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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Kind of regarding the latest shareholder meeting, but there was a bit about the accounting of that large inventory surplus:
(2)識別した項目に係る重要な会計上の見積りの内容に関する情報 当社グループは、当連結会計年度において、連結貸借対照表上、棚卸資産を204,183百万円計上しています。その
うち製品は96,301百万円であり、製品評価減を14,256百万円含んでいます。 棚卸資産の評価方法は、主として移動平均法による原価法(貸借対照表価額は収益性の低下に基づく簿価切下げの
方法により算定)を採用しています。当該棚卸資産の評価方法は、過去の販売実績に基づく在庫回転率や市場の状況 などに着目し、将来の販売計画の実現可能性を見積もっていますが、当社グループの事業においては、製品のライ フサイクルが比較的短いことから、製品の販売可能性について不確実性を伴います。なお、正味売却価額及び回収 可能価額が想定よりも下回った場合あるいは、過去に評価減を計上した商品が販売計画を上回って販売された場合 には、棚卸資産の期末残高及び売上原価に影響を及ぼします。

Translated with DeepL (never heard of it before, so thank you all for mentioning it on here!):

(2) Information on Significant Accounting Estimates Related to Identified Items The Group recorded 204,183 million yen in inventories on its consolidated balance sheet in the current fiscal year. Of this amount, products amounted to 96,301 million yen.
The Group recorded 204,183 million yen of inventories in the consolidated balance sheet for the current fiscal year, of which 96,301 million yen were products, including 14,256 million yen of write-downs of products. Inventories are principally stated at cost determined by the moving-average method (the carrying value on the balance sheet is written down to reflect the effect of lower profit margins).
(The amount of the inventories shown on the balance sheet is calculated by writing them down based on their decreased profitability. The Company estimates the feasibility of future sales plans based on inventory turnover based on past sales performance and market conditions, etc. However, the Group's business involves uncertainty about the possibility of product sales due to the relatively short product life cycles. If the net realizable value or recoverable value is lower than expected, or if products that have been written down in the past are sold more than planned, the ending balance of inventories and cost of sales will be affected.

It seems to be a toy that makes/changes lights and sounds when squeezed. So it's kind of like those squeaky dog toys, but electronic and for human(?). And yes, the patent may be applied to wireless controls. Hmm, could be for a physical toy sold at the Super Nintendo World?
Haha, it seems pretty fun! Have you seen an Otamatone before? Coincidentally (but not FROM Nintendo themselves), there are Kirby ones!

Switch is PS3+ already so by analogy I've always expected a next-gen Switch to be near XBO/PS4 level + modern architectural improvements, those consoles are almost a decade old at this point. I've read that overclocked Mariko units with homebrew is comparable to an XBO in some games. My minimum expectations are that Drake can comfortably receive XBO/PS4 ports, and 'impossible' ports of XSX/PS5 exclusives.

I recently tested God of War with performance DLSS, rendering at 720p outputting to 4K on my LG CX. The thought of the next Nintendo device having an optimized form of this is very exciting.
I hadn't heard that about overclocking the Mark ones, but that is really cool! And I bet God of War looked pretty incredible like that!
I'll say this, Drake should be on shelves before this time next year, from you and everyone else talking about it, games are already being readied for the device and there is some reason to believe that the reveal will be in 2 or 3 weeks, I'd even suggest July 12-14th for such a reveal, mainly because they didn't show off any first party games in this last direct, but there is many more reasons to believe it is happening soon, both public and private. I can hang on for a few more weeks with hype I guess.
Careful dude, people are gonna start asking you for reassurance. 😉
Nintendo isn't going to delay hardware just because Zelda isn't ready. It's just not practical - development delays in software can happen really close to launch, but you have to build actual robots to manufacture consoles, secure capacity at factories, ship parts globally, stockpile inventory, make deals with retailers. You can't really delay the launch without ceasing to make the hardware, and every minute spent not making hardware on factory capacity you built for that purpose is money lost.

Nintendo might crunch software to make hardware launch. Notably they did that with Sunshine, and deeply regretted it. Breath of the Wild on Switch was a fairly last minute decision - but by all accounts, the game was basically done, it was the porting effort to get it on Switch that was the technical lift.

If Zelda comes out before Pro, and has a Pro patch day 1? Then it will be a compelling part of the Pro library on day one, even if it's been out for a bit. If Pro comes out before Zelda by a few months? Then when Zelda launches, it will sell more Pros.

And as long as the Pro is sub $500 and does 4k anything it will sell as many as they can make, at least initially.
Btw I wasn't referring to them delaying hardware. I meant that they would release the hardware before the game releases. Being able provide the option for people to play a 4k version of Botw 2 is a pretty great way to sell your hardware wouldn’t you think?
I hadn't heard that about overclocking the Mark ones, but that is really cool! And I bet God of War looked pretty incredible like that!
Here's a fun video, BotW at 720p (?) 60FPS on an overclocked Mariko:

I have no idea if the whole game could sustain 60 in that profile, but it's a nice tease of what may come.
Why has July emerged as a consensus month in which Drake must be announced to release in 2022? Sure, there’s Mariko/Lite/OLED, but those were also September/October releases. I don’t see why Drake couldn’t be announced as late as September if the release date were in November.
As much as I'd love a new 2D Zelda, I feel like we would know about it already if it was a 2022 game.
Why? They seemingly have more first party games to announce for this year, possibly within a few weeks.

Why has July emerged as a consensus month in which Drake must be announced to release in 2022? Sure, there’s Mariko/Lite/OLED, but those were also September/October releases. I don’t see why Drake couldn’t be announced as late as September if the release date were in November.
If they want it to leak to high heaven they could I suppose, but production should be beginning in July or August for a November hardware launch, so they'd probably want to announce it in July if possible.

It's not like they typically see huge sales around July-August anyway, so delaying the announcement a month or two shouldn't make much of a difference.
Why? They seemingly have more first party games to announce for this year, possibly within a few weeks.

If they want it to leak to high heaven they could I suppose, but production should be beginning in July or August for a November hardware launch, so they'd probably want to announce it in July if possible.

It's not like they typically see huge sales around July-August anyway, so delaying the announcement a month or two shouldn't make much of a difference.
I agree that they haven't announced first party stuff this summer. I just look at the schedule of expected releases along with the heavily rumored Prime 1 HD and I'm not sure where it gets slotted in.

I am more than happy to eat crow on this one.
You know if 60fps introduces any bugs on Mariko?
I tried it on my Erista Switch a while back and it had the same sort of bugs as the initial FPS++ mod for CEMU i.e. physics and animations bugging out / double speed. It's possible these have been fixed since people are porting over 60 FPS mods from Yuzu, but since the Mariko hacking scene is smaller I'm not sure.
It seems to be spreading to other sites too. This is a lot of pressure because I can easily be wrong. 😅 I'll stay away from gaming sites for a day and focus on work.
You can't be wrong because all you did was share IR information Nintendo publicly shared. You just pointed out how wildly different the number is and several reasons why it could be the case.
You can't be wrong because all you did was share IR information Nintendo publicly shared. You just pointed out how wildly different the number is and several reasons why it could be the case.
You know that isn’t how this is going to happen with some of these places. Especially if they clickbait the article.
Btw I wasn't referring to them delaying hardware. I meant that they would release the hardware before the game releases. Being able provide the option for people to play a 4k version of Botw 2 is a pretty great way to sell your hardware wouldn’t you think?
Absolutely agree, but again, I don't think they're going to schedule one around the other. I don't think they reasonably can
Still browsing through the newly released securities report for any more nuggets or tidbits, especially regarding the raw material inventory or anything.

So far, I did see this under operating results:

(売上高及び営業利益) 売上高は、前年同期に比べて635億円の減収で、1兆6,953億円(前年同期比3.6%減)となりました。売上総利益
は前年同期に比べ244億円減少し、9,460億円(前年同期比2.5%減)となりました。また、研究開発費や広告宣伝 費が増加したこと等により、販売費及び一般管理費は前年同期に比べて234億円増加し、営業利益は5,927億円 (前年同期比7.5%減)となりました。

DeepL translation:

(Net sales decreased by 63.5 billion yen from the same period last year to 1,695.3 billion yen (down 3.6% year-on-year). Gross trading profit
decreased by 24.4 billion yen from the same period of the previous year to 946.0 billion yen (down 2.5% y-o-y). Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses increased by 23.4 billion yen from the same period of the previous year, mainly due to an increase in R&D expenses and advertising expenses, and operating income decreased by 7.5% to 592.7 billion yen.

[Thought the increase in R&D and advertising was interesting, especially with sales/profits going down. Signing contracts?]

財政状態の状況の概要・分析 (総資産)
営業活動に必要な製品・原材料等が増加したこと、営業活動を通じた入金等により現金及び預金が増加したほ か、その一部を有価証券や投資有価証券として保有したことが主な要因です。

DeepL translation:

Overview and Analysis of Financial Condition (Total Assets)
Total assets increased by 215.4 billion yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 2,662.3 billion yen.
This was mainly due to an increase in products, raw materials, and other items required for business activities, an increase in cash and deposits due to payments received through business activities, and the holding of a portion of such deposits as short-term investment securities and investment securities.

Also, they did mention how they didn't anticipate any coronavirus impacts towards fulfilling any business plans, having plans and things in place already. I just mention that because it was mentioned a bit back about any possible impact from that!

Here's a fun video, BotW at 720p (?) 60FPS on an overclocked Mariko:

I have no idea if the whole game could sustain 60 in that profile, but it's a nice tease of what may come.

That is great, thanks for sharing! Just having a more consistent frame rate is really nice to see to me!
I really don't think this has been an intentional strategy apart from Zelda games being popular.
Right after the Switch launch, there were several reports that Nintendo wanted Zelda to be an "annual" franchise, with a spin-off, remake, or mainline entry every year. That's certainly been the case, I suspect it is an intentional strategy, but also not a hard line

There'll be nothing in 2022. Book it.
Can we establish one very clear thing right now
If the console/"revision" is coming early next year it must be announced before the holidays because it has to be produced and it will leak. It would also be an unimaginable F U if a ton of people went out and bought the OLED for Christmas and then they launched a new even more premium model 3 months later. I cant even imagine the blowback, their reputation would never recover from that level of money grubbing. And it arguably doesn't even make them more money anyway. Those holiday OLEDs would either be returned or flood onto the used market. No one's getting an OLED for christmas, seeing the drake announced a few weeks later and then keeping their OLED and buying a drake too.
Apologies if this came up before (it probably has...), but what are the prospects for backwards compatibility with the currently speculated hardware? Is it likely that Nintendo will provide current APIs completely on the next Switch? Because in that case, games could continue to work the same as now, especially with earlier rumors about developers preferably unlocking frame rate and/or resolution for a potential Switch Pro. Or is this going to be a complete no-go?
BC is expected, though probably not entirely hardware based. Something similar to PS5/XS is likely.
If they share the same eShop, as many people including yours truly expect, I don't think that they can avoid finding a solution to get 100% BC.
Can we establish one very clear thing right now
If the console/"revision" is coming early next year it must be announced before the holidays because it has to be produced and it will leak. It would also be an unimaginable F U if a ton of people went out and bought the OLED for Christmas and then they launched a new even more premium model 3 months later. I cant even imagine the blowback, their reputation would never recover from that level of money grubbing. And it arguably doesn't even make them more money anyway. Those holiday OLEDs would either be returned or flood onto the used market. No one's getting an OLED for christmas, seeing the drake announced a few weeks later and then keeping their OLED and buying a drake too.

Nah, let's not establish that. I'm not saying your point is invalid, but being so extreme (unimaginable blowback! never recover! money grubbing! market flooding!) and writing it like a proclamation does not make it more convincing. I'd offer a counterpoint to yours but I'm sure I've posted one, and read a dozen more like it, in this thread already.
Can we establish one very clear thing right now
If the console/"revision" is coming early next year it must be announced before the holidays because it has to be produced and it will leak. It would also be an unimaginable F U if a ton of people went out and bought the OLED for Christmas and then they launched a new even more premium model 3 months later. I cant even imagine the blowback, their reputation would never recover from that level of money grubbing. And it arguably doesn't even make them more money anyway. Those holiday OLEDs would either be returned or flood onto the used market. No one's getting an OLED for christmas, seeing the drake announced a few weeks later and then keeping their OLED and buying a drake too.
Let's not forget the price difference between Drake and the Mariko Switches will likely be enough that people who are buying OLEDs over the holiday will not necessarily be the same people who would be buying a Drake at potentially $100 more. I don't expect there to be a deluge of returns when Drake is announced, no matter when it's announced, because for a while it'll be a premium upgrade that'll be difficult to obtain. OLED and Drake will be targeting somewhat different markets, imo.
Let's not forget the price difference between Drake and the Mariko Switches will likely be enough that people who are buying OLEDs over the holiday will not necessarily be the same people who would be buying a Drake at potentially $100 more. I don't expect there to be a deluge of returns when Drake is announced, no matter when it's announced, because for a while it'll be a premium upgrade that'll be difficult to obtain. OLED and Drake will be targeting somewhat different markets, imo.
With massive inflation, $100 really isn't as much as you're making it out to be anymore. I really do not think there are gonna be many customers of an enthusiast gaming option that are gonna sweat over $100.
Nah, let's not establish that. I'm not saying your point is invalid, but being so extreme (unimaginable blowback! never recover! money grubbing! market flooding!) and writing it like a proclamation does not make it more convincing. I'd offer a counterpoint to yours but I'm sure I've posted one, and read a dozen more like it, in this thread already.
I know a lot of people live in a bubble now, but yes a lot of people will be angry if they bought a $350 holiday gift and then found out the company was planning to release a better version a few months later but hid it from consumers to squeeze out more short term profit. Nintendo has never been such a short sighted company. While they're not always pro-consumer they try so stay away from the blatantly evil side of capitalism.
Let's not forget the price difference between Drake and the Mariko Switches will likely be enough that people who are buying OLEDs over the holiday will not necessarily be the same people who would be buying a Drake at potentially $100 more. I don't expect there to be a deluge of returns when Drake is announced, no matter when it's announced, because for a while it'll be a premium upgrade that'll be difficult to obtain. OLED and Drake will be targeting somewhat different markets, imo.

This is often repeated, but I'm not so sure about that argument if the new console is 450 bells or less. While I can see the price of the Lite being borderline in the impulse buy territory for wealthy country citizens (I actually think the Lite is a bit overpriced), both the OLED and that potential new console would be above that threshold, with one being clearly future proof while the other will feel outdated, even if it still gets 95% of the new games during 1-2 years.

There are of course people who can spend 350 and not 450, but I don't think that many people would be willing to do so on outdated hardware. Some may decide to either save up more money by forgoing those dreaded avocado toasts (which we all know are the reason our generation doesn't own a home at 30), others may feel frustrated and just go with a cheaper Series S, which will be every bit as future proof as the next switch.
The bottom line is that Drake (if it is coming early 2023) will 100% be revealed in the next month or so. Nintendo may not reveal it, but production will. Of course Nintendo could let it leak and just pretend it doesn't exist but I strongly question the value of such a strategy. If everyone knows it exists anyway, why not start marketing it? Consequently, if it is not revealed by September (as in, officially or leaked via production) then it is not happening.
The bottom line is that Drake (if it is coming early 2023) will 100% be revealed in the next month or so. Nintendo may not reveal it, but production will. Of course Nintendo could let it leak and just pretend it doesn't exist but I strongly question the value of such a strategy. If everyone knows it exists anyway, why not start marketing it? Consequently, if it is not revealed by September (as in, officially or leaked via production) then it is not happening.
No, if it’s coming early 2023 it wouldn’t be revealed in the next month. It would be revealed later during the 4th quarter of the year or their 4th quarter of their fiscal year
No, if it’s coming early 2023 it wouldn’t be revealed in the next month. It would be revealed later during the 4th quarter of the year or their 4th quarter of their fiscal year

Revealed right before or right after Christmas is awkward considering the holiday sales. Imagine unveiling it Jan or Feb 23 right after Christmas when millions just got their new Switch as a gift. Oct-Dec 22 just feels too close to Christmas with the holiday sales in full swing as well.

I guess the easiest thing from a marketing stand point would be to have it out late this year even if I can’t see that happening right now. A September 22 reveal with a confirmed March 23 release at least gives people time to prepare. Maybe reduce the current Switch price to boost sales before March.

Not for any specific reason? :sneaky:

Just kidding, but I think rather than new info on this, maybe he got the NVN2 issue solved, thats why the info in that video is as accurate as back then.

Anyway, Nate is a pure King 👑

Not for any specific reason? :sneaky:

Just kidding, but I think rather than new info on this, maybe he got the NVN2 issue solved, thats why the info in that video is as accurate as back then.

Anyway, Nate is a pure King 👑

He's never wavered on saying the info is still accurate. He's probably tired of repeating that and answering the same questions with every new straw people grasp. If he finally got that nugget of NVN2 info confirmed, I'm sure he'd tease that explicitly.
You don’t immediately trust a random post on the internet?
I mean, maybe 🫣😂

Revealed right before or right after Christmas is awkward considering the holiday sales. Imagine unveiling it Jan or Feb 23 right after Christmas when millions just got their new Switch as a gift. Oct-Dec 22 just feels too close to Christmas with the holiday sales in full swing as well.

I guess the easiest thing from a marketing stand point would be to have it out late this year even if I can’t see that happening right now. A September 22 reveal with a confirmed March 23 release at least gives people time to prepare. Maybe reduce the current Switch price to boost sales before March.
It depends on the price.

They can get away with announcing it in October if and only if it’s a steep price uplift over the OED model the target demographic for this device is already the enthusiast class of consumer and they do not make up the majority of potential buyers especially this late in the switch’s lifecycle.

The higher the price increase, the less it affects their holiday sales really. I’d say a 450 dollar device for conversation sake would be enough.

Along with the fact that Nintendo would be expecting a drop in sales anyway. The range in price for perceived value has some curve. There’s the sweet spot which is the highest peak, and then the “too much” which would be the lowest.
It is pretty clearly a tease and it will probably be even more obvious in retrospect.
I also do think this could be a hint. Lets pretend it is a hint, Nate definitely deserves the recognition for it.

In regards to Hardware, all the leakers like Moores law, RGT etc. while often very accurate, they just go on your nerves with at least 100 tweets a day telling you that they first mentioned it and leaked it etc.😵‍💫😂

Nate is different, he is spot on most of the time, but doesnt act like a child telling you that he leaked it.
Btw I wasn't referring to them delaying hardware. I meant that they would release the hardware before the game releases. Being able provide the option for people to play a 4k version of Botw 2 is a pretty great way to sell your hardware wouldn’t you think?
Sure but for an hardware that is going to sell out at launch anyway (enthusiasts + production shortages) you could argue that a 4K Zelda is also a great way to continue selling it a few months down the way ;)
2017- Breath of the Wild
2018- Hyrule Warriors DE / Cadence of Hyrule
2019- Link's Awakening
2020- Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
2021- Skyward Sword

2022 was probably supposed to be BotW2. Seems unlikely they would slide another Zelda in it's place, if BotW2 is still coming this FY or soon thereafter.
He's never wavered on saying the info is still accurate. He's probably tired of repeating that and answering the same questions with every new straw people grasp. If he finally got that nugget of NVN2 info confirmed, I'm sure he'd tease that explicitly.
I'm mostly tired of answering the same question & this week with the raw materials and the sudden surge of speculation for a 2022 launch, it felt like a fine time to remind people such a window has been discussed many, many months ago. I have no intention to discuss the material angle in the coming weeks, so this video is more than sufficient.
I'm mostly tired of answering the same question & this week with the raw materials and the sudden surge of speculation for a 2022 launch, it felt like a fine time to remind people such a window has been discussed many, many months ago. I have no intention to discuss the material angle in the coming weeks, so this video is more than sufficient.
I'm sorry nate, but I still want a video, I don't care if its not a Nintendo topic, but one must be made! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I'm mostly tired of answering the same question & this week with the raw materials and the sudden surge of speculation for a 2022 launch, it felt like a fine time to remind people such a window has been discussed many, many months ago. I have no intention to discuss the material angle in the coming weeks, so this video is more than sufficient.
I guess people are wondering if you heard anything new, or has it been radio silence from all your sources.

Because that is what it seems. Complete silence from anyone in the know that would collaborate Nintendo's plans regarding any switch successor.
Haha, what's kind of funny is that one forum actually mentioned not only that Reddit quote you had, but also that it was posted here! :ROFLMAO: Such a small world!

Also, really interesting discussion regarding the 8nm, 7nm, and on down things! Because I'm dumb, if you were to take an original Switch, which I'm assuming uses 8nm, kept everything the same, but brought it down to 7nm, what kind of performance enhancement comes from that?

Anyways, a weird patent from Nintendo just popped up in the Japanese patent office, and I'm curious is anyone knew what this might be? I know a lot of them don't transpire and such, but this one is quite different from others they've had go up in recent months.

Here's the link, which I hope works for bringing it up! You may have to click the document link after clicking this link, but it should be machine translated into English.

It seems more like a toy of some sort, albeit one I've not seen from them. But, there is mention within the description that it's effects could actually be shown/conducted on a separate display apart from the device itself. If it's not a toy, could it be something attached on a controller? Could it be a fitness-related attachment? Just curious what you all thought!

Oh man...that'd be amazing!
The patent is credited to the hardware lead of LABO,it must be a toy piano or something
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