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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

I remind the court that Nintendo Switch development kits were sent out to third parties about a year before launch.

April, huh?

I wonder if they end or start their fiscal year with the new device.
if Nintendo Switch sucessor launch on april, Nintendo would need to knowleged the console to it investors/shaholders on the fiscal report happening in novembre 8th, Furukawa tell the investors, they plan to launch Switch sucessor on the end of current fiscal year or the begining of next fiscal year.
The original email containing Switch NG was not part of the batch that was uploaded unredacted by mistake. It was from back around June IIRC.
Technically you're correct that the email itself was presented during the hearing back in June

but the documents that included this email were only uploaded to the public domain a couple of weeks ago resulting in the articles about "NG Switch"

in case anyone wants a refresher, here's a link to the email
Looks like the same exact model then, yeah. Definitely still curious about the amounts, as I understand you won't have all of that same data, but I'm inclined to declare that this finding then (the one earlier shared by P4blo) is meaningless.
This is also pretty weak conjecture on my part, but couldn't this indicate that they are either doubling down on OLED production or that the speaker parts are the same between the OLED and new system?
Ah ok - what did you see? (what led you to say it's meaningless)?
I didn't realize that the two listings had the same product ID- GS201432P. Or at least part of the ID. Also the SAC222 ID showing up again.

While we can't be certain without seeing the amounts I'm inclined to believe it's unlikely that 2022 was all that different from 2023 for this supplier.
Why would EA R&D be ordering Nintendo Switch Gen 1 dev kits in April 2023 is the thing.
To develop games for Switch 1. EA is just jumping on board in a big way now, so adding more devkits is not at all surprising at this stage.
I don't have time to pick apart that other "leak" post right now, so just a few points:

  • NG is not the codename.
  • The idea that somebody knows the console SKUs with pricing, and the exact launch day, a year in advance, is laughable and discrediting.

Considering ABK seems to be using it, I stand by my theory that it's likely a codename that's being used with third-parties as a simple way to refer to it, but might not actually be the true codename of the system. Idk, I'm grabbing at straws here.
But that's not how codenames work.
This is also pretty weak conjecture on my part, but couldn't this indicate that they are either doubling down on OLED production or that the speaker parts are the same between the OLED and new system?
Absolutely. Those are the two options here in my mind.

The reason I'm starting to believe the former though is that nothing about the amounts shipped in 2023 seems all that strange to me for parts procurement for a holiday production season. I was already skeptical that it meant new Switch. Now on top of that, having the same product ID, makes me even more skeptical that this is anything out of the ordinary.

There is one person in this thread who can put to bed any of these doubts by looking at what levels of product were shipped last year and in 2021 but he has avoided doing so thus far...
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24/9 release date isn’t something extremely rare.

Its in the middle of both Lite and OLED model release dates.

It would coincide with FIFA usual release date and other third party software that tends to release by late september.

It would give a little time to quickly build a userbase to buy next year Assasins Creed/COD (or other heavy third party fall titles), assuming both will hit Switch NG day 1 and are planned to be release between october to november.
Switch 2 will have a physical option, no doubt.

But by the time Switch 3 comes around, Sony and Microsoft will have all but abandoned physical media (An option disc drive you have to buy seprate is the point where I don't think most people will bother) and the majority of home media (movies, music, PC software, etc) is already digital.

The majority of average consumers won't bother with physical just for Nintendo when every other device in their home is digital, especially as libraries continue to grow, but space does not. Like even Sakurai doesnt collect physical anymore caus he just doesnt have the space. Not to mention with a handeld, you have your entire library with you on the go instead of having to carry around all your carts.

Switch 2 will be fine carrying the torch of Physical Media. e're not at the point where outright abandoning it makes sense yet, but I think by the time we get to the end of the generation, Nintendo will follow the market..... and the market will be predominantly, if not exclusivley, all digital.

For better or worse, majority rules, and Digital is what the majority have been embracing.
You always help :)

24/9 release date isn’t something extremely rare.

Its in the middle of both Lite and OLED model release dates.

It would coincide with FIFA usual release date and other third party software that tends to release by late september.

It would give a little time to quickly build a userbase to buy next year Assasins Creed/COD (or other heavy third party fall titles), assuming both will hit Switch NG day 1 and are planned to be release between october to november.
September 24th 2024 is a Tuesday, not saying they couldnt release then, but Switch and all its revisions all released on Fridays, just like Nintendo first party games. So whatever the day is...its probably gonna be a Friday
Switch 2 will have a physical option, no doubt.

But by the time Switch 3 comes around, Sony and Microsoft will have all but abandoned physical media (An option disc drive you have to buy seprate is the point where I don't think most people will bother) and the majority of home media (movies, music, PC software, etc) is already digital.

The majority of average consumers won't bother with physical just for Nintendo when every other device in their home is digital, especially as libraries continue to grow, but space does not. Like even Sakurai doesnt collect physical anymore caus he just doesnt have the space. Not to mention with a handeld, you have your entire library with you on the go instead of having to carry around all your carts.

Switch 2 will be fine carrying the torch of Physical Media. e're not at the point where outright abandoning it makes sense yet, but I think by the time we get to the end of the generation, Nintendo will follow the market..... and the market will be predominantly, if not exclusivley, all digital.

For better or worse, majority rules, and Digital is what the majority have been embracing.

There's another fairly obvious fact at play there ... digital games have higher profit margins.

Cutting out retail/shipping/packaging costs slashes at least $10-$15 of middle man margin from any game, it's not exactly rocket science why game publishers (even Nintendo) are A-Ok with a digital only future.

Yeah, Switch reveal preceded one of the biggest holidays for 3DS. I doubt Nintendo is worried. There's also the everpresent nugget - people buying Switch Gen 1 now are not the people who will hold out and buy NG. Revealing this side of Christmas has numerous benefits, like people not feeling jilted if they buy a new console then it gets replaced a few weeks later, allowing "hardcore" fans like us to plan or put in a pre-order while the normal people get Gen 1, giving them a second stream of revenue, or at least, a good certainty of a solid launch.
didnt Furukawa stated on Nikkei, Nintendo will suport Nintendo Switch up to march 31th 2025?
Looks like I probably shouldn’t listen to SoldierDelta after doing some reading. Oh well.
I'm wounded... you're also probably right.

The rumour is information I heard and I can't confirm it to the degree of confidence that I got with the other leaks I've been involved with. I'd be happy if it's right or wrong, I'm just kinda happy I can contribute to the conversation, even if it briefly means I have to wear a cone of shame.
Warning: Speculation post

Things seem to getting interesting again. Im conflicted on something I heard from a colleague recently. Theres a fellow Nintendo shareholder I talk to occasionally. Has a insane amount (Can't say how much for reasons but its 2M+ USD to give an idea) and hes "convinced" the internal plan is a May 2024 release for their new hardware. Part of me is like "Ok buddy", and other is like "Did you just admit to insider trading to me"?

To give context, Insider trading is highly illegal but it is EVERYWHERE. Especially regarding US politicians and announcements that affect stock prices. Of the possible "future announcements" I've heard being in investing circles, Its like a 50/50 whether its bullshit or not. However it seems the investors I keep in touch with on the Nintendo-Microsoft-sony-Apple-Google front are planning their portfolio's for a May 2024 product launch. We prepare by reallocating liquidity to purchase or short stock under certain conditions before announcement and after launch.

Also: See Yuji Naka. He got caught Insider trading. The Japanese take this stuff seriously. US SEC? Not so much lmao
September 24 would make some sense if it's actually called Nintendo Switch 24 and that's kind of A Thing. November 3 meanwhile makes no sense at all

the whole rumor is pointless regardless because they're very clearly making it up as they go along. how convenient that NG was totally the codename until everyone here said it's not in fact the codename
SoldierDelta is already posting here, I don't understand why you're linking this.
To be fair, I didn't post this stuff here. I mainly just post the "leaker" side of stuff in the discord or give the "Oh my god this is actually real" stuff to Snitch like with the Ronin and GoW leaks.

With a rumour, just posting a small update on a discord for this stuff to travel to resetera works for me.
To be fair, I didn't post this stuff here. I mainly just post the "leaker" side of stuff in the discord or give the "Oh my god this is actually real" stuff to Snitch like with the Ronin and GoW leaks.

With a rumour, just posting a small update on a discord for this stuff to travel to resetera works for me.
Discord > resetera > fami
the cycle of leaks
Discord > resetera > fami
the cycle of leaks
It's funny. With the Ronin stuff, it went from Discord to Reddit to ResetEra.
There's practically no consistency with this stuff, but I think it might depend on who is actively interested in what subject at what time.

This is a learning process to me so keeping track of how it goes is fun.
The weight reduction of PS5 vs PS5 digital makes it quite more viable to reduce shippments costs to subdize in part the drop in price (a CD player + the extra plàstic doesnt cost the 100$ you save with PS5: DE). This wouldnt be the case for a all-digital Switch

Unless Nintendo has some new expensive tech going into the card reader for switch 2 (which is possible, but if not) it cost an order of magnitude less than a BluRay drive.

And the rumor here is that the two models are only $50 apart instead of $100 like with the PS5. Also lines up with Nate's "informed speculation" from August about the Switch 2's price being the reason for nintendo to save costs by going with LCD screens.

"...I have been told that it's going to launch with an 8 inch LCD screen and the reason is as mentioned in the VGC article to assist in keeping costs down and that's important to Nintendo because they're going to launch this potentially at a high price yeah could be a platform that comes in as just as a speculation point let's say 399 let's say even 449 it's going to be important for Nintendo to recoup cost on manufacturing this Hardware as quick as possible and LCD is cheap and if they can get that cost down quicker from a business standpoint...."
To be fair, there is a chance that Nintendo used the term "NG" to refer to "our next console" to developers without it being used as a codename, they've even used "NNGC" before (meaning "Nintendo next generation console", not Next Nintendo GameCube or something like that) during early Wii talk. After all, yes Activision's documents that use the name "NG" were before their briefing with Nintendo but they had known that Nintendo was working on a new console in the first place, and maybe "NG" was used in very early communication.

In fact, guess what Nintendo would sometimes shorten "NNGC" to... "NG". Yeah.
And the rumor here is that the two models are only $50 apart instead of $100 like with the PS5. Also lines up with Nate's "informed speculation" from August about the Switch 2's price being the reason for nintendo to save costs by going with LCD screens.

"...I have been told that it's going to launch with an 8 inch LCD screen and the reason is as mentioned in the VGC article to assist in keeping costs down and that's important to Nintendo because they're going to launch this potentially at a high price yeah could be a platform that comes in as just as a speculation point let's say 399 let's say even 449 it's going to be important for Nintendo to recoup cost on manufacturing this Hardware as quick as possible and LCD is cheap and if they can get that cost down quicker from a business standpoint...."

Going with an OLED screen is a bad idea with the Switch 2's hardware and Nate was 1000% correct with that. Even ignoring the price though, you'd also have to increase the power of the battery in order to keep up with the demands of the hardware and the display. It just isn't worth it.

Sticking with LCD is good for people who want to use this thing as a handheld. Maybe won't be the case when we get a "Switch 2 Lite" or something down the line.
I’m so ready for this to be over, honestly. I feel like Danny Glover in the Lethal Weapon movies.
Honestly, getting a reveal for the new system is gonna feel like jumping into a cold bath after 3 days in a desert. I can't wait.

I just need that wotah Nintendo. Please god give it some point soon... or maybe in April, idk.
I doubt that the Switch2 will launch on Sept. 24, 2024.
September 24 is a Tuesday.
All Switch/Lite/OLED models were released on Friday, and all Nintendo game release dates are also on Friday.
Why change the day of the week?
At this point, Any post or person claiming to know the exact day is full of shit. If Nintendo works like other Tech companies, They have a target month and thats it. As we get closer, They'll decide the week. then the day.
At this point, Any post or person claiming to know the exact day is full of shit. If Nintendo works like other Tech companies, They have a target month and thats it. As we get closer, They'll decide the week. then the day.

Yep, all Nintendo does is narrowing down the release window further as time moves on. They do this with games as well.
Obviously this rumor isnt confirmed yet, but am I correct in assuming that any AR would require that the console has cameras (and not just the IR kind that the Switch has)?
Thank god someone saw that this is just a rumour I heard. Thankfully I haven't gotten insulted yet or was given death-threats either, so frankly I'd say people are being reasonable.

On that note, yeah they would need cameras. Y'know how the 3ds had those "AR Card" things and how Kid Icarus Uprising had that 500+ series of cards for the game. It'd be something similar to that, however more advanced if Nintendo is running with it as a gimmick. The person who said this rumour to me didn't specify about how extensive it'll be used, just that it had it apparently.
That rumor just looks like bullshit lol. Knowing the exact date of release(and it being a Tuesday) along with the exact price a year out is just nonsense. But what do I know lmao.
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