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Sure, but GTAVI is a beast that GTAIV and launch V wasn't.

I could be wrong but Sony paying that much would be insane.
Btw marketing rights dosent mean that game will be only for PS5, but i would expect for example earlier access to GTA VI SP DLCs or GTAO2 DLCs for PS5
I wish you were wrong

Twitter fanboys going crazy

That's thankfully extremely non-meaningful. This is like saying Nintendo has the advertising rights to a Nintendo Switch game. If true, SIE will be in charge of advertising... The PS5 version. That's not a huge surprise at all. Rockstar does the advertising for Xbox and Switch, Sony runs its own campaign for the PS5 version, nothing much changes, nor is that, if I'm not mistaken, unusual.
That's thankfully extremely non-meaningful. This is like saying Nintendo has the advertising rights to a Nintendo Switch game. If true, SIE will be in charge of advertising... The PS5 version. That's not a huge surprise at all. Rockstar does the advertising for Xbox and Switch, Sony runs its own campaign for the PS5 version, nothing much changes, nor is that, if I'm not mistaken, unusual.
Wont that mean every advertisement for the game will mention only the PS5? Wasn't that the way it used to be on cod?
It will probably be Wind Waker HD for Spring imo.

Goes well with TotK being nominated for GotY, easy schedule filler for a time period that needs to be filled, keeps up the one Zelda a year cadence Nintendo likes.
Yeah, if WWHD is ported, they should bring back Tingle Tuner with 2 Switches like Pac-man Vs.
It would be very cool if it was 60fps like SSHD.
Regardless, this is a custom chip, Nintendo can do whatever they want with it. If they feel less cache offers a better performance/dollar/power consumption/ die size tradeoff, that's what they're going to do.
But it literally doesn’t??

Being a custom chip doesn’t mean they are making their own customization to the underlying architecture, it is still an A78C core, not some from ground up core.
I think tekken is good example of diminishing returns. Looking at it, the graphics doesn't seem more impressive than 7. You can upscale 7 with a 4K pack and it'll look similar in a non nitpicky eye.
Then you clearly haven’t seen Tekken 7 in a while. 7 ported over models from 6 due to budgetary limitations at the time, but they interacted weirdly with the early version of UE4.

Put them side-by-side, the comparison between Tekken 7 & 8 is night and day.
But it literally doesn’t??

Being a custom chip doesn’t mean they are making their own customization to the underlying architecture, it is still an A78C core, not some from ground up core.

Under L3 cache it says:

L3 CacheOptional, 512KB to 8MB

And I never said it would be a ground up core, I was only talking about amount of cache.
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What's your reasoning?
I mean haven't you realized by now how desperate Nintendo is to not mention Switch 2? Furukawa has gone so far to outright deny the existence of Switch 2 and deny the specs that Activision CEO told about Switch 2 and deny the presentation of target specs for Switch 2 on gamescom. Nintendo have made a strategic choice to never mention anything about Switch 2 until March 2024 or even later in 2024.
I honestly expect GTA VI to be on the NG Switch and probably on the last gen consoles PS4/Xbox One. I mean are there even enough current gen consoles out there to completely miss out on the last gen? I doubt it.
Whatever your bar is, current numbers are pretty similar to where the previous gen also was 3 years in.
Whatever your bar is, current numbers are pretty similar to where the previous gen also was 3 years in.
With MW3, COD cross gen has lasted longer this gen than last. Even with comparable numbers of consoles out there, with games being more scalable than ever and over a hundred and fifty million last gen consoles out there, I wouldn't be surprised if major third party titles stayed cross gen until 2025.

But GTA VI, I find a little difficult to believe that'll be cross-gen. Could be though!
I'm thinking GTA6 moved off cross-gen a bit later in development.

If Nintendo wanted GTA6 bad enough, Rockstar should have been one of the first to get notified of Drake development in order to best align hardware for it. They both had plenty of time so it's a matter of waiting and seeing how it plays out
So it’s a “the Tekken devs suck at visual programming and design” or “UE5 sucks for PS5 and is close to completely unusable on Switch 2 with Lumen turned on or with moderate level Nanite detail.
I fail to see how Tekken 8 represents a lack of technical skills in the Bandai-Namco’s dev team. It’s a significant upgrade from Tekken 7 running at buttery 60FPS.

There’s also games slated for next year running on UE5 like Hellblade 2 that could be graphical showcases. There’s really no need to be this dismissive.
With MW3, COD cross gen has lasted longer this gen than last. Even with comparable numbers of consoles out there, with games being more scalable than ever and over a hundred and fifty million last gen consoles out there, I wouldn't be surprised if major third party titles stayed cross gen until 2025.

But GTA VI, I find a little difficult to believe that'll be cross-gen. Could be though!
GTA VI will be trully next gen only game, confirmed by various source also by Tom Henderson and Jason Schreier
I don't expect Rockstar support on Switch 2 being that higher than Switch 1, they are not one of the devs that will ramp up support on Switch 2 at all.
I even think they won’t mention a release date just yet.

I honestly expect GTA VI to be on the NG Switch and probably on the last gen consoles PS4/Xbox One. I mean are there even enough current gen consoles out there to completely miss out on the last gen? I doubt it.
We’re getting to the point where most third-party developers are starting to abandon PS4/XB1, so I doubt that GTAVI will be cross-gen.
I don't know anything about how chips and yields and such work, but is it possible that a potential Switch Micro could be built from binned chips meant for Switch 2 that are still capable of playing Switch BC games very efficiently?

I'm trying to think of any possible reason for a Micro to exist and how they could produce a Switch that's smaller than the Lite.
I don't know anything about how chips and yields and such work, but is it possible that a potential Switch Micro could be built from binned chips meant for Switch 2 that are still capable of playing Switch BC games very efficiently?

I'm trying to think of any possible reason for a Micro to exist and how they could produce a Switch that's smaller than the Lite.
They wouldn't need binned X1s to do BC effectively. It's better now to do it through a software layer like on PS5 and XBSX.
I don't know anything about how chips and yields and such work, but is it possible that a potential Switch Micro could be built from binned chips meant for Switch 2 that are still capable of playing Switch BC games very efficiently?

I'm trying to think of any possible reason for a Micro to exist and how they could produce a Switch that's smaller than the Lite.
still way too powerful for the purpose. and that assumes there's even enough binning to make a viable product. there's seemingly very little Mariko bin
I don't know anything about how chips and yields and such work, but is it possible that a potential Switch Micro could be built from binned chips meant for Switch 2 that are still capable of playing Switch BC games very efficiently?

I'm trying to think of any possible reason for a Micro to exist and how they could produce a Switch that's smaller than the Lite.
Tegra X1+ is already technically small enough for a "Micro", if they like, while using a far more powerful SOC to emulate a Switch would be pretty inefficient. T239 should have extremely good yields and huge volume per wafer, while also being smaller than Tegra X1+, if it's on 4N. It isn't well positioned to be "binned", either. Basically, if they want a Micro Switch 1, they can, and if they want a Micro Switch 2, they can, the SOCs are already small enough to allow that if they really want. Just by following the designs outlined in their published parents and previous consoles, they could say, take the Lite, make the Z buttons in-line, make the control sticks circle pads, shrink the bezel, move the SOC so that it lay directly under the heat sink and line up the other circuitry down the side of the air channel, or even stack the fan over the circuitry. Micro-isation is more a factor of a lack of will. Lite isn't the best selling version already, while further miniaturisation using new designs costs money to research, design and tool manufacturing.

I would definitely be unsurprised if the NG Lite is smaller than the current Lite thanks to years of miniaturisation patents, experience, and T239 on 4N being smaller than the current Lite's X1+.
still way too powerful for the purpose. and that assumes there's even enough binning to make a viable product. there's seemingly very little Mariko bin
Do we even know if there IS any? If so, since handheld mode can still insist on high clocks and CPU boosts, wouldn't the top bin be Shield TV, and bottom bin be all of Nintendo Switch?
Do we even know if there IS any? If so, since handheld mode can still insist on high clocks and CPU boosts, wouldn't the top bin be Shield TV, and bottom bin be all of Nintendo Switch?
Nobody knows if Nvidia actually plans on releasing a new Nvidia Shield TV equipped with Drake (T239) as the SoC.
I posted the Alex Smith tweet in the GTA6 thread, and apparently, he's just some random person, so let's not give credence to them.

That said, it's a very high possibility that Sony is gonna take on the marketing rights for GTA6. The Pro is launching next year as well as GTA6, and a bundle like that would be phenomenal.


Back to Switch 2, Re: Sakurai - I know his timing of mentioning the scroll buttons is interesting, but I think it's just coincidence. Or maybe he knows something. because he might be involved in some kind of software related project with the successor.
Sakurai said in his latest video that he had requested a wheel function for Nintendo controllers.



I would definitely be unsurprised if the NG Lite is smaller than the current Lite thanks to years of miniaturisation patents, experience, and T239 on 4N being smaller than the current Lite's X1+.
I wouldn't be surprised either, but I doubt they'd go through with it. I'd imagine content is gonna be made with the TV and the bigger handheld screen in mind, so Nintendo might be worried about having that content scale properly to such a small device, even if the screen is the same size or slightly larger than the OG Lite.
Do we even know if there IS any? If so, since handheld mode can still insist on high clocks and CPU boosts, wouldn't the top bin be Shield TV, and bottom bin be all of Nintendo Switch?
no, but we don't really have much reason to believe much binning happened. 16/12 was a very mature node, the TX1 wasn't that large, and the chip was clocked way lower than its maximum potential.
Tegra X1+ is already technically small enough for a "Micro", if they like, while using a far more powerful SOC to emulate a Switch would be pretty inefficient. T239 should have extremely good yields and huge volume per wafer, while also being smaller than Tegra X1+, if it's on 4N. It isn't well positioned to be "binned", either. Basically, if they want a Micro Switch 1, they can, and if they want a Micro Switch 2, they can, the SOCs are already small enough to allow that if they really want. Just by following the designs outlined in their published parents and previous consoles, they could say, take the Lite, make the Z buttons in-line, make the control sticks circle pads, shrink the bezel, move the SOC so that it lay directly under the heat sink and line up the other circuitry down the side of the air channel, or even stack the fan over the circuitry. Micro-isation is more a factor of a lack of will. Lite isn't the best selling version already, while further miniaturisation using new designs costs money to research, design and tool manufacturing.

I would definitely be unsurprised if the NG Lite is smaller than the current Lite thanks to years of miniaturisation patents, experience, and T239 on 4N being smaller than the current Lite's X1+.
As a lite owner, I doubt Mariko would cut it for a micro.
In my opinion, I believe we’re getting the scroll wheels for a variety of reasons.

A) Leaks

B) Sakurais recent comments and push for it

But most of all:

C) Tears of the Kingdom. That game spent how many years of development? They added whole new features for the crafting mechanic. Doesn’t anyone else wonder why it’s really baffling the shear number of items you can fuse to certain weapons but they opted to keep it a linear line that takes FOREVER to scroll through using the buttons? Sure, it works. But it’s not intuitive or efficient. If you apply a wheel to that UI element then it DRASTICALLY improves the experience. They could’ve gone with a checkerboard UI element for selecting an item to fuse like they do for the main selection menu screens, but they opted for this layout instead. A layout that would make more sense if you had a scroll wheel. I know BoTW had the same exact layout, but back in BotW they only had maybe 5-15 items to select, so it was streamlined and intuitive. I doubt they really decided it was the best choice to keep it that way for the sequel JUST BECAUSE it was done that way in BotW. They’re some of the best videogame designers in the world. Surely they made that choice knowing something we don’t.
As a lite owner, I doubt Mariko would cut it for a micro.
Micro would be a very budget, cost-down device. Nintendo wouldn't shrink Tegra X1 once again just because of it. And, besides, Lite is already very close to Vita size. So I don't see why Nintendo would think of doing a Micro device.
My mind is blown Sakurai is the one pushing the scrolling wheels. I would’ve never thought that. I just thought it was a thing Nintendo was trying on their own.
It's a circle. A lot of Nintendo improvements and new ways with controllers are due to developers feedback (I wish I could X more easily. But current controller interface doesn't make it easy to do so, etc). And same goes to the inverse. Sometimes Nintendo new ways are born out of R&D and then they ask developers to try and make some usage of it. That being said, Sakurai pushing for it doesn't mean much. Specially given he has been asking since GCN. It could happen, it could not. Perhaps they're focused on a new and more accessible interface, without being unecessarily complex for players, like Miyamoto alluded.
I wish you were wrong

Twitter fanboys going crazy

I'm pretty sure it's not an uncommon expectation that the PC version of GTA VI will come after the console versions, and some kind of PlayStation marketing tie-in wouldn't shock me. They did do that PS+ GTA Online promo not long ago, after all. I don't see anything in that comment about one of the console manufacturers paying to make the game exclusive to their platform. I'm sure someone out there is saying that, though, just because someone is always saying something on the internet.

Under L3 cache it says:

L3 CacheOptional, 512KB to 8MB

And I never said it would be a ground up core, I was only talking about amount of cache.
That’s only with the X1C core configuration.
In my opinion, I believe we’re getting the scroll wheels for a variety of reasons.

A) Leaks

B) Sakurais recent comments and push for it

But most of all:

C) Tears of the Kingdom. That game spent how many years of development? They added whole new features for the crafting mechanic. Doesn’t anyone else wonder why it’s really baffling the shear number of items you can fuse to certain weapons but they opted to keep it a linear line that takes FOREVER to scroll through using the buttons? Sure, it works. But it’s not intuitive or efficient. If you apply a wheel to that UI element then it DRASTICALLY improves the experience. They could’ve gone with a checkerboard UI element for selecting an item to fuse like they do for the main selection menu screens, but they opted for this layout instead. A layout that would make more sense if you had a scroll wheel. I know BoTW had the same exact layout, but back in BotW they only had maybe 5-15 items to select, so it was streamlined and intuitive. I doubt they really decided it was the best choice to keep it that way for the sequel JUST BECAUSE it was done that way in BotW. They’re some of the best videogame designers in the world. Surely they made that choice knowing something we don’t.
I still think it'll be capacitive, if they do it, especially since they've specifically patented capacitive buttons for UI now. But, following the rule of patents, they haven't published a patent specifically on capacitive shoulder buttons, so either based on the patents published, or the fact the capacitive shoulder button has not appeared in a public patent, it's possible.
If Nintendo does implement the Scroll button, I would prefer it to be with an extra mouse scroll wheel added near the action buttons and the right stick, I think that would be more appropriate than possibly worsening the usability of the R or L button.
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