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StarTopic Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope |ST| Super Mario + Rabbids Galaxy

So I’ve seen a few people say that this overall feels more like a Rabbids game than a Mario game, and I think that’s kind of on the right track but not quite right. As, well, obvious as this may sound, I think this just feels like a Mario game if Ubisoft were the ones making it. By which I mean, it feels like it really respects the Mario characters and elements, but it feels the need to make them hipper, more outside their comfort zone, and a bit more experimental, but they don’t quite fully grasp the core of Mario, so things feel a bit uncanny. Not to say it’s bad, I am enjoying the game quite a bit. But I think the developers see Mario, and think of an expanded world that could fit him, and so you end up with all of these colorful fantasy worlds, but they also lean into things Mario wouldn’t, like the Olympian God parody running through the first world. It’s an attempt to “elevate” the otherwise standard island themed level, and that works… it just doesn’t feel like how Nintendo would do it. Like, I think Ubisoft needs there to be a slight sense of irony to the whole thing, so you have the robots pointing out the ridiculous, but they don’t quite have Nintendo’s ability to just be sincere in the idea being presented.
in the other hand, i feel like the safe aspect of nintendo's games is its greatest enemy.
New update!
Patch notes:
  • Fixed several progression issues that would prevent 100% completion of the game
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if the Final Boss tried to throw a summoned creature or Rabbid Mechakoopa
  • Fixed a few text issues in localized versions of the game
  • Fixed a few issues where heroes would get stuck or move out of bounds
  • General optimization to increase framerates and ensure smooth gameplay
  • The game will now warn players if they have an empty Spark Slot before a battle
  • The Spark Skill Tree branch will now tease players to go find the Giant Enemies
  • Spark Quests have been made easier to discover in the quest log, and with an icon in the travel map
  • The battle level is now displayed both in the Beep-0 tacticam and battle menu
  • Battle objectives will now be more evident when the battle map is introduced
  • Difficulty level differences have been made more apparent
  • Improved visibility of roaming enemies off-screen that threaten the heroes
  • The specific duo Darkmess puddles, that reward weapon skins to individual heroes, will now display icons of the heroes required for the battle

@Gartooth Sounds like the glitches preventing 100% are fixed now.
They fixed it!! Just checked my game and they lowered the Spark requirement from 30 to 29 meaning I'm not locked out!! 😀
and now I just wrapped up the remaining challenges and got 100%!!

Feel way more satisfied now, it was bugging me how I was so close to finishing. Anyways looking forward to future DLC
Just randomly came across this. It is the Japanese VA for Beep-0. I really like how they actually localised all of the voice acting too!
Finally got some time away from work and have got to planet 2. I think so far the game, as a whole is entirely in another direction from the original. The game does not really play it safe and tries to expand on the formula. This is a good thing in my opinion, and not enough developers do this. Could have been more of the same (safe sequel) but they chose to try new things. Some things are done better, some not based on my play-through (only up to World 2). Anyways I’m having fun with the game and there will always be a divided fan base in the end, when a game tries a new approach to certain elements.
wait, when you feed the luma equivalents star bits in this game does it not borrow the classic "shooting them into their mouth with amazing music" from galaxy?! Oh no
Having finished the game, here is my character tier list:

S Tier- Luigi, Rabbid Rosalina
A Tier- Mario, Bowser
B Tier- Rabbid Mario, Edge
C Tier- Peach, Rabbid Peach
D Tier- Rabbid Luigi

Luigi was by far and away my best overall damage dealer. His range is ridiculous, and if you spec him to have three shots with steely stare that can go through cover, he can nearly one shot any non-boss with each hit. His wider movement range and multiple jumps also make him surprisingly mobile, and I got through several "reach the area" maps in one or two turns just by using him wisely.

Rabbid Rosalina's stasis ability, especially if you spec to have the dash stasis ability, let's her shut down huge amounts of the map, and makes things much more manageable as you go. Her attack is also great for blasting through cover, and does really high damage, especially when you increase the crit damage/rate and stack a spark ability on it. This isn't necessarily because of her character, but I gave her the magma rain spark to mitigate her lack of multi-target attacks, and she quickly became a terror in every match.

Mario I was worried would drop off in utility pretty quickly, but his usefulness really increases as you fill out his skill tree. His being able to attack in air gives him great approach options, and combined with his stomp ability, can give him great gliding range and damage against single or multiple targets. Attacking in air also lets him move after landing, which can be of great use. But where he really becomes busted is with gaining the ability to use Hero's sight every single turn, with multiple hits, which you can further augment with conditional recharges. I would give him the invisibility spark, put him behind enemy lines, and let him go to town with Hero's sight.

I ended up really enjoying Bowser, and he is situationally very useful. His weapon can hit a cluster and does decent damage, and his landing damage attack is useful for maps with lots of weak enemies. But the fun really begins with the rabbid mecha koopas, once you add the fire ability to them and increase their numbers. Sending them out to mess up the map was hilarious every time, and more effective than not usually.

I didn't use Rabbid Mario as much as I would have liked, but his wide angle of attack and ability to attack behind cover made him a great option for maps with large amounts of enemies or ones with lots of terrain obstacles. His counterattack I found to be one of the less useful abilities.

Edge was good for maps that required a lot of dashing and movement, such as those with lots of bob-ombs and goombas, and her sword did good damage against large enemies, but I didn't find her useful enough to use her much outside of these circumstances. Her overwatch ability is disappointingly short ranged and just not as useful as some of the other utility abilities.

Peach's Barrier ability is very useful and can be amazing on maps with either heavy hitters or spammers. But her shotgun attack is terrible; it does little damage, destroys cover, and is too short range. There are far better wide range attacks with sparks, and cover is generally more useful to your characters than the enemies. Her skill tree is focused around increasing her barrier charges and effectiveness, but Peach is at best a situationally useful character.

Rabbid Peach is probably not as bad as next to last place for most people, but at least in my experience, healing just isn't that useful. You have the opportunity to heal after every fight, healing items are cheap, coins have little utility beyond healing, and I just didn't find the opportunity cost of using her worth not using another more useful party member. And because I didn't focus on healing, I was able to use the skill points on all the other characters for things other than increased healing effectiveness.

So I initially forgot Rabbid Luigi was even in this game and didn't realize I didn't have him on this list until after I posted it. So anyway, Rabbid Luigi's weapon can hit multiple enemies, which is neat, but is fairly weak even with three hits considered, and his exhaust ability is pretty underwhelming, especially compared to Rabbid Rosalina's stasis ability. Overall, just a very underwhelming character, which is funny because I remember him being pretty great in Kingdom Battle.
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