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StarTopic Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack |ST| New Summer 2024 Poll!

Starting June 19th, which library will add the most games to the service by the end of 2024?

  • NES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SNES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N64

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • GB/GBC

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • GBA

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Sega Genesis

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
I feel like the only one that's not mad at the price, but maybe I just value N64 games more.
I was going to buy the animal crossing expansion anyways, this is an additional $5. I did expect ~$3 a month for the expansion pak, and it's just below that, so this was in my expectations.
I actually think this needed an extra system to justify the price. GB/GBC along with N64 and MD would have been the sweet spot.
More than double the price is too much. I was going to buy the animal crossing dlc anyway so I guess $5 extra isn't too bad from that perspective

but they need to add other dlc, bring in the Gameboy consoles & bring back vouchers in the west or something if they want to justify that price
Yeah, I'm definitely not buying in early on that, lol. I paid £22.49 for my family membership via cdkeys, definitely not paying 37.5 more!
I think the individual pricing doesn't seem too bad tbh but the family plan is painful for me since I'm only splitting it with a couple other people. Even worse is I don't even know if they'll want to upgrade but I definitely do.
If you’re getting the Animal Crossing DLC this isn’t a bad deal. It’s $5 for N64 and Genesis games at that point. I’ll be going this route because I’m a diehard AC player.

However, Nintendo has put themselves in an interesting predicament. They’ll need to give away dlc again in 2022 to help incentivize people to resub. Using Animal Crossing to do it this year makes sense due to the games massive sales and online community.

Next year I’m not sure what they could that would draw that many people in. I do have one idea though. Maybe now is the time to finally add DLC to Mario Kart 8 deluxe. It’s the best selling Switch game and has a decent online community. Bundling an expansion pass with NSO might help with the player base fragmentation. It’s also the biggest pool of players to draw from.
2022? Hell maybe they'll need to show more DLC or stuff this year alone to make people fell like it's worth it. I love animal crossing and am really excited for the DLC, but not many people will bite this price with just N64 and Mega Drive.
Now that I think about it more, there’s no way they’ll make you pay 50 bucks if you don’t have Animal Crossing. There must be other perks, or lower tiers. I hope Ninty can clear this up before I resub.

Look at this optimism. They're definitely gonna make you pay that if you want N64 stuff, just like they made you pay for NES And SNES even if you just wanted online play.
I have barely used actual online, but I know of its reputation as being laggy and unreliable, even if I haven't used it enough to notice. But is it really that bad and has there been any movement on that?

If the large increase is due to licensing for Megadrive, why even bother?
They can fuck off with that PlayStation Plus Bullshit with the Animal Crossing DLC.
I don't have Animcal Crossing, nor do I want it. And even if I would own and play it, I'm not continue to pay for it over a period of time, if all I wanna do is play the DLC once and then play something totally different.
Also what are they gonna do next year? Add another DLC? Still restrict my DLC access or what?

Nah, fuck that
So..... not a defense, just an observation reading here... since $20/yr is fine for some people (myself included) but $50 is too much... can the Fami-gods create a network on here where 4-8 strangers (whom otherwise cannot find other people to join) can get together on a family plan? I feel like that would be a wonderful purpose for this forum. Please and thank you.
Maybe the worst part of this is that it seems you can't subscribe to the expansion pack for less than twelve months. When I saw the annual price my first thought was that I'd wait for the N64 library to grow a bit then pay twenty bucks for three months or something like that, but no, it's a year at $50 or nothing (so far as I can tell.)
I think the individual pricing doesn't seem too bad tbh but the family plan is painful for me since I'm only splitting it with a couple other people. Even worse is I don't even know if they'll want to upgrade but I definitely do.

Yea that is my case too. I only share the subscription with one other person and the price increase is just obscene compared to the individual price increase. I'm not gonna spend time to recruit and coordinate with strangers to make sure I get the most bang for my buck on the family plan either.

This also makes me more critical that the GBA still seems like its far off from being added. There are load of games there that I would want to try there. Just give me access to that.
I can't. This has to be some kind of troll they put out that they're going to fix later.

For those that only want ACNH, it's $20 for online + $24.99 (to buy) for the DLC. OR!, $5 more to rent it ($49.99 year)!

I feel like the only one that's not mad at the price, but maybe I just value N64 games more.
It's weird. Thinking about it logically, considering how Nintendo has priced N64 games before, how the Genesis lineup has quite a few important games already, and that it includes the ACNH DLC, $50 a year does make sense. But I dunno, for some reason that still feels like a lot considering how similarly-priced services like PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold have monthly additions that include new games from the current generation. I mean hell, it's only $10 away from the basic Xbox Game Pass subscription that includes like 200 current generation games.
Well 3 people in my family plan already said they’d pay for the upgrade when I told them it was a big increase. So I guess that settles that.
Pricier than I was hoping, at least for standalone plans. I'm on a family plan so the annual price still wouldn't be that bad, but not sure if we're gonna upgrade.

Hopefully they add more over time. Would be nice to see DLC for other games like Age of Calamity or something. Would definitely make it more tempting.
I can't. This has to be some kind of troll they put out that they're going to fix later.

For those that only want ACNH, it's $20 for online + $24.99 (to buy) for the DLC. OR!, $5 more to rent it ($49.99 year)!

I don't think this is meant for anyone who only wants the Animal Crossing DLC. The expansion is about the two new consoles, the AC DLC is a bonus.
i mean, if you look at it, its two more systems, so, double the price but you can play old genesis/mega drive roms everywhere already. In that sense i cant help but feel that gba roms would add more value instead of genesis stuff, and also the fee starts to get dangerously close to ps+ and its basically the same as xbox live gold for less features.
It's weird. Thinking about it logically, considering how Nintendo has priced N64 games before, how the Genesis lineup has quite a few important games already, and that it includes the ACNH DLC, $50 a year does make sense. But I dunno, for some reason that still feels like a lot considering how similarly-priced services like PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold have monthly additions that include new games from the current generation. I mean hell, it's only $10 away from the basic Xbox Game Pass subscription that includes like 200 current generation games.
Game Pass is $120 per year, not $60.
My only hope is this opens the door for more systems and 'premium' third party games. I feel like maybe this is the way they've wanted to go for a while but couldn't justify it for the current price.
I can't. This has to be some kind of troll they put out that they're going to fix later.

For those that only want ACNH, it's $20 for online + $24.99 (to buy) for the DLC. OR!, $5 more to rent it ($49.99 year)!

Are we sure you’re renting the dlc? I figured they would just let you own it and the subscription comes as a $5 bonus. I don’t see why not since you gotta pay up front for the full year.
It's weird. Thinking about it logically, considering how Nintendo has priced N64 games before, how the Genesis lineup has quite a few important games already, and that it includes the ACNH DLC, $50 a year does make sense. But I dunno, for some reason that still feels like a lot considering how similarly-priced services like PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold have monthly additions that include new games from the current generation. I mean hell, it's only $10 away from the basic Xbox Game Pass subscription that includes like 200 current generation games.
Gamepass plus online is 180 dollars a year. This is 50.
Jeeeeeeeesus that price increase. That's way more than I was expecting for a subpar online service and some emulators
Yup, this is exactly the reason. Sega's involvement did not come cheap.

Genesis is also getting a lot of third party stuff too. They licensed Castlevania Bloodlines from Konami, for example.

As someone who's not going to touch the Sega stuff or Animal Crossing DLC, it's really disappointing that there's no tier system for this. I wouldn't mind paying $10-15 more for just the N64 games.
Are we sure you’re renting the dlc? I figured they would just let you own it and the subscription comes as a $5 bonus. I don’t see why not since you gotta pay up front for the full year.
Yeah it says so in the fine print in the video. You only have it for the duration of your subscription.
You can get a year of Gold and then upgrade to Game Pass Ultimate for like $1. But yeah it's not the official pricing I guess.
oh yeah, that's true. Didn't realize they were still doing that promotion. That's a great deal.
It's quite interesting how different Nintendo incentivizes online play compared to Sony and MS. The latter two sweeten the deal by adding third party games for individuals while Nintendo focuses more on first party offerings and a family pack which can be very favorable if the whole "family" group play lots of multiplayer Nintendo titles together.
The question is, are they going to keep adding on top of it with every 2 systems? That's going to be way too much money.

I can't. This has to be some kind of troll they put out that they're going to fix later.

For those that only want ACNH, it's $20 for online + $24.99 (to buy) for the DLC. OR!, $5 more to rent it ($49.99 year)!

Oh shit, is the AC stuff for rent? That makes the package less attractive.
Yep, same here. I would much rather get the DLC separately and then pay less for NSO, but this is clearly an extra hook to make you a) feel like a sucker for buying the DLC rather than going for the 'added value' NSO expansion, and b) keep you subscribed to NSO because presumably if you unsub you'll lose access to a hefty slice of ACNH content.

One day I will break away from feeling like I need PS+ and NSO. One day the online games I play will die and I'll be free.
I quit PS+ a few years ago and have not looked back. I quit because it was too expensive and only signed up for cloud saves after my fat PS3 died and lost every save.
Yeah it says so in the fine print in the video. You only have it for the duration of your subscription.
Yeah big pass for me then. I share my island with my partner and they don’t have NSO. I want to make sure the dlc is always playable for them regardless of subscription status.
For 40€ and with the AC DLC included I think I am gonna take the plunge.
I want to play some of the games on the N64 and Genesis libraries and I am offsetting the cost of the DLC, so while I am not that pleased with the price, it is still worthwhile for me.
Yeah, normally I think a lot of the things regarding Nintendo is very much absurd hyperbole. I even think the 20 I am paying a year is more than fair for NSO (which I like and use a lot), cloud saves, and the 99 games.

But this is..... give me an option without the DLC at a lower price! I will literally buy the DLC straight out because I had planned to buy the DLC and want to keep it.

Every so often Nintendo will walk back on something - remember the original plan was to have 1 or 2 rotating classic games a month? Then they backtracked.

I really hope so.
They need to include more systems to justify the price, like GBA. Adding a single DLC makes no sense for people like myself who don't care about AC.
Preferred my N64 controller. Not thrilled about the price of the service though. I’m in for the extra $30 for the games that will be available, but they REALLY need to increase their monthly output to keep me for any resubs after that.
People do get they probably negotiated for N64 games while they were talking to third parties about genesis right

In that case they could just offer 1 console per expansion pack, personally not interested in the Sega stuff because Sega is already working on that 16:9 classic Sonic collection.
Sega fleeces Nintendo, so Nintendo fleeces us on this....why even bother with Genesis games. We all have that sega collection already anyway. This is infuriating. Just wanted to play Ocarina.
If they keep adding other systems without bumping the price; then I'm fine with this price increase.

If they keep bumping the price with each system added; then I'll complain on Famiboards but still pay for the upgrade.

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