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StarTopic Marvel Cinematic Universe |ST| The Eternal Universe

Weird thing I noticed

Most of the time I've seen Captain Marvel mentioned on social media this week it's been negative buzz about how the movie was already failing and was one of the worst of the MCU

But run a search for mentions of Kamala Khan? Back-to-back-to-back people who loved The Marvels and who are absolutely gushing about it.

I still believe a lot of the pre-release negativity is because Brie Larson is sadly an incel hate magnet.

In other news, she showed off her new dog on the Tonight Show and I am officially in love. Absolutely darling pupper.
I don't give a hoot about reviews and box office figures. The Marvel looks like a good time, and I'm absolutely going to watch it.
When it comes to 4K home media.
Just saw The Marvels, that was a solid movie and MCU flick. It's too bad how the overall vibe is, cause if this movie came out like 4-5 years it would've done really well.

Better than Captain Marvel for sure. There's also a clear direction for what's coming next...
Just saw The Marvels, that was a solid movie and MCU flick. It's too bad how the overall vibe is, cause if this movie came out like 4-5 years it would've done really well.

Better than Captain Marvel for sure. There's also a clear direction for what's coming next...
woooo! 🙌

just got my tickets, going in in about 2 hours!
The Marvels is a great follow up to the Mrs. marvel series, Iman and her families actors continued to knock it out of the park every scene they were in. Pretty much the only series you probably want to at least have an understanding of before this film, if you want to get the most out of it. I can say with absolute certainty that anyone who enjoyed Ms. Marvel will find plenty to love in this film. The Khan family alone make this a way better film than the other recent stinkers like Thor 4, Ant man 3, Eternals, even if that is a pretty low bar to cross.

The problem is it's got quite a few failings as a captain marvel sequel.

Plot points relating to Captain Marvel are brought up and dropped again just as quickly, which makes things, including the final confrontation come off as almost completely arbitrary. And nobody gets fucked over more in the MCU than the skulls, my god. The film also outright pretends that secret invasion didn't exist, which is honestly better for everyone, but still.

From having watched it, I'm confident enough to say it's getting unfairly wrecked on social media, and it's hard to feel like that's just a coincidence that it happened to the primarily female lead film while far worse things like Ant man 3 that completely failed to understand the entire cast and didn't make good use of any of them could get a (relatively speaking) pass, while this ends up one of the apparent largest financial bombs in cinema history, but I also kind of feel like Captain Marvel 2 should have been a separate film to this, and this should have been outright Ms. Marvel : The film, with a lot of the CM baggage moved there where it could have gone better without having to try to mesh with the (great!) lighter tone brought by Kamala and co.
Slightly off topic compared to the current convo but I picked up some Daredevil trades to read and now I’m super stoked for Born Again, rewrites or otherwise
Okay I actually really enjoyed that. Probably my favorite MCU movie in a while. Really really really damn pretty to look at. Lovely planet designs, city designs, a weird fuckin song-and-dance number holy shit, and Kamala Friggin Khan.

I am a bit confused about some things like
why did Carol destroying the Supreme Intelligence cause the oceans and the sun of Hala to go away? And what ended their power entanglement? Was the big blast of energy from Dar-Benn doing a splodey the thing that reset the entanglement? Not sure I understand.

All-in-all, I really enjoyed it even if by the end it sorta devolved into "oh shit, we gotta wrap up this conflict we built with a flashy final battle," but that tends to be the norm for comicbook movies for me (and not just MCU stuff). I have way more fun watching the characters just be the characters and play around in wild situations and start to shrug when it's time for the big CGI final fight. Soooo basically this is a pretty normal MCU movie! Better than a lot of what they've been doing in Phases 4 and 5 so far. I think this and Shang-Chi are probably my favorite post-Endgame entries.

Also I saw multiple shots of Kamala in the Marvel Studios logo at the beginning. I bet Iman Vellani is absolutely losing her shit. Well-deserved.
My interest in the MCU at this point is pretty much just Deadpool, Spider-Man and a very cautious hope for F4. I used to be excited for Blade, now idek.

And that extends to The Marvels. I saw Captain Marvel, I thought it was fine. I didn't think it was great, but I didn't think it was bad either. Her presence in Endgame did very little for me because... well she just wasn't in it much. And even when she was I don't really remember her saying much. And I didn't watch Ms. Marvel because I burnt out on the shows after Loki, though I hear it was good. So like most MCU stuff now, my investment has waned.

What I will say though is that when people talk about this movie's box office performance, which while I don't anticipate to be fantastic comparatively, I don't think it's going to be raised much how the strike prevented the usual marathon these actors have to go through to promote it. I'm sure in one sense the actors are relieved, those things look brutal and you can tell how fried they are by the end (rip to Jackman and RR on what the press tour for 2024's sole MCU movie and apparent narrative lynchpin to Avengers 5/6 will entail). On the other hand, I'm sure they want the movies to do as well as possible, and this was one factor that mitigated that. Though not the only factor.

But I do think that's going to be overlooked and most detractors will focus on how much everyone hates x, y and z and that's why it didn't do as well.

And I get not caring about the box office, in general I don't either. It's not like we're Marvel/Disney. How it does matter though is it will affect the future of those characters. Look at the Eternals. Or how getting a third Ant-Man wasn't assured. Especially now in a period where Marvel is likely trying to reconfigure its future, and potentially trim the output. With a series like this that both has so many moving parts and characters, and projects which are monumental investments, if a movie underperforms, it is, if nothing else, inauspicious for their future.

I mean, Blade, apparently, has had its budget slashed to tiny levels for a modern superhero film. And it's Blade; so while that doesn't really inspire confidence, it doesn't have to be a CGI spectacle. Not all of them are in that boat. You want to get those returns to justify the budget.
There is one thing I don’t understand; why are people hating on Brie Larson? What did she do to anger some internet types?

As for my MCU interest, it’s still there, but I’m kind of getting the same feeling with the actual comicbooks; too many tie-ins. And you have only so much free time to spend.

I’ll catch The Marvels on Disney +, but I couldn’t help myself on checking what the end credits scenes are

Young Avengers yes please!

But reading that Kelsey Grammer’s Hank McCoy is back is awesome! One of the few saving graces that was the Last Stand trainwreck. Mutants are almost here
There is one thing I don’t understand; why are people hating on Brie Larson? What did she do to anger some internet types?
She said something around the time Captain Marvel came out about not caring about what white dudes think about certain movies not specifically made for them but for women of color. Weirdos freaked out about it and overblew it. I'm pretty sure it was just that one thing and some people just haven't let it go ever since.
There is one thing I don’t understand; why are people hating on Brie Larson? What did she do to anger some internet types?
As far as I saw, from being online but also by having this shoved in my face a bunch by people I used to be friends with:

The first Captain Marvel movie was seen as "pandering to an agenda" by MRA types. Carol Danvers was apparently seen by a certain subset of comics fans as being a Mary Sue character (the same complaint people had about Rey in Star Wars hmmmmmm) with terrible storylines and an arrogant, destructive personality (the same sort of personality issues they thought made Tony Stark compelling and realistic). So according to "the vast majority of 'real' comics fans (they said)," she had no business getting her own movie over the many other women in Marvel comics, and the fact that she was by far the most ridiculously powerful character in the universe meant Disney (who they had already decided was pushing a pandering feminist agenda because of Rey in Star Wars) "obviously" only picked her for adaptation so they could make a statement with the most powerful character being a woman.

Enter Brie Larson.

As far as I have read, soon after being cast she decided to use her suddenly massive platform to speak out about the lack of women, particularly women of color, in film journalism. She thought with her sudden visibility and influence she could help, so she made a request that there be more women covering the press circuit for Captain Marvel. The people who were already saying the stuff in the paragraph above about Carol Danvers the character immediately interpreted that as "Brie Larson doesn't want men on the press tour, therefore Brie Larson wants men to lose their jobs, because Brie Larson Hates Men™." Then everything after that, for instance the trailer text having the word "HER" fade into the word "HERO" was insisted to be part of the anti-men campaign that both Disney and Larson were on. Then the posters hit and these people started making comments that it was weird she wasn't smiling in any of them, so what'd Brie do? She tweeted a collage of a bunch of MCU posters starring men (so... all of them at that point) and photoshopped big toothy grins on the men. I think that's fuckin hilarious, but ya know, they thought it confirmed that she was aggressively dismissive of men.

Then the movie came out and there was that scene where that biker demanded a smile from her and she damn well near broke his hand off, which they saw as being a direct attack towards them because of the "Captain Marvel should smile" shit they were peddling in the beginning. Some even suggested it was done during reshoots after Disney saw them saying that, as a message to them. Then when the movie came out and made a literal billion dollars in ticket sales, they started circulating posts from people who said they went to theaters to see the movie during sold-out screenings, only to find nobody else there, which they said was because the movie was tracking to be a bomb but Disney had invested so much into propping Larson up as this new feminist icon that Disney started buying out theaters in several markets across the world, so headlines would show the movie was a massive success. So now Larson was the center of a conspiracy.

After that point pretty much anything she did was somehow "proof" that she was an arrogant, angry misandrist. Something like a year or more after the movie came out I remember watching a youtube video where a couple celebrities were talking about how they wished men would just approach them and ask them out instead of being intimidated, and the old friend I was hanging out with said "SEE? That's so much better than what Brie Larson does!" and then went on to tell me about how Brie Larson was complaining that she felt afraid and attacked when a TSA agent took her passport and then began demanding she give him her phone number. Which I think is obviously quite horrid. But the fact that she framed that as this terrible, scary moment of a man in authority overreaching (because it was) was to him another example of Brie Larson overblowing men's behavior and trying to frame them as villains when they're really just being friendly.

tl;dr: what she did was "be a woman in a position of visibility"

And that's why I'm really disappointed that this movie appears to be headed for a low box office pull, because those types will take it as a win and as proof that they were right all along and I really don't want that. 😅
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It’s terrifying really. How dare a woman have the lead role in a big fantasy action franchise after several previous ones pretty much had Scarlett Johansson as a supporting character in multiple films to multiple male heroes with (literally) comically powerful abilities. I don’t see the same crowd complaining when Thor, a literal god, ends up laying the smackdown on entire armies single-handedly. Or that Iron Man is essentially aerospace engineering a century in advance but as if it can be done by one guy in their basement. Or Hulk being manchild rage personified, or Captain America being stronger than a helicopter’s lift due to an injection, and one of Spider-man’s biggest things is he’s way stronger than many of them but only doesn’t smash villain’s heads clean off with a punch due to his conscience. It’s almost as if the entire appeal of the MCU is to get daft-yet-awesome comic splash pages, like heroes smashing through spaceships and monsters and buildings, on film.
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Iman and Teyonah clearly have roles for the future outside of this, but I just hope Brie is happy enough to keep coming back even if this clearly isn't going to do well financially.
It’s almost as if the entire appeal of the MCU is to get daft-yet-awesome comic splash pages, like heroes smashing through spaceships and monsters and buildings, on film.
Great thing is the plot of The Marvels actually ends on a daft-yet-awesome comic splash page type scene!! And on one hand I was sitting there going "that's some comicbook bullshit if I ever saw it, good on them" but on the other hand I was all "the incels are gonna call that a deus ex machina or something, I goddamn bet." 😅

Iman and Teyonah clearly have roles for the future outside of this, but I just hope Brie is happy enough to keep coming back even if this clearly isn't going to do well financially.
They'd absolutely better. And honestly Brie strikes me as someone who'd come back for this whether it's doing big money or not. Also there's the possibility that they have her wrapped up in one of those infamous MCU 6-film contracts or something. I just hope Marvel decides to continue along if it doesn't do well financially. I know they're already rethinking several projects going forward but if the studio who gave us three Ant-Mans and actually made Chelsea Peretti's "Thor Four: More Thor" stops after only one movie for Kamala and Monica then I will become the Marvel equivalent of the Joker.
Haven't seen The Marvels yet (didn't plan to watch it in theater at first but I'm reading that it's actually decent, so I think I'll go watch it.), but Loki was fucking incredible.

Visually speaking, it puts to shame every other recent MCU project beyond GotG3. And I'm not even just talking about visual effects.
But photography, camera movements, editing... It actually looked like an actual film/TV show, not just some unflavored, flat, no perspective, badly edited garbage. (Looking at you, No Way Home.)

And the screenplay was also incredible, what a beautiful character development that was. Never expected back when the show was announced that it would become a beautiful story about love and friendship.
Just saw The Marvels. Kinda late, but last week belonged to Digimon

It was pure, good fun. I enjoyed it a lot, and I think a lot of it comes down to the leads. Kamala pretty much stole the show, Carol was a lot better here than her previous showings and they gave her much more to work with here, and Monica had some great emotional moments.
Villian was nothing to write home about, basically just Ronan lite, it didnt really deter from the movie but I think if they gave her better matieral it would have elevated the movie a lot more.
Aside from that, the action was the most creative the MCU has had since Legend of the 10 Rings, and the humor hit when it needed to hit.

I've been worried about the MCU for a bit, but I think the double punch of Loki S2 and this was just what the doctor ordered. Just really refreshing all around.

What If… S2 debuts on December 22nd… and a new episode will release up till December 31st!
So is it pretty much confirmed that What If is essentially canon via the multiverse stuff?

I skipped the first season because I thought it was mostly them messing around with remixing the MCU for fanservice but then Captain Carter popped up in Dr Strange and now I don't know what to think anymore
So is it pretty much confirmed that What If is essentially canon via the multiverse stuff?

I skipped the first season because I thought it was mostly them messing around with remixing the MCU for fanservice but then Captain Carter popped up in Dr Strange and now I don't know what to think anymore
Essentially all is fair game;

Which means all universes are connected. That’s pretty cool. Can’t wait for the live action MCU to be dropped in the zombieverse.

Or facing off with Yellowjacket Hank Pym.
Meh, I’m out on Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards. If Marvel is going to cast someone in their 40s, John Krasinski already played the role. Just cast him again and stop complicating this. Except for extenuating circumstances, I prefer keeping the same actors on.

As for Destin Daniel Cretton exiting Kang Dynasty, I’m not worried. Seemed more like his slate is full as is. I don’t think it has anything to do with Majors since there hasn’t been any movement on that front. The ending of Loki Season 2 gives Marvel an easy out even if I don’t think that’s the plan.

Speaking of, I’ve been a fan of Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, and they did a great job on Loki. I wonder if they’d be up for taking on an Avengers movie.

Still sorting out my thoughts on Loki Season 2.
Ope, Kang Dynasty's writer is also out.

The same source says the whole Kang storyline is basically being ditched, as Marvel is finally planning to pivot.

Looks like the articles that are out there right now are all citing the same source, not sure about her track record but I assume more will be coming soon to confirm or deny now that this is circulating.
Yo looks like it's official

Pedro Pascal IS Reed Richards.

Not the most expected choice, but I think I vibe with it.

I wish it had just been Krasinski, but from all accounts it looks like he just wasnt interested in the role long term and only signed on the cameo because it was a one time deal
I hate to be so damn basic but I really was rooting for Krasinski and Blunt.

Pascal is really not how I picture Richards, but I had the same issue with Ruffalo as Banner and his performances over the years really brought me around so hopefully it'll be the same here.
John Krasinski as a Reed Richards was them throwing the fancasters a bone after all the years. Which tbh is very nice of Marvel to do lol.

But yeah, I was hoping they'd find a nobody with a lot of potential to be Reed but Pedro Pascal is a very good actor. I think I just need to see him clean shaven with the grey highlights in the hair and I'll be convinced on the look.

Also Kang Dynasty is losing everyone because likely Kang will be no more and I think they're gonna do what they originally planned to down with Infinity War and they'll just do Avengers Secret Wars Parts 1 and 2.
Pedro Pascal as Reed? Yeah sure, I can see it. The FF being good is great, but for the love of god, please give us a good Dr. Doom.

With Kang being abandoned, at this point I’d say get Hickman as an advisor, get Doom in the MCU and go full ham with the multiverse.

1) Deadpool 3 is about Wade and Logan going on a wacky adventure, which ends with the mutants slowly dripping into the MCU.

2) Dr Strange 3 is about battling incursions with Clea, who gets intel from Black Swan who “fights the Black Priests”; gets unmasked that she dimension hops to not get destroyed. The only way to survive though is to kill multiverses. Dr. Strange reluctantly joins the Black Priests in order to save the multiverse… or he tries to.

3. Fantastic Four introduces Victor von Doom. Original plan gets foiled, but at a certain point he discovers the multiverse is breaking apart.

4. Other Marvel movies are tying into the whole multiverse dying concept.

5. Make the first Avengers movie, Avengers vs. X-Men. The X-Men are, unbeknownst to the other universes, contacted by Black Swan and are informed that there are only two universes left; the new X-Men verse and the MCU. Black Swan wants to survive and hopes she can live in the universe that’s left.

She eggs the X-Men on (And a few other heroes in tow) to battle the MCU, with the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Young Avengers and others to fight each other.

The fight gets broken up eventually by Strange, telling everything is futile and that “they” are coming: enter the Beyonders. A complete massacre starts with the Beyonders destroying everything

In between movies we’ll see Doom working on something and that will come into play in this movie; Doom gets the power of the Beyonders and creates a patchwork of worlds, Battleworld.

6. Avengers: Secret Wars!

Concentrate on Doom, a few MCU heroes including Reed Richards, a few mutants and their battle to restore the multiverse. And make it absolutely crazy. Thanos, Ultron, Kang variant (hurhurhur), Chris Evans, RDJ; and make it grand.

Movie ends with the multiverse restored, MCU and the mutants in the same universe.

I would have preferred Krasinki as Reed but I don’t blame them for going with Pascal because he’s red hot right now and they really need to reload the MCU roster with fresh star power and he’s clearly the bigger draw
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Steven Yeun's MCU Superhero Just Got Accidentally Revealed Early

Here’s one of the juicy quotes from Walking Dead and Invincible creator, Robert Kirkman:

Yeah he called me, he went in for a costume fitting. I hope I’m not…I don’t think this is a spoiler or anything that will get anybody in trouble. I don’t know, maybe. We’ll see. I don’t care. I don’t work for Marvel. What are they going to do to me?"
Yeah, sure, Marvel can’t do anything to you, but like you really want to throw your friend under the bus? If true, I presume this was intentional from all parties involved. No way Kirkman is that ignorant, right? Right?!

As for Sentry as the villain in Thunderbolts, isn’t he like Superman? What a weird team to send to stop him.
I know, right? It'd be like sending Ant-Man to beat Kang the Conqueror 😅
LOL. To be fair, Ant-Man was more forced to deal with Kang because
  1. Janet neglected to mention the existence of an Avengers-level threat to anyone for years;
  2. They were all stuck in the Quantum Realm.
It’s closer to Amanda Waller dispatching a team of mostly non-powered criminals to take down Enchantress in the bad Suicide Squad movie. The less said about that the better. 🤷‍♀️
So is it pretty much confirmed that What If is essentially canon via the multiverse stuff?
At this point, every Marvel films, live action shows and animated shows are canon in the MCU multiverse.

So yeah, What If is definitely MCU multiverse canon. Not like we'll see much of it in the MCU films (I'm pretty sure Captain Carter is like the sole exception), but still.

Even the Spider-verse films made connections to the MCU, and the Spider-verse film universe is canon to about anything Spider-man ever produced.

Wait the Sentry?

Oh man, that’s going to be interesting
Yup! Been rumored since last year iirc.

Not too familiar with Sentry and what they're trying to do with the Thunderbolts movie but I'm also curious to learn more. Eventually.
So, as someone who normally doesn't watch MCU, but now suddenly has WAY TOO MUCH free time on my heands:

I just watched Thor and "The Avengers." The Avengers was an okay movie, but I was bugged the entire time about how Loki's plot didn't make any sense, and how he seemed really out of character the entire time. And then there was the villain who gave him the staff, who just randomly disappeared after threatening Loki for one scene.

I was waiting for most of the movie for them to reveal: "Hah, Loki was brainwashed the entire time, it was really me! Faceless CGI villain #5 the whole time!" But it never happened. It felt like the last 3rd of the movie was missing, and that they just filled it with extended action sequences. So I looked it up, to see if something was cut. And sure enough, according to Marvel he was brainwashed the entire time.

Honestly, it's a shame that wasn't actually in the movie. In the first Thor movie, Loki is mainly a victim of circumstance (outside of him randomly trying to kill Thor for no apparent reason?). Having Loki be a proper anti-villain that repeatedly gets thrown into the villain light unwillingly would have been a bit more interesting, and tragic.
So, as someone who normally doesn't watch MCU, but now suddenly has WAY TOO MUCH free time on my heands:

I just watched Thor and "The Avengers." The Avengers was an okay movie, but I was bugged the entire time about how Loki's plot didn't make any sense, and how he seemed really out of character the entire time. And then there was the villain who gave him the staff, who just randomly disappeared after threatening Loki for one scene.

I was waiting for most of the movie for them to reveal: "Hah, Loki was brainwashed the entire time, it was really me! Faceless CGI villain #5 the whole time!" But it never happened. It felt like the last 3rd of the movie was missing, and that they just filled it with extended action sequences. So I looked it up, to see if something was cut. And sure enough, according to Marvel he was brainwashed the entire time.

Honestly, it's a shame that wasn't actually in the movie. In the first Thor movie, Loki is mainly a victim of circumstance (outside of him randomly trying to kill Thor for no apparent reason?). Having Loki be a proper anti-villain that repeatedly gets thrown into the villain light unwillingly would have been a bit more interesting, and tragic.
Pretty sure it's not in the movie because it was a retcon. From what I'm reading that passage on Marvel's site was added only about four or five years ago, after Loki started being regarded as more of an antihero and the fan theory picked up steam online. So I doubt that was the idea at the point that the movie was made.

Shoot, even in the Loki series he talks about how he tried to take over earth out of spite for his family and the pain and inadequacy he was feeling. If "he was under mind control" was something they had actually decided then I'd expect they would have brought that up while Loki was monologuing about his motivation for facilitating the invasion. But I think it's probably just something someone added to his profile on the website to make him seem like less of a warmongering maniac. 😅
I don’t think the mind stone controlled anyone exactly (outside of the people who were literally mind controlled by it like Clint and Selvig). But it did have an effect on their emotions, like the one scene of all the Avengers arguing seemed to kind of imply.

But yeah, Loki’s actual show gets way more into his motivations and inner workings.
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Pretty sure it's not in the movie because it was a retcon. From what I'm reading that passage on Marvel's site was added only about four or five years ago, after Loki started being regarded as more of an antihero and the fan theory picked up steam online. So I doubt that was the idea at the point that the movie was made.

Shoot, even in the Loki series he talks about how he tried to take over earth out of spite for his family and the pain and inadequacy he was feeling. If "he was under mind control" was something they had actually decided then I'd expect they would have brought that up while Loki was monologuing about his motivation for facilitating the invasion. But I think it's probably just something someone added to his profile on the website to make him seem like less of a warmongering maniac. 😅
I think it was a combination of things, including a retcon. I have a feeling that there was an earlier version of the script were Loki being mind controlled was an actual plot point, but then it got scrapped for some reasons. The stories in movies often go through a lot of revisions, and sometimes it shows. In this case, it showed so much that they just retconned it to be true.

Honestly, the Asguardian/Thor characters seem to just be really inconsistent between the movies. Like, I just watched Thor 2 yesterday, and Eric and Odin were like completely different characters.

The other brain washed characters acted relatively naturally, and who knows how Loki could have been manipulated. It could have been a case of "brain-washed to act on their inner feelings." But as I said above, a bit of retcon, a bit of truth.

By the way, ,what was Bruce Banner's magic trick with the staff going to be?

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