Discussion No Nostalgia Critic November 2023 |ST| Do you Take the Pledge?

Do you Take the Pledge?

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That time of year has come once again. It's been a trend as of late, where people ask each other to abstain from one thing, and one thing only; watching Nostalgia Critic videos. A difficult endeavour for many, but one that all morally good people know is the righteous thing to do.

Here you must make the choice to Take the Pledge or not. If you choose to Take the Pledge, then you must abstain from watching any and ALL Nostalgia Critic/Doug Walker content for the ENTIRE month of November. Otherwise, you can take the coward's way, and refuse...

Let's begin. Can you banish that devil, Doug Walker, from your household for one entire month? Who will Take the Pledge?

I Take the Pledge!
I haven't watched one since I was a teen, so it feels like cheating to pledge, but I will to drive up numbers.
I haven't though about the Nostalgia Critic since 2013 actually since dan olson released that "the wall" video but I take the pledge.
I'm exclusive to one film review show and so I am always taking The Pledge 💍
Hey everybody. I hope everyone's pledge is going well. This has been a very challenging month for me so far. Last night I woke up in a cold sweat, Doug's visage burned into my eyelids like the sun. I dreamed of him. I dreamed of his classic shirt and tie, I envisioned his gun firing to the heavens, I heard his jovial greeting so clearly as though it were sniper rifle-ulously trained straight for my brain. I opened my phone and frantically started to google his name, just for a little taste to hold me over, but my wife slapped my phone out of my hand just in time. She gave me a giant hug and told me it will be okay, that we'll all get through this together. I started crying, but it was for my own good. I'm glad I found this thread so that we can support each other during this season.
Hey everybody. I hope everyone's pledge is going well. This has been a very challenging month for me so far. Last night I woke up in a cold sweat, Doug's visage burned into my eyelids like the sun. I dreamed of him. I dreamed of his classic shirt and tie, I envisioned his gun firing to the heavens, I heard his jovial greeting so clearly as though it were sniper rifle-ulously trained straight for my brain. I opened my phone and frantically started to google his name, just for a little taste to hold me over, but my wife slapped my phone out of my hand just in time. She gave me a giant hug and told me it will be okay, that we'll all get through this together. I started crying, but it was for my own good. I'm glad I found this thread so that we can support each other during this season.


Don't think I've ever watched a single one of his videos tbh.
I used to watch some of his stuff when I was younger but I got sick of cis white dudes getting angry at media a long time ago. And that was before the whole “change the channel” debacle. I prefer more thoughtful analysis these days. I think the only one of the former channel awesome people I watch with any regularity these days is Linkara and he is a very outspoken supporter of trans rights.
...You know, I can't remember ever actually watching anything of his. At all. Perhaps it'd be cheating, then, but... Can I still take the pledge?

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