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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST5 Feb. 2022| Xenodelayed Chronicles 3

Which was your favourite announcement from the Direct?

  • Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

    Votes: 14 3.0%
  • Mario Strikers: Battle League

    Votes: 68 14.7%
  • Nintendo Switch Sports

    Votes: 33 7.1%
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3

    Votes: 191 41.3%
  • Splatoon 3 - Salmon Run Next Wave

    Votes: 5 1.1%
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Booster Course Pass

    Votes: 54 11.7%
  • EarthBound + EarthBound Beginnings on NSO

    Votes: 6 1.3%
  • Disney Speedstorm

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • SD Gundam Battle Alliance

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • Front Mission 1st + 2 remakes

    Votes: 4 0.9%
  • Live A Live

    Votes: 50 10.8%
  • No Man's Sky

    Votes: 5 1.1%
  • Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition

    Votes: 7 1.5%
  • Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series

    Votes: 7 1.5%
  • Portal: Companion Collection

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Star Wars: Force Unleashed

    Votes: 1 0.2%

  • Total voters
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not a great functioning brain week so I’m not gonna post as much here until I level out a bit (yes, the standard Suswave experience is my “moderately rooted lunacy” form)

but just wanted to pop in and sprinkle some wishes into the mass cloud of horrified, frustrated, and despairing thoughts on the Russia-Ukraine bolshevit
  • I wish for Putin specifically to eat shit
  • I wish safety for those in Ukraine
  • I wish sudden miraculous inability and unwavering empathy in those who would operate the artillery of any state, but Russia right now in particular
  • I wish for meaningful and swift de-escalation
  • I wish all war opportunists immobility and impotence
  • I wish safety for us all in the event of global escalation
  • I wish the sudden disappearance of all nuclear weapons and knowledge of how to create them
  • I wish meaningful peace — not forged of oppression or eradication, but built on stable and truly equitable ground, with roots deep enough to grow millennia old, entrenched so deep that no one ever forgets why we needed it — to someday wash over us
  • I wish, until that day, for operable peace that prioritizes letting people just fucking live, for the alive to not fear intentional death from others, be they individuals or states both domestic and foreign
I’m no stranger to feeling powerless in the face of horrors but I do wish there was more I could do.
The invasion of Ukraine has little or nothing to do with NATO. You only need to listen to Putin's speech to learn how he feels about Ukraine and the rest of Eastern Europe as individual countries and peoples. He could not accept that USSR split apart. Remember that this all started because the Ukrainian people ousted his puppet president in 2014. Then the rebellion happened after that. It just so happens that these rebels are Russian citizens who also just happen to be part of the Russian military and also just happen to come across Russian tanks and weapons on their way to "volunteering". Russian soldiers have been coming back in body bags due "accidents during training". It's Russian soldiers with Russian AA weapons that shot down that airliner in 2015.

The only reason why there is even talk of Ukraine joining NATO is because Russian invaded the country in 2014. With these latest attacks, Putin proved every Eastern European nation that joined NATO were correct in their suspicions about Russia. They knew Russia would never recognize them as nations of their own. They're all just clients and lesser subjects to the people in Moscow.
Yeah, here in Holland we’re still waiting for someone taking responsibility for MH17, but till this day, even after several reports, the Russians still refuse to comments.

Talking about it with coworkers, it’s crazy to think that a war is happening a little under 2000km from our location. I still can’t believe Poetin actually went through with it. On the one hand it’s not that unbelievable, but I just feel terrible for the people in Ukraine.

Sigh. I miss Boris Jeltsin. I mean he was a drunk, but he was infinitely more likable than Uncle Vlad.
Definitely good timing for the Pokemon Presents. It'll take my mind off current world events.
I remember how back on GAF (way before ERA, prob about a decade ago, if not more) some posters used to admire this evil fuck. They'd post pictures of him hunting shirtless and shit, and say how they wished he was their president. I thought it was fucking weird back then, but now thinking about it just makes me sick.
@Derachi just popped in to point it out to you, @OTBWY was the one with the quick logo creation and I uploaded it to the server and updated the image links.
Let me tell you all a little something about me. I go to a place that’s for adults with mental health disorders and disabilities. I will not disclose what I have but I will say this place has helped me a lot these last few years mentally and I went for the first time in weeks today due to other things going on. Helped keep my mind off certain things going on

That’s where I was at today @chocolate_supra wish I could bring my ps3 but at least I can take my switch
Boy howdy I’m gonna stress eat the fuck out of some ice cream tonight and rewatch some aqua teens.
Let me tell you all a little something about me. I go to a place that’s for adults with mental health disorders and disabilities. I will not disclose what I have but I will say this place has helped me a lot these last few years mentally and I went for the first time in weeks today due to other things going on. Helped keep my mind off certain things going on

That’s where I was at today @chocolate_supra wish I could bring my ps3 but at least I can take my switch
I'm glad you have a place to go that helps with the struggle. In hindsight I hope my comment about your headaches didn't come across as too flippant.
I'm glad you have a place to go that helps with the struggle. In hindsight I hope my comment about your headaches didn't come across as too flippant.
Nah it wasn’t. Just wanted to say where I go some days. I just haven’t been able to go most of this month. Going today helped with my mental state and overall mood. Ended up getting this headache before I left.

It was nice and relaxing to go.
Fuck it - I'm gonna go to sleep after dinner (or at least try) and pull an all-nighter with Elden Ring. I've got work in the morning but I need to do something 'substantial' (relatively) for me and this is it. Gonna enjoy this game instead of just mindlessly doomscrolling on Reddit and Tiktok.

Thank you @Derachi and @totofogo for the replies to my posts before. Great stuff with the logo as well, those who implemented it :)
I’ll echo what others have said that while it’s important to stay informed, donate if you can, and learn what you can do to help Ukraine, there’s a big difference between that and killing your mental health by doomscrolling and getting caught in a loop of helpless worry. Do what you need to to take care of yourself.

On a lighter note: Happy 5 years, Hollow Knight!

Looking back, it’s astonishing to me that at least three (and probably more like five) of what I could call my favorite games of all time all came out in 2017.
Anyone else take so long to create a character/choose a name that they run out of time to play the actual game?
It took me a week to come up with Archvisle on ACNH

(Motivated by trying to name my KoA character xD)
What does Texas and California have to do with current events? This some Trump-level whataboutism. Here's a peaceful solution. Stop the invasion and Russian gives up its occupation of a sovereign country. Speaking of 90s promises, what about Russia's promise to recognize all of these Eastern European countries as independent. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons to exchange for security. How's Russia keeping up its end of the bargain by invading?

You can drop the act of pretending like you are saddened by this. It's obvious that you are gleeful that the cleansing of a people and country is happening right now. So drop the act. At least have some amount of self-respect by not being a liar.

I don’t understand what Putin can gain for Russia. He’s isolating the country even more and the sanctions will hurt his people in Russia as well on top of the immediate pain that’s caused in Ukraine. Europe is suffering as well. Thus I’m questioning the simple “view of the west”.

Being called a liar and even worse being called gleeful about war is disturbing to say the least.
Putin is an ideaologue whose ideology relies on the right of Russia to assert itself as a Great Power which can dominate and assert its say over its near-neighbours. Therefore, to him, a self-determined and democratic Ukraine is an abberation which must be brought to heel, even if that results in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents.

Thanks for the reply. On the above, with Russia being economically so weak, and all the internal problems why add additional problems with a country that doesn’t want to belong to Russia. That together with bringing the West together closer than ever against Russia just doesn’t make sense.

I definitely didn’t want to offend anyone nor did I want to be seen as a supporter of Putin, I’m definitely not. I will just refrain from posting about it, or just answer via PN.
Why does the Chrono cross remaster have to release the same week as lego Star Wars and advanced wars
I guess the good thing is that Chrono is only $20. Right? What's more money that I don't have?!

Does anyone want to form an old wild west style gang with me and rob trains on horseback while piano music plays in the background?
@chocolate_supra despite my headache, I continued through Chrono trigger and beaten the game, great game.

Probably won’t say much else till my headache goes away but thanks for convincing me to check out this game, it was great
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's one of the very few games I actively try to push on people (I literally used to call it my "friendship litmus test" 😂), so I'm happy it did well for you.

Out of curiosity, and spoiler tag it if you want, but which ending did you get?
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's one of the very few games I actively try to push on people (I literally used to call it my "friendship litmus test" 😂), so I'm happy it did well for you.

Out of curiosity, and spoiler tag it if you want, but which ending did you get?

I looked up the endings, since I killed magus and didn’t use the epoch on Lavos. I did save crono in the end
Thanks for the reply. On the above, with Russia being economically so weak, and all the internal problems why add additional problems with a country that doesn’t want to belong to Russia. That together with bringing the West together closer than ever against Russia just doesn’t make sense.
The major issue here is assuming that Putin has a similar worldview to you or I. He doesn't. His stated aim is to restore great power politics, which involved the application of direct force. He views the collapse of the Soviet Union as a tragedy. He does not recognise the right of Ukraine to exist as a sovereign country. He views Russia's historic colonies as rightful territories of Russia. These are statements he has put on public record; initially in an essay last summer, which many Western analysts failed to take seriously, but now in televised appearances this week.

You should also not assume Putin is entirely rational, nor that what Putin views as rational can be easily understood. There is widespread concern among the highest ranks of European governments familiar with Putin that he is now somewhat detached from reality - including the French government, where President Macron has had multiple close meetings with Putin in recent years. Macron has come away from recent meetings and the feeling in the French government is one of deep concern over Putin's mental state. His recent televised appearances in Russia have also been bizarre and almost certainly filmed well in advance of their proposed live broadcast.
I definitely didn’t want to offend anyone nor did I want to be seen as a supporter of Putin, I’m definitely not. I will just refrain from posting about it, or just answer via PN.
Well, that's good to know. But if you want to understand the situation you need to read, and read more widely, and not assume that all parties are equally guilty. Putin has launched the largest war of aggression since the Second World War in Europe. As many mistakes have been made in the West's dealings with Russia, this is not a bolt out of the blue. It is the culmination of years of military campaigns launched by Putin, as well as misinformation campaigns and electoral interference campaigns of various degrees of success in the US, the UK, France, Ireland, and other European countries. Putin has also prepared the Russian economy for sanctions by stockpiling foreign currency reserves, reducing the national debt, and increasing trade with China, while effectively blackmailing European countries using gas and oil. Putin and the Russian government have financed and supported far right movements around the world and planted mercenary groups in parts of Africa, too.

This is not some tragic misunderstanding that escalated. This is the action of a dangerous authoritarian, who has spent years preparing, testing his perceived enemies and weakening democratic regimes around the world, and who may now be mentally unstable. It is a dark and tragic day for all of us who believe in the principles of peace, equality, and self-determination, and an especially tragic day for Ukraine and its people.

I’ve been meaning to get this game on Switch but it’s not on sale right now and I am extremely broke at the moment. I hope it can be cheaper or that I can get money during the week, but I doubt it.

The important thing is that this is good and
I've reached the final battle of Legends: Arceus. It's taking me much longer than I thought, so I had to put my Switch on the charger; I haven't beaten it yet, though I always come close!

There is one thing I have to say about this game that keeps running through my head: WHY DIDN'T WE GET A POKEMON GAME THIS GOOD SOONER?
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