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Discussion Geoff Keighley Would Love Nintendo To "Be A Big Part" Of Summer Game Fest


Although Nintendo has done some big reveals at The Game Awards, it's not been involved in the Summer Game Fest. Creator Geoff Keighley has mentioned in a recent Q&A how he hopes that can change in the future.

Speaking about the major first-party companies (aka the big three) - Keighley noted how Summer Game Fest has maintained good relationships with "Microsoft and PlayStation" but hasn't quite got the same history with Nintendo.

Unsurprisingly, he would love to see this change:

"Never really had Nintendo be a big part of Summer Game Fest yet, we always hope that it'll be the right year for them to come in and get involved, but it hasn't happened yet."
Geoff went on to mention how he understands everyone is running on their "own playbook and plan" - especially at this time of year, but is fine with it, as there are "so many games out there" and not everything can realistically be covered during the show or across this particular event.

"It's nice to have a couple announcements from companies, but it's nice to spread things around across different places...they kind of need their own thing to support all that stuff...it's an always evolving landscape...Summer Game Fest is you know, is not just a two hour show, it is really is a whole sort of time period...we don't lay claim to those events, those companies are doing those events but we try and bring everyone together so the audience can sort of have a journey through all these announcements"

Is there any chance that Nintendo will start to reveal more stuff on summer games fest and Tokyo game show in the future? Or will they remain the one company that only does its own events and never announces anything on other shows?
Which is why it will never happen. He needs them, not the other way around. Until that changes (and it won't), Nintendo has zero reason to participate instead of just doing Directs and announcement videos on their own time.
Which is why it will never happen. He needs them, not the other way around. Until that changes (and it won't), Nintendo has zero reason to participate instead of just doing Directs and announcement videos on their own time.
The only way i can see other shows make sense for Nintendo is if they want to get some people in other ecosystems to buy into Switch 2. I mean does PC, PS and Xbox only gamers look at Nintendo directs? Summer games fest is maybe more able to reach that type of player to jump into Switch 2 than Nintendo's own shows.
Summer Game Fest represents and glorifies some of the worst trends in modern gaming. If I was Nintendo, I'd stay as far away as possible.
I still don't get what exactly summer game fest is. Do the Sony and Microsoft videos count as summer game fest videos? I always thought that all the videos just come out mostly the same time because everybody wants to show the game line up for the rest of the year.
I still don't get what exactly summer game fest is. Do the Sony and Microsoft videos count as summer game fest videos? I always thought that all the videos just come out mostly the same time because everybody wants to show the game line up for the rest of the year.

From how i understand it, there's the "main event" that's kinda like a 3rd party + MS + Sony showcase, and the official partners of the SGF can have their own events under the "roof" of it.

Basically, Geoff telling folks "Either be at my event, or do your own, as you wish. Just slap my marketing on top of it."
It’s never gonna happen, Nintendo probably sees Geoff keighley as someone they use for either Smash reveals or showcasing unbelievably niche titles, like bayonetta origins, if not just some ads.

With the Switch 2 on the horizon I can definitely see Nintendo advertised it in the game awards with a ad, similar to ,,Switch has games’’ ad.

From how i understand it, there's the "main event" that's kinda like a 3rd party + MS + Sony showcase, and the official partners of the SGF can have their own events under the "roof" of it.

Basically, Geoff telling folks "Either be at my event, or do your own, as you wish. Just slap my marketing on top of it."
But wasn't the Sony showcase already last week?
Nintendo probably tells Geoff not to count their Nintendo Direct under his SGF umbrella lol.

Jk he already knows not to do that. I’m not sure if Nintendo ever will participate. If they do it would be next year having the highest chance due to selling a new system.
Would it really be so bad for Nintendo to prticipate in some of these events (TGA, TGS and this)?
I feel like some of the audience is not gonna watch their Nintendo Directs and some software might make sense to show off elsewere as well.

But it feels like the opposite, like Nintendo is tightening the control of their IP, marketing and partners. There might be a reason they have been around for 135 years after all.
Would it really be so bad for Nintendo to prticipate in some of these events (TGA, TGS and this)?
I feel like some of the audience is not gonna watch their Nintendo Directs and some software might make sense to show off elsewere as well.

But it feels like the opposite, like Nintendo is tightening the control of their IP, marketing and partners. There might be a reason they have been around for 135 years after all.
Nintendo have always liked doing their own presentations. In Japan traditionally they never showed up at Tokyo game show and instead had their own Nintendo spaceworld presentations. The only outside show they were part of were E3 but as soon as E3 declined they happily skipped it as well.
The only way i can see other shows make sense for Nintendo is if they want to get some people in other ecosystems to buy into Switch 2. I mean does PC, PS and Xbox only gamers look at Nintendo directs? Summer games fest is maybe more able to reach that type of player to jump into Switch 2 than Nintendo's own shows.
They look at social media, where they'll see the news on various trending tabs regardless of what presentation they do or don't watch. That's more reach than SGF will ever have
Doug Bowser hates Geoff Keighley, unlike his bud Reggie previously. At least Geoff will always have Kojima showing up though.
He does? It's just that Nintendo just doesn't really need the exposure from the event so why pay to be there. I don't really get why things are always made so personal when it's just business.

If Nintendo Direct can push their games to social media, they actually dont need to attend these shows.
I like seeing big games at the game awards and these types of shows but I'd like companies such as nintendo or rockstar to have minimal presence and just do their own thing. It's more exciting when announcements are split up. Companies like fromsoftware, capcom, sega/atlus as well as the new AAA studios that are just emerging like rebel wolves can eat with Geoff.
People will make up these weird random claims about Geoff and Nintendo's relationship but they still show stuff at the TGAs even post Reggie. That's literally where we got the first clip of the Mario Movie with that giant presentation on stage beforehand.

SGF just probably doesn't make sense for them because they do their own direct. They could do what Sony does and do both, but they choose not to. That doesn't mean there's some weird high horse feud behind the scenes lol.
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People will make up these weird random claims about Geoff and Nintendo's relationship but they still show stuff at the TGAs even post Reggie. That's literally where we got the first clip of the Mario Movie with that giant presentation on stage beforehand.

SGF just probably doesn't make sense for them because they do their own direct. They could do what Sony does and do both, but they choose not to. There isn't some weird high horse feud behind the scenes lol.
True. I mean Nintendo even ignores Tokyo game show which is weirder given that every other Japanese video game company is there.
Nintendo presenting at these sorts of industry events is always weird because of how dramatically behind they've fallen from the rest of the industry in terms of presentation

obviously I love them for it and really don't have much appreciation for the cutting edge but to me it seems that when it comes to the rest of the industry Nintendo's only winning move is not to play
I can see Nintendo doing a singular reveal at the game awards, but I’m not sure why they gain by putting the ‘summer game fest’ vague branding alongside their own rather than just showing off their games in June like they’ve done for decades. It’s the same reason why they stopped doing E3, why bother when they can speak ‘directly’ to their customers with complete control over what gets revealed to who and when.

Doing their own thing rather than being part of the zeitgeist is what gets their smaller games attention, and also why a ton of bigger third party titles end up being forgettable when advertised alongside multiple similar games by other companies.
Nintendo presenting at these sorts of industry events is always weird because of how dramatically behind they've fallen from the rest of the industry in terms of presentation

obviously I love them for it and really don't have much appreciation for the cutting edge but to me it seems that when it comes to the rest of the industry Nintendo's only winning move is not to play

Will never forget how jarring and out of place TotK and Mario Wonder felt in the, "hype trailer" that Geoff made for last year's TGAs.

A trailer jam-packed with games pursuing realistic visuals and, as soon as it starts to reach its cinematic crescendo, cut to Elephant Mario spouting water
I still don't get what exactly summer game fest is. Do the Sony and Microsoft videos count as summer game fest videos? I always thought that all the videos just come out mostly the same time because everybody wants to show the game line up for the rest of the year.
SGF was an event hosted by Geoff Keighley to essentially offer a digital version of what used to be the expo hall of E3 during COVID; a place where indie and the mid-budget field could get their time in the spotlight. The big console makers weren't the only people doing their announcements at E3.

That's why it's got that weird mix of "indie games with mid budget" and "here's the Sony and Microsoft press releases again"; it's copying the format of the convention hall in that regard.

It does feel like it's kinda lacking a central draw though since all the games on SGF are pretty one-and-done reveals and there's not really any major studios that greatly favour it. I guess the closest you'll probably see in terms of anything big is that Kojima and Keighley are friends so there's a pretty likely chance that he'll do... something. It's also competing with the PC Gaming Show ever since it's inception, which hasn't been good for either show.
Will never forget how jarring and out of place TotK and Mario Wonder felt in the, "hype trailer" that Geoff made for last year's TGAs.

A trailer jam-packed with games pursuing realistic visuals, and as soon as it starts to reach its cinematic crescendo, cut to Elephant Mario spouting water

Imo the industry needs more "big" games with Elephant characters spouting water and other silly things. ^^
I’d like to not have to sit through hours of one of Keighley’s self-sucks to see a fraction of the content I can in a Direct or State of Play or whatever.
Nintendo continuing to toss (generally) smaller announcements out at TGA makes sense, since the awards show is months removed from when they usually do their Nintendo Directs. So it has some marketing value there, plus the potential for Zelda or Mario to walk away with big awards they can flaunt.

The same logic doesn't really apply to Summer Game Fest, as anything that would be worth revealing at SGF could just be saved and put into the Direct they're going to do a mere two weeks later. So I'm not surprised they just ignore the main show. And using the SGF label on their June Direct probably doesn't sound beneficial or appealing in any way for them either.
Geoff will rue the day this happens... unless it's Astro Bot.

Apparently Geoff really likes Astro bot

Well then, for Geoff's sake, i hope the industry finds ways to continue the trend of chasing graphics and presentation without all the downsides that are coming with that, and that are more than ever surfacing to the point even fans get to notice. ;]
Nintendo continuing to toss (generally) smaller announcements out at TGA makes sense, since the awards show is months removed from when they usually do their Nintendo Directs.

The same logic doesn't really apply to Summer Game Fest, as anything that would be worth revealing at SGF could just be saved and put into the Direct they're going to do a mere two weeks later. So I'm not surprised they just ignore the main show. And using the SGF label on their June Direct probably doesn't sound beneficial or appealing in any way for them either.
I think Nintendo still works under the blue ocean strategy, they remove themselves from the rest of the gaming industry as much as they can as their way to show how they are not competing with other players in the game industry. This leads automatically to create a sense that Nintendo is different, because gamers see all other game companies doing events together while they never see Nintendo take part in anything.
good thing Nintendo's cool ads (good) aren't tainted by ads from other companies (evil)

The gif that never stops gifing giving.
What's the context?

I feel like Nintendo could be willing to give more material for the Summer Game Fest but not in the current state it is in, I feel like there are too many leaks and too many weird things surrounding the event right now so until they have their security better in order maybe more parties are willing to take it more serious?
Well then, for Geoff's sake, i hope the industry finds ways to continue the trend of chasing graphics and presentation without all the downsides that are coming with that, and that are more than ever surfacing to the point even fans get to notice. ;]

Another Geoff event another chance he gets to ignore the state of the industry
On a point not entirely relevant to the topic, does anyone understand the TGA judging rules, the fact that all the awards went cleanly in favor of Baldur's Gate 3 last year is mind-boggling to me, and I'm not saying that Baldur's Gate 3 isn't GOTY worthy, but I've basically rarely seen such a unanimous GOTY
lmao I would love Nintendo to come to my house and give me free stuff, but it won't happen
Will never forget how jarring and out of place TotK and Mario Wonder felt in the, "hype trailer" that Geoff made for last year's TGAs.

A trailer jam-packed with games pursuing realistic visuals and, as soon as it starts to reach its cinematic crescendo, cut to Elephant Mario spouting water
It's an interesting point of view, and I don't see it as a "malicious" thing, but rather something that sets Nintendo apart as a major game development company, where everyone else is competing for "big" realistic titles, and Nintendo doesn't do that.
Of course Keighley would love to have Nintendo, companies are barely announcing any games now with all the COVID delays and subsequent layoffs. He needs to fill the roster one way or another if he wants people to keep paying attention to his crap.
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Whenever Furukawa tries to contact Geoff he misspells the e-mail domain as summergamesfest.com so it never works out.
On a point not entirely relevant to the topic, does anyone understand the TGA judging rules, the fact that all the awards went cleanly in favor of Baldur's Gate 3 last year is mind-boggling to me, and I'm not saying that Baldur's Gate 3 isn't GOTY worthy, but I've basically rarely seen such a unanimous GOTY
TGA winners are voted on by a bunch of outlets which you can find on the TGA website. And then 10% of each category is determined by the fan voting.

You can see GOTY winners here for pretty much every outlet, this website keeps track of basically everything:

I didn't play BG3 but pretty much everyone I know who has played it considers it their GOTY. It apparently did some pretty impressive stuff.

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