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StarTopic Monolith Soft Development and Speculation |ST|

I have a question for everyone, will I get more enjoyment out of the XC series if I have played Xenosaga or is possible to only play XC 1, X, 2 and its DLC, 3 and its DLC, to have a complete understanding of the XC series.
No you don't need to play saga at all, it's not connected (only like 2-3 cameos/references). You just need to play 1 (DE), 2 and 3. I'd say 3's DLC is more important than Torna but Torna is still worth a play. X is separate.
No you don't need to play saga at all, it's not connected (only like 2-3 cameos/references). You just need to play 1 (DE), 2 and 3. I'd say 3's DLC is more important than Torna but Torna is still worth a play. X is separate.
Cool, I been trying to get into the series and dipping into the ST for XC3 and FR, but I would see people going wild about a reference to a character from saga and wondering if I should try playing the XS series before hopping into the XC series.
I have a question for everyone, will I get more enjoyment out of the XC series if I have played Xenosaga or is possible to only play XC 1, X, 2 and its DLC, 3 and its DLC, to have a complete understanding of the XC series.
all you need is 1, 2, 3 and future redeemed
Cool, I been trying to get into the series and dipping into the ST for XC3 and FR, but I would see people going wild about a reference to a character from saga and wondering if I should try playing the XS series before hopping into the XC series.
It's just a reference in Future Redeemed, at most Saga's lore would have to be heavily retconned and remade to fit with Xenoblade's lore. Hope you get into the series, it's become my favorite series of all time and each of the games are incredible.

Honne: We have raised the base salary! We will continue to strengthen recruitment in this fiscal year. (via DeepL)

I wonder how he's planning to put those recruits to work? Maybe a team effort with bandai after BK1&2 Remastered come out?

I could see them trying a revival, especially after getting a whole studio familiar with the IP xd (this only works if monolith are confirmed working on BK remasters tho idk if thats been stated officially or just from the leak)
I have a question for everyone, will I get more enjoyment out of the XC series if I have played Xenosaga or is possible to only play XC 1, X, 2 and its DLC, 3 and its DLC, to have a complete understanding of the XC series.
If it wasn't for the Kos-Mos for Smash Ultimate DLC crowd, I would have no idea of what a Xenosaga is, and I have played every Xenoblade games since the first one released on Wii !
Still don't know anything about Xenosaga beyond the Kos-Mos boob-knife gif tbf !
They’re strengthening recruitment to cover their next projects, Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition and Xenoblade Chronicles X2. 😉
If it wasn't for the Kos-Mos for Smash Ultimate DLC crowd, I would have no idea of what a Xenosaga is, and I have played every Xenoblade games since the first one released on Wii !
Still don't know anything about Xenosaga beyond the Kos-Mos boob-knife gif tbf !
you didn't even pull Kos Mos in Xenoblade 2?
Cool, I been trying to get into the series and dipping into the ST for XC3 and FR, but I would see people going wild about a reference to a character from saga and wondering if I should try playing the XS series before hopping into the XC series.
Yeah, as others have said, you don't need to know anything at all about Xenosaga nor Xenogears. Not even about Xenoblade X (at least for the time being, who knows if they connect it in the future). Play the others, and my suggested order would be: 1 (DE), 2, Torna, FC (free additional story included with DE), 3, FR. Although FC can be played before 2 without issues.

But for the love of the wave existence, please stop lurking the spoiler threads until after you're done with them all. These games have massive plot twists and ruining them will hamper the overall experience.

And most importantly, enjoy! I wish I could go back in time to re-experience them for the first time.
I could see them trying a revival, especially after getting a whole studio familiar with the IP xd (this only works if monolith are confirmed working on BK remasters tho idk if thats been stated officially or just from the leak)
They're probably supervising it to some degree, but the developer is listed as Logicalbeat.

They're probably supervising it to some degree, but the developer is listed as Logicalbeat.

I hope they're involved somehow. I want to see what a Baten Kaitos 3 could look like. Imagine those worlds but in full 3d or something.
Cool, I been trying to get into the series and dipping into the ST for XC3 and FR, but I would see people going wild about a reference to a character from saga and wondering if I should try playing the XS series before hopping into the XC series.
They basically just reused a characters name (in a way that couldn't possibly be the same person) as well as a certain logo. Knowing the references is actually, if anything, distracting from some of the other important things that scene is trying to establish. If you like Xenoblade, it may be worth going back and playing Xenosaga for a different story with similar themes (and gameplay of... highly variable quality), but the actual Xenosaga content in Xenoblade is limited to a handful of cameos.

Outside of the expansion stories (all of which assume you've finished the associated main game first, and Future Redeemed in particular expects you to have played the whole trilogy), the Xenoblade games try very hard to all be standalone games, occasionally somewhat to a fault.
Awesome, I appreciate everyone’s feedback thanks!
I've been out of the loop on Monolith Soft discussions both because of wanting to keep out of XBC3+FR spoilers but also because I was on leave from the site for a while, so just wanted to ask:

Have we collectively given up on the dream of XBC X coming to Switch/Successor at some point?
Have we collectively given up on the dream of XBC X coming to Switch/Successor at some point?
I don't think there's any evidence that indicates it is happening, but I also wouldn't give up on it. We could be looking at another 3 to 4 years from now before the next new Xenoblade title is ready, so doing a cross-gen port of X would be one way of keeping the series active (like XBC 1 getting a remaster midway between 2 and 3 releasing). It'd be less resource intensive than a new game, and Monolith Soft balanced the remaster of XBC 1 with development of XBC 3, so it's not as if an X port would hold up the next mainline game.

For me, X is a good candidate to turn up in the next few years. I suspect Nintendo are looking carefully at the handful of remaining Wii U titles for options to keep consistent software support chugging along as they transition to new hardware and close out Switch's life over the next few years, and I don't see why X would be excluded from that.
I don't think there's any evidence that indicates it is happening, but I also wouldn't give up on it. We could be looking at another 3 to 4 years from now before the next new Xenoblade title is ready, so doing a cross-gen port of X would be one way of keeping the series active (like XBC 1 getting a remaster midway between 2 and 3 releasing). It'd be less resource intensive than a new game, and Monolith Soft balanced the remaster of XBC 1 with development of XBC 3, so it's not as if an X port would hold up the next mainline game.

For me, X is a good candidate to turn up in the next few years. I suspect Nintendo are looking carefully at the handful of remaining Wii U titles for options to keep consistent software support chugging along as they transition to new hardware and close out Switch's life over the next few years, and I don't see why X would be excluded from that.
I agree, a port of X for the Succ wouldn't surprise me at all, particularly if the next entry in the Xenoblade series is connected to it (which is a big if, of course).
I've been out of the loop on Monolith Soft discussions both because of wanting to keep out of XBC3+FR spoilers but also because I was on leave from the site for a while, so just wanted to ask:

Have we collectively given up on the dream of XBC X coming to Switch/Successor at some point?
The successor to the Switch means probably all the way too 2030. I don’t think we can predict what Nintendo is releasing by 2030 lol. Everyone should be open minded to it coming. They already got the rest of the Xenoblade series. XCX is all that’s left.
The successor to the Switch means probably all the way too 2030. I don’t think we can predict what Nintendo is releasing by 2030 lol. Everyone should be open minded to it coming. They already got the rest of the Xenoblade series. XCX is all that’s left.

No, that's fair. I should've probably worded this a bit better, as in in the relatively near future/next few years. :)
The successor to the Switch means probably all the way too 2030. I don’t think we can predict what Nintendo is releasing by 2030 lol. Everyone should be open minded to it coming. They already got the rest of the Xenoblade series. XCX is all that’s left.
Are we not counting Redacted as a Switch successor? No way in hell Nintendo holds off on Redacted past early 2025, IMO.
errybody want Xenoblade Warriors, but yall really want the warriors engine back?

Xenoblade X remaster in 2025 for its 10th (Xth) anniversary. Please.

Xenoblade Warriors in 2024? Please?
Now is the perfect time for a Xenoblade Warriors that takes place on the re-united Earth. Pack it up with tons of fan service, and references/cameos.
Origin also gives a convenient excuse for everything ("The data was in Origin, so it was re-created").
So we can have literally every character appear. Jin, Lora, Egil, etc. lol. Bring back the previous villains too for cannon fodder and make a fun Warriors game.🙏🏽
Now is the perfect time for a Xenoblade Warriors that takes place on the re-united Earth. Pack it up with tons of fan service, and references/cameos.
Origin also gives a convenient excuse for everything ("The data was in Origin, so it was re-created").
So we can have literally every character appear. Jin, Lora, Egil, etc. lol. Bring back the previous villains too for cannon fodder and make a fun Warriors game.🙏🏽

I think setting it on a re-united earth would be great and then could go even more in on the fan service for all 3 games, and non-comically confirm some sort of ending for everyone post 3. My other idea, because there’s such a large cast of characters, is each unit should be a pair that function as 1 unit. It’s already set up in the universes of 2 and 3. The ouroborus pairs, blades and drives pairs, then just pair up some of the 1 characters Shulk&Fiora, Sharla&Reyn, Dunban&Melia and then you’ve got roster space to throw in some side characters and villains too.
Xenoblade X is a weird one because the impression that Takahashi has given about the game in the past is that they were not super happy with how it turned out, and the dev cycle for it was very hard on the team. They may not want to return to it at all. Especially if it is a narrative dead end for them.

That said Switch 2 would be the time to do it. Particularly if they drop around the launch period.
I've been out of the loop on Monolith Soft discussions both because of wanting to keep out of XBC3+FR spoilers but also because I was on leave from the site for a while, so just wanted to ask:

Have we collectively given up on the dream of XBC X coming to Switch/Successor at some point?
I think that stands a pretty good chance of being the next Xenoblade project Monolith releases, similar to Xenoblade DE. Certainly, it's basically the only "filler" release they have left right now that would be done by Monolith themselves.
Now is the perfect time for a Xenoblade Warriors that takes place on the re-united Earth. Pack it up with tons of fan service, and references/cameos.
Origin also gives a convenient excuse for everything ("The data was in Origin, so it was re-created").
So we can have literally every character appear. Jin, Lora, Egil, etc. lol. Bring back the previous villains too for cannon fodder and make a fun Warriors game.🙏🏽
They already have a perfect excuse for doing whatever they want called the Nopon Archsage.
Xenoblade X is a weird one because the impression that Takahashi has given about the game in the past is that they were not super happy with how it turned out, and the dev cycle for it was very hard on the team. They may not want to return to it at all. Especially if it is a narrative dead end for them.

That said Switch 2 would be the time to do it. Particularly if they drop around the launch period.
All the more reason to go back to it years later with all the experience they’ve gained making XC2, XC:DE, and XC3, and with a larger and better paid team at that. XC3 already reincorporated a lot of similar elements as XCX, after all, so it seems they may be working up to return to that direction anyway.

And it’s certainly not a narrative dead end. Takahashi has already confirmed that XCX takes place within the same flow of time and space as every other episode of the Xenoblade series; while its exact connections to the other Xenoblade games aren’t completely clear yet, it’s still very much a part of the same larger story.
Xenoblade X is a weird one because the impression that Takahashi has given about the game in the past is that they were not super happy with how it turned out, and the dev cycle for it was very hard on the team. They may not want to return to it at all. Especially if it is a narrative dead end for them.

That said Switch 2 would be the time to do it. Particularly if they drop around the launch period.
X leaves a lot of room for a sequel (the ending basically lays out the plot points for X2), but I'm kinda bearish on seeing it again, in part because of how a lot of X elements, both narrative and gameplay, seem to have been adopted into XC3
all I expect them to do is to up the internal resolution and apply DLSS
Even some improvements to the UI, blade management and the like would be huge QoL upgrades.

Reduce some of the field skill checks, bump up summon rates.

Menu improvements and recalibrating some numbers could do a lot to take the edge off the game for casual players.

A more stable frame rate and higher resolution would be huge wins too.

I’m sure the people who don’t like it, still wouldn’t like it, but I think XC2 is a ’final pass’ away from being the game it could be.

DE might have just been a one off though to get the trilogy on one console.
errybody want Xenoblade Warriors, but yall really want the warriors engine back?


An enanched Switch 2 version in 2024, alongside the Switch one, for better experience

But yeah: I enjoyed the hell out if FE Warriors, Age of Calamity and Three Hopes so..a Xenoblade Warriors would be ace
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A Warriors game would have to have quite the starting roster just to cover the playable parry members:




That's 20+ at least for the basic XB party members. When you consider that doesn't include any of the DLC cast, villains, transformations, supporting characters etc, it'd still feel a tad bare.

Would love to see it happen though - bet those mad bastards would try to have a massive open world to explore with mobs of enemies to cut through.
Quoted by: Tye
i will only accept a xenblade warriors if the villain is someone who survived the klaus and wants to reset the universe back to before the experiment
A Warriors game would have to have quite the starting roster just to cover the playable parry members:




That's 20+ at least for the basic XB party members. When you consider that doesn't include any of the DLC cast, villains, transformations, supporting characters etc, it'd still feel a tad bare.

Would love to see it happen though - bet those mad bastards would try to have a massive open world to explore with mobs of enemies to cut through.
And that’s not even including anything from XCX! Gotta at least throw Elma in there!!

Though as much as I’d love a Xenoblade Warriors, I’m not sure something like that would actually happen without Monolith Soft being the ones to develop it…
I get why they didn't do it for DE but I would do unseemly things to get XC1 with character swapping a la XC3

Maybe in the late 30s they'll do a Xenoblade Trilogy Compilation that gets 1-3 and their companion stories into 4K with the QoL features made consistent between them. It'll be well worth the $200 price tag
one thing about a Xenoblade warriors though is I only want it if monolith soft is heavily involved like more so than Nintendo was involved with Age of Calamity or atlus was with P5 Rumble
Xenoblade not-Warriors

by anyone other than Omega Force. I want a good look game please
I think Age of Calamity looks incredible, way too good for the poor Switch in fact. If we do get a new Warriors game in any series I would want it to be next gen, I'm just really tired of the limitations for those games.

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