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my "attempts" at making some ai mockups

I asked for Switch 2 gamebox with MH6 and GTA6, I got those instead.
That GTA cover is nightmare fuel for life.
I don’t know what I love the most ; AssFace on a jetski, fat tongue dude or big teeth on a jetski
technically, the second half of last year is what was reported by the reputable gaming news sites
You mean for the Switch Pro that was likely originally planned but was scrapped? That’s an entirely different beast. I’m not sure there’s much reason for us to doubt them, especially considering that Nintendo already has a pretty decent lineup for the first half of next year (that'll only get further filled out with an eventual February Direct).

Would the first half of next year be nice, absolutely. But there’d probably be much more smoke if the Switch 2 was coming that soon, not to mention the concern of screwing over the Switch 1’s last holiday season (a topic that’s been discussed to death already).
The point is to spend the first half of 2024 building up hardware stock to actually meet demand, as was originally reported by Eurogamer.

I mean, the second half of next year is what was reported by the reputable gaming news sites anyway.
The lede you buried: Nintendo would prefer to release as early as possible.

This aside, launching right before holiday season is a pretty bad move. Makes Switch 2 suspectible to scalping. Not only that, 2H is crowded already with plans from XBox and PS releasing new hardware of their own
The lede you buried: Nintendo would prefer to release as early as possible.

This aside, launching right before holiday season is a pretty bad move. Makes Switch 2 suspectible to scalping. Not only that, 2H is crowded already with plans from XBox and PS releasing new hardware of their own
I never said November. In fact, my argument has been a reveal in March with a release in September. As for the Eurogamer quote, they said exactly
A recent report pinned Switch 2's arrival for the latter part of next year, with development kits now in the hands of some key partners. This chimed with what Eurogamer had also previously heard, though on timing I understand Nintendo is keen to launch the system sooner if possible.
…which could just mean earlier than November (likely for the reason you mentioned). The fact that Nintendo still has some cards left to play for the Switch 1 based on various rumors is an even bigger indication that the Switch 2 won’t be until the second half of the year (albeit a little earlier in said second half).
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September to avoid launching with Pokemon in November has been my theory for a few months. 3D Mario showpiece at launch (along with Cyberpunk 2077 and a bunch of sports game and a new casual IP), Pokemon Legends Unova with a somewhat upgraded Switch 2 version in November.

Much better spacing this way (with Assassin's Creed Red, EA FC25, and maybe another game in October).
Even though I enjoy all consoles, the Sony offerings are not my favorites to be completely honest.

But the naming convention of the PlayStation is honestly genius, and it is something that Nintendo and Microsoft should take note.

Naming the consoles PS1, PS3, PS3, PS4 and now PS5 is just simple and elegant. No confusion for both enthusiastic gamers and casual gamers. Very marketable, and an important part of its success.

And guess what? They will use the name PS6 for their next console, and it will work better than any other name they could think of.

Just look the confusing Wii and Wii U names. Or the Xbox One X and Xbox Series X. It's a mess.

I think Nintendo should do a numbered sequel, but my idea is not to use just a 2 but a 2.0 so they can add intermediate versions... for example, a mid-gen refresh could be called Switch 2.5 or something like that.


September to avoid launching with Pokemon in November has been my theory for a few months.
This has also been my argument, although I’m not sure if I mentioned this on Era or Discord. Either way, leaving November open for Pokémon would be another valid reason for Nintendo to launch the Switch 2 earlier within the second half of next year.

That’s not how it works.
Apparently it is according to Eurogamer, who have industry sources (at least 3 separate ones being needed for them to run an article).
You mean for the Switch Pro that was likely originally planned but was scrapped? That’s an entirely different beast. I’m not sure there’s much reason for us to doubt them, especially considering that Nintendo already has a pretty decent lineup for the first half of next year (that'll only get further filled out with an eventual February Direct).

Would the first half of next year be nice, absolutely. But there’d probably be much more smoke if the Switch 2 was coming that soon, not to mention the concern of screwing over the Switch 1’s last holiday season (a topic that’s been discussed to death already).
why are you arguing all of this to me? I think it's just as likely H1 2025 as H1 2024. all I'm trying to illustrate is that appeals to the authority of reputable gaming news are absurd
I never said November. In fact, my argument has been a reveal in March with a release in September. As for the Eurogamer quote, they said exactly

…which could just mean earlier than November (likely for the reason you mentioned). The fact that Nintendo still has some cards left to play for the Switch 1 based on various rumors isn’t even bigger indication that the Switch 2 won’t be until the second half of the year (albeit a little earlier in said second half).
So more remasters and remakes for another year from this point forward? Yikes.
September to avoid launching with Pokemon in November has been my theory for a few months. 3D Mario showpiece at launch (along with Cyberpunk 2077 and a bunch of sports game and a new casual IP), Pokemon Legends Unova with a somewhat upgraded Switch 2 version in November

So an August Reveal with a September release ?

One month marketing cycle sounds incredibly clever, the Nintendo Blitzkrieg
Dall-E 3 is insane. This is what AI thinks Metroid Prime 4 on the Nintendo Switch 2 will be:




Imagine if I posted “Metroid Prime 4 leaked concept art” with these images…

Plot twist: that AI hacked into Retro's servers and delivered you actual Metroid Prime 4 concept images.
why are you arguing all of this to me? I think it's just as likely H1 2025 as H1 2024. all I'm trying to illustrate is that appeals to the authority of reputable gaming news are absurd
I mean, they’re at least several steps above the usual rumor monger as you see on Twitter. And as I said earlier, Eurogamer specifically needs at least three separate sources before they run an article.

So more remasters and remakes for another year from this point forward? Yikes.
Pretty much, yeah. That’s what happens when we’re in that transitionary period between Nintendo systems. At least this time there won’t be a drought.
Apparently it is according to Eurogamer, who have industry sources (at least 3 separate ones being needed for them to run an article).

They are journalists not supply chain managers, we had insightful people on this thread debunking the whole 6 months production to create more stock at launch scenario already
Even though I enjoy all consoles, the Sony offerings are not my favorites to be completely honest.

But the naming convention of the PlayStation is honestly genius, and it is something that Nintendo and Microsoft should take note.

Naming the consoles PS1, PS3, PS3, PS4 and now PS5 is just simple and elegant. No confusion for both enthusiastic gamers and casual gamers. Very marketable, and an important part of its success.

And guess what? They will use the name PS6 for their next console, and it will work better than any other name they could think of.

Just look the confusing Wii and Wii U names. Or the Xbox One X and Xbox Series X. It's a mess.

I think Nintendo should do a numbered sequel, but my idea is not to use just a 2 but a 2.0 so they can add intermediate versions... for example, a mid-gen refresh could be called Switch 2.5 or something like that.


Nintendo should call their next system the PlayStation 6
Dudes and duderinas, SquareEnix very publicly announced early on that they wanted to bring both Final Fantasy 14 and 15 to the Switch, but couldn't.

Final Fantasy 7R (and everything else they can port) WILL come to the Switch 2. Maybe not at launch, but they will come.
I mean, they’re at least several steps above the usual rumor monger as you see on Twitter. And as I said earlier, Eurogamer specifically needs at least three separate sources before they run an article.
in practice, are they? I never got my switch pro last year
So an August Reveal with a September release ?

One month marketing cycle sounds incredibly clever, the Nintendo Blitzkrieg
Nah, March reveal & September release.

But that’s what makes it extremely unlikely though.
That’s what happens when we’re in that transitionary period between Nintendo systems. At least this time there won’t be a drought.

They are journalists not supply chain managers, we had insightful people on this thread debunking the whole 6 months production to create more stock at launch scenario already
If that’s the case, I guess they’ll start a little later in the year for production.

in practice, are they? I never got my switch pro last year
I mean, yeah. Like I said, the Switch Pro was mentioned by the likes of Digital Foundry as being planned but scrapped.
We already had reports that production (assembly) is about to start in November/December tho
Like I said, wouldn’t there be more smoke by now if the system was coming that soon?

interesting, maybe this next one will be scrapped too
Nah, it’s too late for that. Not to mention that the Switch 1 is running out of gas. Remember, Eurogamer were the first to leak the NX itself.
What smoke do you want more ? We already had a looot of info, more than the Switch 1 at the same timing
We don’t even know about backwards compatibility. Not to mention the lack of any concrete details on CPU, storage, or (if you only look to Eurogamer & VGC) RAM.
Dudes and duderinas, SquareEnix very publicly announced early on that they wanted to bring both Final Fantasy 14 and 15 to the Switch, but couldn't.

Final Fantasy 7R (and everything else they can port) WILL come to the Switch 2. Maybe not at launch, but they will come.
Nate Said it's not coming a few pages back, the dream is dead
We don’t even know about backwards compatibility or any concrete details on CPU, storage, or (if you only look to Eurogamer & VGC) RAM.

We do

Backcompat is a given, CPU we don’t have the clocks but we had some smart dedicated engineers in this thread outputting the possible scenarios, Storage 512 gb max, Ram 12 or 16GB (If they decide to go with same ram as devkits)

We just missing the name, what the console would look like, what will be the launch games and if there is any extra gimmick
I'm somewhat skeptical that a Switch Pro ever really existed. There was never any kind of credible leak to any kind of actual chip the way Switch 2/Tegra T239 has.

The other thing is really if Nintendo did want a bit of a performance jump they really could have just allowed the Mariko Switch model to clock higher and gain probably a fairly decent performance boost just from that (as they held back the Tegra X1 chip as is). Probably could've let it clock at a point where it could run 393 GFLOPS undocked/600 GFLOPS docked, but they opted not to.

I think Nintendo made the decision to go for Switch 2 in 2020, probably a custom TSMC 4nm version of the Orin Tegra drive tech and that was basically that. No Switch Pro.
Nah, it’s too late for that. Not to mention that the Switch 1 is running out of gas. Remember, Eurogamer were the first to leak the NX itself.
my point is that your confidence is misplaced. I can't spell it out any further than that
We do

Backcompat is a given, CPU we don’t have the clocks but we had some smart dedicated engineers in this thread outputting the possible scenarios, Storage 512 gb max, Ram 12 or 16GB (If they decide to go with same ram as devkits)

We just missing the name, what the console would look like, what will be the launch games and if there is any extra gimmick
I meant storage type, to be clear.

BC is like 95% certainty.

CPU is A78C
I don’t disagree on BC, but there are mixed messages from the reputable folks that has yet to be cleared up. As for the CPU, while that wouldn’t surprise me, I don’t recall it being mentioned by the Nvidia leak or the gaming news sites.
Nate Said it's not coming a few pages back, the dream is dead

Nate said it’s not being worked on. He didn’t say it’s not / never coming. Dream isn’t dead to me, I’ll just keep waiting and see how much of a splash Switch 2 makes. Supporting it might be inevitable
I find it a bit confusing how a user who swore in June that the reveal would be in July and the console released in 2023, can be so sure that they’re now right this time. Apparently all the evidence indicated they were nailed on to be correct back then as well. Surely there’s got to be a point where you think, ‘damn, I’ve been quite wrong on this so far, maybe I should just wait and see?’.

To be honest, I kind of get it. I think some of it is just youthful eagerness and an attempt to will it into existence. It’s a lot harder to control your hype when you’re younger. I was probably willing the GameCube into existence back in 2000.
It’s absurd because we ARE getting all sorts of smoke.
I feel what he means is that apart from a quote of an article that they say nintendo "could want" to release it earlier than expected and the uncle ( if i understand correctly) there is not much people pushing the rumor of the inminent start of the production, considering everybody is paying attention to this new system we have few less people talking about the production being soon that we have seen when other relevant information about the switch 2 is brought up
As for the CPU, while that wouldn’t surprise me, I don’t recall it being mentioned by the Nvidia leak or the gaming news sites.
My understanding is that it was the only CPU that fits the bill (don't recall the reasoning but people here smarter than me walked through the possible CPU choices, reached A78C by process of elimination). A78C also happens to be a chip that is well-suited for AAA gaming.
Nate said it’s not being worked on. He didn’t say it’s not / never coming. Dream isn’t dead to me, I’ll just keep waiting and see how much of a splash Switch 2 makes. Supporting it might be inevitable
Nah I think square is done with nintendo at least with big releases , you will get your small games like octopath and triangle strategy type games but the big games you will most likely not see them on switch also when they did try with stuff like kh3 they had to do a cloud version and they got a ton of shit for that. Stuff like ff7 rebirth is literally on 2 discs so no way are they going to fit that on a cartridge
My understanding is that it was the only CPU that fits the bill (don't recall the reasoning but people here smarter than me walked through the possible CPU choices, reached A78C by process of elimination). A78C also happens to be a chip that is well-suited for AAA gaming.
Understandable, so it’s basically process of elimination. Like I said, that wouldn’t surprise me.

See you can keep ignoring all the other smoke to comfort yourself anyway at this point it’s just a question of month before this thing gets announced
Then, what about all the other stuff Nintendo still has to announce for the Switch 1? Even putting aside all the rumors, they still have enough for one more general Direct before the Switch 2 reveal.
Nah I think square is done with nintendo at least with big releases , you will get your small games like octopath and triangle strategy type games but the big games you will most likely not see them on switch also when they did try with stuff like kh3 they had to do a cloud version and they got a ton of shit for that. Stuff like ff7 rebirth is literally on 2 discs so no way are they going to fit that on a cartridge

They've released like... two big games in the last 3 years? (FF14 6.0 and FF16)

Well, Forspoken cost a lot of money to make, lol.

Anyway, I have no idea how you could come to this conclusion in general as there's just been so little AAA stuff from them.
I don’t disagree on BC, but there are mixed messages from the reputable folks that has yet to be cleared up. As for the CPU, while that wouldn’t surprise me, I don’t recall it being mentioned by the Nvidia leak or the gaming news sites.
nvidia github, if I remember correctly
Then, what about all the other stuff Nintendo still has to announce for the Switch 1? Even putting aside all the rumors, they still have enough for one more general Direct before the Switch 2 reveal.

The two platforms will co exist for some
years, they will need to have Switch 1 games and Switch 2 games lineups
Then, what about all the other stuff Nintendo still has to announce for the Switch 1?
Genuinely... like what? One year of remasters and remakes is bad.

They're not going to release 3d Mario for Switch. Not the next LoZ.

MP4 technically we could say was kind of promised for Switch 1, but I'm almost certain by the time we hear about MP4, we would have had Switch 2 announced to us by then. It seems pretty clear MP4 would be a graphical showcase for Switch 2
Nah I think square is done with nintendo at least with big releases , you will get your small games like octopath and triangle strategy type games but the big games you will most likely not see them on switch also when they did try with stuff like kh3 they had to do a cloud version and they got a ton of shit for that. Stuff like ff7 rebirth is literally on 2 discs so no way are they going to fit that on a cartridge

They can kiss any growth in the Final Fantasy mainline series goodbye in that case. They've failed to grow the franchise and FF16 is not going to be the break out hit in the West they were banking on, and that's why investors are bailing out and Square-Enix's stock price has bombed.

NBA 2K and COD are 100+ GB games too and those will likely be on Switch 2, so I don't even buy the storage excuse. There are plenty of games on the Switch 1 as is that don't come all on a cartridge and require a huge download onto flash or SD Card, there's no reason to think that won't continue to be the case in the future.

If it's not on Switch 2 IMO it's pure and simple a Sony money hat, but honestly I think they owe their investors transparency on that.
Genuinely... like what? One year of remasters and remakes is bad.

They're not going to release 3d Mario for Switch. Not the next LoZ.

MP4 technically we could say was kind of promised for Switch 1, but I'm almost certain by the time we hear about MP4, we would have had Switch 2 announced to us by then. It seems pretty clear MP4 will be a graphical showcase for Switch 2.
  • FE Echoes Genealogy
  • F-Zero GX
  • Metroid Prime 2 & 3
  • Whatever DK game they’re working on
  • TTYD’s release date
Those plus more details on the games we know about could easily fill up a February Direct.
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