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StarTopic Metroid |ST| Praise The Process

Metroid Prime 4 in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct?

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Slow Sunday, so just curious about people's opinions here - do you think Metroid Prime 4 will be numbered as it currently is, or will it simply have a subtitle/succeeding word (Metroid Prime: <Something>) instead?

Arguments in favor of both:

  • Newer players are less intimidated to start at this entry, not thinking that there are 3 other titles they need to catch up on first
  • Can break a bit more from conventions of the current Metroid Prime series. Numbering just subconsciously ties it more so to what came before.

  • Series convention
  • May be easier to signal 'mainline' entry.

I personally think it makes more sense to just go with a subtitle and essentially 'reboot' Metroid Prime in that way. But interested to hear what you guys think.
I don't think there'll be a number, seems unnecessarily alienating for newcomers since phazon is gone. The 2D games have also moved away from numbers as dread is only ever mentioned as metroid 5 in the reveal trailer
Slow Sunday, so just curious about people's opinions here - do you think Metroid Prime 4 will be numbered as it currently is, or will it simply have a subtitle/succeeding word (Metroid Prime: <Something>) instead?

Arguments in favor of both:

  • Newer players are less intimidated to start at this entry, not thinking that there are 3 other titles they need to catch up on first
  • Can break a bit more from conventions of the current Metroid Prime series. Numbering just subconsciously ties it more so to what came before.

  • Series convention
  • May be easier to signal 'mainline' entry.

I personally think it makes more sense to just go with a subtitle and essentially 'reboot' Metroid Prime in that way. But interested to hear what you guys think.
Subtitle. It looks cleaner, and it passes immediately the message that this is different, its new, its fresh.
I don't think there'll be a number, seems unnecessarily alienating for newcomers since phazon is gone. The 2D games have also moved away from numbers as dread is only ever mentioned as metroid 5 in the reveal trailer

Kind of an irrelevant comparison, because the 2D games were never numbered in their titles.

The numbers are there to differentiate them from the spin offs like hunters and federation force. The next mainline game will absolutely have a 4 in the title. They announced it with a picture of a massive 4. I don't know how much more on the nose they could be.
Kind of an irrelevant comparison, because the 2D games were never numbered in their titles.

The numbers are there to differentiate them from the spin offs like hunters and federation force. The next mainline game will absolutely have a 4 in the title. They announced it with a picture of a massive 4. I don't know how much more on the nose they could be.
Return of Samus was metroid II on the box art, super and fusion had metroid 3/4 on their title screens. Metroid 5 is nowhere in game for dread, just the reveal trailer.
Thought about making this question its own thread and I still might, but I'll ask here too:

Where would you like 2D Metroid go post-Dread, as far as gameplay goes? As great as it would be to make more Dread-like games, Nintendo doesn't typically like to repeat themselves much these days. Since Dread marked the end of a story arc, I expect the next 2D Metroid to go in a wholly new direction, both in story and gameplay.
No number but with a subtitle would bother me, not gonna lie. That’s always been for spin-offs.
Thought about making this question its own thread and I still might, but I'll ask here too:

Where would you like 2D Metroid go post-Dread, as far as gameplay goes? As great as it would be to make more Dread-like games, Nintendo doesn't typically like to repeat themselves much these days. Since Dread marked the end of a story arc, I expect the next 2D Metroid to go in a wholly new direction, both in story and gameplay.
I think I could go an entry or two without a pursuing enemy so exploration can be a bit more contemplative. Though I don't want to give up the movement fluidity and boss challenge.
Thought about making this question its own thread and I still might, but I'll ask here too:

Where would you like 2D Metroid go post-Dread, as far as gameplay goes? As great as it would be to make more Dread-like games, Nintendo doesn't typically like to repeat themselves much these days. Since Dread marked the end of a story arc, I expect the next 2D Metroid to go in a wholly new direction, both in story and gameplay.
Metroid-based superpowers for Samus, resulting in brand new upgrades that open up the gameplay even further. Fire and electricity-centered power-ups (evoking the SR388 evolutionary cycle) that she's able to use in conjunction with her Arm Cannon. Energy absorption and transfer abilities (like the baby at the end of Super) that result in interesting environmental puzzles or otherwise new gameplay elements. In general, I'd just like to see Samus's abilities continue to grow and expand as a result of the narrative that Dread gave us. Story-wise, I'd like for Samus to seek out Old Bird, as he's likely one of, if not the only remaining Chozo of the Thoha tribe. The games haven't really acknowledged his existence since Zero Mission, though he did have a small cameo in Dread, which gives me hope.

There's also the matter of the mysterious cloaked figure depicted in Chozo Archives 08, which I believe could be an uninfected member of the Mawkin tribe (or other Chozo) carefully observing the X soldiers from a distance. It's possible this character was operating in the background of Dread, and escaped ZDR aboard one of the Hanubia ships that are missing during the ending sequence. What's notable about this figure is that they have an Arm Cannon, with Raven Beak and Samus herself being some of the only other characters in the Metroid canon depicted with one. I feel like there's a definite significance here, considering the Chozo Memories of Samus Returns teased where they ultimately went with Dread's story.


Thought about making this question its own thread and I still might, but I'll ask here too:

Where would you like 2D Metroid go post-Dread, as far as gameplay goes? As great as it would be to make more Dread-like games, Nintendo doesn't typically like to repeat themselves much these days. Since Dread marked the end of a story arc, I expect the next 2D Metroid to go in a wholly new direction, both in story and gameplay.

My thoughts since Fusion have included
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I know all the "leaks" on 4chan are fake, but I like the idea of giving Samus a sidequick with her same abilities in order to make a Metroid co-op game, and what better sidequick than a clone of Samus herself (although the franchise already has too many Samus clones). And it would also be nice if Samus had a "twin sister" to take care of.


And who knows, maybe that mysterious cloaked figure escaped from ZDR with Samus's DNA samples in order to clone her, since that was Raven Beak's goal at the end of the game.
Please no more Samus clones, I beg of you! Just give us a cool female Chozo character to play as instead.
Thought about making this question its own thread and I still might, but I'll ask here too:

Where would you like 2D Metroid go post-Dread, as far as gameplay goes? As great as it would be to make more Dread-like games, Nintendo doesn't typically like to repeat themselves much these days. Since Dread marked the end of a story arc, I expect the next 2D Metroid to go in a wholly new direction, both in story and gameplay.
Well my answer is always to go back to have exploration as a core focus but that doesn't seem to be what either sakamoto or MS want. As for new mechanics, I think revisiting the anti-gravity thing from the metroid 4 proof of concept vid could be cool
Please no more Samus clones, I beg of you! Just give us a cool female Chozo character to play as instead.
It's like im living in a junji ito manga where everyone is Tommy. Or Tommy's brother. Or tommy's family, superior. argh!

Expand that shit, lmao. This universe is 2 metres wide at this point.
I can't wait to hear this triumphant greatness in Prime 4. One of the more major tracks from Super that never got a Prime version.

Well, at least its a new track that wasnt remixed before lol.

Still, im not a fan of arrangements, especially on metroid where there is simply too many of them.
I can't wait to hear this triumphant greatness in Prime 4. One of the more major tracks from Super that never got a Prime version.



Edit: in the meantime @Aurc, have you heard this one?

They run through it twice, once sorta mellow but then around 2:30 they change it up and go hard.
I can't wait to hear this triumphant greatness in Prime 4. One of the more major tracks from Super that never got a Prime version.
I want a new arrangement of the Brinstar theme. It's weird that the first music you hear in the first metroid game was only remixed for Smash and the remake and nothing else.

I want a new arrangement of the Brinstar theme. It's weird that the first music you hear in the first metroid game was only remixed for Smash and the remake and nothing else.

Lmao, this one i really dont want.

Maybe if there is some sort of "mini game room or similar" in the game. But otherwise i feel like this track is far too "game-y"
I want a new arrangement of the Brinstar theme. It's weird that the first music you hear in the first metroid game was only remixed for Smash and the remake and nothing else.

But we did get a couple different remixes of the OG Brinstar theme in the Prime games!

There was even a really cool one in the First Hunt demo for Hunters:

Lmao, this one i really dont want.

Maybe if there is some sort of "mini game room or similar" in the game. But otherwise i feel like this track is far too "game-y"

yeah, I know it doesn't work as an "overworld theme", but it can work as a music track for a small area of the game where you have to move fast.

But we did get a couple different remixes of the OG Brinstar theme in the Prime games!
they use similar tunes but they don't sound like the same theme (at least to my ear)

I forgot the pinball game had a remix

I can't wait to hear this triumphant greatness in Prime 4. One of the more major tracks from Super that never got a Prime version.

Absolutely. This and Upper Brinstar would be great picks for remixes. As much as I love Lower Brinstar it's been remixed to death, I think we can take a break from that for a while.

I'll take any excuse to post this version again:

Well, at least its a new track that wasnt remixed before lol.

Still, im not a fan of arrangements, especially on metroid where there is simply too many of them.
If Kenji Yamamoto is handling the soundtrack for Prime 4 (which I sincerely hope he is!), I can almost guarantee we'll see at least a couple new arrangements of the classics. I don't have the exact quote on hand at the moment, but he once talked about how he likes mixing renditions of the old in with the new, and each game in the Prime trilogy features tracks that originally debuted in Super Metroid (plus a couple from NES Metroid, and even one from Fusion).

To recap, just for fun:

(Original -- Arrangement)

Metroid Prime:

Theme of Samus Aran -- Samus Arrives
Brinstar -- Tallon Overworld 1 / Record of Samus
Lower Norfair -- Magmoor Caverns
Theme of Ridley -- Vs. Meta Ridley

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes:

Theme of Samus Aran -- G.F.S. Tyr
Upper Brinstar -- Multiplayer Theme
Lower Brinstar -- Torvus Catacombs
Escape -- Escape

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption:

Theme of Samus Aran -- In the Cockpit / Landing on Norion
Arachnus -- Berserker Lord
Space Pirate Theme -- Pirate Homeworld

I'm even leaving out a few (mostly even more Theme of Samus Aran variations!), but this about covers it. As you can see, there's no cause for concern of excessive reliance on old music, thankfully. There are just a few classic themes per Prime game that are tastefully incorporated, and I love that. Really hoping to see this trend continue. I need a new arrangement of that triumphant Crateria theme that appears in no game besides Super Metroid.
If Kenji Yamamoto is handling the soundtrack for Prime 4 (which I sincerely hope he is!), I can almost guarantee we'll see at least a couple new arrangements of the classics. I don't have the exact quote on hand at the moment, but he once talked about how he likes mixing renditions of the old in with the new, and each game in the Prime trilogy features tracks that originally debuted in Super Metroid (plus a couple from NES Metroid, and even one from Fusion).

To recap, just for fun:

(Original -- Arrangement)

Metroid Prime:

Theme of Samus Aran -- Samus Arrives
Brinstar -- Tallon Overworld 1 / Record of Samus
Lower Norfair -- Magmoor Caverns
Theme of Ridley -- Vs. Meta Ridley

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes:

Theme of Samus Aran -- G.F.S. Tyr
Upper Brinstar -- Multiplayer Theme
Lower Brinstar -- Torvus Catacombs
Escape -- Escape

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption:

Theme of Samus Aran -- In the Cockpit / Landing on Norion
Arachnus -- Berserker Lord
Space Pirate Theme -- Pirate Homeworld

I'm even leaving out a few (mostly even more Theme of Samus Aran variations!), but this about covers it. As you can see, there's no cause for concern of excessive reliance on old music, thankfully. There are just a few classic themes per Prime game that are tastefully incorporated, and I love that. Really hoping to see this trend continue. I need a new arrangement of that triumphant Crateria theme that appears in no game besides Super Metroid.
I'll start by saying that... yeah i dont think he is. Kenji not only hasnt composed for Metroid in decades, but he also has transitioned to a more supervisional role, hasnt he?

My opinion on this subject then is simple: If there isnt Kenji i dont want to see anyone from EPD trying their hand on MP4. From Matsumoto to Sochi and that other person, none of them reach the standard Kenji set.

Matsumoto from SR feels like he is trying real hard to emulate him but he also isnt as good.
Sochi Abe and the other person dont really feel like they are trying to emulate him, but their work isnt very good or memorable as well.

Composer talk is difficult for me because i dont really have a solid idea on who i'd want.
One of my favorite bits of weird extremely esoteric trivia is how Crateria Surface had its entire identity stolen by a Super Smash Bros. Brawl remix of the Super Metroid ending theme that was incorrectly labeled Theme of Samus. Crateria Surface was Theme of Samus on the Super Metroid soundtrack, that's why it plays in the big moment at the end when she stands back up, while what is now Theme of Samus was originally the Theme of Super Metroid. This is the sort of nonsense that keeps me up at night.

If you ask me though, the real crime is how Rocky Maridia remains one of the few Super Metroid tracks to never be acknowledged in any way since. At least Crateria Surface got to appear on the Samus Archives CD and get its new name there.

One of my favorite bits of weird extremely esoteric trivia is how Crateria Surface had its entire identity stolen by a Super Smash Bros. Brawl remix of the Super Metroid ending theme that was incorrectly labeled Theme of Samus. Crateria Surface was Theme of Samus on the Super Metroid soundtrack, that's why it plays in the big moment at the end when she stands back up, while what is now Theme of Samus was originally the Theme of Super Metroid. This is the sort of nonsense that keeps me up at night.

If you ask me though, the real crime is how Rocky Maridia remains one of the few Super Metroid tracks to never be acknowledged in any way since. At least Crateria Surface got to appear on the Samus Archives CD and get its new name there.

Don't worry, you're not alone on this! I think about it a lot too. In a sense, it's like Samus has two leitmotifs, even if one of them unfortunately only ever appeared in Super Metroid (which is why I'm hoping for it to make a comeback).

Ultimately, I think it's for the best that the Theme of Super Metroid later became Samus's official theme. I consider it the perfect encapsulation of both Samus, and the series as a whole. It starts out heavy and foreboding, before progressing into a heroic flourish. In that way, it's symbolic of the fact that although our hunter is tasked with exploring the darkness and hostility of space in solitude, her light will always shine brightly through that darkness and propel her forward. Prime's opening narration:

The cosmos. In the vast universe, the history of humanity is but a flash of light from a lone star. The light of a single person should be lost in space and time. But among the stars, there is one light that burns brighter than all others: the light of Samus Aran. Her battles extend beyond her life, and etch themselves into history. Here, another chapter of that history will be written.

Comparatively, Crateria Surface is closer to a straightforward hero theme, which is awesome too, just not quite as compelling for Samus when compared to the added dimension Super's theme provides.

I don't think the switch is attributable to Brawl btw, but goes back further than that. It was Prime that first appropriated Super's main theme, and that continued into Echoes and Corruption. It would seem Yamamoto himself decided "Ok, I really killed it with the Super Metroid main theme, so I'm gonna make it a recurring thing."
Ooooof, I would love to get my hands on those Figmas but that's too expensive for me right now. Ah well, hope they're as cool as they look!

It should have been a Raven Beak figure instead of an EMMI one.
I agree, 100%. I'm not terribly big on the E.M.M.I. designs. As much as it pains me to say it, they're kinda just generic robots to me. I'm not really clamoring for merch of them. Raven Beak, on the other hand? I would love for him to get the figma treatment!
Slow Sunday, so just curious about people's opinions here - do you think Metroid Prime 4 will be numbered as it currently is, or will it simply have a subtitle/succeeding word (Metroid Prime: <Something>) instead?

Arguments in favor of both:

  • Newer players are less intimidated to start at this entry, not thinking that there are 3 other titles they need to catch up on first
  • Can break a bit more from conventions of the current Metroid Prime series. Numbering just subconsciously ties it more so to what came before.

  • Series convention
  • May be easier to signal 'mainline' entry.

I personally think it makes more sense to just go with a subtitle and essentially 'reboot' Metroid Prime in that way. But interested to hear what you guys think.
I think that after announcing "4" six years ago, they will stick with the number for it to be recognisable. After all, they kept the numbers in games like Pikmin.
I beat Prime 1 for the first time on Switch. Overall I thought it was an excellent game. The dual stick + gyro controls were perfect, and the lock-on feature was great as someone who isn't very good at first person games. The best thing about the game is definitely the exploration and atmosphere of the different locations. Revisiting the crashed Frigate ship from the opening while this heavenly music plays was a peak gaming moment.

I do think there is too much downtime where you have to walk through the same areas over and over. Like for some reason Phendrana Drifts only connects to Magmoor Caverns, so if you want to go between Phendrana and anywhere else you need to spend 10 minutes screwing around in Magmoor first. I think the 2D games like Super and Dread did a better job with their map layout and progression. Also there could have been a few more save points; Phazon Mines was more frustrating than it really needed to be.

9/10, Super Metroid is still better but I'm very hyped to play the other Prime games. Just please keep the control options from this one.

If Samus Aran has a trillion fans, I'm one of them.

If Samus Aran has a hundred fans, I'm one of them.

If Samus Aran has only one fan in the known universe, that fan is me.

If Samus Aran has no fans, then I've passed on from this Earth.

If the Galactic Federation is against Samus Aran, then I'm against the Galactic Federation.

Samus Aran doesn't do what Samus Aran does for Samus Aran. Samus Aran does what Samus Aran does because Samus Aran is Samus Aran.

MP4 just had one pic leaked detailing how you can customize your suit.

I once tried making Samus in vanilla Destiny 2 (which had fuck all in the way of good armor and shaders), and it did not. Go well.
The Zero Suit makes me maldy, but at least they were consistent with it.

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