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Listen, I don't think the GTA6 trailer hypothetically mentioning the Switch 2 would tank Switch 1 sales. There's a difference between recognizing a system exists, versus outright dropping a reveal trailer that's outright marketing the machine (like the Switch 1 reveal trailer).

Yes, the mention of GTA6 coming to Nintendo's next gen console would blow all media attention towards it, but honestly, at this point of the Switch's life cycle, the people buying a Switch right now aren't the same people that are paying attention to what Nintendo is doing.
A few holiday sales for their console that's on its last year vs people knowing they can play GTA 6 on the go. I genuinely don't see a big downside to this lol.
Going by the recent investors’ briefing, Furukawa is doing everything in his power to ensure that the Switch 1 doesn’t have anything interfering with its holiday sales.

Why would Sakurai mention this now. Something fishy 😅😅😅😅.
I doubt Nintendo would allow him to publicly tease anything that’s actively in development.

Listen, I don't think the GTA6 trailer hypothetically mentioning the Switch 2 would tank Switch 1 sales. There's a difference between recognizing a system exists, versus outright dropping a reveal trailer that's outright marketing the machine (like the Switch 1 reveal trailer).

Yes, the mention of GTA6 coming to Nintendo's next gen console would blow all media attention towards it, but honestly, at this point of the Switch's life cycle, the people buying a Switch right now aren't the same people that are paying attention to what Nintendo is doing.
But here’s a problem, there’s no good reason to have the GTAVI trailer mention the Switch 2 right now. Rockstar can always add it in later after Nintendo announces the system themselves.
One is Pascal, one is Maxwell. Just because they are very similar, doesn't mean they are 100% the same.
to be fair, TX1 has pascal features.
Right but people were expecting lower as well
Very nice bench score of 10 core/14GB T234! But is there an Orin with that configuration?https://powerboard4.basemark.com/system-details/29618
why in the world does it have 14GB of memory?
Nintendo is a business for profit. Furukawa has his own 15m sales target.

They will make decision based on numbers and, sadly near term numbers, instead of long term invisible impacts.
Yeah, no, this is backwards. When the Switch 2 gets announced or "acknowledged" is based on when it releases, and when it releases has nothing to do with Switch 1 holiday sales. If the launch had been in March, then they would have announced it already. It's not, so they haven't. Holiday sales have nothing to do with anything.
i used to love kit and krysta when they were nintendo folks. now everything they say regarding nintendo’s plans, and they often say it with confidence, or speculate about with their ex-nintendo hats on is, from my memory, 110% wrong.
i used to love kit and krysta when they were nintendo folks. now everything they say regarding nintendo’s plans, and they often say it with confidence, or speculate about with their ex-nintendo hats on is, from my memory, 110% wrong.

What have they gotten wrong?
Probably not because GTA6's release date and the Switch 2's release date were still very opaque for many years as well. If Rockstar assumed that the Switch 2 would be a 0.8 TF handheld machine instead of 1.5 TF, they may have also decided it was not viable then.
Releasing timing I don't think would make a big difference, unless they decided they were for the first time never going to port to additional machines post initial launch. Re specs, I kind of assume they wouldn't assume, but ask Nintendo what they were having NVIDIA make.
Yeah, no, this is backwards. When the Switch 2 gets announced or "acknowledged" is based on when it releases, and when it releases has nothing to do with Switch 1 holiday sales. If the launch had been in March, then they would have announced it already. It's not, so they haven't. Holiday sales have nothing to do with anything.
Notable that Sakurai also made sure to mention the big problem with trying to put actual scroll wheels in a controller. Makes it more likely that if nintendo does some sort of scrolling with shoulder buttons it will be capacitative touchpad shoulder buttons with maybe some sort of rumble feedback.
Another Nintendo controller patent that probably won’t be used:

A Switch-like gaming console (#12) is cradled by two sockets (#40). The two sockets are attached to a controller board (#30) magnetically.

On the controller board, there are 16 control inputs (#31). In the figure below, the inputs are shown as large circular buttons, but they can be buttons or switches of various sizes and shapes.

The control inputs are transmitted through the electrodes (#43) inside the sockets to the touchscreen on the console. Thus, when the user pushes a button on the controller board, the input is sent to the console as a “touch” on the screen.

Below is another embodiment of the patent. Four controllers (#20) are clipped onto the touchscreen to transmit the control inputs.

The benefits of this patent include (examples mine, not in the patent):
  • Utilizing the touchscreen for single or multi user inputs without any fingers blocking the screen. E.g., four players can compete in Rhythm Heaven while looking at the same Switch screen.
  • Supporting more users without requiring costly Bluetooth, USB, or Joy-Con rail controllers. E.g., eight players can enjoy a Mario Party board game without buying that many Joy-Cons.
  • The aforementioned cost benefit may allow for more controller varieties, tailored for different novel gameplays. E.g., a Twister-like floor controller for some saucy WarioWare actions.
The Series X does not appear to be handling high detail Nanite well at all.

(I'm not sure I understand the point of this remake in general? The animations on the dinosaurs are so bad that it kind of ruins the entire graphical presentation and makes the game look visually bad regardless of how good the lighting or detail is)

Friendly reminder that this studio is awful at optimizing on console. The Xbox version of the original game looked and ran like doodoo.
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Is an acknowledgement of Nintendo's next system like how Dragon Quest 11 and Sonic Forces acknowledged NX that crazy?

In a case like I don't know, the most hyped up game of all time, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. At most, it'll be a generic Nintendo logo and people will argue on whether it means Switch 2 or a cloud version
I would say it's unlikely considering DQ11 and Sonic Forces acknowledged the NX at a time where Nintendo had already revealed its existence to the public.

As for GTA VI, regardless of Switch 2 getting it or not, I think the most likely outcome here is that the trailer next Tuesday won't even state any platforms and Rockstar will just give some excuse of "We'll announce platforms at a later date" or something like that.
As for GTA VI, regardless of Switch 2 getting it or not, I think the most likely outcome here is that the trailer next Tuesday won't even state any platforms and Rockstar will just give some excuse of "We'll announce platforms at a later date" or something like that.

I even think they won’t mention a release date just yet.

I honestly expect GTA VI to be on the NG Switch and probably on the last gen consoles PS4/Xbox One. I mean are there even enough current gen consoles out there to completely miss out on the last gen? I doubt it.
Please avoid this type of dismissive commentary about game developers. – xghost777, VolcanicDynamo, MondoMega
To call various developers unskilled feels unnecessary, especially considering how long a bunch of them have been at it (Ex: the Tekken team).

If they are technically skilled, then the engine is just unusable in the current gen when doing anything visually complex in combination with its new features.

So it’s a “the Tekken devs suck at visual programming and design” or “UE5 sucks for PS5 and is close to completely unusable on Switch 2 with Lumen turned on or with moderate level Nanite detail.”
I even think they won’t mention a release date just yet.

I honestly expect GTA VI to be on the NG Switch and probably on the last gen consoles PS4/Xbox One. I mean are there even enough current gen consoles out there to completely miss out on the last gen? I doubt it.
It will not be on old gen, aleardy confirmed by many folks like Jason Schreier and Tom Henderson, is fully next gen expierience
I even think they won’t mention a release date just yet.

I honestly expect GTA VI to be on the NG Switch and probably on the last gen consoles PS4/Xbox One. I mean are there even enough current gen consoles out there to completely miss out on the last gen? I doubt it.
They’re not releasing GTAVI as a cross gen game 4 (or more) years into the gen. The game will break records on current gen alone and will be a huge seller for 10+ years.
There’s not a single technically skilled dev with a large budget who will release a UE5 game before 2025 is an issue here.
We’re going to start seeing more good stuff next year. This year already has some nice surprises from lower budget stuff, Robocop looks really good, Jusant is very pleasant to look at and Talos Principle 2 is pretty attractive, though they sadly gutted Lumen on Series S, likely more due to them not having the time or budget to spend more time on that version.
On top of this massive optimizations are coming for UE5 soon.
If they are technically skilled, then the engine is just unusable in the current gen when doing anything visually complex in combination with its new features.

So it’s a “the Tekken devs suck at visual programming and design” or “UE5 sucks for PS5 and is close to completely unusable on Switch 2 with Lumen turned on or with moderate level Nanite detail.”
What’s wrong with Tekken 8’s visuals? It’s not a show stopper, but it’s a nice upgrade from 7 and as far as modern fighting games go it looks good. Tekken 8 isn’t trying to push UE5 to its limits, they just want nice visuals at 60fps with low input lag. The hyperbole in this post is absolutely wild.
What’s wrong with Tekken 8’s visuals? It’s not a show stopper, but it’s a nice upgrade from 7 and as far as modern fighting games go it looks good. Tekken 8 isn’t trying to push UE5 to its limits, they just want nice visuals at 60fps with low input lag. The hyperbole in this post is absolutely wild.
I think tekken is good example of diminishing returns. Looking at it, the graphics doesn't seem more impressive than 7. You can upscale 7 with a 4K pack and it'll look similar in a non nitpicky eye.
I think tekken is good example of diminishing returns. Looking at it, the graphics doesn't seem more impressive than 7. You can upscale 7 with a 4K pack and it'll look similar in a non nitpicky eye.
It has more to do with artstyle and developer priorities than diminishing returns.
Quite honestly, I don’t think we’ll even have a single platform mentioned in the GTAVI trailer, let alone Switch 2.

GTAV didn’t have platforms listed in its reveal trailer either, and same for GTAIV though the latter did list PS3/360 in the YouTube description.

Revealing what systems it’s coming to for the reveal, especially for Switch 2 isn’t some make or break situation.
Cannot wait to see how bad the Gotham Knights Switch version is

WB truly does not give a fuck what DF will say. No redoing scenes or textures or models, just fucking blur the shit out of everything and remove as many animations as possible and bring the framerate to N64 levels.
Why would Sakurai mention this now. Something fishy 😅😅😅😅.
I definitely think its significant that he ended the video saying "new devices are new opportunities!"

Very much felt like a hint toward Smash on the next system, and that the new system will have something new on the controller that lets us traverse menus easier.
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They’re not releasing GTAVI as a cross gen game 4 (or more) years into the gen. The game will break records on current gen alone and will be a huge seller for 10+ years.

We’re going to start seeing more good stuff next year. This year already has some nice surprises from lower budget stuff, Robocop looks really good, Jusant is very pleasant to look at and Talos Principle 2 is pretty attractive, though they sadly gutted Lumen on Series S, likely more due to them not having the time or budget to spend more time on that version.
On top of this massive optimizations are coming for UE5 soon.

What’s wrong with Tekken 8’s visuals? It’s not a show stopper, but it’s a nice upgrade from 7 and as far as modern fighting games go it looks good. Tekken 8 isn’t trying to push UE5 to its limits, they just want nice visuals at 60fps with low input lag. The hyperbole in this post is absolutely wild.
Next year if we talk about UE5 games we would have Stalker 2,SH2 Remake,MGS Delta,Avowed,Hellblade 2,
Black Myth: Wukong and likely more
I think GTA 6 coming late years down the line is possible, but day and date with the other platform would be such a major shift in the way the third parties out there (the biggest one at that) treat a Nintendo console that I just can't see it. The idea that this massive project spanning years and multiple studios has integrated the next Switch to their development pipeline just doesn't feel realistic. Again, I can see a port later.
Right but people were expecting lower as well
I’m not exactly sure which person you’re referring to, the A78C L3 cache seems aligned with the core count. 6 core configuration with 6MB L3 and 8MB for 8Cores.

Could I be wrong? Yes, but I haven’t read anything here expecting less than 8MB for 8C?
I think GTA 6 coming late years down the line is possible, but day and date with the other platform would be such a major shift in the way the third parties out there (the biggest one at that) treat a Nintendo console that I just can't see it. The idea that this massive project spanning years and multiple studios has integrated the next Switch to their development pipeline just doesn't feel realistic. Again, I can see a port later.

But, what do you find so strange about GTA6 releasing on PS5/XboxSeries/SwitchNext in spring 2025 (my expectation) ?

The Series S port is going to be the bare minimum. And from there up all they way up.
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Those are completely irrelevant to these ARM cores.

And those consoles aren’t even based on the Desktop version, they’re based on the mobile version.
Regardless, this is a custom chip, Nintendo can do whatever they want with it. If they feel less cache offers a better performance/dollar/power consumption/ die size tradeoff, that's what they're going to do.
I’m not exactly sure which person you’re referring to, the A78C L3 cache seems aligned with the core count. 6 core configuration with 6MB L3 and 8MB for 8Cores.

Could I be wrong? Yes, but I haven’t read anything here expecting less than 8MB for 8C?
Thats interesting and very good
Even if the next GTA will run on Switch 2, we won’t hear of it during the GTA event/announcement this month for obvious reasons.

I agree with this. I don't think we'll hear anything substantial from Nintendo. As a gut-check for people who might be expecting anything at TGA, here is Nintendo's history of reveals there. Strikethrough messages are 3rd party reveals that were exclusive to Nintendo but not revealed by them:

2014: BotW Gameplay REVEAL, Mario Maker trailer, Codename STEAM trailer
2015: Nothing from Nintendo (but this was where Reggie had his segment paying tribute to Mr. Iwata)
2016: BotW Gameplay
2017: BotW DLC Trailer, Bayonetta 1-2 Ports, Bayonetta 3 Announcement
2018: Joker SSBU Reveal
2019: Nothing from Nintendo, Bravely Default 2 Reveal
2020: Sephiroth SSBU Reveal
2021: Nothing from Nintendo
2022: Fire Emblem Engage DLC
Another Nintendo controller patent that probably won’t be used:

A Switch-like gaming console (#12) is cradled by two sockets (#40). The two sockets are attached to a controller board (#30) magnetically.

On the controller board, there are 16 control inputs (#31). In the figure below, the inputs are shown as large circular buttons, but they can be buttons or switches of various sizes and shapes.

The control inputs are transmitted through the electrodes (#43) inside the sockets to the touchscreen on the console. Thus, when the user pushes a button on the controller board, the input is sent to the console as a “touch” on the screen.

Below is another embodiment of the patent. Four controllers (#20) are clipped onto the touchscreen to transmit the control inputs.

The benefits of this patent include (examples mine, not in the patent):
  • Utilizing the touchscreen for single or multi user inputs without any fingers blocking the screen. E.g., four players can compete in Rhythm Heaven while looking at the same Switch screen.
  • Supporting more users without requiring costly Bluetooth, USB, or Joy-Con rail controllers. E.g., eight players can enjoy a Mario Party board game without buying that many Joy-Cons.
  • The aforementioned cost benefit may allow for more controller varieties, tailored for different novel gameplays. E.g., a Twister-like floor controller for some saucy WarioWare actions.
This seems more like Nintendo's take on Xbox's accessible controllers more than anything.
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If the rumor of Sony having marketing rights to GTA 6 is true then dont expect them to announce any other platform and if this guy is to be believed then GTA 6 is going to be showcase title for the PS5 pro.

If rockstar does end up being the one to confirm a next generation Nintendo system, then i will gladly buy two copies of GTA 6 for putting us all out of our misery lol
If the rumor of Sony having marketing rights to GTA 6 is true then dont expect them to announce any other platform and if this guy is to be believed then GTA 6 is going to be showcase title for the PS5 pro.

If rockstar does end up being the one to confirm a next generation Nintendo system, then i will gladly buy two copies of GTA 6 for putting us all out of our misery lol

Sony paying for marketing rights would cost them an arm and leg, I don't see Rockstar giving anything exclusive to Sony in the day and age of GTAVI. Also, I feel like we would have more rumors than just a random twitter account.
I agree with this. I don't think we'll hear anything substantial from Nintendo. As a gut-check for people who might be expecting anything at TGA, here is Nintendo's history of reveals there. Strikethrough messages are 3rd party reveals that were exclusive to Nintendo but not revealed by them:

2014: BotW Gameplay REVEAL, Mario Maker trailer, Codename STEAM trailer
2015: Nothing from Nintendo (but this was where Reggie had his segment paying tribute to Mr. Iwata)
2016: BotW Gameplay
2017: BotW DLC Trailer, Bayonetta 1-2 Ports, Bayonetta 3 Announcement
2018: Joker SSBU Reveal
2019: Nothing from Nintendo, Bravely Default 2 Reveal
2020: Sephiroth SSBU Reveal
2021: Nothing from Nintendo
2022: Fire Emblem Engage DLC
Bayonetta games are first party games that were revealed by Nintendo, I wouldn't cross them out.
And you forgot to put Bayonetta Origins on 2022
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I agree with this. I don't think we'll hear anything substantial from Nintendo. As a gut-check for people who might be expecting anything at TGA, here is Nintendo's history of reveals there. Strikethrough messages are 3rd party reveals that were exclusive to Nintendo but not revealed by them:

2014: BotW Gameplay REVEAL, Mario Maker trailer, Codename STEAM trailer
2015: Nothing from Nintendo (but this was where Reggie had his segment paying tribute to Mr. Iwata)
2016: BotW Gameplay
2017: BotW DLC Trailer, Bayonetta 1-2 Ports, Bayonetta 3 Announcement
2018: Joker SSBU Reveal
2019: Nothing from Nintendo, Bravely Default 2 Reveal
2020: Sephiroth SSBU Reveal
2021: Nothing from Nintendo
2022: Fire Emblem Engage DLC

I feel like we will get something from Nintendo here. This is the 10 year Anniversary of The Game Awards, so I think Geoff is going to do everything he can to make it bigger than ever. And for that, he would need some good announcements from all the big players. I could see Nintendo cooperating and giving him something. And honestly, I could see it being Metroid Prime 4. Unless that does turn out to be a crossgen game, then it wouldn’t be a bad place at all to show it off for the first time and give it a potential 2024 tentative release date (Spring, Summer, whatever).
I feel like we will get something from Nintendo here. This is the 10 year Anniversary of The Game Awards, so I think Geoff is going to do everything he can to make it bigger than ever. And for that, he would need some good announcements from all the big players. I could see Nintendo cooperating and giving him something. And honestly, I could see it being Metroid Prime 4. Unless that does turn out to be a crossgen game, then it wouldn’t be a bad place at all to show it off for the first time and give it a potential 2024 tentative release date (Spring, Summer, whatever).
I expect that MP4 is unlikely to be released in 2024, so MP2 Remastered is sufficient for presentation at TGA.
If the rumor of Sony having marketing rights to GTA 6 is true then dont expect them to announce any other platform and if this guy is to be believed then GTA 6 is going to be showcase title for the PS5 pro.

If rockstar does end up being the one to confirm a next generation Nintendo system, then i will gladly buy two copies of GTA 6 for putting us all out of our misery lol
PS marketing rights have nothing to do with game being on other Consoles lol
Sony paying for marketing rights would cost them an arm and leg, I don't see Rockstar giving anything exclusive to Sony in the day and age of GTAVI. Also, I feel like we would have more rumors than just a random twitter account.
Sony have always marketing rights for Rockstar Games, besides GTA IV when Microsoft have
I'd be suprised to see Sony or Microsoft having an exclusivity deal over GTA6, maybe over some shitty bonus for the online mode but not the whole game.
I expect that MP4 is unlikely to be released in 2024, so MP2 Remastered is sufficient for presentation at TGA.

It will probably be Wind Waker HD for Spring imo.

Goes well with TotK being nominated for GotY, easy schedule filler for a time period that needs to be filled, keeps up the one Zelda a year cadence Nintendo likes.
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