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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

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Typically when as many news sites come forward with reports like this, it's not wrong. And (I know no one's doing this yet, just covering bases) don't compare this to the stuff about Xbox over the past week, that wasn't a bunch of reports corroborating the same story. That was many different insiders all hearing different things that all fit the same narrative.
This is reminding me of before Switch OLED's reveal, around early June, where rumors of a Switch Pro spread wild, with Amazon leaks and everything pointing to an imminent reveal, only for it to not happen and Nintendo to drop a Switch revision with no added power in a random day in July and chaos being spread across the internet. What happened then, and now, has led me to believe only ONE site, is actually worthy of being taken serious:
I vaguely recall being so upset after my faith in #Team2023 failing at the end of March that year that I said "fuck it, 2025 or later. 2024 is cop-out bullshit" somewhere in this thread. If so, m'bad

What a fucking joke. Nintendo has spent no fucking effort to modernize their OS and online and I figured it would have been because they were focused on making sure those things would be modernized and ready on an upcoming 2024 console.

If that isnt the case, then they have no fucking business continuing to be a First Party because they clearly can't handle all the necessities of being a major platform holder.

EDIT: It also makes it much more pathetic that they are relying on a delayed Partner's Showcase for February if they aren't even about to announce new hardware soon.
I may not go as far as to say they should exit hardware, but on the other hand I completely empathize with the frustration over the lack of updates to modernizing the OS and the online infrastructure.

Yes, people like the minimalist OS. Yes, the servers were upgraded from NPLN to NEX. But after two years of an absolutely stagnant home screen where the only real personalization comes in swapping joycons on your Switch at $80 a set with drifting control sticks, I've been damn near hoping for Direct segments to put a focus on upcoming Firmware updates and a glitzy video showcasing new features like MS used to do for Xbox at E3. Anything to showcase that not only their coming out with games, but they're making active improvements to the quality of the user interface/experience. This is not even touching upon the otherwise lackluster NSO experience that's only taken five years of dripfed bullshit to finally reach a point of "Hey, this is actually a worthwhile subscription now" (even when it's still missing some key N64 experiences). Games sell the console, but there comes a time where staring at the stale home menu screen layout for the last seven years is just as much contributing to this need of a new console when it looks the same as ever.

If you humor this, T239 in Q1 2025 is older tech than TX1 in Q1 2017 right? Or about the same? I know that's an oversimplification, but does that enable them to spec and launch a device at a more compelling price point, like $349.99 12-13 months from now?

Also assuming 3D Mario is still the launch title, that's one hell of a gap since SMO, close to 90 months apart.
The T239 is older now than what The TX was during the Switch launch
A 4 month delay doesn't suddenly age a product intended for a 7 year life cycle. It will not impact pricing (which, historically, Nintendo tries to not change over the course of a generation).

How "dated" hardware is depends on what comes after it's launch. T239 will still be the most advanced GPU design in a handheld if it launched in 2025, because right now, Nvidia's GPU designs are still light-years beyond their competitors. And the last three Nvidia micro-arches have all been pretty small refinements of the same design. Radical changes aren't happening in that space. In that sense, while the "on paper" date of T239's GPU design might be slightly over that of TX1's by launch time, it is closer to the state-of-the-art than TX1 was, which was still the most advanced (if not most powerful) console GPU on the market.

Will the next Nvidia GPU radically change up the core of their design? And if so, is that radical change successful? Does it lead to new programming models that the industry adopts? We can only guess, and guess even less about the generations after that. Will AMD catch up, or Intel disrupt the market? Who knows. These things will determine how rapidly T239 ages, not the ticking of the clock.
That's actually something I also wanted to ask about when I came into this thread; at one point of delays would the T239 have to be scrapped just to get the next "mature" chip? Wouldn't it be 2025/2026?

If T239 is still advanced enough ahead of its competitors, it still is gonna have less time on the market before Xbox Series X2/PS6 now come out and games are being made with those power specs in mind, and the previous miracle console XSS is no longer developed for and developers have to make an even bigger leap in terms of optimization to get games to run on Switch 2. As is often pointed out, DLSS is magical but it's not magic. At some point miracle games will no longer be as plentiful on Switch 2, and it'll be...annoying, for lack of a better term, the sooner it happens in its lifespan. The only solution I see around this is a massive paradigm shift across the entire industry that scales back these overblown AAAA budgets that are sinking multiple companies in realtime just because a title won't sell 2M copies in launch week.

I genuinely think Nintendo, if "software isn't ready" is the reason, would be better off just releasing the thing and playing catch-up than delaying it outright, if in fact they don't already have a sufficient software buffer to make it through this year healthily.

(And I know there are theoretical releases for this year that could fill in the gaps, but those are theoretical. It's just as likely some of those releases are also waiting on the Switch 2 release, or weren't going to be ready this year anyway, or any number of other scenarios).

They'd be pretty brave to bank this hard on MP4. Metroid Prime is bigger than mainline 'Troid, I think, but Metroid as a series is still only a moderate seller.
If software is having difficulty being prepared in time, is DLSS proving trickier than expected for devs to incorporate? I can only say with confidence any and all programming is above my skillset, but if DLSS is more complex than expected when Nintendo was already struggling with HD development in the Wii U era, then it could lead to more problems down the road.

I'm not sure though releasing Switch 2 earlier just for the sake of being earlier would be the best move; Xbox and PS5 had to do just that because they couldn't pull the brakes in time and it still feels like they are struggling to catch any kind of momentum when they don't have compelling software. Even toting backwards compatibility and enhancements weren't enough; and given how little is actually known about what Switch 2 can improve over base Switch games, it might not even be worth dedicating any more time to than a bullet point in a press release.

Me being away for the last two days:

This is an incredible GIF, and I will most certainly be stealing this for use elsewhere on this forum and in my other group chats.

Broken clocks and all that, I certainly hope this is the case.

GTA6 is not Q1, it might not even be Q2. Rockstar's earnings expectations moved the giant revenue bump they'd see from GTA6 to the 2nd half of the year.
I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't believe R* any farther than I can throw them that GTAIV will come out in 2025. In development for over ten years, and all we got was a 90 teaser with some Tom Petty in the background? It's gonna get delayed to 2026 easy, and the only good to come out of that is that means a greater chance that it'll launch on Switch 2 day and date with Xbox/PS5

@Raccoon What do you have to say for yourself? Is your silence mocking us?
Let's be real; Jester's Privilege or no, everytime Raccoon has had reason to mock Fami he's always been right.

No end in sight
lmao at Emily Chamberlain meme


Wildcard theory:
• Nintendo doesn’t view Xbox’s Series S/X, nor Sony’s PlayStation as threats to its successor console sales, but rather, the very own Switch 1 family of systems. They’re waiting for the console to reach a “reasonable” decline in order to push already existing owners to upgrade.

This is a very wild take and completely random thought I had. They don’t have s Third Pillar approach anymore, so they’re being careful.
What's the point of that message? Vindication?

This is a general message but journalists really shouldn't be reporting on unsubstantial stuff. That VGC article was like "we can't corroborate with our own sources but some other random news outlet said Switch 2 is delayed!!!". Investigative journalism.
The Steam Deck is still a niche product and we don't even know what the Microsoft Handheld will look like for sure. The 3DS' blunders were more self-inflicted than due to competition (lack of launch games being a major issue, something these reports seem to be highlighting as a reason for the delay).
People keep saying Steam Deck is still niche but it has been getting quickly much more mainstream, especially so when people sick of waiting for a switch 2 are going to eventually look elsewhere than Nintendo for their next-gen handheld.

And It's safe to say that Microsoft will make sure to take a substantial initial loss on hardware so it's very likely it will have more RAM and internal storage than the Switch 2 while not being much more expensive.
lmao at Emily Chamberlain meme


Wildcard theory:
• Nintendo doesn’t view Xbox’s Series S/X, nor Sony’s PlayStation as threats to its successor console sales, but rather, the very own Switch 1 family of systems. They’re waiting for the console to reach a “reasonable” decline in order to push already existing owners to upgrade.

This is a very wild take and completely random thought I had. They don’t have s Third Pillar approach anymore, so they’re being careful.
They specifically said business conditions do not affect new generation plans, so I think they've already shot that down.
People keep saying Steam Deck is still niche but it has been getting quickly much more mainstream, especially so when people sick of waiting for a switch 2 are going to eventually look elsewhere than Nintendo for their next-gen handheld.

And It's safe to say that Microsoft will make sure to take a substantial initial loss on hardware so it's very likely it will have more RAM and internal storage than the Switch 2 while not being much more expensive.
mainstream? You overestimate the steam deck. If it is so mainstream why has it sold so little?

Microsoft can't sell a home console, you think they can sell a handheld?
Look, even worst case scenario this will be like a what, 4-5 month delay? After all we waited through are we gonna get defeated by a measly 5 months? No I say, we will stay high hoped, head strong, iron willed, AND THE PROCESS WILL REWARDS US. OUR TIME IS NEAR FAMIBOARDS, THE PROCESS HAS MADE IT SO
Please think aloud

As everyone has said, announcing the Switch 2 in March 2024 with a March 2025 release date doesn't make sense.

If Nintendo is worried about software, a lot of games are coming to the system, so there definitely won't be a lack of games.

It is interesting to me that this comes out now a mere few weeks/to a month before the reveal.

I understand VGC also heard stuff from multiple people, but something just seems strange. to me.
Is this a consequence of not being able to rely on ports from the previous console to pad out the release schedule?
Yeah I was reflecting on the first 18 months of the Switch's life in light of this news and honestly ports really carried 2018 for the Switch so I wouldn't be surprised maybe if they're trying to tie things together a bit better in terms of original games this time around.
The future isn‘t set in stone, especially if you think about these rumors contradicting both March reveal and Shareholder Chad‘s sources. Something is off.
I've not been paying enough attention, why do we believe Shareholder Chad exactly? Has he provided actual evidence he knows something?
And the March reveal probably was the original plan that has now been delayed to go along with the launch being delayed.
Again, T239 is a bespoke chip based on the four year old Ampere architecture of the RTX 30 series (which I don't think anyone would call obsolete) and with features backported from the 15 month old Ada architecture used in the RTX 40 series. The chip design being started in 2019/2020 does not literally mean the chip itself is that age, it does not exist in any product yet. Kits for the sibling SoC T234 weren't distributed until 2022 I believe. Orin is the most current Tegra line since Atlan was cancelled and Thor is yet to be released. When T239 is out a six month gap will not suddenly obsolete it. It is still a modern DirectX12 compliant chip with features like DLSS.
thankyou thankyou thankyou

The assumption that Switch 2 will suddenly be outdated because of a potential four month delay are giving waaaaaay too much credit to how quickly tech moves. Even people who say Switch was outdated when it released don't realize it was the most powerful handheld gaming console ever made at release, and the fact that it could play PS4 games during the PS4 generation was incredible for the form factor.

Now other handhelds might be catching up, sure, but they aren't gonna leapfrog T239 by next year. This thing literally has dedicated raytracing cores built in (which afaik no other console has ever done)! And if the argument is that it has to compete with home consoles as well, then rest assured everything this thread has spent years digging up and calculating from the Nvidia leak paints a great picture of it being able to play PS5 games as well.

That is not outdated, unless we're expecting to see PS6 release this holiday. Which I doubt.

Sorry, I initially wanted to quote @Serif to give their post emphasis and visibility but I went off on a little rant of my own, oops 😅
I wouldn't rule out that this information is false on purpose to catch the leakers, that is, a trap. That's why it's so inconsistent.
As everyone has said, announcing the Switch 2 in March 2024 with a March 2025 release date doesn't make sense.

If Nintendo is worried about software, a lot of games are coming to the system, so there definitely won't be a lack of games.

It is interesting to me that this comes out now a mere few weeks/to a month before the reveal.

I understand VGC also heard stuff from multiple people, but something just seems strange. to me.
If they have a ton of games, maybe it's one specific game they are delaying for.

Would they delay the whole console for 3D Mario?
Because Switch Pro came out in 2021 and Xbox has killed its hardware division, good to know those reports weren't wrong. 🥴
You cut out this part of my reply:
And (I know no one's doing this yet, just covering bases) don't compare this to the stuff about Xbox over the past week, that wasn't a bunch of reports corroborating the same story. That was many different insiders all hearing different things that all fit the same narrative.
And the Switch Pro report wasn't wrong. It existed and was cancelled. We know this from Nate and DF. Unless Nintendo can somehow undelay this thing, I don't see how so many sources can be wrong.
Could a delay to March 2025 enable them to upgrade the RAM to LPDDR5T? It could be very benefitial to them and, maybe, at a low cost, since it seems based on LPDDR5X.
I wonder if the NVN2 info even applies at this point, to be honest. The T239 will be taped out three years ago by 2025, has a chip ever been sit upon for this long?
People keep saying Steam Deck is still niche but it has been getting quickly much more mainstream, especially so when people sick of waiting for a switch 2 are going to eventually look elsewhere than Nintendo for their next-gen handheld.

And It's safe to say that Microsoft will make sure to take a substantial initial loss on hardware so it's very likely it will have more RAM and internal storage than the Switch 2 while not being much more expensive.
I've been hearing this for years about the Steam Deck. If it has, it wouldn't have only sold "multiple million" units (According to Valve) as of late 2023. It's great hardware, but right now it's still a niche product. Also, just because a handheld could be more powerful does not make it more appealing. We have decades of data showing this.
I am so sad. I hate that I actually started believing the mid-2024 release hype and hopium.

It sounds like they want to get this console out soon, but they have to have their major launch titles ready to go (maybe new 3D Mario and MP4?)…

Such a bummer.
Nintendo & Nvidia sure will upgrade something inside a T239 processor. Making it's more powerful & more efficient. So when launching in March 2025 it's only 1+ year old of technologies. Or maybe they were developing a new processor that we didn't know at all
what the hell has nintendo been doing these past 7 years? what happened to "we are always developing new hardware and software"? how are they not ready? it's honestly baffling if this delay rumor is true. what is going on in nintendo HQ...

edit: i thought these weird nintendo delays would've been a thing of the past after they streamlined development studios and went hybrid-console-only...
Stock has been pretty steady today. Started lower but that seems seperate from the news
I wonder if Shareholder Chad is getting in contact with his fellow investors to gauge their beliefs on the delay to 2025, now that this info has been making the rounds in silence for a couple days.
what the hell has nintendo been doing these past 7 years? what happened to "we are always developing new hardware and software"? how are they not ready? it's honestly baffling if this delay rumor is true. what is going on in nintendo HQ...
they are in an eternal loop of development hardware and software (no plural). switch 2 is cancelled guys.
Fair enough. I've been under the assumption that they've just been sitting on a lot of games that I thought they would have probably released this year with or without the Switch 2's release. However, even if they are, if such a delay was made recently, they're clearly still figuring out how to fill in the gaps they made by delaying the console.
Just spitballing, but if there is a delay for software reasons, then it may ironically result in delays in Switch 1 compatible titles.

Think about it - if Nintendo was planning on padding out the launch window of the next gen machine with some smaller sized cross-gen titles, then Nintendo might have Switch 1 games in their pocket set originally for a 2024 release. But if the hardware is delayed without moving those titles, you've just thinned out your launch year even further.

Nintendo is flush with cash, and can survive a thin 6 months, especially if it lets NG launch really strong. If it were me (and it isn't!) I'd delay any game set to launch with Switch 2, even if it was cross-gen, in order to keep the launch strong. Then I'd use whatever was leftover to paper over the gaps.

I wonder what caused them to delay it; Nintendo obviously isn't above development shortcomings, though it's rare that things are done on such short notice.
If it's software, I'd bet (wildly speculating here) that it's one or more medium sized titles. ARMS wasn't a huge hit, but it was a good game that was doing a lot of heavy lifting in terms of making the Switch launch look like more than Wii U ports and existing IPs. Imagine if ARMS had been missing from that launch year, or came out and was, instead of being a game that didn't click, was a game regarded as actively bad. Shit starts to look much more dire.

Could also be hardware shit, or something truly wild. Nintendo is about to embark on their 22 major hardware launch. With that many launches, something that could only happen like 5% of the time starts to become inevitable.
what the hell has nintendo been doing these past 7 years? what happened to "we are always developing new hardware and software"? how are they not ready? it's honestly baffling if this delay rumor is true. what is going on in nintendo HQ...

edit: i thought this weird nintendo delays would've been a thing of the past after they streamlined development studios and went hybrid-console-only...
They're going next gen for sure, AAA dare I say... Ask Sony and the other publishers how they're doing with release cadency these days.
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