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News Nintendo Direct announced for June 21 (40 minutes long, focused on games releasing this year, 7AM Pacific, 10AM Eastern, 4PM Central European)

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We will for sure see a game or 2 in 2024. It could be Nintendo published. Really the only game I see being shown from Nintendo for 2024 is Metroid Prime 4. Other than that I think anything 2024 will be third party games.
The best time to announce a new Fortune Street for Switch was at launch. The second best time is tomorrow.
As usual I'll keep my expectations low. So what I think we'll get:
New 2D Mario, new 3D Mario, new 2D Donkey Kong, new 3D Donkey Kong as well the whole DKC trilogy remake, plus Returns and TF remakes as well. Metroid Prime 4, new 2D Metroid, every 2D Metroid remake, oh yes MP2 and MP3 remastered as well.
Of course TOTK dlc, and WW+TP HD. And every Zelda ever made remake. And F-Zero GX remake. And new F-Zero. And new Star Fox. And Switch 2 announcement.
Let's go!!!!!
In light of this news, it’s time to celebrate with some music!
Quoted by: Joe
Welp, it's officially that time of the year when you can dream about anything, cause sky's the limit, so just imagine: Nintendo and Square Enix coming together to announce the HD2D version of Super Metroid, which would play practically the same as original, but with weapon wheel. 2D-fans will get the sprites and 3D-fans will get their 3D environment, it's a win-win situation.
So Chrono Trigger Pixel Remaster?!??!?
I'm not on Lukas's side yet, he still owes us a new 2D Mario!
No worries, tomorrow we will not see only one game from EPD10 (Pikmin 4).

The Nintendo Development Center floor 1 and 2 will be in full force tomorrow.


This needs to be said, for the one last time.

A lot of people who worked on Octo Expansion have not been credited on Splatoon 3, or anything else.

Yusuke Amano – NSMB2 – Director.
Shigeyuki Asuke – NSMB Wii Director, NSMU Game Design
Terumasa Kato
Toshikazu Jin
Keisuke Nishimori
Yoko Tanaka
Keisuke Umeda
Hiroyuki Morishima
Yutaka Hiramuki

And bunch of other names. Altough some of them will be part of Pikmin 4 dev team. We will see in July.

Mario Maker 2 released in June 2019, Octo Expansion in June 2018. That means that some concepts/prototyping of this game has to be happening from 2018.

I feel like the artstyle of this game will surprise people a lot, maybe something from Kotabe’s art? More 2.5D ala 3D World style in Maker 2? Clear conditions for levels this time as in Maker 2? We can all agree that New Super Mario series is dead.

We've been seeing more of Yoichi Kotabe’s classic Mario art lately in marketing and other places, like the character select screen in Super Mario 3D World. Will we ever see a 2D game made entirely of Kotabe’s art?

Miyamoto: We’re at almost like a turning point. When you look at Mickey Mouse there is the classic Mickey Mouse, and then there is the modern Mickey Mouse and the classic one has a lot of flavor to it and the modern Mickey Mouse looks really great, but it is losing a little bit of the flavor, and that’s something we discuss to make sure we keep that intact as we’re creating characters. And of course the development team for any Mario game may want to use Kotabe’s art, but there is also a character-development team that’s really working hard to create new styles and new work. Once they get more work done, I think more and more of that will be reflected into games.

And you feel like the pristine, perfect flavor for 2D Mario is that beautiful, clean Kotabe art?

Miyamoto: I do believe that Mr Kotabe’s art has become kind of a standard within Nintendo, but we definitely want to continue to see if we can evolve that as time goes by.

As to when this game gonna be announced, it can be as soon as 2-3 weeks from now. For a late October/November release. Most 2D Mario games had a fairly small reveal-to-release cycle:

New. Super Mario Bros. Wii announcement at E3 2009 - November 2009 release.

New Super Mario Bros. 2 announcement in April 2012 - July 2012 release.

New. Super Mario Bros. U announcement at E3 2012 - November 2012 release (altough this one is tied to hardware launch/reveal). "The prototype NSMB Mii. was shown at E3 2011".

Super Mario Maker 2 announcement in February 2019 - June 2019 release.

Every New Super Mario Bros. game apart from like DS and original Mario Maker had a 5-6 months from reveal to release, or even less. If Nintendo wants to sell 15 mil. Units this FY, new 2D Mario game is exactly way to go, especially after Mario Movie.
Your faith is greater than mine and for that I salute you. I kinda lost hope because it seems Super Mario RPG will fill the RPG slot for now (which do not get me wrong I’m over the moon from the possibility but I ultimately prefer TTYD)
But you see, Nintendo wants to take advantage of the Mario movie hype. Super Mario RPG will be an early 2024 title since it'll take longer to make than a simple GC remaster, and the new 2D Mario releases this holiday. It's also been three years since the last Paper Mario game, and Nintendo saw the success of Metroid Prime and want to replicate it with another dose of classic nostalgia.
... I have to believe!
We need to keep those Direct predictions rolling in before there's more leaks. I got mine out the system 8 days ago, c'mon folks!
Haven't been following what's expected or predicted but while there will likely be calls for bigger titles (and for titles people think are bigger than they are), what I want is for some love to be given to Nintendo's minor franchises. A bit of Rhythm Paradise, Style Savvy, Pushmo, maybe a Wave Race or 1080. I'd adore something for Chibi Robo but realistically I know the series is dead, and announcing it at the same time as their main small things in a big world game is about to come out would be an odd choice.
Let's assume Metroid Prime 2 and 3 didn't get the same remaster treatment as Prime 1. Do you think they might be digital only?? (If they come to Switch at all...)
i think it’s safe to say that kit and krysta don’t know much too. i mean why would they if they’re ex-nintendo employees
I was really thinking this was going to be a mini. I love to be wrong when it’s things like this
Every time the website goes down over an announcement it’s hilarious. Never change.

Hoping for the FE remake announcement but it does seem more likely to be in fall.
I think Prime 2 and 3 are coming after Prime 4 to avoid multi-year droughts in between mainline Metroid and Prime series games.
My thoughts exactly. The game is still gonna be newcomers friendly, like TOTK. So players can skip the other two games before Prime 4

folks’ fixation on Chris Dring is more than a little weird tbh

move on, folks
Yes. Just ignore him. Mute him. Stop posting his tweets here
Well this is cool. Unless there's Metroid here I'm not anticipating too much personally.

Zelda has me well fed for the rest of the year TBH haha.

Hoping as many peoples' wishes for this Direct come true!
folks’ fixation on Chris Dring is more than a little weird tbh

move on, folks
I agree, he was wrong and we should move on. Better if we just never bring him up again when it comes to Nintendo speculation.

Rather then focusing on him we should post tweets of Nintendo employees hyping up the Direct.
You want to see games.

I want to see the another fun skit they come up with, lately it's at least one per Direct.

E3 2021 - the Koizumi late snap, the WarioWare thing
September 2021 - what did you thINK? + Miyamoto appearing + Nogami Splatoon 3 pose
February 2022 - the whole Switch Sports demo gameplay
September 2022 - Squids what did you thINK? + Koizumi does weird Splatoon pose
February 2023 -Takahashi playing on GameBoy

We are not the same.
I know it's impossible because Pokémon Presents shows are a thing, but I'll hope for Let's Go Johto to be announced tomorrow.
You want to see games.

I want to see the another fun skit they come up with, lately it's at least one per Direct.

E3 2021 - the Koizumi late snap, the WarioWare thing
September 2021 - what did you thINK? + Miyamoto appearing + Nogami Splatoon 3 pose
February 2022 - the whole Switch Sports demo gameplay
September 2022 - Squids what did you thINK? + Koizumi does weird Splatoon pose
February 2023 -Takahashi playing on GameBoy

We are not the same.
Personally hoping Miyamoto has a new Pikmin shirt and then swaps it for a Mario shirt at the appropriate point in the Direct.
How big would the 2D Mario team be? I’m curious if it’s too much to hope Mario AND Donkey Kong would be there.

Rumors been swirling for nearly, what, almost two years now that a new DK game is being handled internally by Nintendo EPD?

No more couch surfing for DK sounds wonderful. Bring him back home to Japan!

But that’s just me also really wanting new Donkey Kong content haha
It's strange they're having a full on general this late in June, I gotta admit. I'm curious how much will be shown here. Will it be on par with their E3 directs and show a lot, or will be more conservative like their September directs.
I was on board with this until I saw J*nTr*n
I know - it’s an extremely well edited video, and I’m not really sure why he’s even in it even though it’s for like two seconds. Seemed random to me, but gosh I think that video is almost 8 years old now and you can definitely tell
I can’t WAIT to see new 2D Mario. This will be the first unique mainline 2D Mario in 2 DECADES meaning in artstyle, gameplay and music. Just think how long it’s been. Very very exciting
You want to see games.

I want to see the another fun skit they come up with, lately it's at least one per Direct.

E3 2021 - the Koizumi late snap, the WarioWare thing
September 2021 - what did you thINK? + Miyamoto appearing + Nogami Splatoon 3 pose
February 2022 - the whole Switch Sports demo gameplay
September 2022 - Squids what did you thINK? + Koizumi does weird Splatoon pose
February 2023 -Takahashi playing on GameBoy

We are not the same.
How could you forget about the classic “wrong Bowser” gag at E3 2019? Even if it’s no “kickin’ ass and takin’ names,” it was still a great introduction of NoA’s new president to the less dedicated part of the fanbase.

Also missed opportunity for the dub to say “What squid you think?” like at the Nintendo Switch presentation in 2017.
Feel like Pokémon might be held for a Presents. If the DLC is an upgrade like the Gen 8 DLC they might do a deeper dive.
How could you forget about the classic “wrong Bowser” gag at E3 2019? Even if it’s no “kickin’ ass and takin’ names,” it was still a great introduction of NoA’s new president to the less dedicated part of the fanbase.

Also missed opportunity for the dub to say “What squid you think?” like at the Nintendo Switch presentation in 2017.
That's why I said lately. I could have mentioned everything since 2017, I have a whole video for that imao.
As has been said by others I don’t think Nintendo will mention it again until they’re sure a release date is locked in but I wonder if Prime 4 is the 2024 game and we’ll get a re-reveal of it tomorrow, with a more in depth look in September with a solid release date.
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