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Reviews R(h)ate the Direct (June 2024, General Direct Edition) - Nintendo Direct Review Thread™ -- POLL CLOSED, RESULTS ARE IN

How would you rate today's event?

  • 1 star

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • 2 stars

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • 3 stars

    Votes: 63 9.6%
  • 4 stars

    Votes: 249 38.1%
  • 5 stars

    Votes: 328 50.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The new Zelda looks cool but I REALLY don't like that they reused the Link's Awakening art style. I love that art style but it doesn't fit for a new game the cinematic moments they showed (like the close up shots) at all. It looks kinda uninteresting and the mechanic could easily make or break the game .... it just seems like it might not be that fun to actually play even if I know it will get great reviews and sales.

Metroid Prime 4 looked unimpressive. I don't even necessarily mean graphically but I wanted an art style that was a bit more different from Prime Remastered. The main thing here is the lighting .... doesn't fit a new game at all? Like it looked very basic, the biggest problem here is that it doesn't look like anything new at all it looks very safe. And the logo and name are like a fan game.
I agree with both these points, though I suspect we're in the minority on them, and that's okay.

Metroid Prime 4 looked exactly like what I was picturing. It's just ... another one. Granted, I was watching on my phone, so I can't fairly comment on the graphics, but it doesn't look like a big jump forward for the series that will get new people interested, at least in my watching on my phone at work first impression
Since the premise of these threads always have been "the poll is temporary, because I want everyone to vote with passion" then yes, it's 5 stars.

It's been a pattern for me to vote 5 stars for every TotK-feature in a Direct, and it's not always guaranteed that a non-TotK Direct gets a 5 star, but this absolutely nailed it. Echoes of Wisdom looks stellar, it has pretty much everything a brand-new 2D Zelda should have: Zelda as the main character, the LA artstyle, a new core mechanic that absolutely rips, and what looks like a wide, wonderful and mysterious world to explore. They showed a lot - it all looks so, so promising - but there's of course more to come.

Metroid Prime 4 is real and freaking stunning. I was so glad to see my faith and blind prayers answered. Loved how it looked - "Like Prime Remastered" is a huge compliment in my book - and the trailer was great, showed gameplay, battles and stunning environments. I hope it's cross-gen, but in all honesty it wouldn't matter much, since I trust Retro to be able to make an awesome-looking game on the OG Switch anyway.

Ace Attorney Investigations arriving is a huge fuck yes-moment that had me extremely hyped.

More holy shit moments were some promising new IP's - MIO: Memories In Orbit, The Hundred Line: Last-Defense Academy, as well as games I'm very interested in, like Phantom Brave and Stray. Perfect Dark on NSO is also hugely welcome.

I don't have huge personal investments in Mario & Luigi, 2D Donkey Kong or Dragon Quest, but they all look very, very good.

What I'm less of a fan of? An overwhelming majority of the other third-party showings, which went in one ere and out the other. But it's drops in the ocean as far as I'm concerned.

I remember always saying "The Switch sure is going out with a bang with TotK and Mario Wonder", fearing 2024 being a nothing year. So, so glad I was proven wrong.
I'm very sad

Before the Direct I was one of the people thinking there'd be a lot of first party and people would be surprised, so I went in knowing it would probably be good. Once Mario & Luigi was the only thing showed for the first 15 minutes I started getting a bit worried but I ended up being right.

But I ended up being mixed about pretty much all the announcements ....

The new Zelda looks cool but I REALLY don't like that they reused the Link's Awakening art style. I love that art style but it doesn't fit for a new game the cinematic moments they showed (like the close up shots) at all. It looks kinda uninteresting and the mechanic could easily make or break the game .... it just seems like it might not be that fun to actually play even if I know it will get great reviews and sales.

Metroid Prime 4 looked unimpressive. I don't even necessarily mean graphically but I wanted an art style that was a bit more different from Prime Remastered. The main thing here is the lighting .... doesn't fit a new game at all? Like it looked very basic, the biggest problem here is that it doesn't look like anything new at all it looks very safe. And the logo and name are like a fan game.

The RPGs all looked pretty bad except the Danganronpa game

And .... Mario & Luigi looked great! A big rough around the edges but I liked how inspired it was.

Capcom's ports were actually more hype here than I was expecting.

That's it. In retrospect I'll probably love this Direct but being mixed on Zelda and Metroid killed it for me. Oh, and Donkey Kong. 4/10
I mean with Metroid Prime it was pretty much just a tease. They showed off the more scripted intro tutorial level, basically what Frigate was in MP1, and teased the new planet.
They're obviously holding their cards for the new gameplay ideas for the full reveal.
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I gave it a 4 stars. Honestly on reflection it's perhaps more of a 3 stars, but for the heavy hitters all being there.

On paper a new Metroid, Mario and Zelda would be an easy 5 star greatest showcase ever, but I'm not a big fan of turn based Mario and the art direction felt a bit pedestrian. It looked nice given the Switch but yeah, a marked step down from Mario Odyssey, eight years later. Metroid, I'm happy to finally, finally see something, but I'm pretty whelmed. It looks like Metroid Prime 3 HD. That was a fine game, but it was an early Wii game. The industry moved on, and so did my expectations. If the main selling point was the graphics, well, it would have been better to just save it for the Switch 2 presentation. I know it's an early teaser and I'm sure there's much more to the game, but this trailer didn't show it.

So that just leaves Zelda. That game looked proper mint. 3D Zelda is much better than 2D Zelda, but I was impressed by seeing the creativity on display, so it will be a day 1 for me.
If Metroid Prime 4 wasn't there probably a low 4, high 3. but MP4...thats a 5. I'm blinded by Metroid
Metroid prime 4 was proabaly the msot disappointed I’ve ever been for a game I’ve looked forward two

9 years of dev for, Metroid prime again, I feel like I already played 4.
You only got a snippet and It'll be cross-platform.
I'd wait for the Switch 2 version info blowout before mentally binning it.
I’d give it 2.5, but I’ll vote 2 in the poll given that I almost fell asleep during the show case. Closer to a 2, then, than it is to a 3.

Prime 4 and, to a lesser extent, Fantasian were personal highlights for me. The rest was very much not to my liking overall.
I vastly prefer 2D Zelda to the 3D ones, so seeing a new one announced with only 3 months to go out of nowhere was just amazing
For the first time in a while I can say that a Direct has totally delivered in every front.

Still feel sad that there are no Golden Sun remakes but we got a ton of surprises to compensate.
4 for me. Twilight ww remakes would have given it a 5, or a new donkey Kong.

Overall way more than I was expecting for last year of switch 1
I’m struggling to think of much I disliked here outside of Zelda’s artstyle and combat. Pretty easy 5 stars, even with Fire Emblem 4 remake MIA.
don't get the overexcitement for this, really.
Outside of that, we got mostly spin offs (many of them sequels to already tired ones), remasters and collections.
Most people didn’t go into a direct in a system’s 8th year expecting a brand new 3D Mario or Animal Crossing or whatever. I don’t know why getting spin-offs is surprising and remasters is surprising.
4 stars

M+L was a nice surprise and I kind of like the hand painted look they are going for but parts look washed out and low poly. Seems kind of budget

Zelda: Zelda is neat and it looks to try and incorporate BotW's DIY attitude towards combat and puzzle solving but using the menu constantly to get to the echoes seems like it will be a chore and it maintains the same linear UI as Botw/TotK so I am not really looking forward to using that.

Ace Attorney and Marvel v Capcom collections look excellent

I beat DKC Returns years ago but always said a remaster would be worth it if they included the 3DS levels. With improved controls, this looks to be the definitive way to play the game.

I dont really care about Mario Party but it's a big game and seems to have a lot of content

Metroid Prime 4 looks good but it's just a teaser for a 2025 game and with no MP 2+3 ports to tide me over I am a little underwealmed. At least it's confirmed to be a Switch game.

DQ1+2 and Romancing Saga 2 were good surprises.

The NSO updates were okay I kind of wanted a fuller roadmap like usual.

I didn't care for anything else. It's cool that there were so few leaks. Pretty much all the sure bets like FE4 were wrong.
Oh yeah hello kitty looked great, the best game annocued this direct I’m gonna change my rating to 2 from 1 cause of it

there were a few mildly interesting things but nothing i'm super excited for

lack of Fire Emblem is always a disappointment and i'm starting to genuinely wonder if those Suikoden remasters are even releasing this year at all at this point

Metroid/Donkey Kong/Mario Party all do nothing for me

i've never played a Mario and Luigi game but just looking at it i'm not really crazy about the concept of an RPG with just the two of them as a party as opposed to something like the partner system in the Paper Mario games plus I really don't like the art style

the Zelda game is sort of interesting but I don't care for chibis plus i'm not really super interested in 2D Zelda in general

Fantasian is sort of interesting but it just kinda goes on the pile of things i'm sort of interested in and might play someday, the Ace Attorney and Saga games looked interesting but I still haven't gotten around to playing Emerald Beyond yet and I still haven't gotten around to playing Ace Attorney games in general beyond the first half or so of the first game
I think you dont like Nintendo at all lol
4 Stars, 8/10
I think this year overall has been way too Mario heavy, with the spaces in between being very simple small games. A Metroid Prime 2/3 Package or FE4 remake in August really would've bridged the gap with a more core title, but the reveals here were interesting and all great
this is the last year of a 7 years old console, just look at what gamecube got in 2006, Wii in 2012, Wii U in 2016, 1/3 of what has shown would be enought, this is insane, a new game from a series made by an developer that fucking died years ago, update for a game people tought nintendo have gave up, games expect to be saved for the next console, in a expectation vs reality this is probably the best of all time
Mario and Luigi
2D Zelda
Mario Party
Switch Sports Update
Perfect Dark, Metroid Zero and Turok on NSO

I think you dont like Nintendo at all lol

eh I like Fire Emblem, I like Xenoblade, I like Mario Kart, I like Bayonetta, I like old Paper Mario, I used to like 3D Zelda but don't like what they've done with it since BoTW, I don't really care for platformers in general but 3D Mario is at least interesting to me whether or not I end up actually getting it, I used to like Pokemon as a kid but they gradually pushed me away with the lack of polish and the way the games have kept getting easier

I just have zero interest in Metroid/Donkey Kong/pretty much all non Kart Mario spinoffs/don't really care for most 2D games/ an RPG with just Mario and Luigi doesn't seem like it would have much in the way of party interactions
Still mentally recovering from Ace Attorney Investigations Collection and seeing Mario & Luigi return. The new Zelda game looks great and I'm content with the way Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake looks. 8.5/10
Still mentally recovering from Ace Attorney Investigations Collection and seeing Mario & Luigi return. The new Zelda game looks great and I'm content with the way Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake looks. 8.5/10
Miles Edgeworth 2 is FINALLY coming

Only took, what, 12 years?

I'm so excited
I always say that a Direct is good when there is at least one game that catches my attention and this Direct was absolutely packed with them, an easy 5 out of 5 for me.

On the first party front we got new entries in the Zelda and Mario & Luigi series, a Donkey Kong Country Returns HD remaster, and a look at Metroid Prime 4: Beyond gameplay.

Then for third parties we have Dragon Quest III HD-2D and the reveal of Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D, Fantasian, Farmagia, Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, Marvel Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection, The Hundred Line -Last Defense Academy- from the creators of Danganronpa and a remake of Romancing SaGa 2 coming out later this year which is surprising since we just got SaGa Emerald Beyond not too long ago.
The funniest thing about this Direct is that the whole we only need one or two lines of Mario RPGs thing dies now .... we have SMRPG, TTYD and Mario & Luigi so it's a free for all now which gets a sequel!
I would say Mario & Luigi won that one since that series is getting a new entry.
peak direct but no fe4 and zelda artsyle kills my soul (ik ik)
september jrpg direct has to happen for the former now so perhaps this is a secret 5
That was one of the greatest Directs ever. There's just no way a "final presentation of the generation" type showcase could be that packed with new games. Good third party announcements and simply unreal first party announcements.

Mario, Zelda, Metroid; THE FOREVER BIG 3!

Prime 4, Zelda Echoes of Wisdom, Mario Party and Switch Sports Basketball were the best parts. Mario and Luigi is cool to see but 3 Mario RPGs in a year way too much for me.

I'd give it a solid 4, better than the last two directs imo (although the third party stuff was pretty abysmal).

- A new Mario & Luigi
With Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario TTYD, I think that's too many Mario in RPG in such a short space of time. But it's a very cool announcement
- A new The Legend of Zelda
In 2D with.... Zelda as playable character ! Far better than TP HD or WW HD
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D
Finally, this year !
- Dragon Quest I+II HD-2D
Separately for 2025
- Metroid Prime 4 : Beyond !
What else ?

My only disappointment is that the Switch won't have its own Donkey Kong.
That was absolutely incredible, especially compared to my expectations going in of this being a light year.

That Mario and Luigi artstyle is fucking perfection. What the fuck happened for them to go to 0 Mario RPGs to remaking the two most beloved ones and doing a new one in the span of basically a year though seriously? Also really wonder who is developing it, maybe it's even internal at Nintendo EPD?

Mario Party with actual interesting maps + a good number of maps, great looking minigames, different modes, and 20 player online. I can't believe they just seem to be making the best Mario Party.

Brand new Zelda game, first new 2D Zelda in over 10 years, and it's out in 3 months. FUCK YEAH. Using the LA remake artstyle which I love, also it's so fucking cool that they're basically taking the sort of systems heavy gameplay of BOTW/TOTK and applying it to a 2D Zelda game it's going to rule.

and then METROID PRIME 4!!! Honestly shocked at how direct of a sequel it really seems to be, mostly for better. It does worry me a bit that the combat seemed so similar to the original trilogy though, as I really don't think combat is the strong suit of those games. But it also seemed to be from the very beginning of the game so perhaps more combat options open up the further you get in. Scan visor back is great but never expected anything else, loved the scale of this huge battle going on in the intro, and also loved that they are sticking to a lot of Prime's designs (the gunship and suit are just straight out of Prime 3) like it's cool that they're actually respecting continuity there. Also I can't believe it but, I'm kinda hype for Sylux now haha.

And this is just first party! Fantasian, Ace Attorney, DQ3, Mio, MVC2 COMING BACK!? Just an incredible show.
I got 10 minutes left before I had to go back to work.

This might overtake Sony’s “E3 of dreams” for me. It’s pretty clear they held back stuff from February, but this was nothing but hit after hit in rapid fire succession. And so many oft requested things delivered. Zelda in her own game! Mario & Luigi are back! Sakaguchi is working with S-E! You can play all of 2D Metroid on one system!

As a person who primarily plays games from Nintendo and JP studios this was mana from heaven. Can’t wait to see what shows up at BitSummit and TGS this year.
I know the Switch is wrapping up, but that didn't feel like a "Switch is on its last legs" Direct to me. Even though the console is winding down, I felt like it had a really strong showing today. I'm sure Nintendo will convince me when the time comes, but between the games I haven't gotten around to yet and the games they just announced, I don't know that I even need to buy a Switch successor next year.
5 stars for me. Was hoping for a decent last-year direct, was hit in the face by a new Mario & Luigi game, a new 2D Zelda game with Zelda as the protagonist, the best additions to Nintendo Online in years, Metroid Prime 4, Dragon Quest I II and III remmakes looking great... I'm just so happy right now.
5 Stars.

I never was as big on M&L as I was on Paper Mario, but Brothership looks genuinely exciting to me; the new Zelda game (starring Zelda) looks intriguing to say the least; Metroid Prime 4... looks very Metroid Prime, but I wouldn't call that a bad thing at this point, I'd be a bit less interested if this took after either cover-based slogfest or something super twitchy like modern DOOM; Fantasian has been on my list of desired games ever since I first laid eyes on it; and Ace Attorney Investigations looks... ace, lol.

Even the stuff I'm not super into looks cool, Mario Party Jamboree and DKCRHD are titles I'll likely never get but they're nice to be here; MvC Fighting Collection isn't EXACTLY what I wanted (really wish they'd do Capcom 3D Fighting Game collection with SFEX, Rival Schools and Power Stone someday), but I'm happy this exists on some weird level; Fairy Tail looks like it might hit for fans of the manga; and Looney Tunes... again, something I'm happy exists.

But what put the Direct at the top for me was the Erdrick trilogy, Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven and HOLY SHIT I AM GETTING A NEW PHANTOM BRAVE TITLE. The OG (though I only played the PSP version, not the PS2 original) is one of my favourite titles and this just... looks... aaaaahh put it in my veins now.

If there's stuff I'm less enthused about, it's Farmagia - it looks OK, but tbh I kind of want to see some hands-on stuff for it first - and The Hundred Line - wasn't a fan of Danganronpa and this looks a lot like that.

But yeah, overall I'm pretty stoked for a lot of it and the good stuff was just really friggin' good.
Mario and Luigi lives
After an eternity of waiting and losing hope, Ace Attorney Investigations 2 got localized
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D release date
New top-down Zelda that looks wildly creative
Prime fucking 4

5/5, easy
I got home and watched some of the trailers on a much better screen than my phone, and now I want to change my vote!

Didn't realize how cute all the NPCs in Zelda looked, missed Metroid ending on a big tree, the hype for AAI2 has sunk in properly.

Note to future self: wait to watch directs till you can watch them on a proper monitor.
I feel like I'm usually stingy w/ my star rating, but this sucker got a 5 from me. Maybe it's just my expectations going in (i.e. end-of-platform's-life Direct), but it surpassed just about every conceivable measure I had...

I was expecting a lot of remasters and ports, and yeah, there were a few, but there was just a helluva more newness to things than I ever would've anticipated. Mario & Luigi trailer? Okay, so we're getting a rema... oh no, it's a new game. And the animations look fantastic! Link's Awakening-style trailer? Okay, so probably a remake of the Ora... oh no, wrong again. It's a brand new top-down Zelda game w/ playable Zelda. And it looks f'n amazing (probably my game of the show, tbh).
And then actual Prime 4 footage?! I figured--at most--they'd show off a CGI teaser due to the expectation of it being cross-gen (so they're not showing off a technically inferior version of the game as people's first introduction to Beyond). And what the heck is Mio? Who knows where the hell Silksong is, but this looks like a really strong Metroid-like in its own right, so sign me up! And then the announcement of the one N64 game which I've prayed to the gods for every night since the service was announced? Finally, my prayers have been answered, and Perfect Dark is being (or maybe it already has; "launching today" wtf) added to NSO.

So yeah, this Direct was a huge W as far as I'm concerned. Couldn't really be happier, tbh

EDIT: and now I'm thinking about that tweet from some guy who said Nintendo doesn't have much in store for the Switch past Tears of the Kingdom. lol... I mean, it was pretty foolish before today, but especially so after this Direct

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