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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

There's a reason I said first and third party. Do I think Nintendo would have games ready at launch? Of course I do. Do I know if they'll be able to keep that momentum up for the first, let's say, 2 years in light of all the layoffs across 2023 and so far in 2024? That's where I get anxious.

I think Nintendo has learned not to rely on thirds too much at this point, especially when it's about carrying a console launch.

Plus, i'm pretty sure that we've already seen some third party games releasing this year that should be ready for a launch timeframe release, given it's games from Nintendo's biggest partners.
Hahahaha not a teaser, just me thinking on all those rumors regarding Switch 2
There's a reason I said first and third party. Do I think Nintendo would have games ready at launch? Of course I do. Do I know if they'll be able to keep that momentum up for the first, let's say, 2 years in light of all the layoffs across 2023 and so far in 2024? That's where I get anxious.
Nintendo (and Japanese companies in general) don't do layoffs like in America and Europe. The Japanese government basically only allows layoffs if the company in question is completely treading water, and even at Nintendo's lowest, Iwata chose to take a 50% pay cut rather than lay off employees. If anything, Nintendo is a shining example of employee retention in contrast to the rest of the industry.
The two certainties based off everything we've been hearing for the past several weeks seem to be:
  1. Nintendo's next console will release sometime before March 31, 2025.
  2. Nintendo will reveal the release timing sometime next month.
Honestly, the fact that everyone's sources -- regardless of what they think the release month actually is -- believes that Nintendo will lay their cards on the table next month gives me comfort. No matter who turns out to be right, we'll most likely know which group can claim that honor within the next six weeks.
This October will be 7 years since Odyssey. They have to have something by now. Only GTA 6 has been in development for as long as the next 3D Mario.
Well, that's why I think Nintendo did it on purpose. A lack of super Mario odyssey sequel or even DLC. I think after a year the game release, they decides to work on an open world 3D Mario game.
Nintendo (and Japanese companies in general) don't do layoffs like in America and Europe. The Japanese government basically only allows layoffs if the company in question is completely treading water, and even at Nintendo's lowest, Iwata chose to take a 50% pay cut rather than lay off employees. If anything, Nintendo is a shining example of employee retention in contrast to the rest of the industry.
Nintendo Japan, maybe, but that doesn't mean they don't shed contractors in NOA the moment there's the slightest bit of friction.
I mean early 2025 should always be in the back of our head. Nate has been telling us it's a possibility for a year now.

Like others have said I'm guessing this is a software issue more than anything. Probably want to hit the ground running for the first 12 months.
The gods are out to punish Nate. Release a podcast with John from Digital Foundry that gets peopled hyped up for an imminent Nintendo Direct and a Switch 2 launch this year, only for the powers that be to smack down that excitement a week later.
I'm still on the "This is all a smokescreen" train. I don't believe they JUST NOW pushed back a hardware release with all other evidence that exists.
The two certainties based off everything we've been hearing for the past several weeks seem to be:
  1. Nintendo's next console will release sometime before March 31, 2025.
  2. Nintendo will reveal the release timing sometime next month.
Honestly, the fact that everyone's sources -- regardless of what they think the release month actually is -- believes that Nintendo will lay their cards on the table next month gives me comfort. No matter who turns out to be right, we'll most likely know which group can claim that honor within the next six weeks.
I mean, if the console is delayed, odds are the reveal is delayed to imo. Nothing is certain until it's happened.
Man, i just wish for March to come and Nintendo to end all this.

And no offense to anyone who reports rumors and/or leaks, those 2025 rumors are the ones i wanna see put an end to.
I would love this honestly. My headcanon is that they’ve been prepared to launch a regular old Switch “Pro” for years as a stopgap/backup plan for if they couldn’t come up with new hardware ideas in time for a true next gen successor, and now they found a new lead on some kind of “gimmick” that warrants more development time but will be worth the wait.

I’ve honestly been experiencing a little Nintendo fatigue, similar to Marvel fatigue, so that makes me hope my theory is true. Tell us a successor is in the works next month, let there be a dry spell for a year, and come back swingin.
More sources will internationally spread those Brazil claims soon, because discussions regarding the launch window moving to Q1 2024 (Calendar Year) are growing fast in the background
Before you firmly believed in a H1 2024 Launch and recently stated March would be the reveal, do you still believe this to be the case?
Before you firmly believed in a H1 2024 Launch and recently stated March would be the reveal, do you still believe this to be the case?
I'm a firm believer at this point that none of these sources seem to know what is going on anymore. It smells like an intentional attempt to prevent leaks at this point.
I simply don't believe that Nintendo rushed a delay after also stating in their most recent briefings Q&A that this is stuff that can't just be changes in a rushing way.
I don’t know team. Nate even said last night in this thread something to the effect of, “late 2024/early 2025 window is still in play/fiscal year 2025 is the only safe bet,” which I found odd…

AFAIK he hasn’t mentioned 2025 in quite a while. Not in his podcast, he and John only discussed calendar year 2024.

And anyone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe in recent months he’d chime in with stuff like “it’s coming” or other general reassurances when people were dooming about 2024.

Probably not a coincidence that he said that last night. I think we lost
Idk. This could be true but all of this feels like a smokescreen for some reason. It seems like really random timing for this info to start popping up right around when everyone is saying the Partner Showcase got delayed.
And if they actually decided to delay the launch, and did so weeks, more like months ago, then i have a hard time believing that so many sources suddenly heard about it just now.
Nintendo Japan, maybe, but that doesn't mean they don't shed contractors in NOA the moment there's the slightest bit of friction.
TamazonX's comment was specifically in regards to games. As NoA doesn't make games themselves, any layoffs on their end wouldn't affect the development of games by Nintendo EPD or any of Nintendo's other studios, just their publishing and localization in America.
I'm going away for the weekend in a few minutes. I will hopefully not be staring at my phone all weekend. I'm willing to bet adding googly eyes to my avatar that nothing changes during that time. We probably just have yet another person that may or may not be an insider giving a new time frame for release that the thread collectively freaks out about.
What a fucking joke. Nintendo has spent no fucking effort to modernize their OS and online and I figured it would have been because they were focused on making sure those things would be modernized and ready on an upcoming 2024 console.

If that isnt the case, then they have no fucking business continuing to be a First Party because they clearly can't handle all the necessities of being a major platform holder.

EDIT: It also makes it much more pathetic that they are relying on a delayed Partner's Showcase for February if they aren't even about to announce new hardware soon.
So, Andy Robinson posted his article.

These claims come from two development sources, who ready games for Switch 2 for 2025.

Two development sources VGC spoke to on Friday indicated that they were working on Switch 2 games planned for release early next year but could not confirm if that meant a later-than-expected launch for the console itself.

.... "could not confirm if that meant a later than expected launch."

....... "could not confirm..."
More sources will internationally spread those Brazil claims soon, because discussions regarding the launch window moving to Q1 2025 (Calendar Year) are growing fast in the background
That makes a March 2024 reveal even more bizarre, as well as a partner showcase next week, seems odd.
A March announcement makes sense to allow people at GDC to talk about the system.

Game consoles are usually announced 9-18 months before release, this is all fine.
I would not be surprised by such confusion and misinterpretation in the chain of information where 'March reveal' 'Q1 2025' 'FY 2025' 'games targeting early 2025' 'launch delayed' results in a cobweb of conclusions. Especially when we just dealt with a series of rumors of what was supposed to have been a Nintendo direct yesterday being pushed to next week maybe or maybe not because of an Xbox podcast.
.... "could not confirm if that meant a later than expected launch."
That's a nice bit of clarification. Too bad some folks rarely actually read the text of articles.
Yeah exactly this. I know it sounds like cope but this feels like a concerted effort to shut down the leak channels before big things to come.
it 100% sounds like cope to say this, but i believe it. i feel kind of 🤪 believing it, but it also seems so possible.
Maybe 2025 release is true because Nintendo itself said next fiscal year (start April 2024) Switch still their main business. But tired of waiting already
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