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StarTopic Monolith Soft Development and Speculation |ST|

It wouldn't be a Xenoblade game without some graphical compromises.

A Warriors game would feel right at home!
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I don't think there's any evidence that indicates it is happening, but I also wouldn't give up on it. We could be looking at another 3 to 4 years from now before the next new Xenoblade title is ready, so doing a cross-gen port of X would be one way of keeping the series active (like XBC 1 getting a remaster midway between 2 and 3 releasing). It'd be less resource intensive than a new game, and Monolith Soft balanced the remaster of XBC 1 with development of XBC 3, so it's not as if an X port would hold up the next mainline game.

For me, X is a good candidate to turn up in the next few years. I suspect Nintendo are looking carefully at the handful of remaining Wii U titles for options to keep consistent software support chugging along as they transition to new hardware and close out Switch's life over the next few years, and I don't see why X would be excluded from that.
A cross-gen port makes even more sense now that the release of Totk on the current Switch shows that the size of Xenoblade Chronicles X is not really an obstacle anymore. Since the game already exists in HD, there's no need to even rework the assets, the bulk of the work will be to rethink the interface designed for the Wii U.
I wouldn't mind a Warriors game that wasn't exactly a "Warriors" game.

Something closer to Persona 5: Strikers, Age of Calamity, and Three Hopes. Taking more from the series it is crossing over with.

Something in the "new" reunited Earth in the post-credits of Future Redeemed, depending on the timing of the reunification, would be perfect for having all characters from all 3 games (that survived) at once, maximizing the playable characters these games like to have.

I would prefer something more narrative-driven like the above "crossover" games that actually "matter" (as much as a crossover game can). Something like an in-between for this "arc" of Xenoblade and whatever is next. Maybe a new XenoNoun?
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Xenoblade Warriors: Family Road trip

The whole gang come together to fight baddies and indulge in a slice of life anime vacation at Eryth Sea. It makes perfect sense.
For me, an XCX remaster is a tricky one. Because they really wouldn't have to do anything to the visuals (just up-res it, it's already gorgeous), which is usually the point of a remaster, but I really believe they'd have to make significant gameplay changes if they wanted it to be a success.

At the very least, change the naming conventions for the Skell parts and swap out the NLA music themes for the home base theme. That's easy, and that's the minimum required.

Those two things alone would go a long way, but I'd also love them to look into both Skell combat as well as how fuel works for flying Skells - once you unlock flying the entire game becomes a case of flying to a marked spot and fast travelling back. The one great strength of the game - it's magnificent world and topography - becomes completely irrelevant.
Hot take: for a xcx de get rid of the character creator and give the mc a definite design,name and voice

EDIT: but keep the choice of gender
don't fucking bother then. if the solution is to strip XCX of it's identity, I rather they don't touch it to appease the folks who got the shit they wanted 3 times, with bonuses
Hot take: for a xcx de get rid of the character creator and give the mc a definite design,name and voice

EDIT: but keep the choice of gender
I like this better than what we had, but what I'd do (even if it's completely implausible) is leave the created character in, just switch the focus to Elma. You play as Elma, you find the created character in a pod at the start (just like normal), but the focus just... stays with Elma. And the created character is a squad member. Lots of main story cutscenes could remain pretty much as they are, lol. Elma is the main character of lots of them.

Maybe you explain the rest by having Elma send the created character on the loyalty missions.

Also, I'm sorry, but give us a toggle for the Tatsu cooking scenes. There was not a single funny moment in any of them.
The game was straight up designed around the custom character. You can't rejigger it for a dedicated character since you have to rescript the whole game. You just can't "fix" XCX like that. You need to remake the whole game. Which they did to arrive to the XCX we know now
X is by far my favorite in the franchise and I don't view the custom character as part of its identity at all lol (nor its online components for that matter). I do think it's a completely unreasonable amount of work to change that though
I always felt the silent protagonist and custom character did more harm than good when I played Xeno X. But purely in the writing department. Which was a mess.

But that’s just a lot of unnecessary work to undo for something that in the end won’t really change much. Just keep it like it was. A remaster should really just get some QOL aspects to make the game overall more enjoyable. We got 3 games (plus 2 DLC) that follow a structure. Some different is a good thing to have if it returns.
X had a cool fucking world with neat lore and a lot of interesting worldbuilding involving all the different alien species.

It's so weird that the main story sucks but the side quests have tons of good shit. I'm usually okay with silent protags but Cross sucked.
What do we see first and when? XCX DE, Action Game or XC Warriors?
Action game is hopefully closing in on completion, 2024 feels optimistic but I don't think it'll be late in 2025
XCXDE feels like it'd be similar to XCDE where it's developed in tandem with the relevant sequel (XCX2 here), if it were to start development after 3FR wrapped it'd likely be 2025 or 2026
Xenoblade Warriors depends on what Omega Force is getting into. I would expect their next Nintendo collaboration in 2024 or 2025, but they could easily go back to Zelda or FE, or pivot to something else entirely
X had a cool fucking world with neat lore and a lot of interesting worldbuilding involving all the different alien species.

It's so weird that the main story sucks but the side quests have tons of good shit. I'm usually okay with silent protags but Cross sucked.
Hopefully they epilogue that shit and give them more character or something
X is by far my favorite in the franchise and I don't view the custom character as part of its identity at all lol (nor its online components for that matter). I do think it's a completely unreasonable amount of work to change that though

yeah it just seems way out of scope for any re-release

I think some people are probably underestimating how much work that would take, changing the main story and sidequests etc for that would probably take a similar level of effort as something like a future connected level piece of new content would
All I really want from an X rerelease is make the party members work like heroes where we can just select them from a menu but they'll still hang out at their spots when not in the party. Then just make the menus less nests inside of nests. The rest can stay.

You can look at a game and say you don't consider element A and element B part of its fun and/or identity, but those elements might've been what drew someone else to the game. I think it's best if remasters/ports stay true to the core design principles of the original. I'm glad DE didn't add cancel attacks or anything (though mid-combat character swapping would've been nice), so I'd want the same for X. Add QoL, but keep it what X is.
One thing that makes me wonder how likely an XCX re-release is, is that the XBC Definitive Edition likely partially came about because 1, 2 and 3 are connected experiences. XCX presumably has some connections, but is far more its own entity in terms of structure, style and emphasis. I'm not sure we should expect an XCX 2, though it's very difficult to know what's next for Xenoblade.

That being said, I think there might be some interest at Nintendo at bringing XCX out in the next few years, even if there aren't any plans at Monolith Soft to continue with the X direction just yet. Nintendo are presumably going to keep looking for schedule fillers and ways of keeping key franchises in the limelight, and a Definitive Edition of X would fit that bill.

For me, QOL changes - like better menus and making it easier to change the party - would be the priority, but I'd hope to see something added, like Future Connected, which addresses some of the things left hanging in the game and perhaps indicates a little more firmly how X connects to the numbered entries.
A sort of reboot for XCX is definitely possible and it would be cool to finally get some resolution for that particular story.

Still betting that Monolith will eventually release a sequel for XC2 itself, especially considering how Future Redeemed paid more respect for the original XC than anything else (which makes sense considering it was the beginning of this saga after all but again, the ending of XC3 teased a lot of what could happen in XC2 after its conclusion).
We will see, hopefully soon-ish. Bandai namco is also supposedly working on an action game for nintendo, right? What IF it's not kid icarus, but a collaboration with monolith? :D That would be so dope. They have experience in arpgs. Now I'm going to live in a fantasy land dreaming od xenosaga until next announcement from monolith.
I played the Xenosaga trilogy and it was cool. Second game I really disliked. I don’t want more old games from Monolith Soft and I don’t want them to be a Xenoblade factory. I got my hopes the new action game will be their first new IP in a OVER a decade.
A sort of reboot for XCX is definitely possible and it would be cool to finally get some resolution for that particular story.

Still betting that Monolith will eventually release a sequel for XC2 itself, especially considering how Future Redeemed paid more respect for the original XC than anything else (which makes sense considering it was the beginning of this saga after all but again, the ending of XC3 teased a lot of what could happen in XC2 after its conclusion).
Glimmer, Mio and ??? game is coming. Believe.

It would cool if Mythra’s kid was in a Warriors game - just to tie that knot up.

I personally think we might get the odd callback to this trilogy in a new game, but outside of remasters, it’s over.
We will see, hopefully soon-ish. Bandai namco is also supposedly working on an action game for nintendo, right? What IF it's not kid icarus, but a collaboration with monolith? :D That would be so dope. They have experience in arpgs. Now I'm going to live in a fantasy land dreaming od xenosaga until next announcement from monolith.
Nah the monolith action game isn't xenosaga related. In the recruitment page with the infamous concept art the job description states "An ambitious new project aimed at a global audience and different from Monolith Soft's brand image". And Xenosaga is very very closely related with monolith softs brand image. The bandai game was also a job listing from last year while the monolith one was from 2017 originally. Making a link even more unlikely.

The bandai listing was also for a nintendo remake/remaster right? So unless bandai sold the rights of xenosaga to nintendo it's probably unrelated. I think a xenosaga HD collection in a similar manner to the baten kaitos remasters makes the most sense especially because they're from the same era. Kid icarus HD also just seems like a good idea lol.

I do think a xenosaga remake would be cool but I think a remaster is just more likely : P
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So TotK credits are partially out and there's good news and bad news.

The bad news is that this is the "action game" that Andrzej Zamoyski was working on. Well it's great for him lol. Hiroshi Ando worked on it too.

The good news is that none of the absent staff I mentioned in the Future Redeemed post are here except for  maybe Shigekazu Yamada and Mamoru Ohta, as the full credits haven't been posted on Kyoto Report yet.
I wouldn't mind a Warriors game that wasn't exactly a "Warriors" game.

Something closer to Persona 5: Strikers, Age of Calamity, and Three Hopes. Taking more from the series it is crossing over with.

Something in the "new" reunited Earth in the post-credits of Future Redeemed, depending on the timing of the reunification, would be perfect for having all characters from all 3 games (that survived) at once, maximizing the playable characters these games like to have.

I would prefer something more narrative-driven like the above "crossover" games that actually "matter" (as much as a crossover game can). Something like an in-between for this "arc" of Xenoblade and whatever is next. Maybe a new XenoNoun?

Oh, yes: when talking about a Xenowarriors game I obviously meant something aking Person Striekrs or Age of Calamity and so on

About XCX port: I really think they will port it to Switch 2, to "retcon" the overall arch-story (to introduce XCX2)
So TotK credits are partially out and there's good news and bad news.

The bad news is that this is the "action game" that Andrzej Zamoyski was working on. Well it's great for him lol. Hiroshi Ando worked on it too.

The good news is that none of the absent staff I mentioned in the Future Redeemed post are here except for  maybe Shigekazu Yamada and Mamoru Ohta, as the full credits haven't been posted on Kyoto Report yet.
I actually noticed a while back that the jobs listed on the Zelda recruitment and the action game recruitment are exactly the same.
So TotK credits are partially out and there's good news and bad news.

The bad news is that this is the "action game" that Andrzej Zamoyski was working on. Well it's great for him lol. Hiroshi Ando worked on it too.

The good news is that none of the absent staff I mentioned in the Future Redeemed post are here except for  maybe Shigekazu Yamada and Mamoru Ohta, as the full credits haven't been posted on Kyoto Report yet.
I wonder if Zamoyski worked on both an action game and Zelda? He joined Monolith Soft in 2018, which is when the studio split into its current structure (production group 1 for Xenoblade, pg 2 for Zelda and maybe a new IP), but he lists his work on 'action game for Nintendo Switch' work as starting in January 2021.
edit - my bad, apparently I can't read. Zamoyski was at Square Enix 2018 to 2020, joined Monolith Soft in January 2021.

There's also the more recent action game hiring call, which was mid-April (though I'm not sure why I'm reminding you, I'm pretty sure you posted it!).
I actually noticed a while back that the jobs listed on the Zelda recruitment and the action game recruitment are exactly the same.
A new ad for someone to work on an action game went up last month.
I actually noticed a while back that the jobs listed on the Zelda recruitment and the action game recruitment are exactly the same.
if Monolith Soft doesn't have enough technical artists or managers for one project, that doesn't mean they have enough for another. it would be weirder if they didn't overlap
I wonder if Zamoyski worked on both an action game and Zelda? He joined Monolith Soft in 2018, which is when the studio split into its current structure (production group 1 for Xenoblade, pg 2 for Zelda and maybe a new IP), but he lists his work on 'action game for Nintendo Switch' work as starting in January 2021.
edit - my bad, apparently I can't read. Zamoyski was at Square Enix 2018 to 2020, joined Monolith Soft in January 2021.

There's also the more recent action game hiring call, which was mid-April (though I'm not sure why I'm reminding you, I'm pretty sure you posted it!).

A new ad for someone to work on an action game went up last month.
I remember the ad. I'm just saying the listings on monolith's website are identical. I'm still hoping the action game exists
I remember the ad. I'm just saying the listings on monolith's website are identical. I'm still hoping the action game exists
it most likely does. Zelda doesn't fit their descriptions in some of their ads, and they publicly admitted to be working on Zelda, making secrecy redundant. the ex-fable guy, if he's not on for just one game, is probably still on the action game
I actually noticed a while back that the jobs listed on the Zelda recruitment and the action game recruitment are exactly the same.
Yeah I think someone brought that up a while ago, but maybe it was just a general set of jobs.

We don't have the graphics section yet, so if Monolith devs aren't on UI, then it still makes another title likely. At the very least, some of the Xenoblade leads have been up to something else since last year and potentially as far back as 2020.
So TotK credits are partially out and there's good news and bad news.

The bad news is that this is the "action game" that Andrzej Zamoyski was working on. Well it's great for him lol. Hiroshi Ando worked on it too.

The good news is that none of the absent staff I mentioned in the Future Redeemed post are here except for  maybe Shigekazu Yamada and Mamoru Ohta, as the full credits haven't been posted on Kyoto Report yet.
Do you have a link to that post?
Quoted by: N75
Sorri, I meant this: "The good news is that none of the absent staff I mentioned in the Future Redeemed post are here"
Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Redeemed credits (no voice actors/localization/cutscene/music production)

Directors were Masahiro Iwamoto from Monolith and Yuki Sakamoto from EPD. As was already known, series director Koh Kojima was not involved (even as a producer) and has only received a Special Thanks credit alongside Shigekazu Yamada (Xenoblade DE Producer/Planning Lead). Koji Hayashi has seemingly been promoted to producer.

Some other notable staff absences from the base game include Mamoru Ohta (Scenario/Cinematics), Makoto Shimamoto (Planner), Yuichiro Sumita (Planner), and Kanae Nakayama (Planner). There are probably more.

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