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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

ARM is excellent technology, and an interesting idea for foundation, but operating as a company where the two revenue streams are effectively in competition is a madhouse. Not just for them but for the industry.

They’ve effectively operated as if they were a standard, while also building the reference implementation. But they’re not a standard and they’ve very cleverly locked down the ISA legally (in a way x86 never could), and hoping to use their defacto standard to create a monopoly on the CPUs in the mobile space.

They’re going to have to keep fighting these battles to stay on top, but the long term effects are just that they’re driving their customers to RISC-V.

They should spin off the ISA licensing business to a separate org that maintains the ISA, put their major competitors on the standards board, split the cost of the ISA design and the AIA licensing. Every small competitor would stick with ARM forever and ever, RISC V would be gone, and ARM would have to compete on the merit of the CPUs, a battle they can currently win, but that in 10 years after this brutal slug fest they probably wont
It's fairly ironic that ARM's downfall is likely to be getting outcompeted on one of the bigger factors behind its current dominance in the first place, having a much more open licensing model than x86.
weird as in “using bullshit analysis to generate Switch Pro based clickbait off of 10 seconds of footage”

It’s absolutely not generated from Switch or Drake. It’s clearly an indev game, and it’s almost definitely running on dev desktop so that they can run editors tools and camera to generate the scene - it’s clearly a single environment for two of the shots and very likely the third. This is not footage from a completed game.

What the engine is targeting for this level of fidelity is a different question. The video simply analyzed the effects to suggest they were in-engine and not pre-rendered.
Nintendo aren’t know for bullshot trailers, their trailers tend to represent the actual quality of their games. The Pikmin footage is incredibly clean, has super clean shadows, great textures and materials, etc.
Whether or not it’s actually running on Drake I do think those are the visuals they’re targeting for that hardware and base Switch will look worse.
So whether it’s actually running on a Drake devkit or a PC it would seem to be representative of the game’s target on Drake.
Also, I’m pretty sure Nintendo captures their trailers off of devkits.
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Sorry If there is drama in the thread after this, but I am a long time lurker and have been reading post and all of this talking about the New Switch, but why has most of the talk about it being about how "It has to launch with ToTK or it will flop" or " A Metroid Prime remake and Metroid Prime 4 has to come next year with the Switch and next year". Sorry if this comes across as rude, but I'm gonna need a 16 page essay on why the things I stated above have to happen it's just that 1. The New Switch doesn't need to launch with ToTK to get sales and 2. I just don't think there is enough information on why a Metroid Prime remake has to happen and why nintendo would bother to make Metroid Prime 4 2 years after Metroid Dread came out (considering their release pattern for the series) sorry if there is any drama but I needed to get that off my chest. Peace ✌️
Nintendo aren’t know for bullshot trailers, their trailers tend to represent the actual quality of their games. The Pikmin footage is incredibly clean, has super clean shadows, great textures and materials, etc.
Whether or not it’s actually running on Drake I do think those are the visuals they’re targeting for that hardware and base Switch will look worse.
So whether it’s actually running on a Drake devkit or a PC it would seem to be representative of the game’s target on Drake.
Also, I’m pretty sure Nintendo captures their trailers off of devkits.
"It would seem" that we're officially adding Pikmin 4 to the same pile of moldering wrongheaded predictions from the past as MHR, M+R2, TotK, and more.

You say this but I can totally see Nintendo being that company that puts this stuff behind NSO subscription if you already own the games...
Even if it ends up being an option to probably a $10 upgrade fee similar to Sony, they are already using DLC for many of their games as an enticing reason to subscribe to the service.
This is so totally baseless.
I really hope I'm wrong but I don't believe Nintendo will offer DLSS patches for their older games on the new console. The older games with dynamic resolution scaling will obviously hit their maximum bounds and framerates though due to the sheer boost in clock speeds and architecture.

Even in a best case scenario I only see Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey getting DLSS specific patches because Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 3 and Smash Bros Ultimate are all already 1080p or Dynamic 1080p games so they're already pretty good image quality wise. Like I say I really hope I'm wrong but I don't see them doing what Xbox and Playstation do with older games being boosted through patches because as per usual with Nintendo they're different for the sake of it.

Second and third parties are a different matter. I hope the likes of Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2 & 3 and Astral Chain are patched up to 1080p (then up to 4k DLSS) and 60fps even if it's a choice of 4k or 60fps modes. I really don't see a long list of patched games though. It just doesn't seem Nintendo's style to me.

All games after launch (Tears of the Kingdom is when I think the console will launch) will of course support 4k DLSS and hopefully a DLSS framerate mode (1440p/60fps).
What if the driver had a toggleable option that enables DLSS and other improvement patches by default on legacy software. The user can then turn this off on the settings. Much like how Geforce in windows works.
Sorry If there is drama in the thread after this, but I am a long time lurker and have been reading post and all of this talking about the New Switch, but why has most of the talk about it being about how "It has to launch with ToTK or it will flop" or " A Metroid Prime remake and Metroid Prime 4 has to come next year with the Switch and next year". Sorry if this comes across as rude, but I'm gonna need a 16 page essay on why the things I stated above have to happen it's just that 1. The New Switch doesn't need to launch with ToTK to get sales and 2. I just don't think there is enough information on why a Metroid Prime remake has to happen and why nintendo would bother to make Metroid Prime 4 2 years after Metroid Dread came out (considering their release pattern for the series) sorry if there is any drama but I needed to get that off my chest. Peace ✌️

Plenty of people agree with you on 1.

However most in here agree it only makes sense that assuming hardware does launch in Q1/H1 next year, that it should either launch with or before TotK. TotK arguably has no equal in terms of core audience releases for Nintendo, and it’d be a huge missed opportunity to have it launch and not use it as showcase for the new device.

As for 2, we’ve been hearing about a Metroid Prime remake from Emily, NateDrake, Grubb, and others for some time now. Most are just assuming it’s happening, and we just don’t know when. Grubb was saying this year but we’re running out of time for that. It’s starting to feel like it’s a title for early next year, and then it becomes a talking point for the new hardware launch.
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Sorry If there is drama in the thread after this, but I am a long time lurker and have been reading post and all of this talking about the New Switch, but why has most of the talk about it being about how "It has to launch with ToTK or it will flop" or " A Metroid Prime remake and Metroid Prime 4 has to come next year with the Switch and next year". Sorry if this comes across as rude, but I'm gonna need a 16 page essay on why the things I stated above have to happen it's just that 1. The New Switch doesn't need to launch with ToTK to get sales and 2. I just don't think there is enough information on why a Metroid Prime remake has to happen and why nintendo would bother to make Metroid Prime 4 2 years after Metroid Dread came out (considering their release pattern for the series) sorry if there is any drama but I needed to get that off my chest. Peace ✌️
Personally, I agree that Nintendo's new hardware doesn't need to launch with Tears of the Kingdom to be successful.
But at the same time, and to play a little bit of a devil's advocate, launching Nintendo's new hardware with Tears of the Kingdom certainly doesn't hurt, going by how the Nintendo Wii launched with Twilight Princess and the Nintendo Switch launched with Breath of the Wild, with the Nintendo Wii and the Nintendo Switch being one of Nintendo's most successful consoles.

Anyway, I do wonder when Nvidia's going to go back to designing custom Arm based CPUs.

More and more of the bigger Arm licensees seem to have shifted from using Arm's CPU IP to designing custom Arm based CPUs (e.g. Ampere, Google, Microsoft, Qualcomm, etc.).

I presume not for a long while since Nvidia confirmed using Poseidon AE for Thor.
"It would seem" that we're officially adding Pikmin 4 to the same pile of moldering wrongheaded predictions from the past as MHR, M+R2, TotK, and more.

This is so totally baseless.

Pikmin 4 does not look out of spec with original switch.
Show me another Switch game with perfect image quality paired with visuals that high quality.
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Quoted by: LiC
Sorry If there is drama in the thread after this, but I am a long time lurker and have been reading post and all of this talking about the New Switch, but why has most of the talk about it being about how "It has to launch with ToTK or it will flop" or " A Metroid Prime remake and Metroid Prime 4 has to come next year with the Switch and next year". Sorry if this comes across as rude, but I'm gonna need a 16 page essay on why the things I stated above have to happen it's just that 1. The New Switch doesn't need to launch with ToTK to get sales and 2. I just don't think there is enough information on why a Metroid Prime remake has to happen and why nintendo would bother to make Metroid Prime 4 2 years after Metroid Dread came out (considering their release pattern for the series) sorry if there is any drama but I needed to get that off my chest. Peace ✌️

My first post here was kinda of the same lol
I also don't see the hardware needing a specific game to launch with. Switch was a hit (well, it still is) and things are completely different now (comparing with when nintendo was coming from the wii u disaster). I believe this momentum will continue, and in the first 18 months people will buy the console just for the improved performance in existing games (and future ones). Unless they mess up with the pricing...
Show me another Switch game with perfect image quality paired with visuals that high quality.
You mean, another Switch game's pre-release trailer with "perfect image quality" (whatever that is) with visuals that high quality (entirely subjective)? I could actually do that, but there's more than a little wiggle room -- and confirmation bias -- at play here making any comparison pointless, I'd say.

I don't follow what's baseless believing that Nintendo won't offer enhanced patches for free?
Having anything to do with NSO is baseless. Doubly so when you imply a non-zero possibility that NSO could be the only way to get access to them, when the possibility of that is in fact obviously zero.
What if the driver had a toggleable option that enables DLSS and other improvement patches by default on legacy software. The user can then turn this off on the settings. Much like how Geforce in windows works.
This isn't really a driver thing. Either the game has been patched or it hasn't.
I don't follow what's baseless believing that Nintendo won't offer enhanced patches for free?
Can you name a single example of them doing something like that outside of the dubiously applicable VC upgrade fees?
You mean, another Switch game's pre-release trailer with "perfect image quality" (whatever that is) with visuals that high quality (entirely subjective)? I could actually do that, but there's more than a little wiggle room -- and confirmation bias -- at play here making any comparison pointless, I'd say.
As I said, Nintendo doesn‘t typically do bullshot trailers, if anything their games usually look better when they release.
As far as what I mean by perfect image quality, there’s zero aliasing and the image is crystal clear. It doesn’t have the blurriness or any artifacts typical of TAA or Temporal upscaling, and both of those still result in visible aliasing at Switch resolutions. Outside of potentially some indie games with very simple visuals there is nothing that pristine on Switch.
As for the subjectiveness of high quality visuals, there’s nothing subjective about the geometry, textures, lighting, materials, and shadows being rather high quality in the trailer. Thats not to say that each individual part of the game’s visuals couldn’t be done on Switch, but the combination of all of them in conjunction with the pristine image is definitely not possible.
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Quoted by: LiC
As I said, Nintendo doesn‘t typically do bullshot trailers, if anything their games usually look better when they release.
As far as what I mean by perfect image quality, there’s zero aliasing and the image is crystal clear. It doesn’t have the blurriness or any artifacts typical of TAA or Temporal upscaling, and both of those still result in visible aliasing at Switch resolutions. Outside of potentially some indie games with very simple visuals there is nothing that pristine on Switch.
As for the subjectiveness of high quality visuals, there’s nothing subjective about the geometry, textures, lighting, materials, and shadows being rather high quality in the trailer. Thats not to say that each individual part of the game’s visuals couldn’t be done on Switch, but the combination of them all plus the pristine image is definitely not.
None of this does anything to move past the subjectivity issue. What was shown to my eyes doesn't look at all impossible for the Switch to render at 30 fps. It wasn't presented as gameplay anyway, and there is in fact one extremely high-profile example where a pre-gameplay teaser for a major Nintendo game used footage that was in line with the target visuals but more clean and consistent than the final game could achieve. It involved a horse.

Appealing to Nintendo's typical honesty with trailers is also a bit ironic when making this argument, since it's exactly for that reason that they'd never show footage running on or targeting a more powerful future system than the one they're actually announcing the game for. I mean, they wouldn't show footage running on or targeting any unannounced hardware regardless, because it's, y'know, unannounced hardware, but the power/fidelity part of it is particularly relevant here.
None of this does anything to move past the subjectivity issue. What was shown to my eyes doesn't look at all impossible for the Switch to render at 30 fps. It wasn't presented as gameplay anyway, and there is in fact one extremely high-profile example where a pre-gameplay teaser for a major Nintendo game used footage that was in line with the target visuals but more clean and consistent than the final game could achieve. It involved a horse.

Appealing to Nintendo's typical honesty with trailers is also a bit ironic when making this argument, since it's exactly for that reason that they'd never show footage running on or targeting a more powerful future system than the one they're actually announcing the game for. I mean, they wouldn't show footage running on or targeting any unannounced hardware regardless, because it's, y'know, unannounced hardware, but the power/fidelity part of it is particularly relevant here.

Another reason I don’t think the teaser had anything to do with Drake is that I kind of expect better than this @ 1080p? I have a feeling that when we see Drake footage we’ll know it

I’m going to assume whatever they were showing is targeting Switch - maybe they’ll miss it, but if they were willing to show it off at this stage it’s probably not far off from what they’ll manage.
Anyway, I do wonder when Nvidia's going to go back to designing custom Arm based CPUs.

More and more of the bigger Arm licensees seem to have shifted from using Arm's CPU IP to designing custom Arm based CPUs (e.g. Ampere, Google, Microsoft, Qualcomm, etc.).

I presume not for a long while since Nvidia confirmed using Poseidon AE for Thor.
If I were to guess, they'll keep using ARM CPU IPs until RISC-V is stands firm in the SoC CPU space.
Nvidia already did custom ARM development with Project Denver/Carmel and reverted back to ARM IP, so it's probably a situation where the custom design process was netting them minimal benefits for the investment compared to just using ARM IP.
You mean, another Switch game's pre-release trailer with "perfect image quality" (whatever that is) with visuals that high quality (entirely subjective)? I could actually do that, but there's more than a little wiggle room -- and confirmation bias -- at play here making any comparison pointless, I'd say.

Having anything to do with NSO is baseless. Doubly so when you imply a non-zero possibility that NSO could be the only way to get access to them, when the possibility of that is in fact obviously zero.
According to Kit and Krysta, people who have previously worked on Nintendo Directs, Nintendo never used footage of unannounced hardware in the past. (IDK wich podcast episode that question was on but they answered it)
I was having a look at the Bluetooth+Wifi possibilities for the switch 2/Pro/Kepler 3.

The original switch looks as though it uses Broadcom/Cypress BCM4356 802.11ac 2×2 + Bluetooth 4.1 SoC

But the switch Lite, according to the findings of iFixit, uses Cypress CYW4356X 802.11ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 5.0 SoC.

The OLED from what I can find also uses the 4.1 SOC. So only the switch Lite is using a newer one but it’s likely more limited for parity.

So at the bare minimum I think the SoC in the lite could make its way to the switch 2/pro/DreamPlayStationSeriesXCastHalo edition as a sort of improvement over the current 4.1.

That or iFixit is wrong here and the lite doesn’t use 5.0, but a 4.1 like the rest. I just find it interesting that they never updated the other ones but the lite got the newer one.

But maybe Nintendo used all three models to drive manufacturing of parts that’ll be reused in the T239 switch? Few and far…

On another note I wonder if Nintendo will have 9-axis Gyroscope for the switch 2. Currently the switch uses 3-Axis Accelerometer, but a 9-axis adds information from a 3-axis magnetometer to the gyroscope and accelerometer. This would use the Earth’s magnetic field and wouldn’t need to calibrate it. Aka, it’s a compass. It always knows what’s down

Why would you want this? If you have an idea of where I’m getting at and that is probably right, since it has a magnetometer that can detect what is down and what is not, you don’t have to constantly calibrate it. Thus, this can deliver even better and more precise motion control than the Wii without needing the sensor bar…

And, if you’re following along with the train of thought, could be Wii Onli- ok that’s enough but generally the gyro aiming would be way better with the 9-axis than with the current axis.

The Wii U used 9-Axis control for reference!

Currently one of Nintendo’s suppliers, STMicroelectronics, offers 9-Axis in their lineup.
You mean, another Switch game's pre-release trailer with "perfect image quality" (whatever that is) with visuals that high quality (entirely subjective)? I could actually do that, but there's more than a little wiggle room -- and confirmation bias -- at play here making any comparison pointless, I'd say.

Having anything to do with NSO is baseless. Doubly so when you imply a non-zero possibility that NSO could be the only way to get access to them, when the possibility of that is in fact obviously zero.
Can you name a single example of them doing something like that outside of the dubiously applicable VC upgrade fees?

I had to go back and re-read my statement as I was certain in the next sentence I stated Nintendo would probably go the route of Sony in charging a $10 fee if you already own the games. Nintendo themselves are using DLC content to make NSO more attractive, I never stated that would be the only way to get those upgrades, just that Nintendo aren't known to be the company to do something for free.
they are already using DLC for many of their games as an enticing reason to subscribe to the service.
They are using expansion packs for three of their games as a benefit of a service that is literally called “+ Expansion Pack”

Let’s not overstate things here.
I had to go back and re-read my statement as I was certain in the next sentence I stated Nintendo would probably go the route of Sony in charging a $10 fee if you already own the games. Nintendo themselves are using DLC content to make NSO more attractive, I never stated that would be the only way to get those upgrades, just that Nintendo aren't known to be the company to do something for free.
Nintendo is absolutely known to patch random crap into their games for free, though. It's a pretty key part of their post release strategy for many of their titles at this point. There's even some pretty direct examples of them adding support for new "hardware" in the form of all the Labo patches they did.

I'm also not sure Sony is the best example, when they're going so hard on the cynical cash grabs right now to keep their AAA addiction fed that they've functionally gone third party.
I was having a look at the Bluetooth+Wifi possibilities for the switch 2/Pro/Kepler 3.

The original switch looks as though it uses Broadcom/Cypress BCM4356 802.11ac 2×2 + Bluetooth 4.1 SoC

But the switch Lite, according to the findings of iFixit, uses Cypress CYW4356X 802.11ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 5.0 SoC.

The OLED from what I can find also uses the 4.1 SOC. So only the switch Lite is using a newer one but it’s likely more limited for parity.

So at the bare minimum I think the SoC in the lite could make its way to the switch 2/pro/DreamPlayStationSeriesXCastHalo edition as a sort of improvement over the current 4.1.

That or iFixit is wrong here and the lite doesn’t use 5.0, but a 4.1 like the rest. I just find it interesting that they never updated the other ones but the lite got the newer one.
If iFixit has the manufacturer and part number, the likelihood they're wrong is small. The Cypres CYW4356X chip is likely just a result of diversifying their part sourcing (and get competitive rates on parts as a result), since Cypress (now owned by Infineon) competes in this space with some of Nintendo's other suppliers, Broadcom included, and likely managed to snag that part with BT5 for the same or similar price as the one in the OG and OLED Switch.

But because Joy-Cons and Pro Controllers are all BT4.1, the BT5 chip in the Lite does not offer much benefit to official accessories.

Bluetooth 5 felt pretty close to a lock for new hardware and its associated accessories as time went on, especially because they can get a longer battery life without larger batteries by updating to BT5. The question mark that remains is 802.11ax (aka Wi-Fi 6) support. One would hope so, but who knows. And we'll be talking in 6 years about whether or not Nintendo will add support for 802.11be (aka Wi-Fi 7) to the next next hardware.
If iFixit has the manufacturer and part number, the likelihood they're wrong is small. The Cypres CYW4356X chip is likely just a result of diversifying their part sourcing (and get competitive rates on parts as a result), since Cypress (now owned by Infineon) competes in this space with some of Nintendo's other suppliers, Broadcom included, and likely managed to snag that part with BT5 for the same or similar price as the one in the OG and OLED Switch.

But because Joy-Cons and Pro Controllers are all BT4.1, the BT5 chip in the Lite does not offer much benefit to official accessories.

Bluetooth 5 felt pretty close to a lock for new hardware and its associated accessories as time went on, especially because they can get a longer battery life without larger batteries by updating to BT5. The question mark that remains is 802.11ax (aka Wi-Fi 6) support. One would hope so, but who knows. And we'll be talking in 6 years about whether or not Nintendo will add support for 802.11be (aka Wi-Fi 7) to the next next hardware.
My reason for the doubt is that they list the OLED model as using LPDDR4 memory from Micron rather than LPDDR4X. It’s likely just an error since the Tegra X1+ (Mariko) doesn’t take the LPDDR4 as it has the memory controller for 4X afaik. But i find it odd that they just left it as such.

In any case, I was looking at the BT5.2 spec and it has something interesting I think for BTAudio users, though probably not that good still:

LE Audio that is built on top of the new 5.2 features. BT LE Audio was announced in January 2020 at CES by the Bluetooth SIG. Compared to regular Bluetooth Audio, Bluetooth Low Energy Audio makes lower battery consumption possible and creates a standardized way of transmitting audio over BT LE. Bluetooth LE Audio also allows one-to-many and many-to-one broadcasts, allowing multiple receivers from one source or one receiver for multiple sources, known as Auracast.[118][119] It uses a new LC3 codec. BLE Audio will also add support for hearing aids.[120] On July 12, 2022, the Bluetooth SIG announced the completion of Bluetooth LE Audio. The standard has a lower minimum latency claim of 20-30 ms vs Bluetooth Classic audio of 100-200 ms.

So in hardware-wise it should in theory support a feature like this… it came out in 2019 so it’s not new per se, supporting something like that would be pretty good I think.
I genuinely find it strange people think Pikmin 4 is running on better hardware. Same with Monster Hunter Rise and Mario + Rabbids 2. None of these games look that much better nor are they presented with significantly better quality

Because 6x gpu cores should give you a significantly better picture, iq or fidelity-wise
Pikmin 4?

Edit: anyway, there is a lot of confirmation bias at work, when people are judging graphics and the Switches capabilities.
I genuinely find it strange people think Pikmin 4 is running on better hardware. Same with Monster Hunter Rise and Mario + Rabbids 2. None of these games look that much better nor are they presented with significantly better quality

Because 6x gpu cores should give you a significantly better picture, iq or fidelity-wise
we literally had Digital Foundry saying Tears of the Kingdom looks too good for Switch and that it doesn't seem like it would be possible because of the clouds.
we literally had Digital Foundry saying Tears of the Kingdom looks too good for Switch and that it doesn't seem like it would be possible because of the clouds.
This always confused me. We have people saying BOTW wasn’t fully optimized for Switch and it seems like those same people say TOTK can’t run on switch.
Schrodinger's Switch: Switch game pre release looks too good for Switch and must be running on Switch Pro -

Until it's released and Digital Foundry performs a frame rate and res analysis after which it is declared unplayable by forum dwellers and Switch 2 can't come soon enough
these are usually different people y'know
I really hope I'm wrong but I don't believe Nintendo will offer DLSS patches for their older games on the new console. The older games with dynamic resolution scaling will obviously hit their maximum bounds and framerates though due to the sheer boost in clock speeds and architecture.

Even in a best case scenario I only see Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey getting DLSS specific patches because Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 3 and Smash Bros Ultimate are all already 1080p or Dynamic 1080p games so they're already pretty good image quality wise. Like I say I really hope I'm wrong but I don't see them doing what Xbox and Playstation do with older games being boosted through patches because as per usual with Nintendo they're different for the sake of it.

Second and third parties are a different matter. I hope the likes of Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2 & 3 and Astral Chain are patched up to 1080p (then up to 4k DLSS) and 60fps even if it's a choice of 4k or 60fps modes. I really don't see a long list of patched games though. It just doesn't seem Nintendo's style to me.

All games after launch (Tears of the Kingdom is when I think the console will launch) will of course support 4k DLSS and hopefully a DLSS framerate mode (1440p/60fps).

If the console is what people think it is, it won't really need DLSS on older games to reach high resolutions/framerates.
I think any benefit of using a Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E chip is going to be negated by poor Wi-Fi antennae placement. I do hope that if Nintendo plans on using a Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E chip that Nintendo implements better Wi-Fi antennae placement.
I don't find it especially funny that some people are technically knowledgable while others aren't but I guess it makes sense for this thread to

Hmm I wasn't making a comment about tech knowledge but console warriors and other folks fulfilling their confirmation bias regardless of the information available. Wasn't really my intention to do so.

Also, it is still possible to find certain comments amusing but then take the time to explain or clarify for those interested in learning. The most recent example has been Nier Automata threads, there are those who were genuinely interested in learning how the port was done and others who posted drive bys calling it a cloud port or saying it was low res unplayable and then never responding to folks who quoted them.

I deleted that post anyway, sorry.
I genuinely find it strange people think Pikmin 4 is running on better hardware. Same with Monster Hunter Rise and Mario + Rabbids 2. None of these games look that much better nor are they presented with significantly better quality

Because 6x gpu cores should give you a significantly better picture, iq or fidelity-wise
Because the shadow quality and range isn't possible on a Tegra X1. I've personally never said Rise or Rabbids 2 was running on Drake because it was within the realms of possible. Those Pikmin 4 shadows and how far they go at the quality they are, along with it's overall IQ is not within the realms of possible on Switch imo.

We all know 6x the GPU cores does not = 6x better visuals. It's also probably early dev footage on Drake and it's probably not got the largest of teams thus budgets assigned to it.
I think any benefit of using a Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E chip is going to be negated by poor Wi-Fi antennae placement. I do hope that if Nintendo plans on using a Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E chip that Nintendo implements better Wi-Fi antennae placement.
iirc, the off-colour slits we see on the sides of phones starting from the iPhone 6 line are related to antennae apparel. I might be wrong here, but I think it's a slit of a different material where the antenna is placed beneath thus facilitating the signal passthrough.

Would be cool to see nintendo implement something similar for wifi+bluetooh at the top of the console so it isn't obstructed by the dock.
I genuinely find it strange people think Pikmin 4 is running on better hardware. Same with Monster Hunter Rise and Mario + Rabbids 2. None of these games look that much better nor are they presented with significantly better quality

Because 6x gpu cores should give you a significantly better picture, iq or fidelity-wise
If a game doesn't have a release date or is like a year+ away it's pretty likely the footage is from a development PC. It's of course targeting Switch though.

I swear as soon as rumors pick up about new hardware people completely forget that all development and trailers and bullshots are made on PCs.
Nintendo aren’t know for bullshot trailers, their trailers tend to represent the actual quality of their games. The Pikmin footage is incredibly clean, has super clean shadows, great textures and materials, etc.
There is a single frame - one frame - of footage with playable characters in them.
If a game doesn't have a release date or is like a year+ away it's pretty likely the footage is from a development PC. It's of course targeting Switch though.

I swear as soon as rumors pick up about new hardware people completely forget that all development and trailers and bullshots are made on PCs.
I think all of Nintendo's footage is from a PC, just with the same fidelity as the Switch version, so I don't think it means much as far as trickery goes, outside of potential framerates being better in the trailers
Because the shadow quality and range isn't possible on a Tegra X1. I've personally never said Rise or Rabbids 2 was running on Drake because it was within the realms of possible. Those Pikmin 4 shadows and how far they go at the quality they are, along with it's overall IQ is not within the realms of possible on Switch imo.

We all know 6x the GPU cores does not = 6x better visuals. It's also probably early dev footage on Drake and it's probably not got the largest of teams thus budgets assigned to it.
Ya I just don't believe they would show us drake footage of anything before announcing drake. I'll admit that it looks too good for for Switch gameplay perhaps, but only by a hair... and then maybe not too good to be an in-engine cut scene on current switch.

I guess time will tell.
I dont think we are gonna have to question if its Drake footage or not if Nintendo actually shows off the capabilities of the system.
I think all of Nintendo's footage is from a PC, just with the same fidelity as the Switch version, so I don't think it means much as far as trickery goes, outside of potential framerates being better in the trailers
I mean they infamously used better than Wii U(and Switch) footage for the original BOTW teaser, and I thought they continuously put out 4k bullshots for most of their first party games.

They only really show Switch footage once they start to show gameplay I thought.

Obviously I agree that the whole "it must be on Drake" is ridiculous but I thought it was pretty well known and expected that most of their teasers are not exactly at the target Switch spec.
iirc, the off-colour slits we see on the sides of phones starting from the iPhone 6 line are related to antennae apparel. I might be wrong here, but I think it's a slit of a different material where the antenna is placed beneath thus facilitating the signal passthrough.

Would be cool to see nintendo implement something similar for wifi+bluetooh at the top of the console so it isn't obstructed by the dock.
That's correct. Metal can worsen Wi-Fi reception due to metal's ability to absorb electromagnetic waves (e.g. Wi-Fi, etc.), hence there are plastic antennae bands on metal smartphones.

I was thinking that maybe Nintendo could place a plastic Wi-Fi antennae band around the screen.
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