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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST16 Jan 2023| Team Famuary Stays Winning

What are you looking forward to doing in 2023?

  • Playing video games

    Votes: 82 65.6%
  • Talking about video games

    Votes: 43 34.4%

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And it is finally formally announced! It's a bit of a shame that the full artwork the studio did will be cropped on the cover itself but I get where LRG is coming from. Hopefully, LRG or Stegosoft will release full artworks as alternative covers that you can download and print yourself.
Hm might be a no meat weekend for me. Which also doubles as me not doing perishable leftovers so I can do a proper food fast on Monday. Need to mess with my intake balance and that’s the easiest way to start
I feel like I am blowing through it? I am at about 25 hours and I guess I am roughly 50% done, unless these next few chapters are much longer. All the enemies are still slightly below my current level.
XC3 length depends greatly on your sidequest obsession. I am obsessed, so it took me like 50-60 hours to get to your point! If you force yourself to do all sidequests at or below your level and explore everything possible before continuing the plot, then it takes a loooooooong time especially with how the leveling curve works.

That said, I think that Chapters 4 and 5 are the longest in the game by quite a bit, IIRC.
Playing through Final Fantasy X for the first time.

Early hours so far. But game seems really really linear map wise. Reminding me a bit of Kingdom Hearts 2. Might be better I played this one before Final Fantasy IX next. Still fascinating since i was expecting a more open game. Voice acting is very much of its time tho and kinda ruined the game a bit lol. But it is what it is.
Playing through Final Fantasy X for the first time.

Early hours so far. But game seems really really linear map wise. Reminding me a bit of Kingdom Hearts 2. Might be better I played this one before Final Fantasy IX next. Still fascinating since i was expecting a more open game. Voice acting is very much of its time tho and kinda ruined the game a bit lol. But it is what it is.
FFX is VERY linear, it's not open at all (until very late kinda). It's sort of the proto-FF13 in that regard. And the voice acting is dated but still charming and good in spots, IMO. But it's still a game I love; the battle system, characters, plot, and world really help mask the fact that it's so linear and straightforward.
XC3 length depends greatly on your sidequest obsession. I am obsessed, so it took me like 50-60 hours to get to your point! If you force yourself to do all sidequests at or below your level and explore everything possible before continuing the plot, then it takes a loooooooong time especially with how the leveling curve works.

That said, I think that Chapters 4 and 5 are the longest in the game by quite a bit, IIRC.
I think I was at 136 hrs when I finished. And I saved the NG+ PG side stuff for the next dlc update
FFX is VERY linear, it's not open at all (until very late kinda). It's sort of the proto-FF13 in that regard. And the voice acting is dated but still charming and good in spots, IMO. But it's still a game I love; the battle system, characters, plot, and world really help mask the fact that it's so linear and straightforward.
Honestly. It’s the plot and world that makes it more in your face that it’s linear. You get cutscenes and dialogue so much every few minutes. You stopping frequently is noticeable lol

Battles are fast and set up is pretty good. Music is good as well. Doing the original soundtrack since I’ve heard arrange isn’t as good
Honestly. It’s the plot and world that makes it more in your face that it’s linear. You get cutscenes and dialogue so much every few minutes. You stopping frequently is noticeable lol

Battles are fast and set up is pretty good. Music is good as well. Doing the original soundtrack since I’ve heard arrange isn’t as good
I meant more the worldbuilding/lore, but yeah, you're right, but I think that was the idea. At the time, I was amazed by it as it really felt like I was playing a movie. It's one of those 'play through this linear section to be rewarded with more plot and cutscenes' kind of games. Which sounds bad, but I think that it works for FFX. Or at least it did back then, not sure it'll hold up nearly as well for a first-time playthrough today! I'd be interested to see how you're feeling as you go along.
Sure I’ll play Uno for 100 platinum points

So you're telling me we missed out on cyborg zombies with power saws for hands because some fans were upset that the series was sticking close to its source material??

Gamers are the worst.
Yup. Always have been. I think some of the Sierra alumni have mentioned they also got some unhinged feedback back in the day too, and that was when you had to send in physical letters.

The Heroes 3 Forge case is interesting because that was during the early days of the internet when fan sites and forums were starting to become more prevalent. The lead designer on the game was recently writing about how one of the earliest tasks he did was to read through the fan feedback for Heroes 2 on the old Astral Wizard forum to see if there was anything they could address with 3 that they hadn’t internally thought about. It was very much a new thing at the time to do that, and something I think we take for granted these days.
XC3 length depends greatly on your sidequest obsession. I am obsessed, so it took me like 50-60 hours to get to your point! If you force yourself to do all sidequests at or below your level and explore everything possible before continuing the plot, then it takes a loooooooong time especially with how the leveling curve works.

That said, I think that Chapters 4 and 5 are the longest in the game by quite a bit, IIRC.
Hm ok. I seem to be doing okay in fights. I haven't died yet and seem to understand the combat but I suspect I will need to grind a bit once I get further on. Thanks for the follow-up.
D-did you just hit me with the Reverse Card??

So… I’ve already picked up my Switch after it was delivered by UPS. This was last week.

Despite that, today I found a ‘we missed you please pick your parcel up’ slip from… UPS. I’ve got no other orders right now.


UPS is just lonely. They missed you!

At least it wasn’t fedex delivering it to the wrong address more than once
The mystery has been solved! Turns out the package was the parts for my laptop’s keyboard repair arriving. Just gotta wait for the repair appointment and I’ll finally have my ‘O’ key back.
I was looking over generation 2 of Pokemon to kind of mentally prepare my "My Top Ten Favorite Designs in Gen II" list and I discovered that the Natu line was introduced in Generation 2. I always thought it was a Generation 3 Pokemon. And now my belief in myself is shaken. What other lies have I been feeding myself?!
I was looking over generation 2 of Pokemon to kind of mentally prepare my "My Top Ten Favorite Designs in Gen II" list and I discovered that the Natu line was introduced in Generation 2. I always thought it was a Generation 3 Pokemon. And now my belief in myself is shaken. What other lies have I been feeding myself?!
Skarmory is also Gen 2
Reading your post saying that you got the yellow snow made me realize that I have it right now too lmao, somehow I didn't notice it until now haha
I also saw you were getting into the last of us games. How are you liking them? I played the first originally on ps3 and I plan to get the new version for my steam deck since someone at naughty dog said it will work for it. I have beaten the second one when it came out as well and liked it too.

I will admit my favorite game back in 2020 was Ghost of Tsushima. If you ever get a chance on your friends PS5, please play that.
I am seeing some people compare Triangle Strategy's story to Game of Thrones - without the violence and nudity, lol. Is this accurate? I am asking because I am currently on a Game of Thrones kick.
Weird, overly-specific but honest knee-jerk reaction:

I wanna drive down the Vegas strip late at night during a light-traffic time of year, in a car with a removable top (targa or roadster, either way), basking in the neon and blasting this fuckin song.

that's a vibe. Nice
I am seeing some people compare Triangle Strategy's story to Game of Thrones - without the violence and nudity, lol. Is this accurate? I am asking because I am currently on a Game of Thrones kick.

I'll just say I was surprisingly invested in the story and actually cared about the characters and the choices they made. Sounds accurate
I'll just say I was surprisingly invested in the story and actually cared about the characters and the choices they made. Sounds accurate
Yeah, I heard that the characters have hidden agendas for their ascension, so some politics. Not 100% sure I will grab it because I did not vibe with the demo, but admittedly, I was pretty ignorant and quit out of it within minutes, lol.
I was looking over generation 2 of Pokemon to kind of mentally prepare my "My Top Ten Favorite Designs in Gen II" list and I discovered that the Natu line was introduced in Generation 2. I always thought it was a Generation 3 Pokemon. And now my belief in myself is shaken. What other lies have I been feeding myself?!
Natu and Xatu are locked-in gen two in my mind. I remember you can find them on the way up to the Lake of Rage, and also Elite 4 Will has two Xatus on his team.

The gen two Pokemon that trip me up are Skarmory, the Houndoom line and the Magcargo line.
Yeah, I heard that the characters have hidden agendas for their ascension, so some politics. Not 100% sure I will grab it because I did not vibe with the demo, but admittedly, I was pretty ignorant and quit out of it within minutes, lol.
I hated every minute spent with the demo and Triangle Strategy ended up being one of my favorite games of last year, if it helps
I am seeing some people compare Triangle Strategy's story to Game of Thrones - without the violence and nudity, lol. Is this accurate? I am asking because I am currently on a Game of Thrones kick.
There’s elements to it- there’s magic in the background but much of the conflict is down to raw power vacuums, ambition and prejudice. You play as a minor faction surrounded by powerful enemies and you don’t really have options for ‘me and my 20 rookie pals are going to level up and defeat the enemy kingdom on our own!’. There’s a lot of ‘these two things are both important but which can you afford to lose more, and whose faith in you will that affect’, plus your own civilians are relying on you to protect them, not just your own moral purity and favoured inner circle. As such I found all the decisions really interesting, it isn’t a case of ‘golden hero choice or evil villain choice’. The narrative moves in interesting ways often based on you trying to do the best you can with a shitty hand of cards and a little ingenuity from your advisors.
I also saw you were getting into the last of us games. How are you liking them? I played the first originally on ps3 and I plan to get the new version for my steam deck since someone at naughty dog said it will work for it. I have beaten the second one when it came out as well and liked it too.

I will admit my favorite game back in 2020 was Ghost of Tsushima. If you ever get a chance on your friends PS5, please play that.
I absolutely adored the first Last of Us. Probably the most emotionally invested I've ever been in video-game characters, which is why I am pumped out of my mind for the HBO show premiering on Sunday.

I'm only a few hours into The Last of Us Part II, but so far I love it as well. Structurally daring, wonderful performances, jaw-dropping facial animation, and a deeper world to explore. This could easily change as I'm only exploring Seattle right now, but for now, I think it's terrific.

My buddy has Ghosts of Tsushima installed on the PS5 so maybe I'll jump into that at some point, though I might prioritize Ragnarok first (or just switch to Bayonetta 3 and Xenoblade 3 since I actually paid for those games lol)
I was looking over generation 2 of Pokemon to kind of mentally prepare my "My Top Ten Favorite Designs in Gen II" list and I discovered that the Natu line was introduced in Generation 2. I always thought it was a Generation 3 Pokemon. And now my belief in myself is shaken. What other lies have I been feeding myself?!
I sometimes forget some of the gen 4 pokémon was not in Ruby/Sapphire. For some reason I remember Burmy/Wormadam/Mothim as a gen 3 evo line.
Ubisoft stinks and it sucks that these big third parties are retreating to focus on just their ultra big franchises. Ubisoft is becoming the Assassin's Creed company. Activision is basically only Call of Duty now. To EA's credit, they are at least putting out a Dead Space remake and have some Bioware games scheduled.
Ubisoft stinks and it sucks that these big third parties are retreating to focus on just their ultra big franchises. Ubisoft is becoming the Assassin's Creed company. Activision is basically only Call of Duty now. To EA's credit, they are at least putting out a Dead Space remake and have some Bioware games scheduled.
If any consolation, they'll all fail pretty soon because gaming as an industry is not heading to their direction of future. Low budget games will reign supreme.
I absolutely adored the first Last of Us. Probably the most emotionally invested I've ever been in video-game characters, which is why I am pumped out of my mind for the HBO show premiering on Sunday.

I'm only a few hours into The Last of Us Part II, but so far I love it as well. Structurally daring, wonderful performances, jaw-dropping facial animation, and a deeper world to explore. This could easily change as I'm only exploring Seattle right now, but for now, I think it's terrific.

My buddy has Ghosts of Tsushima installed on the PS5 so maybe I'll jump into that at some point, though I might prioritize Ragnarok first (or just switch to Bayonetta 3 and Xenoblade 3 since I actually paid for those games lol)
It was impressive, even for a ps3 game at the time. Can’t wait for the show as well glad you are liking both games. Nthought the ‘controversy’ surrounding the second game was bs,

If you ever do have time, do check it out. It was one of my favorite ps4 games at the time. I’d kill for it on steam deck
Yeah, I heard that the characters have hidden agendas for their ascension, so some politics. Not 100% sure I will grab it because I did not vibe with the demo, but admittedly, I was pretty ignorant and quit out of it within minutes, lol.

If it helps, I too had a hard time playing and committing to the demo. I skipped text and didn't finish it, which made me worried about the full game. But lo, and behold, when the game came out and I picked it up, I quickly became enraptured by the narrative and the characters and stayed that way throughout the entire game.

Triangle Strategy was in my top 3 games of 2022, alongside Elden Ring and Pokémon Scarlet.
If any consolation, they'll all fail pretty soon because gaming as an industry is not heading to their direction of future. Low budget games will reign supreme.
I hope you're right but what makes you say that? If anything it seems to be the other way with even Nintendo attempting open world, rising prices across the industry etc...
I absolutely adored the first Last of Us. Probably the most emotionally invested I've ever been in video-game characters, which is why I am pumped out of my mind for the HBO show premiering on Sunday.

I'm only a few hours into The Last of Us Part II, but so far I love it as well. Structurally daring, wonderful performances, jaw-dropping facial animation, and a deeper world to explore. This could easily change as I'm only exploring Seattle right now, but for now, I think it's terrific.

My buddy has Ghosts of Tsushima installed on the PS5 so maybe I'll jump into that at some point, though I might prioritize Ragnarok first (or just switch to Bayonetta 3 and Xenoblade 3 since I actually paid for those games lol)
The second game is even better than the first IMO
I found Last of Us mediocre so I will be skipping the show Since I have no interest.

But I did buy Part 2 since I want to see what all the controversy was. If lots of right wing folks are getting mad at this game. It’s only fair I play it to see what piss off those losers.

Of course I know some legitimate criticism as well. But what I heard, that was drown out mostly.
Starfield delay prediction, huh?

The last Starfield bits shown didn’t inspire much confidence personally, so I’d be 100% content with a delay as long as it helps make the gameplay more appealing.
Weird, overly-specific but honest knee-jerk reaction:

I wanna drive down the Vegas strip late at night during a light-traffic time of year, in a car with a removable top (targa or roadster, either way), basking in the neon and blasting this fuckin song.
I actually really like this description because the original instrumental I was working on before I put "tik tok" on top of it was supposed to sound moody and colorful, slow and pretty like a ballad played at 66% speed, with trap drums on top of it. Something that sounds a little drunk.
Putting Tik tok on it reinforces the "just a bit too wasted" vibe. And now it's like the determination to party all night has brought a dark room at 5am with people passed out all over and you're just there pouring yourself another shot despite it all
Starfield delay prediction, huh?

The last Starfield bits shown didn’t inspire much confidence personally, so I’d be 100% content with a delay as long as it helps make the gameplay more appealing.
Honestly Starfield, to me, feels extremely “January 2024” at the earliest

My honest opinion is that Xbox needs Starfield to be an enormous hit. Like, a gargantuan hit. It’s more important to them then Halo Infinite. So because of that, they’re willing to delay it as much as they need to to make sure they can polish off a lot of the typical Bethesda Jank so launch day headlines are “Starfield is good” and not “Starfield is broken.”
Terrible design, one of the worst in Paldea and I actually like most of the designs! The fiery sword knight should've been 1000 not that one lol

You get used to the lil guy when his broken ability saved your arse for the nth time in a 6* raid. Happened a lot during my ScarVio raid adventures.
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