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StarTopic Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack |ST| New Summer 2024 Poll!

Starting June 19th, which library will add the most games to the service by the end of 2024?

  • NES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SNES

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N64

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • GB/GBC

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • GBA

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Sega Genesis

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
I just realized that if you're a NSO Expansion Pack subscriber then you're probably going to have to be online if you want to access the Animal Crossing DLC. Great.
It'll probably be like the normal NSO rules, you need to be online once to check that you're subbed and then you can be offline for the next week I believe. It needs to check once a week or something like that?
Yup, this is exactly the reason. Sega's involvement did not come cheap.

Genesis is also getting a lot of third party stuff too. They licensed Castlevania Bloodlines from Konami, for example.

TMNT Hyperstone Heist would make the price worth it. Just saying..............
The price also really brings into focus how little improvement Nintendo has made to either their online services or the Switch OS this generation. If they were better with that stuff and I could see where the money is being invested then I'd feel better about this.

Instead, I had to hack my Switch to get a working activity/play record. It's absolutely brilliant (like the 3DS one) and done for free by some homebrew guy. You can't tell me Nintendo couldn't have paid someone to do that. Instead, they've done absolutely nothing with the OS. Well, we finally have bluetooth audio after 4 years, I guess.
Definitely could see future DLCs being included in this as well, which is definitely an interesting tactic.
They already announced 95% of the good n64 game, and if Sega didn't come cheap, not exactly holding my breath for constant updates.
It'll probably be like the normal NSO rules, you need to be online once to check that you're subbed and then you can be offline for the next week I believe. It needs to check once a week or something like that?
Well, that pretty much screws someone like me. I'm moving out soon and I don't know when or how often I'll have internet. I think I'll just buy the DLC and be done with it.
Instead, I had to hack my Switch to get a working activity/play record. It's absolutely brilliant (like the 3DS one) and done for free by some homebrew guy. You can't tell me Nintendo couldn't have paid someone to do that. Instead, they've done absolutely nothing with the OS. Well, we finally have bluetooth audio after 4 years, I guess.

Tbf, nothing of that has anything to do with NSO.
Voice chat and a better working online infrastructure on the other hand ...
The fine print in the video said you can only access the DLC when you have an active subscription. So you'd no longer be able to access it without paying the full price for it, or getting another sub.

But that can't work in practice. What about the new items you get on your island? Or the decorations?

Is it just blocking access to the separate area?
Honestly the idea of getting DLC included in the future with the expansion pass is appealing. Most DLC is one and done. I would still buy stuff like Smash and Mario Kart DLC but if I could get say Age of Calamity DLC included for a quick trip I would be all for it.
I feel like the only one that's not mad at the price, but maybe I just value N64 games more.
Me neither, and I'm getting the animal crossing expansion pack with it also so it's good enough for me. I personally think yearly it's not that much anyway for all you get
Never been happier that I don't care about N64 and Genesis. At this price even Gameboy would be a struggle to justify.
But that can't work in practice. What about the new items you get on your island? Or the decorations?

Is it just blocking access to the separate area?
Good questions. I'm guessing it'll just block access to that other area, yeah.
I wished playing online was better with Nintendo. Now they’re going to get comparisons to Sony and MS even with this being only a separate expansion.
Geeez. I was a complete fool in thinking it would be just a 5, 10 dollars at most increase. And I really wanted N64 games too, but not at this price.
I've been quite okay with the pricing of NSO before, I even think it's been a good deal.

But this is horse sheit.

I have a family membership I share with my daughter, who uses it strictly to watch youtube with on her Switch so I pay more for my stuff already and if I ever would want to upgrade I would have to upgrade the family package and that would make it silly expensive for something I would use from time to time.

I dont even like the N64 library, I dont even play animal Crossing and that's a steep price to pay for playing the Mega Drive games...

This is dissapointing.
You do not need to pay for the Expansion Pack, you can just remain on standard Nintendo Online. I agree that the price hike is excessive.
i don't really have an interest in that anyway, since they've stopped adding good nes and snes games.
hmm, no thanks, even as a premium thing i struggle to find the fee to be fair with the value the service provides.
That's way, way, WAAAAAAAYYYYY too costy. I remember a lot of people expecting 10$, which would already be somewhat expensive as it's 50% increase, but an actual 150% increase I saw literally no one guessing.
I mean, it's 30 dollars more for the expansion. While the vanilla version is only 20.
I mean it's a good deal for people that are going to get the Animal Crossing DLC anyways as for 5 dollars more you also get one year of N64 and Mega Drive games.
Okay so I now think the Expansion Pack will be the only Expansion Pack. So it's the vanilla version for online, NES and SNES, cloud and special offers and some games, with the + Expansion Pack for N64, Sega Genesis, Animal Crossing and more DLC they'll add, and other systems to be added in the future like Game Cube and Game Boy.
Wish they were adding some game boy classics, might make it more worth it.

If they add this one I'm in:


No need to even add the DS as a system. This alone would suffice.
Good questions. I'm guessing it'll just block access to that other area, yeah.
I would hope this is what they do. If not that'd be pretty bad.
I wished playing online was better with Nintendo. Now they’re going to get comparisons to Sony and MS even with this being only a separate expansion.
Yup. I always ignored those comparisons because the price difference was pretty wide. Now it's not.
This is definitely a lot more than I was expecting. I thought a $10 increase was happening for sure.

But as a fan of AC and N64, it’s an easy sell for me. I’m just happy they are keeping the $20 tier if I ever want to drop back down.
oh god, this probably means other systems like Game Boy are gonna get locked behind this tier as well
I would hope this is what they do. If not that'd be pretty bad.

Yup. I always ignored those comparisons because the price difference was pretty wide. Now it's not.
And with Nintendo the “expansion” only means more games to them. For others they want more features on the Switch or just better online too.
The price also really brings into focus how little improvement Nintendo has made to either their online services or the Switch OS this generation. If they were better with that stuff and I could see where the money is being invested then I'd feel better about this.
Not only that, but I was recently reminded that you don't get cloud storage for your screenshots and videos, which seems pretty basic. I don't think it's a thing on the other consoles either, but you get like 20 gigs of free storage for that on Steam as well as free cloud saves (that don't count against that 20 gigs) as long as developers implement it (also free for them), and with Apple devices you get 5 gigs of cloud storage at no added cost. Cloud for save files only being behind a paywall doesn't feel acceptable to me in this day and age.
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My first reaction was "WHAT THE HELL?".

Then I remembered I pay for the family membership with 7 friends... it still ain't that bad for me. But more than 100% price hike is crazy.
Here’s the thing I had a $50 Eshop card set aside for winter. So I’m in, just bummed I don’t have margin for any sales…. Which considering my backlog
ip I share with my daughter, who uses it strictly to watch youtube with on her Switch so I pay more for my stuff already and if I ever would want to upgrade I would have to upgrade the family package and that would make it silly expensive for something I would use from time to time.

I dont even like the N64 library, I dont even play animal Crossing and that's a steep price to pay for playing the Mega Drive games...

This is dissapointing.
Um you don’t need NSO to watch youtube, you should just drop to an individual
And with Nintendo the “expansion” only means more games to them. For others they want more features on the Switch or just better online too.
Yup. If the online was seamless this would be a great deal. I wouldn't be trying to reason with my fanboy self that this is a bad deal and I shouldn't rush into an upgrade lol.
I was fine with $20. I felt like I was getting fleeced, yeah, but no more so than I feel fleeced by PS+ or XBL.

$50 though. Shit.
I get it they pay for licensing and what not. I see the $30 increase for individual in America. I’m the consumer and that’s what I see. What backdealings they do with Square, Microsoft, Sega, Konami etc is on them.

It’s on them in the end to show the value is worth paying this much more and they haven’t conveyed enough value is there for me. Maybe GB/GBA will come or some crazy third party games we didn’t think would happen, but I can only take the current info that Nintendo has given to me at the moment.
I'm legitimately shocked at that price. There's absolutely zero chance I'm paying an additional $30 for this.
If you’re getting the Animal Crossing DLC this isn’t a bad deal. It’s $5 for N64 and Genesis games at that point. I’ll be going this route because I’m a diehard AC player.

However, Nintendo has put themselves in an interesting predicament. They’ll need to give away dlc again in 2022 to help incentivize people to resub. Using Animal Crossing to do it this year makes sense due to the games massive sales and online community.

Next year I’m not sure what they could that would draw that many people in. I do have one idea though. Maybe now is the time to finally add DLC to Mario Kart 8 deluxe. It’s the best selling Switch game and has a decent online community. Bundling an expansion pass with NSO might help with the player base fragmentation. It’s also the biggest pool of players to draw from.
I was day 1 with this. But I don't care about AC and I almost never buy dlc since my backlog of games is so large that I finish one game and go right to the next. So this is way too overpriced for the benefit I'd be receiving. Maybe when the library gets more robust, but not now.
I don't mind the price hike as long as there are more games coming quicker. Having 3 games every 3 months was bad, and I hope the price hike means adding third parties too.
There's no option for a 1-month or 3 month espansion pack pass. You have to get the full year, F nintendo on this one, this is the worse. I thought $40 was gonna be the deal breaker...they doubled down.
I was willing to pay $40 for this but $50 is completely ridiculous at 150% more what I'm currently paying.

This sucks, I was really looking forward to the N64 games but I'm holding off until we see if Nintendo actually keeps a good pace on new monthly games or if it's just a continuation of their sluggish Virtual Console and NES/SNES Online release pace.

The only way they can justify this is if they keep adding more DLC like Splatoon 3/BotW2 to it in future years rather than just a one and done for Animal Crossing. Because sure it's only $5 extra if you wanted to buy AC DLC, for the first year. But after that? I don't see the value.

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