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StarTopic Metroid Dread |ST| The Chozon One

You know what the best thing about Metroid 5 might be?

That it's so good, and has had such a good reception among fans, that there's definitely going to be a Metroid 6. Yes, I'm calling it already. (And I haven't even beaten it yet.)

Metroid is BACK.

Like, what better project could Nintendo possibly have for MercurySteam than a sequel?
I was actually shocked how little handholding and direction there is in a 2021 Nintendo game.

Lots of people are going to struggle with this - from getting lost to dying a lot - and I'm absolutely 100% into it. One one hand, it shouldn't be brave game design - it's just the essence of Metroid - but I do think it is. After all, Zero Misson and Fusion were both way, way more structured than this.

I decided to backtrack almost all the way to the start one time when I wasn't sure where to go next. Just to clean up some missile expansions. I thought I was way off the beaten track, but the very first place I explored once I got there - there was the next upgrade I needed. Felt amazing. "Hello invivisble hand of Metroid level design, I've missed you."
This scares me a bit. It’s VERY easy for me to put a game away and never come back.
This scares me a bit. It’s VERY easy for me to put a game away and never come back.
This game gives you way better tools to find your way than just about any other Metroidvania. The map screen is remarkably detailed, it even tells you exactly which parts of individual rooms you've been in before so you can tell if you missed like half of a room.
This game gives you way better tools to find your way than just about any other Metroidvania. The map screen is remarkably detailed, it even tells you exactly which parts of individual rooms you've been in before so you can tell if you missed like half of a room.
Thinking of getting it over Christmas break.
So I didn’t realize this until just now, but I’m watching the Vinesauce stream, and he fought the first non-EMMI boss in a different way than I did.

He did what I assume to be the intended method, which is to attack its tail once it goes invisible, to force it back into being visible, and which also seems to open up more moments to block/get flashy cutscene attacks.

What I did was different. Once it went invisible, I didn’t attack its tail, I just kept focusing on guessing where it’s head was and attacking it. This also worked, but I didn’t get the flashy cutscene attacks and whatnot.
So I'm not sure if I did this right or not but

I ended up getting into Area 3 and getting the Phazer Beam (or whatever it's called) before I had beaten the EMMI or the presumed boss in Area 2

I assume that's actually the intended order (I really don't see how you could do it any other way).

Regardless, these two areas are so fucking good. Fuck. I will say I don't think this is getting to the heights Super Metroid does with its world design as of right now (albeit I do accept I am still very early in the game), but man, it's definitely a very comfortable and laudable second place even if it's not beating literally one of the most legendary and revered games of all time.
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I’m kinda disappointed with the Kraid fight, not gonna lie. Looked so intimidating, and I was hyped for it after the trailer reveal, but it was so quick & easy.
To be perfectly fair, isn't that Kraid in a nutshell?

Asides from the NES game, Kraid has never been a hard boss. Heck, I'd assume the boss intro reflects how easy he is, Samus actually shows more concern fighting the precious Corpius boss than she does against Kraid. Maybe in universe he's a big pushover.
To be perfectly fair, isn't that Kraid in a nutshell?

Asides from the NES game, Kraid has never been a hard boss. Heck, I'd assume the boss intro reflects how easy he is, Samus actually shows more concern fighting the precious Corpius boss than she does against Kraid. Maybe in universe he's a big pushover.
In what world is
...NES Kraid
a hard fight? The Dread version is the only version that the average player will likely die to just cause of how much harder enemies in Dread hit.
In what world is
...NES Kraid
a hard fight? The Dread version is the only version that the average player will likely die to just cause of how much harder enemies in Dread hit.
I mean comparitively

I find NES Kraid the hardest Kraid fight because you are so limited in hitting his attacks that I usually save him for last so I can just tank him while unleashing bombs. You are right that he isn't that hard.

Honestly I found Dread Kraid easy. It helps that he mostly keeps to the same pattern as all his fights.
This is so damn good.

What’s the point of saving if death puts you back at a recent door? Or is that just for Emmi zones?
The death checkpoints are "soft" checkpoints (like if you quit your game, you lose those and start back at the most recent save).

Save points are hard checkpoints.
So I played for about 2 hours (actually more than that thanks to a few deaths), and this seems like the real deal so far. It’s so good, so well paced, so beautiful… the forgettable music is a bummer, but otherwise this is the true Metroid 5 that I wanted.
I just got the Space Jump power-up and currently have five energy tanks. Am I under-powered? Boss fights have started to get brutally punishing lately and I feel like I'm under-powered a bit.
Definitely forcing myself to stop playing after an hour so so I don't burn through this too quickly... It's kinda stressing me out though. Maybe I should just play to play.
To be perfectly fair, isn't that Kraid in a nutshell?

Asides from the NES game, Kraid has never been a hard boss. Heck, I'd assume the boss intro reflects how easy he is, Samus actually shows more concern fighting the precious Corpius boss than she does against Kraid. Maybe in universe he's a big pushover.
You’ve got a point. I guess I had some head canon going on where Kraid had been held captive for so long, and spent years despising Samus, that once he finally got the chance to destroy her he would go all out. And with an even more massive scale to work with, I thought his full potential as a Godzilla-esque beast would be met. But it was basically just the same battles we’ve had with him before. Which I guess is okay, he’s pretty early-game and it was cool seeing him with these graphics. It’s definitely better than the 3D model in Melee, lmao.

Also, at least it wasn’t as easy as Super Metroid Kraid, who is barely a boss at all. (Especially if you catch him early)
Been having a blast so far.
I never got around to playing SR but is this is the hardest Metroid game? recently I got through ZM, SM, and Zero and they weren't this difficult.
Dread is absolutely my personal GOTY. Does it have to chance to actually win GOTY though? Because it absolutely should.
This is unbelievable, I am so damn happy for those who have been following 2D Metroid closely all this time. Prime was my entry point and this is the perfect wrap around for me to explore the 2D series further now… Jesus
Made it to the second zone and I should really get sleep. I was feeling too anxious at first but now I just accept the rhythm of an area with weak creatures broken up by EMMI zones.

Samus Returns made me feel incompetent when it came to boss fights and this is no different. I was doing crazy counters on the first big boss and at some points it would start what seemed like a cinematic. I pressed the buttons that felt natural and Samus did this crazy counter. Then I realized it wasn’t a cinematic, my button presses were part of the counter. If I messed up or overthought it, I’d fail. I completely psyched myself out.
Didn’t have a lot of time to play this today. But oh dang I played for 30 minutes and I’m in love. Really feels like Samus is back 😭😭
Dread is really damn good, I'm really impressed so far and I've been blasting through it today. My one complaint is that it kinda feels a bit heavy handed in guiding the player, there hasn't been much in the way of open exploration at the moment, though it's still present to some degree (I think I'm about halfway through, spoilers for exact location)

In front of a boss door in Burenia, where I decided to stop for today. Excited to see what this is since it should be the first boss that wasn't in any trailers

Overall, Samus feels like an absolute blast to control, even if I'm not that good at it. Mercury Steam has really upped their game since the already excellent Returns and this will quite possibly end up as my favorite 2D Metroid.
Whew I devoured this game. Made it to what I assume is the final boss. Had a little trouble so I'm going to call it a night and try again tomorrow. By far the best game I played all year

Though I must say that Raven Beak is a lame name. Put him in smash though tbh
I got 100% completion a few hours ago. I had 43% when I finished the game so it didn’t take too long. Some of these items are behind the best and most intense puzzles in the entire series (including the Prime games). You have to combine multiple abilities in rapid succession. The speed booster ones are especially difficult and clever.

I think Super Metroid will always be my favorite since I grew up with it and have beaten it well over 30 times. I know and love that game dearly, but Dread really rivals it. Dread is so inspired and tightly designed and going for 100% truly cemented that. Like Breath of the Wild, I also respect that it dares to be more challenging/complex than most modern games because it believes in you. The sole boss tip “every attack can be evaded” really speaks to that. Metroid Dread is a masterpiece.
Didn‘t think something would top Monster Hunter for me this year but here we are. Unless the game just absolutely shits the bed in thr last few hours, it‘s very likely going to be Dread. Feels almost surreal to be playing a brand new top tier Metroid in 2021.
oh my GOD this game is so good!!!

Also, I'm just gonna' come out and say this: the soundtrack KICKS ASS. It's different than the typical Metroid OST, but just like Breath of the Wild's score, it's absolutely BRILLIANT, despite going in a different direction from the rest of the series.

Can't wait to play more later.
This game is unbelievably good. I would continue to play if my fingers weren't sore, haha.

I got to an uh, pivotal moment, we'll say. I played a little farther than that. I can't wait to see what else is in store...this really is everything you could ever hope for as a Metroid fan.
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also, I really shouldn't care about MC scores, but this game has 90+ written all over it and the fact that it's sitting at 88 is a damn shame. It's one of the best controlling 2D games I've ever played.
How do you all like to play your Metroids? I’m a fan of grabbing whatever items are accessible as I go through the area then when I’m near the end I will run through the whole world to get to 100% item

Though I’m debating this strategy with dread a bit as Kraid had been pumping me. Maybe I need more energy tanks
Wow wow wow this game is incredible. I'm trying to figure out if I'm in awe because it's been that long since a new Metroid game came out or if it's just really that good
Wow wow wow this game is incredible. I'm trying to figure out if I'm in awe because it's been that long since a new Metroid game came out or if it's just really that good
I play a lot of Metroidvanias. It's really that good, The movement is incredible.
I play a lot of Metroidvanias. It's really that good, The movement is incredible.
Oh man, it really, really feels good to move around. So far all the little tweaks and modernizations are so satisfying
Just finished up at 7:38 playtime and 38% items. Best 2D Metroid game by far (I have no nostalgia for Super Metroid). The final moments were amazing.

Didn’t enjoy the EMMI segments, and got seriously lost a few times, but everything else is pretty flawless. A couple bosses kicked my ass including the final, but nothing insurmountable.

MercurySteam have delivered one hell of a game.
I'm enjoying EMMI so far. I just dislike when it feels like there are set pieces, like they are programmed to be in a certain location when you enter at a specific point of time. When it's random it's all the more thrilling to me. Killing EMMI feels so good tho and I really enjoy how those sequences play out.
How do you people play so fast!? 😳

Started the Game yesterday night, this is the best Samus ever: Fast, deadly and badass, they have taken their Samus from SR and cranked everything to 11, the Game is a blast to play.

Hats off to the EMMI, by the way, equally fast and horrifying deadly, i dread (Ha!) whenever i have to enter an EMMI zone, beating the white one felt so goooood...

Also, that sound, DF's John wasn't being hyperbolic. Holy shit
It is SO FRUSTRATING not having the morph ball yet

It’s just mean
I wouldn’t call this a flaw or whatever and I’ll hold judgement till I beat the game but that’s the only thing about the game I’d say I dislike so far. It just feels weird and awkward given how mobile Samus is, jumping diving and sliding everywhere that she can’t go through a thin hole on the ground because the entry point is a few inches off the ground.

this game has got me asking this now unironically

How do you all like to play your Metroids? I’m a fan of grabbing whatever items are accessible as I go through the area then when I’m near the end I will run through the whole world to get to 100% item

Though I’m debating this strategy with dread a bit as Kraid had been pumping me. Maybe I need more energy tanks
That’s typically how I play them for a first playthrough. Sometimes I run back to an older area if a particular obstacle bothered me and I know I just got the new tool to clear it. I usually like to have 100% items as I take on the final boss just so I’m fully done when I beat it.

The way Dread’s map is designed where it really keeps constantly pushing you forward and makes that feel so good is why I didn’t do it with this game. Made the already tough bosses extra hard though lol.
I was actually shocked how little handholding and direction there is in a 2021 Nintendo game.

Lots of people are going to struggle with this - from getting lost to dying a lot - and I'm absolutely 100% into it. One one hand, it shouldn't be brave game design - it's just the essence of Metroid - but I do think it is. After all, Zero Misson and Fusion were both way, way more structured than this.

I decided to backtrack almost all the way to the start one time when I wasn't sure where to go next. Just to clean up some missile expansions. I thought I was way off the beaten track, but the very first place I explored once I got there - there was the next upgrade I needed. Felt amazing. "Hello invivisble hand of Metroid level design, I've missed you."
I was hoping for a tad bit more handholding lol. I've gotten lost or didn't know what to do a few times and the solution was usually to shoot a random spot on the floor or something. Maybe I'm missing some obvious cues but it's kind of annoying.

With that said, I don't find the game difficult otherwise and I enjoy all the other aspects. The emmi are fun and Samus controls super well, so I'm fine with that part. Just the seemingly obtuse stuff irks me a bit.

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