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StarTopic Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack |ST| New Summer 2024 Poll!

Starting June 19th, which library will add the most games to the service by the end of 2024?

  • NES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SNES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N64

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • GB/GBC

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • GBA

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Sega Genesis

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
20 € more here in Spain, that without counting our salaries in comparison to Germany, UK or France.

Yeah, hard pass, i'm ok with snes and nes.
That pricing is a little steep if you don’t like or care for animal crossing. Don’t get me wrong the dlc stuff they showed in the direct looked nice (if you like animal crossing) but the question remains, was the expansion pack always going to be $30 extra? I’d rather them make more tiers/options for consumers. If the dlc tie in to expansion pack will be a main stay make that a separate tier (expansion pak + dlcs)

The vanilla expansion pack could just be $10-15 extra dollars if all you want are the N64 games. Its pretty unfortunate.
I really want the ACNH DLC, so I'll probably get it, but damn, I really hope to see more stuff added to it, I can see why everyone that just want the emulators are mad, they should've shown more stuff being added before revealing such a high price
Ngl, that busts my upper expectation with a tank.

Otoh, the fact that it was revealed while announcing that Expansion Pack includes something else not previously mentioned possibly suggests that there is more to come, maybe. That's maybe why they didn't announce the price at the time.

But, right now, it is WAY expensive.

Well never mind that idea. Yeah, there's a couple of games I was interested in checking out, but if I can't upgrade for like three months, never mind.

At least the sterling price is "only" double.

Even if more select DLC is included in the future, I still think that's not good value. Paying a massive surcharge on the off-chance that maybe you'll get some DLC you'd like is living dangerously. I mean the differential between what I was expecting and what it turned out to be is almost the entire cost of the AC DLC.
Jesus Christ, that's expensive.

Yeah, I think I'm good.
This is my thoughts exactly. I am going to just stick with the NSO membership for now. This is way too expensive! At least offer a bit more than a DLC I may never play at all. I hardly play AC as it is as I just cannot really get super into it.
Does anyone know how upgrading from regular NSO to the Expansion Pack will work? My membership still lasts until January 2022.

Can't find anything on the website. Unless someone sees something on the eshop I'm guess it won't be available until launch
20 € more here in Spain, that without counting our salaries in comparison to Germany, UK or France.

Tbf, they would need to individualize the price for each and every countries of the EU then. I'm happy we finally pay less than the US.
whoa, did not expect it to be that expensive. not gonna resub, not worth it.
You do not need to pay for the Expansion Pack, you can just remain on standard Nintendo Online. I agree that the price hike is excessive.
My shock is numbed because I initially thought the Expansion Pack would cost 40€ on top of the regular 20€.

Learning it's merely doubling the NSO price feels less outrageous in comparison but still too much. Nintendo trialing a soft Gamepass model centered on DLC is interesting in theory. In practice, I need to know how safe files for lapsed access are handled and, since the free incentives are tied to existing ownership of paid games, the value of the subcription could fluctuate from okay one year to fuck all the next.
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What I wonder is whether the DLC included in the expansion pack (family option) will entitle all members to a licence or just the holder. If it's the first case, I can see Nintendo including more DLCs for multiplayer-focused gam5e to drive adoption as this would be a very favorable deal for people in a family group and playing the same games (AC, MK, Smash, Splatoon etc.)
who the fuck is scraeming "BUY ANIMAL CROSSING" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never buy animal crossing
I share my subscription with my girlfriend, my brother and a friend so I'm fiiine but imo this is a pretty big price hike with rather little to show for it.
On the one hand, that’s expensive. On the other hand, I’m a total sucker and I’m gonna buy it anyway.

The new controllers are up!

I already bought the N64 controller thanks to this post! I’m such a sucker.
The webpage Nintendo mentioned ( nintendo.com/switch-online ) in the announcement, it has a 3 minute trailer and at the end they mention it.

Here is the link: https://www.nintendo.com/switch/online-service/nintendo-64-nintendo-switch-online-switch/

Found it, thanks! @Josh5890 can you add this to the OP?

Licensing costs are likely the main reason why the expansion price got a huge price hike.

Getting Sega and MS/Rare on board with NSO did not come cheap.
They should just give the Animal Crossing Horizons expansion for free instead of having you lose access when you unsubscribe. I would be totally fine with the cost if it meant adding that in permanently, but making DLC access contingent on the subscription doesn't sit well with me.
It's gonna be a wait and see for me. Some games I really want to have access to, but the price is just to steep for the amount of content it offers.
Well this will be a pricy thirty days 😖 Just preordered the N64 controller (never had a N64 so definitely wanted one for the "novelty"), will definitely upgrade to the Expansion, and also have SMTV - Fall of Man Edition and Shining Pearl on the way.
They should just give the Animal Crossing Horizons expansion for free instead of having you lose access when you unsubscribe. I would be totally fine with the cost if it meant adding that in permanently, but making DLC access contingent on the subscription doesn't sit well with me.

Yeah, that's too PS+ for my liking.
A little steep if it’s just the Animal Crossing stuff, but if they add other DLCs for older/upcoming games it’s not too bad a price.
I bet the higher price translates to more 3rd parties joining the service (and probably to help cover however much Genesis was lol)
Well, for £3.50 more it's not bad. Getting the new AC content for "free" probably swayed me more than the games. Just need to convince the rest of the fam to chip if the extra dosh.
Yeah I think we’re back to monthly updates like NSO launch plus


Please give me the full n64 Konami/Hudson lineup
It would be great. I get they have to pay more to get Rare and more third party games on board. At the moment for some they haven’t shown enough of it.
I think with this price increase you have to go in with a little blind faith that Nintendo will sweeten the pot with more consoles/DLC packs as time goes on. Not right IMO but it is the only way I can think more positive lol.
Upgrading is cheaper for me than buying the ACNH DLC separately, but I need infos on what happens when the sub runs out.
The fine print in the video said you can only access the DLC when you have an active subscription. So you'd no longer be able to access it without paying the full price for it, or getting another sub.
I probably won't get the expansion pack at that price. I don't play AC and don't care enough about the added systems to upgrade despite the Mega Drive and N64 being my first two consoles.

At least they put the NSO controllers up on the store quickly. I snagged the Sega one already.
I'll wait a year for them to add 10 more N64 games and then consider it... That's all I'm interested in playing after exhausting what I wanted out of the NES and SNES catalog. I'd have to resub for the pull price to get it now and that doesn't feel quite right when it's only Ocarina, F-Zero and Paper Mario that I see myself playing.

I really thought this'd be an extra tenner at most. I guess if I wanted to play that AC DLC it would be a better value, but while I like that game, the DLC doesn't sound especially compelling.
I think with this price increase you have to go in with a little blind faith that Nintendo will sweeten the pot with more consoles/DLC packs as time goes on. Not right IMO but it is the only way I can think more positive lol.
I think Nintendo should announce what more is coming. To me they haven’t announced enough. I’m sure they’ll add more in the future and more people will just jump on then.
Higher price tells me we might get some actual great 3rd party games
I bet the higher price translates to more 3rd parties joining the service (and probably to help cover however much Genesis was lol)

Yup, this is exactly the reason. Sega's involvement did not come cheap.

Genesis is also getting a lot of third party stuff too. They licensed Castlevania Bloodlines from Konami, for example.
I just realized that if you're a NSO Expansion Pack subscriber then you're probably going to have to be online if you want to access the Animal Crossing DLC. Great.
For $50 I would expect GameCube games and a functional online service from Nintendo, lol
Price isn't crazy for me since I love Animal Crossing and the addition of online play to the old games seals it.
Still not sure if I'll keep it beyond a single year though.
I think Nintendo should announce what more is coming. To me they haven’t announced enough. I’m sure they’ll add more in the future and more people will just jump on then.

They need to come out with a statement like "We will be adding legacy games to the service on a monthly basis." and "We will offer more DLC to be included with the expansion pass in the future"
The pricing sucked all the oxygen out of the room for me. I was excited for the N64 games but Nintendo more than doubling the price of NSO in United State dollars is ludacris.

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