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  • Furukawa Speaks! We discuss the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Successor and our June Direct Predictions on the new episode of the Famiboards Discussion Club! Check it out here!

StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

  • FE Echoes Genealogy
  • F-Zero GX
  • Metroid Prime 2 & 3
  • Whatever DK game they’re working on
  • TTYD’s release date
Those plus more details on the games we know about could easily fill up a February Direct.
So DK game, the one rumored by Zippo (who happens to be banned from this forum for sharing predictions that didn't pan out), would be the only real new game on that list, with the rest being remasters and remakes?

That's supposed to last us for nearly a year?
Purple was a disaster for the GameCube and purple being a thing for the Super Nintendo has no relevance to the Japanese or European market as only North America got the model with purple buttons.

So I don't see them going back to that.
Purple was a disaster for the GameCube and purple being a thing for the Super Nintendo has no relevance to the Japanese or European market as only North America got the model with purple buttons.

So I don't see them going back to that.

They will keep red it’s their color. I’m expecting them to do White/Red for Switch 2 and keep Red/White for Switch 1
So DK game, the one rumored by Zippo, would be the only real new game on that list, with the rest being remasters and remakes?
i mean last year we were in a similar situation when most of 2023 was unknow and everybody was saying the switch 2 was going to release because we didnt have much of a line up for this year and later we end up with a lot of games throught the year, developers take time to make games and we still have time for the possible february direct so we dont know what will get for next year down the line in terms of first party games until we get to february
i mean last year we were in a similar situation when most of 2023 was unknow and everybody was saying the switch 2 was going to release because we didnt have much of a line up for this year and later we end up with a lot of games throught the year, developers take time to make games and we still have time for the possible february direct so we dont know what will get for next year down the line in terms of first party games until we get to february
Same thing happened in June lol.

We really just repeat the same talking points to fit whatever biases and desires we have.
Purple is a good color. I think Nintendo can and should do things that aren’t driven by nostalgia.
Same thing happened in June lol.

We really just repeat the same talking points to fit whatever biases and desires we have.
yeah exactly, is why "the switch dont have much games for next year" narrative i cant see it until we get to next year and we actually see what nintendo is planning for the first half of 2024 because they could (or not) still developing games that need a couple of months to be ready for the announcement
yeah exactly, is why "the switch dont have much games for next year" narrative i cant see it until we get to next year and we actually see what nintendo is planning for the first half of 2024 because they could (or not) still developing games that need a couple of months to be ready for the announcement

We had TOTK planned in H1 2023, they barely have a 5m seller in H1 so far, let’s be realistic
Super Mario Wonder was announced in June direct. That's the highlight. A new Peach game was also announced, among with Super Mario RPG

September, only remasters/remakes were announced for the most part. We already knew of Peach game, Super Mario Wonder, Super Mario RPG.

It's kind of weird how June Direct is somehow being used as a counterpoint. Rather, all it does is making it pretty clear Nintendo is winding down on Switch 1 library itself.
We had TOTK planned in H1 2023, they barely have a 5m seller in H1 so far, let’s be realistic
i mean they dont need a 5m seller every quarter of the year, there is a point where we need smaller games to fill the gaps because development is not being made in a time chamber and this year we have gone throught a lot of releases from nintendo, so if they dont have a big game for the first half of the year i dont see why people is so dramatic about it, look at sony and microsoft, how much time they have in between their big releases? why is nintendo not allow to have a space without a big release without people being dramatic
So DK game, the one rumored by Zippo (who happens to be banned from this forum for sharing predictions that didn't pan out), would be the only real new game on that list, with the rest being remasters and remakes?

That's supposed to last us for nearly a year?
Just to clarify:

1. Zippo did not originate the DK rumor, he piggybacked it after it had been circulating for a while

2. Zippo is not banned from this forum, he never joined (unless he was one of those handful of accounts that all began around the same time and started talking about him one night for some weird reason)

I know what wasn't the point of your post but still
Super Mario Wonder was announced in June direct. That's the highlight. A new Peach game was also announced, among with Super Mario RPG

September, only remasters/remakes were announced for the most part. We already knew of Peach game, Super Mario Wonder, Super Mario RPG.

It's kind of weird how June Direct is somehow being used as a counterpoint. Rather, all it does is making it pretty clear Nintendo is winding down on Switch 1 library itself.
it is a pretty good possibility or they just are working on the games for next year, like i reply before, they are probably working on both the new and og switch but they cant just reveal all that they have like 6 or 9 months before release just so people understand they will have game for next year.

the same happen for this year before the febrary direct and all the people that say nintendo didnt have any major game after zelda end up being wrong because we got mario wonder
Just to clarify:

1. Zippo did not originate the DK rumor, he piggybacked it after it had been circulating for a while

2. Zippo is not banned from this forum, he never joined (unless he was one of those handful of accounts that all began around the same time and started talking about him one night for some weird reason)

I know what wasn't the point of your post but still
Ah, thanks for clarification.
i mean they dont need a 5m seller every quarter of the year, there is a point where we need smaller games to fill the gaps because development is not being made in a time chamber and this year we have gone throught a lot of releases from nintendo, so if they dont have a big game for the first half of the year i dont see why people is so dramatic about it, look at sony and microsoft, how much time they have in between their big releases? why is nintendo not allow to have a space without a big release without people being dramatic

Nintendo are experts at planning their games, no one is being dramatic, we are being lucid

You think Nintendo is going to tell to investors: "Oh yeah we had a big year in 2023 so we will chill a bit in 2024 xx"

Again that’s not how it works, they have to deliver great new games every year
So DK game, the one rumored by Zippo (who happens to be banned from this forum for sharing predictions that didn't pan out), would be the only real new game on that list, with the rest being remasters and remakes?

That's supposed to last us for nearly a year?
Nate mentioned hearing about DK, & I wouldn’t dare reference the fraud who shall not be named. He’s banned from Era for a reason, in addition to being ablest as hell.
Nintendo are experts at planning their games, no one is being dramatic, we are being lucid

You think Nintendo is going to tell to investors: "Oh yeah we had a big year in 2023 so we will chill a bit in 2024 xx"

Again that’s not how it works, they have to deliver great new games every year
i never say they are going to chill for the rest of the year dude, literally they could have the release of their new system next year and you are taking it like they will just release 2 games and thats all for 2024, you are saying they will launch their next system next year with new games but at the same time you are saying they will not have big sellers in all 2024 because we dont know what they have planned for next year in 2023 XD
Dall-E 3 is insane. This is what AI thinks Metroid Prime 4 on the Nintendo Switch 2 will be:




Imagine if I posted “Metroid Prime 4 leaked concept art” with these images…

Speaking about Metroid AI concept art, I thought it would be funny to ask Bing with its new Dalle 3 engine what next-gen Zelda and Mario Kart could look like... it's definitely... interesting.

Next-gen Zelda:

Mario Kart 10:

Speaking about Metroid AI concept art, I thought it would be funny to ask Bing with its new Dalle 3 engine what next-gen Zelda and Mario Kart could look like... it's... interesting.

Next-gen Zelda:

Mario Kart 10:

This will be graphics in 2012
Nintendo are experts at planning their games, no one is being dramatic, we are being lucid

You think Nintendo is going to tell to investors: "Oh yeah we had a big year in 2023 so we will chill a bit in 2024 xx"

Again that’s not how it works, they have to deliver great new games every year
And those big new games will still come, just later in the year alongside new hardware.
Nate mentioned hearing about DK, & I wouldn’t dare reference the fraud who shall not be named. He’s banned from Era for a reason, in addition to being ablest as hell.
I was corrected by Supra - he was piggybacking on another rumor, so I guess it wasn't him who originated the rumor.

I wouldn't be surprised if they hold back DK game (assuming it exists) for Switch 2 launch window, or during the 1st year.
Speaking about Metroid AI concept art, I thought it would be funny to ask Bing with its new Dalle 3 engine what next-gen Zelda and Mario Kart could look like... it's definitely... interesting.

Next-gen Zelda:

Mario Kart 10:

Can AI bros just make a new thread please
I was corrected by Supra - he was piggybacking on another rumor, so I guess it wasn't him who originated the rumor.

I wouldn't be surprised if they hold back DK game (assuming it exists) for Switch 2 launch window, or during the 1st year.
That’s his usual MO: Make shit up or piggy-back off of others.
Speaking about Metroid AI concept art, I thought it would be funny to ask Bing with its new Dalle 3 engine what next-gen Zelda and Mario Kart could look like... it's definitely... interesting.

Next-gen Zelda:

Mario Kart 10:

next gen is going to be insane, those mario kart screens looks so dreamlike
Speaking about Metroid AI concept art, I thought it would be funny to ask Bing with its new Dalle 3 engine what next-gen Zelda and Mario Kart could look like... it's definitely... interesting.

Next-gen Zelda:

Mario Kart 10:

That Rainbow Road one awoke something in me
Zelda and Mario already look better than those AI shots with their blown out colors and excessive post processing
The same people who were convinced and posted articles upon articles of “evidence” that the switch 2 was releasing in 2023 have now moved their goalposts to March 2024.
Not to mention the 2023 goal posts moved 3 times. First one was from our great friend Porygon. Then there was the infamous June one of "Nintendo is unusually quiet" and the the July thing which I believe was over the Famicon anniversary???

Either way I just get lost in the copium from a select few especially when they dominate the discussion and jump at people who even whisper believing the switch 2 is coming after March of next year.

I think I've been doing Nintendo hardware speculation for too long to jump at every optimistic possibility. The NX days burnt me out too. I was a believer in that stupid little controller.
Love this
Funnily enough, it actually was. Today I dreamt the unveiling of the second coming of Christ itself called Nintendo Switch 2, and it's branding was blue for some reason haha; it was revealed alongside a new Zelda and the trailer had a super epic rendition of that so classic theme with it ending in a majestic way with the Nintendo Switch 2 logo in a blue background. I was SO sad when I woke up. When it actually gets revealed I might go into a cardiac arrest.
Maybe they should ban anyone from sending AI-generated images. It seems stupid to me to allow it when this community is focused on what information is real and what isn't.
really we should start with banning stuff from this thread that isn't technology discussion or potential leaks about line-ups. i get there hasn't been much info recently but posting irrelevant content like AI generated game art or discussing what each commenter thinks the next central nintendo color should be should not be in this thread.
Not to mention the 2023 goal posts moved 3 times. First one was from our great friend Porygon. Then there was the infamous June one of "Nintendo is unusually quiet" and the the July thing which I believe was over the Famicon anniversary???

Either way I just get lost in the copium from a select few especially when they dominate the discussion and jump at people who even whisper believing the switch 2 is coming after March of next year.

I think I've been doing Nintendo hardware speculation for too long to jump at every optimistic possibility. The NX days burnt me out too. I was a believer in that stupid little controller.

Interesting. "Switch 2 is being released soon", prior to Gamescomm articles, never crossed my mind, and I come from a private Nintendo FB group - it was never mentioned there either. (I wasn't a member around here back then)

I don't recall watching 2022 Directs ever feeling like Nintendo is winding down. Not with TOTK release date announced, and eventually Pikmin 4.

When Eurogamer and VGC released their Gamescomm articles, I saw that as setting things into motion for myself and folks in the private FB group I'm in. This is Nintendo, they like to control the narrative. They showed demos behind closed doors. They knew that would create buzz out there. That was intentional/strategic on Nintendo's part. I'll probably be pooh-poohed at this particular bit, but I'd stick to that notion, there's a reason for Nintendo doing the demos behind closed doors. If they didn't want buzz out there, they would have controlled this more closely.
The same people who were convinced and posted articles upon articles of “evidence” that the switch 2 was releasing in 2023 have now moved their goalposts to March 2024.
Just going to save time here and say, you can either prove yourself not a troll by actually reading through the very well curated OP by Dakhil or continue being extremely fun at parties.

Yes, some here entertained 2023 as a possibility....at the beginning of the year. When we only had speculation based on tape-out dates which alone a system production to launch pipeline do not make.

Once production-side rumors heavily leaned towards a Late 2023 Full Production Start Date (Then even further towards Nov/Dec) that pretty much firmly put the focus towards 2024.

It's not goalpost moving, it's refining the range of release as shadow dropping a console is not a thing you do (Unless you're SEGA with the Saturn), nor do you start production and hold onto units for almost/over a year until release because Warehouse costs get expensive. And it wouldn't even help with supply as they are 99% Guaranteed to sell the whole volume within Launch Window no matter how many units they have.
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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