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StarTopic Princess Peach: Showtime! |ST| Trust the Princess

Beat the game earlier, taking a short break before diving in for 100%.

I'm really impressed by this game; it far exceeded my expectations. I didn't even have particularly low expectations, mind you - the game just got even better as it progressed. While early levels are basic, notably on the first floor, later levels - particularly those in the basement - begin to ramp up and present more interesting challenges. I'd say the game ends at a solidly "intermediate" difficulty by the end as a result, which is higher than I expected. It's also really pleasing to see a proper postgame, although it copies Yoshi's Crafted World in execution!

If I had to pick a favourite, I'd say Dashing Thief Peach is the best transformation of the lot - all three levels have the best platforming of the game.

I think the marketing and demo sold this game short. I understand focusing on the variety of transformations - to grab the attention of younger players - but it did have the effect of making the game seem more shallow than it actually is. That isn't to say the game has much depth, but perhaps a little more than was initially let on. I also think the marketing focus on Patissiere Peach - I get it, kids love sweets and cake! - gave some the impression this was little more than a series of minigames, when it's actually a light action-platformer. I wonder if the demo should've let us play as Ninja or Cowgirl Peach instead.
The main issues I’ve seen are the loading screen lagging which is annoying but not a big deal, and during the cutscene after completing a level. Otherwise, seems pretty solid in my eyes
To those who have beaten the game’s story: approximately how many hours did your playthrough take you?

Excited to pick this up tomorrow!
So after the reviews and the talks of “mid feel” the reception i’m seeing from the people who played the game seems to be pretty great, much better than expected pre release.
I’ll probably give it a shot but not now, it looks like a great game but different from what the mainstream gaming media wants. I hope for it’s success.
It seems so obvious this was Good Feel in retrospect because the theatre theme is kind of like an extension of the craft-material themes they worked with before. All of this could've been "go through a painting" Mario-type levels but the theming is really committed to
I picked up this game on a whim but have to admit I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. The theming and animations are excellent so far, and the gameplay is switched up often enough that the simplistic mechanics don’t overstay their welcome imo.
To those who have beaten the game’s story: approximately how many hours did your playthrough take you?

Excited to pick this up tomorrow!

Probably about 7 hours with 95% of the collectables (I missed a few, but the postgame requires you to replay levels anyway so I didn't worry too much).
Started playing a couple hours ago and managed to grab every gem and ribbon on the first floor (though I had to replay the patisserie and cowgirl levels a couple times to 100% them)! Really enjoying the game so far, the aesthetic really does fit perfectly with the gameplay. :)
I'm heartened folks seem to be enjoying this more than the demo. Is the performance any better?
The resolution is bad but performance is solid outside of the transformation scenes (which honestly should have locked framerate since they're so integral to the experience imo???) but anyway it's solid. I just wished it looked better undocked since it relies so much on presentation!
I’m not going to lie. I just played the first level and wanted to jump on here and say…I am so relieved and happy to be playing a game that is just relaxing and charming. It’s a perfect way to unwind after a week at work. There’s definitely a place for games such as this, in my opinion.

Also, I’m playing this with my N64 NSO controller and it’s amaaaaazing feeling with just that one stick and chunky A and B buttons, since that seems to be what this game primarily uses.
I think this might just be because work this week is long and busy and my brain hurts but I am weirdly… enjoying the game way more than I expected? I like that I can just sort of vibe a bit. It’s working for me the same way Woolly World did (though not Crafted World, for some reason).
I haven’t played the game, nor the demo, but I feel like the game’s simplicity and gameplay loop can be pretty much for everyone
I appreciate you summing things up so succinctly! The simplicity and relative ease of this game are two of its major selling points, if you ask me. I've been having a great time just steeping in the atmosphere and witnessing Peach go on a cool, ass-kicking adventure
I appreciate you summing things up so succinctly! The simplicity and relative ease of this game are two of its major selling points, if you ask me. I've been having a great time just steeping in the atmosphere and witnessing Peach go on a cool, ass-kicking adventure
I agree with FutureFunk:

am so relieved and happy to be playing a game that is just relaxing and charming.
Not every game is supposed to be complicated or rewarding.

Granted, in my criteria, the game isn’t worth $59.99
I think the sense of escalation has been really well handled in this game.

For instance, the first Cowgirl level features fighting some enemies in a town before a relatively gentle chase with some bandits on horseback.

The second level involves chasing a train that is destroying towns, before jumping off the horse and abroad the carriages - which leads to a period of fighting enemies and dodging obstacles as you progress through the vehicle.

The final level then starts with another chase, but this time you're on horseback whilst moving through the train. Once you rescue the Sparkla the level then culminates with the train chasing you.

It's nothing mind-blowing, but I think there is an elegance to the game design which I really appreciate.
Y'know, as someone who was pretty down on this game during pre-release, I'm happy that it turned out to be such an enjoyable experience for many of y'all.

Also, seeing this in my timeline was completely heartwarming:

I’m up to floor three right now and am lovinnnnggggggg it. The gameplay loop is so satisfying !!! I had to play the first dashing thief level like five times to get all the gems though. lowkey embarassing
Through the fourth boss now, this is almost a genre to itself, maybe a Variety game? There’s mechanical elements of many Nintendo games in here, and nothing ever outstays its welcome.

I’m even starting to see challenge rooms that aren’t easy on the surface. It’s a delight!
Just started this and I'm really liking this so far. Also swordfighter peach is the closer I'll ever have to Mario Musou
My nephews love the game. I think it's full of good ideas and has an experimental feel that I like, even if it also does give a patchwork feel that can be frustrating. But the game is charming and fresh, so I guess it does what's expected of it. It's almost more fun to watch my nephews play than to play myself, because the atmosphere of the game is very pleasant, more so in my opinion than the gameplay itself.
My favorite theme is definitely Dashing Thief. Best gameplay probably, but also such cool vibes with the secret lairs and all the hacking, the robots, the blimps... Everything is so inspired. Mighty Peach probably second.
I think I'm nearing the end of the game. It's been a great time so far. If I had to nitpick, the game is a bit too chatty for my liking. Going for the collectibles is also not fun when you can't easily backtrack or skip cutscenes, but I've learned to ignore those minor issues. The game is full of creativity and experimental ideas. I think they did a good job.
Of all the great little details in this game — and there are a lot of them — Ninja Peach’s animations might be my favourite. Breathing through the bamboo in the water in particular, just sublime:

Reached the 3rd floor, this game is great and very fun, there are a lot of details here and also the soundtrack is really good. All of the music themes fits perfectly. Also those damn rehearsal levels are really challenging, finished swordfight with 141 kill and dashing thief with 102 gems, and that was after 10 retries for each one
Finished the game yesterday (still need to do postgame stuff), but it was a really enjoyable experience!! I love all the care and love they put in all the animations and movement. Like yesterday I was going down the stairs in the theatre and I was close to the edge, and then Peach slide down the railing ❤️
Just finished the main campaign. A thoroughly enjoyable and charming little game which, as I've said before, will hopefully be the start of something for Peach. I think this concept has bags of potential that is aching to be realised in future games.

Peach of all characters having her version of this was amazing:

Picked up Peach and I am having a blast! Hoping this is the start of Nintendo giving more of its girls games.
A Princess Peach Showtime 2 with Peach starring alongside Daisy and someone else to be a group that counters the Sour Bunch would be cool!
One thing that I've been enjoying is playing with the N64 controller. The only thing you'll be missing is the X button, which tells you what the controls are during certain prompts and to preview dresses in the hub menu. The rest should theoretically be good enough for gameplay, as Z is mapped to ZL which allows you to pose.

Playing the game like this makes the game feel like an insanely high fidelity N64 game, lol. It's oddly charming that way.
Played more of this, now I only have left the last stages in the basement, but it has been really fun. Every stage always left me with a big smile, even the simples ones like skating peach or mermaid peach. I really liked both train scenes from cowgirl peach and the soundtrack was spot on
Played this a bit before work.

I did the first floor and it's fun so far, i like the gameplay diversity and the bosses have been cool so far. The animations are great and the soundtrack is good too.

I don't find the game very enticing to get 100% in, i miss random stuff i don't even know i'm missing in every level apparently but it's fine, i'm just gonna beat it as it is without caring about it.
The game is fun and very charming. I don't think it will stick with me SUPER much, like Luigi's Mansion or such, but the variation is fun and Peach is cute.

... the controls are awful tho, and this Swordfighter One Hit and you lose thing feels dreadfully bad. Peach controlls like a slippery banana and keeps doing random big leaps into thorns. And it is REALLY hard to read what is going on with all the enemies.
I hope collecting all the Gems don't unlock anything super notable as well, cuz... I just can't redo the slow Patissier stage over and over and lose to the Cake minigame that just wrecks my ADHD brain, I can barely keep up with what the instructions on the screen shows. ._.

Okay, um, I have died twice now while singing as Mermaid Peach. I am meant to like, sing and do something, but no matter what I do, it seems I fail? And I lose a heart every time I fail and the game did not say what I was meant to do.
Guess I'm stuck
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Finished this morning (with some stuff still to get back to)! Really, really enjoyed my time with it. Not a lot of games have this much heart, and it was pretty well a joy from start to finish. Here's hoping it doesn't take the better part of 20 years for the next Peach game!
Did a near 100% run of this (collected all the Sparklas in every level, just didn't do the Ex level challenges for the last few Stella ribbons)
I really enjoyed my time with it. It was a fun, charming, and chill experience which is very appreciated every now and then.
It doesn't quite hit the mesmerising highs it could have because of how many different gameplay styles it dips its toes into but it does manage to make each gameplay style fun and engaging and nothing feels like it outstays its welcome.
The only frustration I had was having to restart whole levels to grab a Sparkla I missed (particularly annoying on the second Patisserie level when trying to grab the maximum amount of Sparkla's on the cookie minigame in the second half of the level)

But yeah, it's a fun and charming adventure that's pretty easy and relaxing which is exactly what I've come to expect from Good Feel and I think they ultimately did a great job at giving Peach her own spotlight to shine again after so long
The game is fun and very charming. I don't think it will stick with me SUPER much, like Luigi's Mansion or such, but the variation is fun and Peach is cute.

... the controls are awful tho, and this Swordfighter One Hit and you lose thing feels dreadfully bad. Peach controlls like a slippery banana and keeps doing random big leaps into thorns. And it is REALLY hard to read what is going on with all the enemies.
I hope collecting all the Gems don't unlock anything super notable as well, cuz... I just can't redo the slow Patissier stage over and over and lose to the Cake minigame that just wrecks my ADHD brain, I can barely keep up with what the instructions on the screen shows. ._.

Okay, um, I have died twice now while singing as Mermaid Peach. I am meant to like, sing and do something, but no matter what I do, it seems I fail? And I lose a heart every time I fail and the game did not say what I was meant to do.
Guess I'm stuck
Is it the part where the fish fly at you? If so, are you tilting the stick in the right direction?
Just started this today and cleared the first floor of the theater 100%. Having a good time! It reminds me of Kirby games in a great way. Ninja Peach was definitely my favorite of the first floor transformations with a lot of fun sequences. I didn’t expect the rock wave part haha.
Is it the part where the fish fly at you? If so, are you tilting the stick in the right direction?
I am static and fish swim in from the side, yeah. Am I ONLY suppose to tilt stick in a direction?
Maybe I am just incredibly stupid but I literally had no idea what to do and fumbled with the controls in every which way, haha. I felt the game did not quite tell you what to do.
Thank you ^^
you need to tilt the stick in the direction the fish comes in from as it hits the bubble surrounding you. For some of the bigger fish you need to hold the stick in position.

I ran through the final boss last night and rolled credits. Maybe I was tired, but it seems like some of the last levels just petered out after an amazing beginning and middle.

I was also a little let down by the final boss, not very complex considering the other floor bosses
I think I’m halfway through at this point. I’ve 100% cleared the first three floors and have kept up with the basement. Having a good time, but darn some of these collectibles are mean with little heads up for tight execution / availability windows which can then be compounded from the lack of checkpoints. I hope I’m fully safe from having to bake cookies again lol.
I am static and fish swim in from the side, yeah. Am I ONLY suppose to tilt stick in a direction?
Maybe I am just incredibly stupid but I literally had no idea what to do and fumbled with the controls in every which way, haha. I felt the game did not quite tell you what to do.
Thank you ^^

On the lower right corner it tells you to press 'x' for instructions, it's easy to miss, though!

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