entirety of the Dragon Quest franchise will keep on sucking so long as they don't give us the date of 3 HD-2D 🤪

Dumb and unfunny jokes aside I've been playing XC2's Torna and folks weren't kidding! It's 2 if it were good! cue angry mob

Seriously though it's been a blast so far. Got past the first "community blockade" (or however it is that people call the mandatory side-quests check) with ease so not even that could bother me, though I'm afraid the second and final one might ahah.

Streamlining Xenoblade 2's systems and getting rid of the awful ones is such a boon for the experience as a whole, though some friction yet remains, or at least friction I don't really consider great game design, such as the kill "n" times "monster" in "location". Seriously is there no other way? I get that they wanted something a tad more involved when most character progression is unlocked just by naturally going through the motions but this? On an uncharitable day I'd say it's nothing short of boring and obtuse fetch-questing.

Of course some of the other questionable aspects just cannot be changed either, like some of the less than stellar character design. It's not just the eye-rolling objectified designs that get me. While I dig how most of XC2's cast is in some pretty fun attire throughout the game I also can't help but feel like that fun factor was definitely not in check throughout development, 'cause boy do they often stick out like an eyesore! Characters more often than not have such a hard time blending with the rest of the setting.

On the whole though: XC2 but better (and shorter)? YES PLEASE!
That might not be as hot a take as you think 😅
Yeah I've definitely seen it around, though I also know 2 has a massive fanbase and people who swear by it. For me though it was just a very uneven experience, fantastic highs but with lows that ended up irredeemably taking a heavy toll on my assessment of the game as a whole. Lows that just kept on dragging it down and down.

Don't think I've ever laughed out of embarrassment for a piece of media I'd gone out of my way to experience like I have for some of the moments in 2. And some of those game design choices...

Okay but Torna! Torna's great. (I have a feeling so many of my posts in this ST are negative and critical lmao. Some might end putting me on ignore for that alone ;P)
Me preparing for DQ Day when they announce everything but DQ3 2D HD date (and of course, no localization of DQX Offline but that was expected)

Boy howdy, chapter 24 in Engage was a toughy, I don't much like missions with a time limit (turn limit in this case), but I got it done with minimal casualties. Hardest part was smoking past Alear before the avalanche washed us down the mountain. So now I have two more paralogue missions and two more campaign missions.
Boy howdy, chapter 24 in Engage was a toughy, I don't much like missions with a time limit (turn limit in this case), but I got it done with minimal casualties. Hardest part was smoking past Alear before the avalanche washed us down the mountain. So now I have two more paralogue missions and two more campaign missions.
Yeah that was one where, unlike my usual approach to get my second-rate units some xp, I was happy to lean on my strongest units to just blitz it
So after starting and stopping a run of FE Engage last year, doing so again very early on this year, and then just about two weeks ago doing so one more time, I have finally beaten Engage, and thus my first Fire Emblem game. Sitting here as the credits roll grabbing as many screenshots as I can of this nice artwork, haha.

Final team;
Alear (F)

What a treat this game was. Now the decision becomes, with regards to Fire Emblem at least, do I go back and finally beat Three Houses or wait for this alleged FE4 remake? Choices, choices.
I was cleaning one of my old external hard drives and found Torchlight 2 installer and then I remembered I bought it for switch and decided to start a run. I'm surprised it holds really well after 12 years and even doesn't have the dreaded small text issues, plus Panic Button did some magic for a game that is only 2 GB
Also, before I forget, someone over at the studio that made Engage must be a Talking Heads fan, because a ton of the characters sure loved to do this move in dialogue scenes;
So, any folks in here that have played Valkyrie Elysium?
I’m currently giving this a go, making my way through chapter 1 still (just reached the castle).

It’s a bit … bland? I’d say.
I know nothing about the Valkyrie series, but from those I know who like the original games it sounds like the new game is very... bland is a good word. Combat is fine, it doesn't really feel like a Valkyrie game, etc. (but this is all secondhand so don't take it too strongly!)
So, any folks in here that have played Valkyrie Elysium?
I’m currently giving this a go, making my way through chapter 1 still (just reached the castle).

It’s a bit … bland? I’d say.
I'm a huge fan of VP1 and VP2: Silmeria and VP: CotP. Only played the demo of Elysium and it was kind of interesting as long as you treat it like a spin off. Still hoping it comes to XBOX One but I guess that is out of the question.
I know nothing about the Valkyrie series, but from those I know who like the original games it sounds like the new game is very... bland is a good word. Combat is fine, it doesn't really feel like a Valkyrie game, etc. (but this is all secondhand so don't take it too strongly!)
I am not familiar with the series at all, thus giving Elysium a chance as fair as possible, at least. ;D It's probably good that I don't have a clue what a Valkyrie game is supposed to be like, then.
Combat does make a solid to good impression with some nice visual effects here and there, it's got a good flow overall. Other than that though? Prreeetty basic stuff.

I'm a huge fan of VP1 and VP2: Silmeria and VP: CotP. Only played the demo of Elysium and it was kind of interesting as long as you treat it like a spin off. Still hoping it comes to XBOX One but I guess that is out of the question.
Huh, I thought it was one of the Square games that made its way to PC / PS / Xbox that year, but I probably confused its release / choice of platforms with Star Ocean: Divine Force's here.


Game certainly doesn't seem bad, but I do wonder if it's worth putting more time into; reviews say that there isn't really much more to the experience than what you get to see in chapter 1, as the narrative doesn't really evolve beyond what's been offered so far. The mechanical side of things certainly offers the most meat, it seems. Not sure that's enough for me to stick with it, tbh.
So, any folks in here that have played Valkyrie Elysium?
I’m currently giving this a go, making my way through chapter 1 still (just reached the castle).

It’s a bit … bland? I’d say.
Making a new VP action spinoff was violence against me personally.
I am not familiar with the series at all, thus giving Elysium a chance as fair as possible, at least. ;D It's probably good that I don't have a clue what a Valkyrie game is supposed to be like, then.
Combat does make a solid to good impression with some nice visual effects here and there, it's got a good flow overall. Other than that though? Prreeetty basic stuff.

Huh, I thought it was one of the Square games that made its way to PC / PS / Xbox that year, but I probably confused its release / choice of platforms with Star Ocean: Divine Force's here.


Game certainly doesn't seem bad, but I do wonder if it's worth putting more time into; reviews say that there isn't really much more to the experience than what you get to see in chapter 1, as the narrative doesn't really evolve beyond what's been offered so far. The mechanical side of things certainly offers the most meat, it seems. Not sure that's enough for me to stick with it, tbh.
I see it has released on Windows too. I'd love if it came to Xbox. I would prefer Valkyrie Profile: Hrist though 😅
So, any folks in here that have played Valkyrie Elysium?
I’m currently giving this a go, making my way through chapter 1 still (just reached the castle).

It’s a bit … bland? I’d say.
I only played the demo which was quite substantial. Had good fun with it by the time I was done and I picked it up, but haven’t played it yet still.
Anybody here played Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi? This first person dungeon crawler has quite some Baroque-vibes and is made by the fine folks who did Elminage. I ordered it on a whim and am really curious.
Anybody here played Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi? This first person dungeon crawler has quite some Baroque-vibes and is made by the fine folks who did Elminage. I ordered it on a whim and am really curious.
Yeah, it’s really, really good. The tunnelling mechanic adds something different to the genre. It’s by Experience, they also did Stranger of Sword City if you are looking for something similar on Switch.
Yeah, it’s really, really good. The tunnelling mechanic adds something different to the genre. It’s by Experience, they also did Stranger of Sword City if you are looking for something similar on Switch.
I just dived into their history. I said in my previous post that they did Elminage but that's another developer (Starfish). They did Demon Gaze too I see. I'm going to check it out, the vibe is REALLY appealing to me. Also, that soundtrack is amazing from what I've listened to on YouTube.

I'll check out Stranger of Sword City, really want to know more of this developer. Seems they fly under everybodys radar while churning out quite good games!

Edit: lmao, I KNEW that game sounded familiair:

Turns out I already have it haha! Just played a bit of Saviors, but will try Sword City tomorrow!
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Anybody here played Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi? This first person dungeon crawler has quite some Baroque-vibes and is made by the fine folks who did Elminage. I ordered it on a whim and am really curious.
Outside of their horror series, Spirit Hunter, its my favorite Experience game. Its a very unique dungeon crawler with a bleak tone but an interesting folktale lore of beings and their civilization. The backstory and entries are phenomenal specially the bosses. Also the out of battle mechanics make it a fun exploration game (plus no random encounters).


I finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity. I am a big fan of the series, but I never played the 3ds games (next up is Super) so I was curious cause outside of the DS ones, the 3ds games arent talked as much.

I liked it overall. The story is interesting because there is a lot of focus on secondary characters that become teammates and they all have great personalities. Also it had a plot twist that I was not expecting, I was caught of guard :ROFLMAO: . Mechanics are pretty straightforward, but there were some noticeable changes. There is no hunger meter, gummies were gone, linked skills also. The mysterious effects are cool. Leveling is a bit harsher but everyone gets exp.

Building your base is a good incentive to comeback post game, but I feel like its a grind. The materials are only available in missions and you can only take 1 mission at a time. I really dislike that. But overall a pretty good experience.
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Playing Valkyrie Elysium for a quick hour or so here and there seems like a good way of going about this. It’s fun enough in these shorter bursts. Gets a bit too repetitive if playing for longer, though. Gameplay / mechanics feel good enough to keep going, at least.
Playing Valkyrie Elysium for a quick hour or so here and there seems like a good way of going about this. It’s fun enough in these shorter bursts. Gets a bit too repetitive if playing for longer, though. Gameplay / mechanics feel good enough to keep going, at least.

Yeah the combat isn't bad but it definitely gets repetitive, i remember being fed up with it as i was approaching the end of the game. Still, it's wild to see some mechanics straight up lifted from Ninja Gaiden in a Valkyrie game lol

Very weird game overall. I don't regret playing it honestly, but i really don't know what were they thinking when they greenlighted it.
Well, I 100% completed the game now, with around 43 hours played... Which means, yeah, I like this!

The first thing I want to say is: I really do love how much of a celebration of various JP devs this game is!

As I said before, I don't think I knew much about these companies (besides CC2 and Tekken cuz they're pretty major) when I first tried playing this, so coming back with a whole different perspective really helped.

I also think the gameplay does get a nice little slightly addictive feel going for it once you're closer to the end. Still not a fan of forced grinding to beat the main story though, but at least it's pretty simple and fast grinding. The dungeons are also clearly "secondary" to the game, because of there only being like 10 real layouts that just get reused many times. I think there should have been an upgrade to add Turbo Mode or to let you move really fast through the dungeons. I mean, why even remotely pretend they are interesting to explore? Thankfully, none of them are big at all however.

I think the story and humor kinda fizzle out closer to the end, I do get the impression that this is one of the "driest" games in the series though. That said this game did make me laugh out loud (for real) quite a few times. It's hilarious when it wants to be!

So as a game, it's nothing really special. I also attribute to having a Steam Deck now for being a factor in me enjoying it more. But there is a very fun world going on here and overall, I honestly think I am now a fan of Nep-Nep!
Soooo I kinda didn't have enough of a fill of Nep with this and played through the second game too!


This time I had about 38 hours played, and did not 100% the game. It seems more bloated in that aspect so I think I'll pass.

I think the series did start finding more of an identity with this one. The first one did kinda feel like the whole video gamey/industry aspect went to the background and it was more of a generic waifu game. I felt this one was stronger in the video gamey aspect.

Still not a "good" story here, but I'm obv not playing for that. A lot of really funny moments (the 4 goddesses arguing over which console is better the night before the final battle had me dying, same with Blanc trying to play Wii Fit and being told she has the athleticism of someone in their mid 40s.). I don't know if there's other Nep fans here, but I'll also just say it: Nepgear >>> Neptune lol!

Also, I did check out this ending... and I think it was kind of try-hard and I didn't really feel emotional 🤷


Gameplay wise as many know, it's the exact same with the only difference being a 4th character being enabled for battles. I actually just bought the $1 cheat DLC for 6x EXP and just enjoyed the scenes etc. As coming hot off the first, I wasn't really interested in doing more of the same.

So NOW I definitely had my fill, I won't be playing Rebirth 3 for a little while. I am actually quite interested to see what Neptunia VII is all about, but I'm not looking to skip, and again, I'm putting some distance in now lol.
Soooo I kinda didn't have enough of a fill of Nep with this and played through the second game too!


This time I had about 38 hours played, and did not 100% the game. It seems more bloated in that aspect so I think I'll pass.

I think the series did start finding more of an identity with this one. The first one did kinda feel like the whole video gamey/industry aspect went to the background and it was more of a generic waifu game. I felt this one was stronger in the video gamey aspect.

Still not a "good" story here, but I'm obv not playing for that. A lot of really funny moments (the 4 goddesses arguing over which console is better the night before the final battle had me dying, same with Blanc trying to play Wii Fit and being told she has the athleticism of someone in their mid 40s.). I don't know if there's other Nep fans here, but I'll also just say it: Nepgear >>> Neptune lol!

Also, I did check out this ending... and I think it was kind of try-hard and I didn't really feel emotional 🤷


Gameplay wise as many know, it's the exact same with the only difference being a 4th character being enabled for battles. I actually just bought the $1 cheat DLC for 6x EXP and just enjoyed the scenes etc. As coming hot off the first, I wasn't really interested in doing more of the same.

So NOW I definitely had my fill, I won't be playing Rebirth 3 for a little while. I am actually quite interested to see what Neptunia VII is all about, but I'm not looking to skip, and again, I'm putting some distance in now lol.
I’ve only played and finished the original PS3 version of the first Neptunia. I was interested based on its poor reputation as I sometimes enjoy(?) playing bad games. The actual game is poor with incredibly whatever combat (they tried to make it like you were programming attacks, but there’s little reason not to pick your best moves constantly) and the camera frequently makes it feel like the game is going to crash as you turn it depending on the level lol.

That said, I came away liking the characters a lot so I ended up buying the two sequels for barely a few dollars each (those games go on or at least did go on extra steep sales), but haven’t really played them yet. I’m going to start digging into my PS3 backlog this Summer, so I do plan to play them and see what I think.
Still waiting for this impending news about Eiyuden Chronicle’s Switch version before I buy a copy. Fingers crossed…

I hope they will have the chance to keep working on it and at least implement some much needed QoL changes and general improvements but fixing the Switch version should be their absolute priority (even if it might be too late at this point...)

I'm more positive about the game than most it seems, i'm 75% through the game and i love it honestly. I don't necessarily disagree with most of the complaints, but for me it's one of those cases where the game is greater than the sums of its parts.

I would be heartbroken if the team won't find a way to work on a sequel...
I hope they will have the chance to keep working on it and at least implement some much needed QoL changes and general improvements but fixing the Switch version should be their absolute priority (even if it might be too late at this point...)

I'm more positive about the game than most it seems, i'm 75% through the game and i love it honestly. I don't necessarily disagree with most of the complaints, but for me it's one of those cases where the game is greater than the sums of its parts.

I would be heartbroken if the team won't find a way to work on a sequel...
Wasn’t there mention of a sequel already? I’m sure I read it somewhere
Wasn’t there mention of a sequel already? I’m sure I read it somewhere

Yeah they said they have plans for a sequel, what i'm worried about is that 505 games isn't apparently doing too great and there's zero chance they are going to get the same support via Kickstarter as they did with the first game if they decide to go that route again.

Hopefully the game is doing well enough and i'm worrying for nothing lol
Yeah they said they have plans for a sequel, what i'm worried about is that 505 games isn't apparently doing too great and there's zero chance they are going to get the same support via Kickstarter as they did with the first game if they decide to go that route again.

Hopefully the game is doing well enough and i'm worrying for nothing lol
Yeah. I find the whole ‘spiritual successor’ thing interesting. Konami is remastering Suikoden I/II but eyes are now on Eiyuden Chronicle as that’s where the staff went. And the same for Bloodstained over 2D Castlevania.
Just remembered we're getting a new Direct in June, which means sales. I hope some of the RPGs I've been eyeing get some hefty deals. In particular I have a hankering for dungeon crawleres, so I'm looking at Undernaut Labyrinth of Yomi, Labyrinth of Refrain, maybe Demon Gaze.
Just remembered we're getting a new Direct in June, which means sales. I hope some of the RPGs I've been eyeing get some hefty deals. In particular I have a hankering for dungeon crawleres, so I'm looking at Undernaut Labyrinth of Yomi, Labyrinth of Refrain, maybe Demon Gaze.
Labyrinth of Yomi is great. Demon Gaze is a good dungeon crawl apart from the gross anime tropey shit in the cut scenes. Which take up like 1% of the game but it’s still dire how that crap gets crowbarred in
Yeah, which is why it's a maybe from me. Undernaut is definitely the higher priority, and there's also the off chance some SRPGs (or heck Octopath II) go on sale too.
Have you played Stranger of Sword City? That’s the Experience dungeon crawl I always recommend, I’d put Undernauts up with that as the two worth playing before any of the others
Have you played Stranger of Sword City?
I have not, actually! I've heard of it before but I did not know it was also made by Experience. I'll keep a lookout for that too. So right now my priority list would be Undernauts > Labyrinth of Refrain > Stranger of Sword City >> Demon Gaze.

Of course something like Unicorn Overlord might go half off and completely upend my shopping spree lol
I have not, actually! I've heard of it before but I did not know it was also made by Experience. I'll keep a lookout for that too. So right now my priority list would be Undernauts > Labyrinth of Refrain > Stranger of Sword City >> Demon Gaze.

Of course something like Unicorn Overlord might go half off and completely upend my shopping spree lol
Stranger of Sword City Revisited on Switch is the expanded version, and it comes as part of a compilation with Saviors of Sapphire Wings, which is another of Experience’s dungeon crawls. Which isn’t as good as SoSS or Undernauts IMO but still worth a look!
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Don't tell me Fami has been sleeping on Ys X's release date being announced during Anime Expo!

Yeah it's a bit of a non-news situation when the announcement of an announcement happens but I'm sure some will get a tiny tingle of excitement out of this so might as well share it.
A couple of retailers here have release dates listed as October 25th, will be interested to see whether that’s a placeholder or an educated guess
I have not, actually! I've heard of it before but I did not know it was also made by Experience. I'll keep a lookout for that too. So right now my priority list would be Undernauts > Labyrinth of Refrain > Stranger of Sword City >> Demon Gaze.

Of course something like Unicorn Overlord might go half off and completely upend my shopping spree lol
I really enjoyed Labyrinth of Refrain other than some fanservice-y nonsense and some really heavy tonal shifts. Labyrinth of Galleria is even better IMO and they're not really connected at all so you can jump straight into that one as well.

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