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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Please avoid language objectifying video game characters like this, Fami is an inclusive enviroment, not a boys club - PixelKnight, Irene, Xghost777
Metroid going 3rd person is probably the main "shakeup" that sticks out to me as something that could really impact sales ...

Going 3rd person with Zero Suit Samus and i would have a hard time (pun intended) looking at the enemies or the environment.
The absence of something usually tells us plenty about another thing. IE: Super Mario RPG never appearing on the SNES app. Smoke.

What do we see an absence of?

  • Certain games/franchises -> 3D mario is due, Mario party is due, Metroid prime 4, An actual NEW mario kart
  • Nintendo slate for August/September/Early OCT and nothing for December.
  • Two confirmed games for 2024, Luigis mansion 2, Princess peach game,
  • Rumored Games without date: Fire Emblem remake, F-Zero GX remake, Paper Mario something, LOZ WW/TP remakes, Zelda TOTK DLC (One of these happens in Dec for sure)
  • Solid Dev kit rumors
  • Solid Factory mass production rumors

We are in a weird spot. There is enough in the tank to suggest the Switch can get them to March-May 2024 but maybe not enough to November 2024? Nate mentioned something about August 2024 as a spot where launches were held in the past (in his video). At first I scoffed but after the direct and thinking about it, That is where the switch completely runs out of steam.

I can't see them riding the above games until November and theres enough of them that I feel like March 2024 is too early. My prediction is we see Switch 2 in Aug or Sept of 2024 launching with a 3D mario and Metroid Prime 4 cross gen. Maybe Mario Kart or Mario party in Nov 24. I'm not entirely sure it gets officially announce until May 2024 honestly. Sucks and is a terrible decision imo but here we are.
I was listening to the "All Things Nintendo" Podcast from Brian Shea (GI) and when they talk about the Peach game he noticed something.

Ill preface by saying that I think he is reading to much into it but: he says that in the press release (link) the Peach game does not mention its coming to switch (in the general paragraph it says it is but not in the info block) and given that the only other 2024 game (Luigi's Mansion 2) does, there is an assumption that its a launch game for the new system.

One reason I can see his hypothesis is that outside of MP4 (I guess TOTK), Nintendo has stopped announcing titles that are far away. Heck we can argue that a majority of games they announce are done when we first see them. So I can see where announcing an Untitled Peach game for 2024 with more info later can lead to the "its a launch game" lol.

Again I think its reading to much into a wording but fun nonetheless to think that hey they could do a switch-style launch, save mario for a couple of months down the road and give someone else the spotlight. Next thing you know the Peach game does LM3 numbers.
I meant that too, editing for clarity. But still, I feel like they something they should have nailed down by now
It apparently isn’t an easy thing to nail down. Disregarding the wildly differing generational Nintendo console offerings, and focusing on the rate at which ANY company has had seeming consistent launch success from one generation to the next, the exception would be Sony (excepting the PS3). Looking back there are multitudes of companies failing. Nintendo has indeed had failures (N64,GC, Wii U,) and ironically I believe it has ALWAYS been a “timing” issue.

My fear isn’t solely that they will wait too long, if there is such a thing. Like with the N64, Cube, Wii U they’ll miss the point in which the consumer finds the hardware relevant to them. For example, with N64 I’m sure some part of the lethargic sales could’ve been mitigated by launching earlier. Same with the Wii U but by years though. I wouldn’t say Nintendo gets content and rests on their laurels but in the past have had very bad attempts at “timing” following a successful console.

I hope them planning doesn’t make them miss that point again...
September I think makes sense as a launch month because

1. Most console launches are in November
2. ... But November 2024 will have a Pokemon RPG releasing
3. You probably don't want your main launch title to be a Pokemon RPG as TPC makes horrible looking video games
4. It's hard to launch two games as big as like 3D Mario and a new Pokemon RPG on the same day or same week.

Detective Pikachu 2 and the total lack of updates for SV suggest a level of technical indifference from TPC that is... Not encouraging for how they will approach cross-gen.

I actually don't know if the next Pokemon RPG will have cross-gen, they may just be Switch exclusive with backwards compatibility.

How many units would they have for a launch?
I wouldn't expect more than 6M, which is already pretty substantial for a supply chain that's just ramping up.

If there are good launch titles and patches, those 6M would disappear in a second on holiday and most of it would be heavily scalped.
IMO, it wouldn't even cover early adopters.

Launching in March with 6M would cover early adopter, which would spend months talking about it.
It would give time for Nintendo to satisfy the most urgent demand and to produce enough units to maximize holiday sales.

Or, launch before Christmas and have most of their units locked in a warehouse by scalpers, instead of buying software.
And have a bunch of crying kids that couldn't get theirs because because some dudes in their forties were more aggressive.
Exactly. A holiday launch just seems like unnecessary craziness imo
“Everyone on the internet” doesn’t mean much. That’s a small group of people. Those people don’t drive the sales. “Everyone on the internet” was hyping Metroid Prime Remastered shadow drop through the roof and then saw the sales didn’t equate to all the big talk it had on the internet.
Agree. I love the Prime series, and when Prime Remastered was stealth dropped at the February Direct, I was extatic and bought it immediately. It was number one on the eShop for quite some time and then there was shortages when it released physically a couple weeks later. At that point I believed it stood a chance of outselling the original release on GameCube. So when the financial report came out and Prime Remastered had sold just over a million copies, I knew that demand hasn't gone up at all for the series. If only 1% of Switch users purchased Prime Remastered, how much can we expect from Prime 4? My guess is 3 million units, about the same as Dread.

@D36 as for what can move Metroid Prime into the mainstream, I agree with the opinion that it may mean striping away what longtime fans love about the series. I really like Zelda BotW and TotK, but it really is like Zelda became a new series. Nintendo seems to be ok with certain IPs not being huge sellers if they help broaden the appeal of their console. They fund Bayonetta knowing it's going to sell 1-2 million copies. Pikmin is getting it's fourth game even though it has never done big numbers.

Jeff Grubb is likely correct with Nintendo and Redacted. Hardware is probably more or less finalized, but now it's down to fleshing out the game plan for release. Switch has remained successful and this afforded Nintendo the opportunity to be more patient with the transition to new hardware. With Switch, Nintendo was under pressure to get it out into the market because Wii U bombed so hard. Switch launched 4.5 years after Wii U. I am confident this was not the original plan with Wii U. With Redacted, it's probably the perfect storm. In 2020/2021, development for Redacted was likely delayed, but at the same time Switch sales skyrocket. So instead of feeling the added pressure, it's the opposite, Nintendo sees that they aren't under the gun to get new hardware out. Nintendo is awarded the ability to be flexible with the launch of it's new hardware. Even if Nintendo has to stockpile Drake for a while because of manufacturing commitments, it does take a big warehouse to store a bunch of SOCs.
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To be honest I don't think a new Pokemon game is releasing next year. They're definitely gonna release all-in-one DLC physical for SV once it's all out, like with the Crown Tundra, and even if you're on team "Winter 2023 = CY 2023" TPC left a very conspicuous out for a delay into 2024 with the "or later" at announcement. If they plan on potentially releasing Indigo Disk in 2024 then I think the big release that year will be SV's next-gen SKU + DLC built in

Some speculation from Grubb. Due to his nature as an insider this is probably informed speculation, but grain of salt and all that. I don’t know if this is the case though, still setting a plan for the transition while 6.5 years in sounds maddening

Grubb is a competent—good even—VG journalist, but a product management professional he is not. This isn’t the first time he shared a cringey business take. Grubb basically is saying that a $56 billion market cap corporation didn’t have a formulated product roadmap (and contingent plans) years in advance. I’d say that was beyond the realms of possibility. Grubb also prefaced his tweet with “I think”, therefore it’s unlikely a hint but personal musing

What I found more intriguing, however, is the following quotes in the Rob Fahey opinion piece:

“With TotK safely out the door and no risk of sales cannibalisation remaining, Nintendo will probably start talking about its new hardware over the summer, or by autumn at the latest.”
“Nintendo’s strategy for squaring that circle – at least in the coming months, with early details of the Switch’s eventual replacement likely to appear before the end of the year”

Of course he qualified these statements with “probably” and “likely”, but they look rather particular. The timeframe he gave also diverged from the typical industry/analyst expectations of 2024. I wonder if he’s received some intel, and is anticipating more info forthcoming this year.
A Quick Summary of Hacks, Leaks, Detective work, and Drake for the newcomers.

What's T239?
A chip developed by Nvidia for the next Nintendo console

What's Drake? The codename for T239. Sometimes folks in this thread will use "Drake" to mean the console itself, but that can get confusing.

Why Drake as a codename? Nvidia's internal code names for Tegra chips are based on Superheroes. Drake is probably Tim Drake.

What's [redacted]? It's what some of us call the next Nintendo console, in order to distinguish it from "Drake" which is the chip inside it.

Why [redacted] as a code name? The UK government published some documents about the Microsoft/Activision purchase. In that document were several references to Nintendo that might be about the new hardware. As you can guess, the name was redacted.

Are we sure T239 is real? 100%. T239 was leaked by a known Nvidia leaker in June of 2021. In March of 2022, Nvidia was held for ransom by a hacking group called Lapsus$, who released some Nvidia private data in order to get Nvidia to fork up cash. T239's design was in that data.

Could it have been faked? No, there were literally hundreds of thousands of documents, including Nvidia employee social security numbers. 7 people have been arrested. Multiple security researchers have analyzed the data. The data is definitely legit.

Are we sure it's for Nintendo? 100% The leaked files include dozens of references to Nintendo, and that the design is dictated by their needs.

Could it have changed since we saw it? Probably not much. Nvidia has referred to T239 in their public docs and source code since the leak, and Nvidia employees have mentioned the project in their resumes. The leaked design matches the public design, and the employee resumes indicate design work was completed at the latest a few months after the leak.

I heard it was cancelled, though? There are multiple reports of a Switch Pro being cancelled spring of last year, and devkits being recalled. T239 development continued after that. Since then there have been multiple indications that the "Switch Pro" was, in fact, the OLED model, and that plans for that model were changed

What are the specs? Remember Drake is not [redacted]. The chip is just part of the console, and we cannot be sure exactly how Nintendo intends to use it. The chip itself is roughly 6x the performance of the original Switch, with support for DLSS 2 and Ray Tracing.

Nintendo used an off-the-shell chip last time - why design a custom one this time? Because off the shelf doesn't exist. The Switch is built on an Nvidia Tegra chip. Nvidia had only one successful consumer product with a Tegra chip - the Switch. In 2018, Nvidia retooled Tegra for the automotive sector, and there is no successor chip which works for Nintendo's needs. So Nintendo needs a custom design, which is fine for Nvidia, because Nintendo was their only big customer.

What's Orin? Tegra Orin is the name of Nvidia's Tegra chip for self driving cars and robotics. Drake is Orin's sibling - they're built by the same team, and they share some core technology, but they are not the same chip.
I have 3D Mario as a launch title. I don’t have 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4 as launch titles together as I’ve seen people believe will happen
oh right yeah definitely, I think Metroid Prime 4 is either before or after the Switch 2 launch but not at the same time as 3D Mario (assuming this is the launch title).
That I do understand, to an extent at least. Though it does brother me that people only take the Wii U into account with that argument when they also had the 3DS which was still doing fairly well and was getting a whole new generation of Pokémon
3DS hardware seven years ago was doing about 40% of what Switch hardware is doing now. Software, more like a quarter.

How many units would they have for a launch?
I wouldn't expect more than 6M, which is already pretty substantial for a supply chain that's just ramping up.
6m at launch would be enormous. No game hardware has had a first reported quarter above 4.5m (PS4, PS5). No Nintendo hardware has had a first reported quarter above 3.61m (3DS).
Agree. I love the Prime series, and when Prime Remastered was stealth dropped at the February Direct, I was extatic and bought it immediately. It was number one on the eShop for quite some time and then there was shortages when it released physically a couple weeks later. At that point I believed it stood a chance of outselling the original release on GameCube. So when the financial report came out and Prime Remastered had sold just over a million copies, I knew that demand hasn't gone up at all for the series. If only 1% of Switch users purchased Prime Remastered, how much can we expect from Prime 4? My guess is 3 million units, about the same as Dread.

@D36 as for what can move Metroid Prime into the mainstream, I agree with the opinion that it may mean striping away what longtime fans love about the series. I really like Zelda BotW and TotK, but it really is like Zelda became a new series. Nintendo seems to be ok with certain IPs not being huge sellers if they help broaden the appeal of their console. They fund Bayonetta knowing it's going to sell 1-2 million copies. Pikmin is getting it's fourth game even though it has never done big numbers.

Jeff Grubb is likely correct with Nintendo and Redacted. Hardware is probably more or less finalized, but now it's down to fleshing out the game plan for release. Switch has remained successful and this afforded Nintendo the opportunity to be more patient with the transition to new hardware. With Switch, Nintendo was under pressure to get it out into the market because Wii U bombed so hard. Switch launched 4.5 years after Wii U. I am confident this was not the original plan with Wii U. With Redacted, it's probably the perfect storm. In 2020/2021, development for Redacted was likely delayed, but at the same time Switch sales skyrocket. So instead of feeling the added pressure, it's the opposite, Nintendo sees that they aren't under the gun to get new hardware out. Nintendo is awarded the ability to be flexible with the launch of it's new hardware. Even if Nintendo has to stockpile Drake for a while because of manufacturing commitments, it does take a big warehouse to store a bunch of SOCs.
Regarding sales for Prime Remastered, I think we need to take into account the aforementioned shortages as well as the fact that the report accounts for the two months the game has been to market. I'm not trying to move the goalpost or anything, I just think we to a little more fair about it.
I was listening to the "All Things Nintendo" Podcast from Brian Shea (GI) and when they talk about the Peach game he noticed something.

Ill preface by saying that I think he is reading to much into it but: he says that in the press release (link) the Peach game does not mention its coming to switch (in the general paragraph it says it is but not in the info block) and given that the only other 2024 game (Luigi's Mansion 2) does, there is an assumption that its a launch game for the new system.

One reason I can see his hypothesis is that outside of MP4 (I guess TOTK), Nintendo has stopped announcing titles that are far away. Heck we can argue that a majority of games they announce are done when we first see them. So I can see where announcing an Untitled Peach game for 2024 with more info later can lead to the "its a launch game" lol.

Again I think its reading to much into a wording but fun nonetheless to think that hey they could do a switch-style launch, save mario for a couple of months down the road and give someone else the spotlight. Next thing you know the Peach game does LM3 numbers.

They speak aboutt a release on switch in their social networks
The absence of something usually tells us plenty about another thing. IE: Super Mario RPG never appearing on the SNES app. Smoke.
Just as likely that part of the reason this remake got greenlit was that nintendo wasn't willing to pay whatever licensing fee Square was demanding to get it on NSO. Note that unlike Virtual Console there are zero Square Enix owned games on NSO.
I meant that too, editing for clarity. But still, I feel like they something they should have nailed down by now
I wonder if most of the issues are to do with the marketing campaign? Maybe they’ve not even settled on a name yet!
To be honest I don't think a new Pokemon game is releasing next year. They're definitely gonna release all-in-one DLC physical for SV once it's all out, like with the Crown Tundra, and even if you're on team "Winter 2023 = CY 2023" TPC left a very conspicuous out for a delay into 2024 with the "or later" at announcement. If they plan on potentially releasing Indigo Disk in 2024 then I think the big release that year will be SV's next-gen SKU + DLC built in
I don't consider the DLC to be a substitute for a new release. Even if Indigo Disk does release next year, TPCi and Game Freak/ILCA(?) would want a new game for 2024, especially if the formula is a remake with a corresponding Legends game.
Regarding sales for Prime Remastered, I think we need to take into account the aforementioned shortages as well as the fact that the report accounts for the two months the game has been to market. I'm not trying to move the goalpost or anything, I just think we to a little more fair about it.
Metroid games tend to be front loaded with sales. 80% of the sames come within the first 8-12 weeks. This isn't limited to Metroid, plenty of other first party Nintendo games operate the same way. Nintendo has true evergreen titles like Mario Kart and Zelda BotW, but not every first party Nintendo game continues to sell at a good clip for the long haul, most do not.

I will add that I do not remember the physical shortages lasting beyond the end of March, and the sales numbers would have been through March 31st.
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If people want to believe in the Peach game as Switch 2, at least believe it’s cross gen. We’ll probably have some cross gen games or games with upgrades for Switch 2 like the rumored DK game.
The absence of something usually tells us plenty about another thing. IE: Super Mario RPG never appearing on the SNES app. Smoke.
Good point.

Certain games/franchises -> 3D mario is due, Mario party is due, Metroid prime 4, An actual NEW mario kart
Hear me out: there’s a possibility that the Switch 2’s launch year will be full of Mario content. Overkill? Yes. But, why? To take advantage of the Mario movie. Here’s my thought:
• Action, Adventure (Platformer?) game? 3D Mario
• Family, Friendsc Party game(s)? Mario Party and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (with all content)

Next Mario Party could be the Successor’s 1-2 Switch.

Grubb is a competent—good even—VG journalist, but a product management professional he is not. This isn’t the first time he shared a cringey business take. Grubb basically is saying that a $56 billion market cap corporation didn’t have a formulated product roadmap (and contingent plans) years in advance. I’d say that was beyond the realms of possibility. Grubb also prefaced his tweet with “I think”, therefore it’s unlikely a hint but personal musing
My sentiments exactly.

What I found more intriguing, however, is the following quotes in the Rob Fahey opinion piece:

“With TotK safely out the door and no risk of sales cannibalisation remaining, Nintendo will probably start talking about its new hardware over the summer, or by autumn at the latest.”
“Nintendo’s strategy for squaring that circle – at least in the coming months, with early details of the Switch’s eventual replacement likely to appear before the end of the year”

Of course he qualified these statements with “probably” and “likely”, but they look rather particular. The timeframe he gave also diverged from the typical industry/analyst expectations of 2024. I wonder if he’s received some intel, and is anticipating more info forthcoming this year.
Lines up with what Nate said 👀
Good point.

Hear me out: there’s a possibility that the Switch 2’s launch year will be full of Mario content. Overkill? Yes. But, why? To take advantage of the Mario movie. Here’s my thought:
• Action, Adventure (Platformer?) game? 3D Mario
• Family, Friendsc Party game(s)? Mario Party and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (with all content)

Next Mario Party could be the Successor’s 1-2 Switch.

My sentiments exactly.

Lines up with what Nate said 👀

I mean, Yea. Timing is weird though. I would not expect a Super Mario Bros 2 movie until late 2025 at the earliest. Then again, Why is Super Mario Wonder coming out in October when the movie debuted in April? This is what gets my ass up a wall with Nintendo (especially as a share holder). Delay the damn movie until September to match the game. The two coming out within 30-45 days of each other would have made an effective difference I think in sales for both (Even though they will be great anyways)
Grubb is a competent—good even—VG journalist, but a product management professional he is not. This isn’t the first time he shared a cringey business take. Grubb basically is saying that a $56 billion market cap corporation didn’t have a formulated product roadmap (and contingent plans) years in advance. I’d say that was beyond the realms of possibility. Grubb also prefaced his tweet with “I think”, therefore it’s unlikely a hint but personal musing
I really like Grubb, as a journalist, speculator and even as a host. But suggesting Nintendo is unprepared is a little too much.

They've been publishing a dozen games every year. Ports may require one year of work, AA games 2-3 years, the few AAA games they're developing will take 4-6 years. They probably have 30+ games in various stages of development right now. They're supposed to have everything figured out for at least the next 5 years, even if not everything has entered production.

They may have a little wiggle room regarding next-gen and are probably watching the market conditions.
But not having right now one or multiple clearly defined strategies for a hardware transition is a big mismanagement, big enough to oust the whole board.
Metroid going 3rd person is probably the main "shakeup" that sticks out to me as something that could really impact sales. I don't see that happening with this Prime game though. 1st person single player games have really gone out of fashion, outside of particular things like Bethesda games.

Software sales are massively outsized in the holiday season. You can get people buying/receiving multiple games with their new hardware vs 1 or 2.
during the development of the first Metroid Prime game, the game was planned to be in 3rd person, but after Shigeru Miyamoto saw that Retro Studios was struging with the 3rd person version of Metroid Prime, he sugested im his on unique way, to drop this 3rd person view and then use 1st person
Grubb is a competent—good even—VG journalist, but a product management professional he is not. This isn’t the first time he shared a cringey business take. Grubb basically is saying that a $56 billion market cap corporation didn’t have a formulated product roadmap (and contingent plans) years in advance. I’d say that was beyond the realms of possibility. Grubb also prefaced his tweet with “I think”, therefore it’s unlikely a hint but personal musing

What I found more intriguing, however, is the following quotes in the Rob Fahey opinion piece:

“With TotK safely out the door and no risk of sales cannibalisation remaining, Nintendo will probably start talking about its new hardware over the summer, or by autumn at the latest.”
“Nintendo’s strategy for squaring that circle – at least in the coming months, with early details of the Switch’s eventual replacement likely to appear before the end of the year”

Of course he qualified these statements with “probably” and “likely”, but they look rather particular. The timeframe he gave also diverged from the typical industry/analyst expectations of 2024. I wonder if he’s received some intel, and is anticipating more info forthcoming this year.

I fully agree with you and that was a great article that resumes the current situation the most accurately possible, horrible take from Jeff though
Good point.

Hear me out: there’s a possibility that the Switch 2’s launch year will be full of Mario content. Overkill? Yes. But, why? To take advantage of the Mario movie. Here’s my thought:
• Action, Adventure (Platformer?) game? 3D Mario
• Family, Friendsc Party game(s)? Mario Party and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (with all content)

Next Mario Party could be the Successor’s 1-2 Switch.

My sentiments exactly.

Lines up with what Nate said 👀
Nintendistas where is Mario Kart 10?
Nintendo: release Mario Kart 8 definitive edition on Switch sucessor

Nintendistas: LOL, what the heck
I would love Metroid Prime to go 3rd person. It would allow new gameplay opportunities, such as some Lara Croft platforming, seamless cut-scene transitions, etc. We would appreciate our suit upgrades more if they're visible. It would also eliminate the transition between 3rd and 1st person when morphing from and to a ball, which always caused me some dissonance.
(I'm not a big fan of 1st person in general).
If people want to believe in the Peach game as Switch 2, at least believe it’s cross gen. We’ll probably have some cross gen games or games with upgrades for Switch 2 like the rumored DK game.

It has been officially announced for Switch 1 so yes if it’s for Switch 2 it will be cross gen same as Luigi’s mansion and MP4
I would love Metroid Prime to go 3rd person. It would allow new gameplay opportunities, such as some Lara Croft platforming, seamless cut-scene transitions, etc. We would appreciate our suit upgrades more if they're visible. It would also eliminate the transition between 3rd and 1st person when morphing from and to a ball, which always caused me some dissonance.
(I'm not a big fan of 1st person in general).

What would be even better would be the choice of the view, like GTA 5 PS4
Going 3rd person with Zero Suit Samus and i would have a hard time (pun intended) looking at the enemies or the environment.
Good point.

Hear me out: there’s a possibility that the Switch 2’s launch year will be full of Mario content. Overkill? Yes. But, why? To take advantage of the Mario movie. Here’s my thought:
• Action, Adventure (Platformer?) game? 3D Mario
• Family, Friendsc Party game(s)? Mario Party and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (with all content)

Next Mario Party could be the Successor’s 1-2 Switch.

My sentiments exactly.

Lines up with what Nate said 👀

What did Nate say ?
Personally, I'm hoping for a new 2D Zelda game sometime in the first two years of the next system's launch.
I think they're still sitting on the option of Oracle remakes. Remaking both and having them in the same game would be a pretty good value. But I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a new 2D game. They'll likely have to outsource it though after the 2D Zelda team got folded into 3D Zelda after ALBW.
Grubb is a competent—good even—VG journalist, but a product management professional he is not. This isn’t the first time he shared a cringey business take. Grubb basically is saying that a $56 billion market cap corporation didn’t have a formulated product roadmap (and contingent plans) years in advance. I’d say that was beyond the realms of possibility. Grubb also prefaced his tweet with “I think”, therefore it’s unlikely a hint but personal musing

What I found more intriguing, however, is the following quotes in the Rob Fahey opinion piece:

“With TotK safely out the door and no risk of sales cannibalisation remaining, Nintendo will probably start talking about its new hardware over the summer, or by autumn at the latest.”
“Nintendo’s strategy for squaring that circle – at least in the coming months, with early details of the Switch’s eventual replacement likely to appear before the end of the year”

Of course he qualified these statements with “probably” and “likely”, but they look rather particular. The timeframe he gave also diverged from the typical industry/analyst expectations of 2024. I wonder if he’s received some intel, and is anticipating more info forthcoming this year.
His definition of 'transition' isn't really specified either. He might have contacts with lower level marketing that don't know what's going on yet or something lol.
I’m not sure why you are confused on why I grouped the old age 3D Zelda (OoT>SS) and separated it from the new age 3D Zelda (BOTW>TOTK)
Pairing SS and TP with OOT and WW is a bit weird honestly when the former aren't really all that much like the latter. The former kind of overemphasized on dungeons and narrative comparatively. Also both really deemphasized exploration compared to previous Zeldas now that I think of it.
Pairing SS and TP with OOT and WW is a bit weird honestly when the former aren't really all that much like the latter. The former kind of overemphasized on dungeons and narrative comparatively. Also both really deemphasized exploration compared to previous Zeldas now that I think of it.
OOT should be paired with WW and TP, seeing as how they’re both continuations of that game. Both narrative and gameplay wise.

SS shouldn’t be paired with anyone, TBH. It’s thr first game that tried to break convention.

But BOTW came and did that much better.

We could argue that, plot wise, SS, BOTW and TOTK can be paired together because they’re the gamed that broke the traditional Zelda formula, and both Wild and Tears take from Skyward story wise.
OOT should be paired with WW and TP, seeing as how they’re both continuations of that game. Both narrative and gameplay wise.

SS shouldn’t be paired with anyone, TBH. It’s thr first game that tried to break convention.

But BOTW came and did that much better.

We could argue that, plot wise, SS, BOTW and TOTK can be paired together because they’re the gamed that broke the traditional Zelda formula, and both Wild and Tears take from Skyward story wise.
TP is a continuation in a literal narrative sense but that's about it. It's honestly not much less linear or narrative focused than SS. It just simultaneously wants to pretend to be a spiritual successor to OOT as if OOT was as linear as it is. If anything, SS just doubled down on what TP did but was just alot more honest about what it was so didn't even bother with a typical Zelda overworld.
There's literally hundreds of ways for Metroid to re-invent itself, it doesn't need to specifically be third-person or multiplayer or whatever. It could be.... But it could also be changed in 1000 different ways.
There's literally hundreds of ways for Metroid to re-invent itself, it doesn't need to specifically be third-person or multiplayer or whatever. It could be.... But it could also be changed in 1000 different ways.
Sure, but what are they gonna do, make it open world? Do something like that and you basically just changed the entire structure of the game.
It apparently isn’t an easy thing to nail down. Disregarding the wildly differing generational Nintendo console offerings, and focusing on the rate at which ANY company has had seeming consistent launch success from one generation to the next, the exception would be Sony (excepting the PS3). Looking back there are multitudes of companies failing. Nintendo has indeed had failures (N64,GC, Wii U,) and ironically I believe it has ALWAYS been a “timing” issue.

My fear isn’t solely that they will wait too long, if there is such a thing. Like with the N64, Cube, Wii U they’ll miss the point in which the consumer finds the hardware relevant to them. For example, with N64 I’m sure some part of the lethargic sales could’ve been mitigated by launching earlier. Same with the Wii U but by years though. I wouldn’t say Nintendo gets content and rests on their laurels but in the past have had very bad attempts at “timing” following a successful console.

I hope them planning doesn’t make them miss that point again...
The problem with the timing theory is: would it matter if those systems released earlier. The answer is most likely no. N64, GC, & WiiU are all poor products for non-core enthusiast consumers. All those devices have major issues that timing is the least of them. Does anything really change if WiiU was released two years earlier? Maybe it sells a couple million more but the results probably would have been similar.

There is always talk about Nintendo “being late” or “missing their timing”; as long as Redacted is an appealing product with appealing exclusive software then it should do fine.
Sure, but what are they gonna do, make it open world? Do something like that and you basically just changed the entire structure of the game.
There is no way they are going to make it open world when the whole reason Prime Remaster looks so good for a switch game it that it uses the same loading zone tricks that the gamecube version used.

Most likely it'll be the same core first person gameplay, with third person camera for the usual stuff (morph ball, screw attack, cutscenes, etc).

Nintendo probably tried the whole "make the gameplay different" approach when they initially hired Namco to develop it and it turned out so terrible and generic that they brought in Retro to make it instead.

Going 3rd person with Zero Suit Samus and i would have a hard time (pun intended) looking at the enemies or the environment.
Setting aside the cringe horniness it occured to me that there has not been a first person zero suit section, which seems like a great way to introduce an alternative gameplay segment.
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At the last hour, can you measure brand/product momentum? Even if you can measure it, how can you maintain it?

While I understand all these arguments of momentum, honestly, that’s what marketing campaigns are for: to create an environment in favor of a product.

The only thing Nintendo needs to do to move Switch 2 units is differentiate it from the OG Switch, market it as the next generation device (a la iPhone), create a value proposition and a call to action.

That’s it. I doubt Nintendo will have a rough transition. They’ve been talking about a smooth transition since a year ago, primarily, Switch Online and software. Next year won’t be barren. It’ll be business as usual, just that they’ll release the successor.
The only thing Nintendo needs to do to move Switch 2 units is differentiate it from the OG Switch, market it as the next generation device (a la iPhone), create a value proposition and a call to action.
That’s it.
if it’s so easy, then why do companies, including Nintendo, regularly fuck it up?
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