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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Guess we‘ll see. The year isn‘t over yet, Nintendo dosen‘t have much to talk about beyond November and December is long. But even if it isn‘t this year, starting from the second week of January, the way would be more than clear to announce that thing rather sooner than later (This FY).
Imo, January is probably the latest that they'll announce the system, and even then... I have my doubts that it'll take so long. As you said though, we'll have to see.
I won't die if I don't get an announcement tonight, but I'll sure as fuck explode in excitement if we do.

I go make some money for a few hours and its chaos...
Nintendo does tend to keep the main name for their handhelds so I do expect them to keep the Switch name with some kind of prefix or suffix to it.

Super Nintendo Switch would make the most sense and be a nod to history. They probably won’t do that though.

Nintendo Switch Too
The Nintendo Switch's reveal was the first announcement that I was there for. I only got into gaming in 2010 when I was 7, so I was extremely late to the whole "Oh wow, Mario is cool" trend that y'all seem to be obsessed with. When I found out about the Switch after a few years of following gaming news, that was genuinely the most I've ever hyper fixated on something.
There are people younger than me in this thread? My God. And here I thought I was the baby of the thread for sharing a birth year with the GameCube.
There are people younger than me in this thread? My God. And here I thought I was the baby of the thread for sharing a birth year with the GameCube.
That's right you son of a gun, I'm only 50 days older than Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. Not only that, but I'm also insanely new to the whole "talking about video games" thing when compared to other people my age. I'm a special brand of child.
We aren't the only one. Nintendo's stock is rising ahead of the report on the 6th. Its not uncommon for a stock to do that obviously but Nintendo's is acting strange for what it usually does.

Anyone interested in a chart?
I'm doing Business Management and Accounting at University, go ahead, I'll likely understand half of it.
We aren't the only one. Nintendo's stock is rising ahead of the report on the 6th. Its not uncommon for a stock to do that obviously but Nintendo's is acting strange for what it usually does.

Anyone interested in a chart?
Yes please. I'm sure my incredibly basic investing knowledge will let me read and understand every bit of it.

EDIT: @Shareholder Chad I know Nintendo has lowered their hardware forecasts in the recent past so high hardware sales are unlikely, but could the share price going up just be shareholders projecting good results, given Tears of the Kingdom's and (allegedly) Mario Wonder's success? I don't own any Nintendo shares nor do I really have my ear to the ground when it comes to the investment/day trading world so I'm just curious.
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There are people younger than me in this thread? My God. And here I thought I was the baby of the thread for sharing a birth year with the GameCube.
In that case, I'm a year younger than you!
We aren't the only one. Nintendo's stock is rising ahead of the report on the 6th. Its not uncommon for a stock to do that obviously but Nintendo's is acting strange for what it usually does.

Anyone interested in a chart?
I'm interested.
omg, I'm at least twice your age

...time to re-evaluate my life lol
If it helps I started re-evaluating mine when people started referring to the Xbox 360 - a console I grew up playing and distinctly remember being the first home console I got excited about pre-release - as a retro console.

Wait, Lattjeful is OLDER than me?

It takes all kinds.
Well you're younger and know more about all this stuff than I do, so it's time to break out some textbooks and documentation LOL
I'm doing Business Management and Accounting at University, go ahead, I'll likely understand half of it.
Buy Green Sell Red!


Alright, Ill mention what all this crap means.

First off, This is Nintendo's ADR stock called NTDOY. Simple explanation is its a "holding" that gets the real thing from Japan. It is has been declining since 2021 and this is normal because the markets in general have been downtrending. The two thin white lines show a channel in which it has been downtrending. If this path were to continue, We would see the thick bold white line happen but it isn't. The green line is happening.

This is hinting at a break of the channel. This usually happens coinciding with big news. (Switch 2 reveal? Lets hope) because thats usually what it takes to break multi-year trend lines. The last few months of price action is not common. It keeps banging against the upper trend line indicating investors are awaiting a breakout (aka: big news).

Ignore the rainbow lines, That is Fibonacci ratio's that help me find lines where the stock might reverse. I also added a funny thing I did in 2022
If it helps I started re-evaluating mine when people started referring to the Xbox 360 - a console I grew up playing and distinctly remember being the first home console I got excited about pre-release - as a retro console.

Well you're younger and know more about all this stuff than I do, so it's time to break out some textbooks and documentation LOL
I mistyped and meant to say younger- but don't worry, it's not by much. 😅

I just assumed you were older because you seem a little more put together than myself, hahaha. Thank you for the compliments.
We aren't the only one. Nintendo's stock is rising ahead of the report on the 6th. Its not uncommon for a stock to do that obviously but Nintendo's is acting strange for what it usually does.

Anyone interested in a chart?
I never understood stocks. Does stock even react in before something unannounced, did it always mean something is about to happen?
Aren't stocks just always reacting after something?
so I just read the last several pages to check if something was happening to make the thread move so fast and what I found out is mainly that everyone here needs some serious salvation in their lives
I never understood stocks. Does stock even react in before something unannounced, did it always mean something is about to happen?
Aren't stocks just always reacting after something?
Stocks are kind of vibes based, but investors have a financial interest in being extremely informed. An unexpected increase in a stock price can be random noise or variation, or it can be some shareholders learning something the public doesn't and acting on it because they think it'll make Nintendo money, and thus push the price higher.
I never understood stocks. Does stock even react in before something unannounced, did it always mean something is about to happen?
Aren't stocks just always reacting after something?
Yes, stocks often run up in anticipation of unannounced news for whatever reasons. Then when the positive announcement happens, stock often falls (speculators cashing in their profits from the run-up, selling). But investors can be wrong too, just like us.

I don't do this kind of short term analysis crap with my investments. Too stressful and time consuming. I just buy boring passively-managed index funds and hold for years lol. Worked out very well for me, I never have to check in to the investing news and mind my own business but it's definitely not as exciting as anyone doing short-term trades or even daytrading..
I never understood stocks. Does stock even react in before something unannounced, did it always mean something is about to happen?
Aren't stocks just always reacting after something?


Insider trades are a big thing. They get major news early and buy or sell depending on what it is. What im about to say is pure speculation but I think the chart I posted above is indicating that the cat is out of the bag and there are people buying NTDOY in preparation of a big event. Again, This is speculation and I can be wrong but this is what years of experience charting stocks has shown me.

This also doesn't mean Im thinking it gets revealed this month either.
Stocks are kind of vibes based, but investors have a financial interest in being extremely informed. An unexpected increase in a stock price can be random noise or variation, or it can be some shareholders learning something the public doesn't and acting on it because they think it'll make Nintendo money, and thus push the price higher.

Nailed it.

Alright, Ill mention what all this crap means.

First off, This is Nintendo's ADR stock called NTDOY. Simple explanation is its a "holding" that gets the real thing from Japan. It is has been declining since 2021 and this is normal because the markets in general have been downtrending. The two thin white lines show a channel in which it has been downtrending. If this path were to continue, We would see the thick bold white line happen but it isn't. The green line is happening.

This is hinting at a break of the channel. This usually happens coinciding with big news. (Switch 2 reveal? Lets hope) because thats usually what it takes to break multi-year trend lines. The last few months of price action is not common. It keeps banging against the upper trend line indicating investors are awaiting a breakout (aka: big news).

Ignore the rainbow lines, That is Fibonacci ratio's that help me find lines where the stock might reverse. I also added a funny thing I did in 2022
Hmm, very funky.
I think that the break (using your phrasing, I'm not experienced enough in the market to understand all the terms) is happening because of that meeting that's happening soon rather than the announcement of the Switch 2. If we don't get any significant news, then the line will likely all back within the trend lines, but if we get any information about the Switch 2 in that meeting, then the break will happen and it'll start rising rapidly even if it's as simple as "We expect to show a trailer for the Switch 2 within the coming weeks".

I believe that's what's happening here btw. Stockholders are predicting something for that meeting. If we get a sudden Switch 2 trailer though, we can expect a leap.
so I just read the last several pages to check if something was happening to make the thread move so fast and what I found out is mainly that everyone here needs some serious salvation in their lives

Salvation? I'd rather salivated over a juicy new bit of hardware.
Isn't getting news early like that and buying/selling stocks in reaction illegal, actually? What's the line about it?
Afaik, it is illegal. Several higher-ups at game companies have been investigated (Bo Andersson at Overkill) or arrested (Yuji Naka) in the past. In this instance with the stock-fluctuations and potential break, it's just stockholders acting in anticipation for the shareholder meeting.
I never understood stocks. Does stock even react in before something unannounced, did it always mean something is about to happen?
Aren't stocks just always reacting after something?
Shareholder Chad could explain a million times better than I could, but afaik it's a bit of both? They can go down if results are bad, they can have a brief surge before a report if investors expect growth/good results, etc. It helps knowing what investors are thinking/expecting to know when to buy and sell, and what's happening around the industry/field/market said company is operating in.

Also helps just generally having knowledge of the field/industry said company is operating in too. For example, I made some easy money during the whole GameStop fiasco a few years ago because I noticed that GameStop's share price surges whenever a new console generation was starting, and so I bought some since the PS5 and Xbox Series X were announced with the intention of selling for a small bit of change when the systems released. Had no idea about the potential short squeeze, wallstreetbets BS, etc.

And that's just buying and selling. That's not getting into stuff like options, dividends, etc. It's both simpler and more complex than you'd think.

Isn't getting news early like that and buying/selling stocks in reaction illegal, actually? What's the line about it?
If it's buying/selling due to inside info (insider trading) that is not yet been made to investors, yes. If it's just in anticipation of things like good earnings reports, or a company has made a public announcement about a product (i.e. Nintendo announcing a new system or game), no.

There can still be chatter and speculation that can be made (think something like NateDrake/NateTheHate's "Friend-DA") but as long as there isn't explicit planning to drive prices up, it's okay.

I think idk I'm kinda talking out of my ass.
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Isn't getting news early like that and buying/selling stocks in reaction illegal, actually? What's the line about it?
Illegal activities still happen and affect stock prices, while the legal definition of insider trading is intentionally precise, and more casual "well I heard this" type info can spread around investors without anyone EXPLICITLY conspiring to leak data for profit.

Of course, this varies by country, I'm not a broker nor lawyer, and this is not financial advice. 😅
Hmm, very funky.
I think that the break (using your phrasing, I'm not experienced enough in the market to understand all the terms) is happening because of that meeting that's happening soon rather than the announcement of the Switch 2. If we don't get any significant news, then the line will likely all back within the trend lines, but if we get any information about the Switch 2 in that meeting, then the break will happen and it'll start rising rapidly even if it's as simple as "We expect to show a trailer for the Switch 2 within the coming weeks".

I believe that's what's happening here btw. Stockholders are predicting something for that meeting. If we get a sudden Switch 2 trailer though, we can expect a leap.

Sure you are not wrong. I just think the price action is tipping the scales toward "Big thing happening".

Edit: To better explain, The price action usually hits the upper trend line and falls down, Not consistently banging against it.

Isn't getting news early like that and buying/selling stocks in reaction illegal, actually? What's the line about it?

Extremely illegal. The creator of Sonic, Yuji Naka was arrested for this. Giving out information allowing people to frontrun announcements. This was for Square Enix.

Its my job to find weird price action on a chart that suggests somebody knows something and match their moves. Sometimes I'm right. Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes traders talk shit and I catch wind of it.
Slow down, people. This is moving too fast. I fear I won't be able to keep up with the thread, missing if something new happens.
Isn't getting news early like that and buying/selling stocks in reaction illegal, actually? What's the line about it?

Depends. I’m not an expert but my understanding is…

If the information is leaked broadly it essentially becomes public domain. At that point it’s going to quickly impact the stock prices so kind of first come first served on hearing about it and acting.

If an individual working at a company trades informed by confidential information, or leaks it privately and has somebody else trade on their behalf, that’s very much insider trading.

Edit: Yuji Naka was just recently sentenced to prison for insider trading. Purchased shares of some companies ahead of mobile releases they were tied to I think.
Extremely illegal. The creator of Sonic, Yuji Naka was arrested for this. Giving out information allowing people to frontrun announcements. This was for Square Enix.

Its my job to find weird price action on a chart that suggests somebody knows something and match their moves. Sometimes I'm right. Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes traders talk shit and I catch wind of it.
So basically, it's illegal to react to something nobody knows in the public yet, but somehow if you notice stock trading like that (devoid of context) you are still allowed to react to it because you had no idea.

That said you're also allowed to react to info that I gave for example because technically, it's public info and hearsay.
Illegal activities still happen and affect stock prices, while the legal definition of insider trading is intentionally precise, and more casual "well I heard this" type info can spread around investors without anyone EXPLICITLY conspiring to leak data for profit.

Of course, this varies by country, I'm not a broker nor lawyer, and this is not financial advice. 😅
Probably best not to take financial advice from people on the internet. That being said, you're pretty right. This is actually also a reason why leaks are so dangerous to company stock-value. A bad leak or investigation or report can seriously damage a company. Nintendo is quite lucky in this case because the "leaks" are very minor and more conspiracy-board like.
Sure you are not wrong. I just think the price action is tipping the scales toward "Big thing happening".
Sorry if I sound like I'm speaking the obvious, I'm just trying my best to contribute something. Regardless, it'll be interesting to see how massively this chart could change in the coming weeks... well days at this point. Potentially minutes if the crackpot theories have meant anything.
Extremely illegal. The creator of Sonic, Yuji Naka was arrested for this. Giving out information allowing people to frontrun announcements. This was for Square Enix.

Its my job to find weird price action on a chart that suggests somebody knows something and match their moves. Sometimes I'm right. Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes traders talk shit and I catch wind of it.
Bo Andersson from Overkill Software was also investigated by the Swedish police and had his home raided. While he was cleared, it's still a clear-cut case of this shit being taken very seriously.
Isn't getting news early like that and buying/selling stocks in reaction illegal, actually? What's the line about it?

Laws are different from country to country. Where I live, insider trading is generally illegal unless the insider is informed by speculation rather than material information.

The rules are complex but in a nutshell, the line is drawn by how you are connected to the company and how you obtained the information. If you as a buyer or seller profit off another person from knowing and not disclosing confidential information that would otherwise probably have affected market value, it is usually a criminal offence.
So basically, it's illegal to react to something nobody knows in the public yet, but somehow if you notice stock trading like that (devoid of context) you are still allowed to react to it because you had no idea.

That said you're also allowed to react to info that I gave for example because technically, it's public info and hearsay.

Sort of. I can "react" to it because its still pure speculation on my part. Its "informed guessing" based on trends and hours of charting and noticing patterns.

You, Nate, Necro, etc. is a gray area. Since you are putting it out in a public domain, It is likely safe. If you were to PM me this information, That might be dangerous. Its why I keep my distance from Nate's posts. Also yours falls under "research" more so which is 100% legal and ok if you were to "PM" me that info. (Using the PM as an example of information travel)
Sort of. I can "react" to it because its still pure speculation on my part. Its "informed guessing" based on trends and hours of charting and noticing patterns.

You, Nate, Necro, etc. is a gray area. Since you are putting it out in a public domain, It is likely safe. If you were to PM me this information, That might be dangerous. Its why I keep my distance from Nate's posts. Also yours falls under "research" more so which is 100% legal and ok if you were to "PM" me that info.
That "research" comment is actually something I wanted to check. If it's research using public domain information, then that's just completely fine?
I mean, it's not exactly getting "100% real and exclusive information" if you spent around 5 months looking at shipping information and using track-record to make guesses, especially since someone else did most of the work for you.
Laws are different from country to country. Where I live, insider trading is generally illegal unless the insider is informed by speculation rather than material information.

The rules are complex but in a nutshell, the line is drawn by how you are connected to the company and how you obtained the information. If you as a buyer or seller profit off another person from knowing and not disclosing confidential information that would otherwise probably have affected market value, it is usually a criminal offence.

Correct. When I used to work for a public company at HQ office, we often get notice of restriction of ability to make trades, for anti-insider trading compliance purposes. We often get those notices well in advance of news of our own company.

I think that's how things get leaked out there maybe.. someone hears about us being restricted, they act on that info.

(I hope I'm remembering those details correct.. I haven't worked for a public company in nearly 20 years)
How does it being 720p affect anything? We know Sharp are producing new 1080p screens, but who is to say Nintendo isn't also getting more 720p LCDs?

I'd say the SoC would be the biggest factor in making a smaller Lite model, not the screen.
because games would need a third mode to account for the 720p screen. with the Lite running a smaller battery, running games at a resolution higher than the screen would be a needless waste of resources

Alright, Ill mention what all this crap means.

First off, This is Nintendo's ADR stock called NTDOY. Simple explanation is its a "holding" that gets the real thing from Japan. It is has been declining since 2021 and this is normal because the markets in general have been downtrending. The two thin white lines show a channel in which it has been downtrending. If this path were to continue, We would see the thick bold white line happen but it isn't. The green line is happening.

This is hinting at a break of the channel. This usually happens coinciding with big news. (Switch 2 reveal? Lets hope) because thats usually what it takes to break multi-year trend lines. The last few months of price action is not common. It keeps banging against the upper trend line indicating investors are awaiting a breakout (aka: big news).

Ignore the rainbow lines, That is Fibonacci ratio's that help me find lines where the stock might reverse. I also added a funny thing I did in 2022
I guarantee every single shareholder making that green line happen is reading this thread. Famiboards directly influencing global finance/green lines worldwide.
I guarantee every single shareholder making that green line happen is reading this thread. Famiboards directly influencing global finance/green lines worldwide.
If a bunch of Redditors managed to set Wall Street on fire for a week, we can probably make substantial and reliable predictions on a video game company through our combined knowledge and sharing of cocaine information.
Probably best not to take financial advice from people on the internet. That being said, you're pretty right. This is actually also a reason why leaks are so dangerous to company stock-value. A bad leak or investigation or report can seriously damage a company. Nintendo is quite lucky in this case because the "leaks" are very minor and more conspiracy-board like.

Sorry if I sound like I'm speaking the obvious, I'm just trying my best to contribute something. Regardless, it'll be interesting to see how massively this chart could change in the coming weeks... well days at this point. Potentially minutes if the crackpot theories have meant anything.

Bo Andersson from Overkill Software was also investigated by the Swedish police and had his home raided. While he was cleared, it's still a clear-cut case of this shit being taken very seriously.

No worries. I expect fireworks for Nintendo's stock. Big up or Big down. Good callout on Bo. I forgot that one.

That "research" comment is actually something I wanted to check. If it's research using public domain information, then that's just completely fine?
I mean, it's not exactly getting "100% real and exclusive information" if you spent around 5 months looking at shipping information and using track-record to make guesses, especially since someone else did most of the work for you.

Any public research is 100% fine. Its why I don't really worry about participating here despite actively holding Nintendo stock. Nate's stuff is probably 100% fine too but Im super careful about it.

I guarantee every single shareholder making that green line happen is reading this thread. Famiboards directly influencing global finance/green lines worldwide.

What if I told you...

I know 4 investors that keep active tabs on here. In this thread even.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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