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  • Furukawa Speaks! We discuss the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Successor and our June Direct Predictions on the new episode of the Famiboards Discussion Club! Check it out here!

StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

Good point. They’d want all media attention to be on TOTK. Especially how they’ve only just recently started their aggressive marketing campaign
I've already said this dozens of pages ago, but a new hardware announcement isn't gonna suddenly make people forget about the sequel to one of the most influential games of the last decade. People can focus on multiple things at a time and the same goes to Pikmin 4, albeit to a far lesser extent. Both games will do well for their series; TotK will probably sell more than half of what BotW did and Pikmin 4 will likely outsell Pikmin 3 Deluxe, which is already the best-selling entry in the franchise.
I've already said this dozens of pages ago, but a new hardware announcement isn't gonna suddenly make people forget about the sequel to one of the most influential games of the last decade. People can focus on multiple things at a time and the same goes to Pikmin 4, albeit to a far lesser extent. Both games will do well for their series; TotK will probably sell more than half of what BotW did and Pikmin 4 will likely outsell Pikmin 3 Deluxe, which is already the best-selling entry in the franchise.
No matter how would you slice it, they will not announce new hardware 3 days before that. If that was the case they would schedule the earnings for Late April/Mid May.
• Tears of the Kingdom
• Switch Successor reveal
• Pikmin 4

We’re talking as if Nintendo can’t do several stuff at the same time. Yes, a Redacted reveal will overshadow X or Y, but it’ll be momentarily. Yes, Switch 2 could overshadow Pikmin, but it’s hardware vs software. They’ll still buy the game.
They could reveal the game and say it will be for switch and redacted.... so if you want to play it now and you have a switch you still buy the game and non switch users have a nice game for launch
Anouncement of a Switch 2 just 3 days before one of their biggest launches on Switch, period. And this isn't just "but they need to announce it at one point" yes, but definitely not 3 days before TotK. They could have done it in February easily, it would be better than 3 days before.

An outright hardware announcement wont happen at the investors meeting, but they are likely to be asked questions about new hardware, and this time I suspect we will get an answer along the line of "we are always working on new hardware but we have nothing to announce today." If they outright deny that they have any new hardware for the fiscal year, then it becomes very unlikely that a new Switch is coming. If they are very vague, then that leaves the door open for an imminent announcement for new hardware. Im convinced they will give Zelda TotK some breathing room and the earliest I expect an announcement is a month after Zelda TotK comes out. By then the buzz surrounding TotK will settled down some. Some members have been skeptical that announcing the successor would be all that impactful for Switch sales, but if you look on Amazon right now for the Top 100 Videogame sellers, the Zelda Themed OLED is currently trending at #6 on the list. This is why you don't undermine the success of your current platform by announcing a successor before necessary. It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo moves 3-5 million units this quarter thanks to Zelda TotK and the OLED Special Edition. If Nintendo can play their cards correctly, they will not experience a big decline in hardware units sold, but instead will sell 10-15 million Switch units this fiscal year and another 10-15 million Redacted units this year. If Nintendo drags their feet too long on releasing new hardware a significant down year is inevitable, and the flip of that is if they time things just right they could have one of their biggest hardware years in their history. Be tough to match the Wii+DS glory years, but outside of that its not often Nintendo has moved 30+ million units in a year.
And the earnings not really have a set pattern, it could have been mid May - after TotK or late April like in previous years. The fact that they are doing it just 3 days before launch pretty much tells you that they will be as vague about new hardware there as possible.
I presume a possible answer will be: we are thinking of ways we can improve the gaming experience or some jargon like that

I forgot the Zelda OLED exists, so even more reason for them to not announce a successor in the Investors Meeting 😬 Especially since that OLED has been in stock for a lot of months now

But yeah, I think the Switch 2 reveal will outright be this Summer
I know this is a little off topic, but God, that punishment is ghoulish as all hell. Like, I know what the guy did and the group he was apart of, but this is just excessive!
People tend to underestimate the impact that hackers like this have, companies are not buildings and logos, they are made up of thousands of people, and a good part of those have had their jobs affected by the loss of revenue caused by this type of thing.
No matter how would you slice it, they will not announce new hardware 3 days before that. If that was the case they would schedule the earnings for Late April/Mid May.
I fail to see the logic behind that. Drake's announcement would not take away attention from whatever game is coming out, unless it was super obscure; I already stated my reasoning.
I fail to see the logic behind that. Drake's announcement would not take away attention from whatever game is coming out, unless it was super obscure; I already stated my reasoning.
I agree with you. Unveiling a new device isn't going to completely remove the existence of whatever you're making. It might make some consumers have to compromise on what they spend on, but if the device is months away then that isn't an issue.

I think the only issue that can arise from the Switch 2's unveil would be if it's announced too close to another Nintendo game. If it's far enough, then people can still get excited for a new Nintendo game or you can maximise on sales from a previous release.

I've said it once and I'll say it as many times as is necessary, there is incredibly little reason to not announce the Switch 2 in June if you're aiming for a November launch.
People tend to underestimate the impact that hackers like this have, companies are not buildings and logos, they are made up of thousands of people, and a good part of those have had their jobs affected by the loss of revenue caused by this type of thing.
True, but 30% of your income for the rest of your life?! Not to mention that a criminal record will make getting a job harder. Maybe I'm giving this hacker the benefit of the doubt, maybe I've spent too much time on Twitter.....
An outright hardware announcement wont happen at the investors meeting, but they are likely to be asked questions about new hardware, and this time I suspect we will get an answer along the line of "we are always working on new hardware but we have nothing to announce today." If they outright deny that they have any new hardware for the fiscal year, then it becomes very unlikely that a new Switch is coming. If they are very vague, then that leaves the door open for an imminent announcement for new hardware. Im convinced they will give Zelda TotK some breathing room and the earliest I expect an announcement is a month after Zelda TotK comes out. By then the buzz surrounding TotK will settled down some. Some members have been skeptical that announcing the successor would be all that impactful for Switch sales, but if you look on Amazon right now for the Top 100 Videogame sellers, the Zelda Themed OLED is currently trending at #6 on the list. This is why you don't undermine the success of your current platform by announcing a successor before necessary. It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo moves 3-5 million units this quarter thanks to Zelda TotK and the OLED Special Edition. If Nintendo can play their cards correctly, they will not experience a big decline in hardware units sold, but instead will sell 10-15 million Switch units this fiscal year and another 10-15 million Redacted units this year. If Nintendo drags their feet too long on releasing new hardware a significant down year is inevitable, and the flip of that is if they time things just right they could have one of their biggest hardware years in their history. Be tough to match the Wii+DS glory years, but outside of that its not often Nintendo has moved 30+ million units in a year.
They will be asked about new hardware, no doubt about that, I think they will stay vague as possible as you said. They always said things like "nothing to announce" or “As a general rule, we’re always working on new hardware and we will announce it when we are able to sell it,” “But we have no plans to announce that at this year’s E3 in June.” (that was in 2019, they would not denied 2019 Switch Lite but said nothing at E3).

They can always deny at announce it later as with 3DS XL and others (of course they will not just confirm new hardware because someone asks). But if Furukawa says something like this: "Please note that we have no plans to launch a new Nintendo Switch model during 2020 (this is what he actually said in February 2020). When he outright says "no new hardware in x year" that statement is correct, because they would not lie about that, he would say "nothing to announce at this time" but "no new hardware in x year" is pretty serious and concrete statement and would not be changed at all.
I fail to see the logic behind that. Drake's announcement would not take away attention from whatever game is coming out, unless it was super obscure; I already stated my reasoning.
3 days before, it's not like one month of whatever but 3 days. Not to mention that reviews for Zelda are dropping either May 9th or 10th lol.
What is that week of the 12th thing?
I assume the Zelda direct, which was in week 13, but a tuesday, which is pretty uncommon for a Nintendo presentation. @MikeOdyssey ?
I just want to get a sense of how much of priority Nintendo may be to Nvidia. It just seems like Nintendo really could get a leg up on all the AMD-powered devices out there utilizing Nvidias technologies but as the market for handheld devices expands how likely is it that Nintendo can maintain exclusivity with Nvidia?


The FY are "1 year ahead", Q4 2023 of Nvidia is actual on our calendar up to End of 2022. Nintendo as a toy manufactor is historically shifted by 1 Quarter, so Q3 22 is idenitical to End of 2021. The Switch SoC is in the Gaming section, which also includes Geforce Now (Streaming, neglectable) and their mainstream GPUs. Automotive is to my knowledge besides Nintendo the only main Tegra based section.
Not sure what makes the massive drop, the GPU market only recovered in Q2 with still crazy, but payable GPU prices. But what also ended, according to reports, in 2021 was the production of Mariko Tegras.
But I also found this article which would basically state that around 2m Switches (very conservative, could be easily over 1 million more) costs 192m USD (~90USD per chip, which does not sound so off). So by this calculation, Nvidia would have earned at best case 11bn USD over the Switch lifetime, likely more around 5-6bn. Beside their record year 2021, this would be around 1 year of their annual gaming earnings. So I would say they that NVidia can get along without them, but having them as a strong partner definitely pays out.
Those OLEDs will be in people's hands by then 🤷‍♂️
If your announcement is about hardware, a better hardware you’re currently offering, it’s best to leave that, like, a month from now.

It’s like if in September this year Apple unveils the iPhone 15, but a few days later, they officially announce that the iPhone 16 will have a, say, 10 minute charger. You have less incentive to buy the first product.

And this is the stage Nintendo is at: be smart with what little is left of the Switch.

Nintendo is not going to reveal the next gen the week of TotK's launch. Nintendo will deny they have anything to share at the time of the earnings meeting of someone asks.

How they deny and what Nintendo predicts on their earnings report is going to be key, and will likely lead to at least 1000 pages of speculation between then and the reveal.
So is there evidence that complete or near complete chips don't get cancelled or held back years though?

Where would the evidence even exist as most cancellations or delays would be very private?

It feels like this declaration about timelines via taping out are based on extremely shaky information.
Intel had chips taped out for years and canceled, it cost them millions of dollars and losing the ground against their rival AMD.
Those OLEDs will be in people's hands by then 🤷‍♂️

In truth it probably wouldn't matter that much, but is there a big upside to announcing it a few days before your biggest software release in years? For Nintendo, if there is any potential downside and no reward to doing so, they wont do it. I feel confident that the plan is to move a boat load of Zelda OLED units in April and May. and anything that "could" distract from that goal would be avoided. I like the idea of allowing enough weeks to pass that many of those Zelda OLED buyers will have been able to play through TotK on their new OLED unit before Nintendo shows off the newer better model that they should have know about if they had only been visiting the FamiBoards on the daily. LOL
I was gonna touch the leak subject when I found this on twitter:

Nintendo is REALLY going after hackers and leakers:
• It’s one thing to ask Discord to intervene in someone leaking the TOTK artbook and another one to explicitly request their account be terminated

• It’s one thing to seek judicial process for a hacker and another one to request a percentage of their income FOR LIFE, and even prison income!

Nintendo is REALLY tightening their grip against hacks and leaks. No wonder we haven’t had REDACTED leaks: it’s dangerous, career killing and possibly an economic risk.

Hell, we only have an estimate as to when it’ll release BECAUSE of an Nvidia HACK.

If the Switchessor (teehee) gets unveiled and released this year, in another scenario, we would have had no idea, whatsoever. 0_0

How so?

First of all, calling Gary Bowser a hacker is at best an euphemism, as a hacker is not neccarily considered a bad person. He is not a White Hat like the hacker who found fuse gelee (or the Atmosphere developer), not even sure if he is one at all. I saw several of his postings and from there i would see him more as the technical avers business guy. Won't say, that he actively hacked too, but Team Xecuter was also known on buying in knowledge instead of doing it themselves. But Team Xecuter and Gary Bowser specifically were always doing the hacks for money and enable stealing. If you think of software pirates like normal pirates (not the glorfied ones), he is one of them. Putting money above anything else. So that he was sentenced is more as rectified.
He also "just" has to pay until the end of his life, because he was also punished with a multi million dollar fine, which he will not be able to pay off, except maybe, he finds his Gold, because the poor guy must have earned several millions due to his business. They sold their hacking software for 50USD, and I am very much sure they sold more as 20k. And chinese hacker (their sweat shop) are usually not so expensive. So he got for sure his fair share before he got caught.
Taping out doesn't mean the start of full production, but it does mean the start of production samples and testing of physical articles. Even if physical testing is successful, it doesn't automatically follow that production will commence immediately. Full production can wait for production slots or product cycles. Think how Nvidia are rolling out RTX 4000 GPUs - they started with the 4090 last year, then they release a new model every couple of months. Nintendo could easily wait to mass produce T239/Drake, with a short first run to produce engineering samples and populate final dev kits.

They could wait, but there would be little reason for them to sit on a taped out die for a long period of time. I'd be surprised if Nvidia do tape out all dies in a series like Ada at the same time. As they're not required simultaneously, and Nvidia only have a finite number of staff, it would make more sense to stagger them so that they can make more efficient use of the separate teams involved in design, pre-silicon verification, tape out and post-silicon verification, rather than overwork one team at a time while the others are relatively idle.

In any case, from the point of view of a custom chip like T239, it wouldn't make much sense for them to plan for a significant delay after verification is complete. Let's say Nvidia's usual timeframe from tape out to shipping to a customer like Nintendo is a year. If Nintendo wanted to add an extra six month delay in there after verification I'm sure they could, but this would mean taping out six months earlier. That's six months you can't spend making any changes to the SoC, and it's six months you can't spend re-evaluating your plans for the system. Intentionally taping out early would just reduce both Nintendo and Nvidia's flexibility, without any significant benefit. Of course this doesn't preclude the possibility that they decided after tape-out that they would delay manufacturing.

My assumption is that the various specifics of T239, from its design to when and how it's manufactured, would have been subject to two separate contracts signed between Nintendo and Nvidia. The first of these would have been signed in late 2019 or early 2020, and would have involved Nvidia designing the SoC and developing the SDKs/APIs/etc. necessary to develop software for the SoC. The second contract would be signed when the design of the SoC is effectively complete, and would trigger the tape out, verification and manufacturing of the SoC. This would also likely define the per-unit pricing, delivery quantity and approximate delivery dates of at least the initial shipments of the chip. Based on what we've seen from LinkedIn profiles and Linux commit messages, I presume that this contract was signed in early 2022.

What I'm getting at is that, prior to the signing of the second contract, Nintendo have complete flexibility. They can request changes to the design, they can delay, and they can even consider different vendors and/or cancel the project entirely. After signing the second contract, they have almost no flexibility. The chip design is locked in, the price is locked in, and there's likely a minimum order of 10+ million units locked in too. They might have some flexibility on the delivery dates, but only to a limited degree. Part of the reason AMD and Nvidia like selling chips into the console space is that, although it's relatively low margin business, it's a very reliable and predictable source of revenue. Console makers put in orders in large quantities far ahead of delivery, which they're locked into, which simplifies planning and logistics for the likes of AMD and Nvidia compared to their much more volatile PC parts businesses. If Nintendo were to delay delivery after signing the second contract, it's possible that Nvidia would simply still enter full scale manufacturing at the same time (because they've pre-paid for the wafer allocation) and charge Nintendo storage costs until they make delivery. That is, while they wouldn't be prevented from delaying at that point, it would cost them money to do so.

Based on the above, it seems likely to me that, in early 2022 Nintendo were confident enough to give their go-ahead for tape out and manufacturing. I think it's reasonable to assume that, at that time, release was planned for 2023, presumably late in the year. Note that this is already a much longer time period between tape out and release compared to Nvidia's desktop cards. The AD102 die in the 4090 was reportedly taped out in February last year and launched in October, an 8 month delay, compared to a perhaps 18 month delay being planned here. I would guess that a console SoC is going to be more conservatively timed to prevent delays (eg if a flaw was found during verification), and Nintendo would likely require a relatively large stockpile before launching, unlike GPUs, which often launch with very little availability.

It is entirely possible that Nintendo would still delay the console after they signed the second contract, even if it cost them to do so. We saw with the Switch Nintendo delayed by a few months to give more time for their launch titles to be completed, even though it caused them to miss the holiday season, and in retrospect it was the right call. If let's say a new 3D Mario game were planned as their major launch exclusive for [redacted], and they had to choose between releasing it in a state they weren't happy with, or not releasing it at launch, or just pushing back the console launch altogether, I could see them pushing back the console launch.
So is there evidence that complete or near complete chips don't get cancelled or held back years though?

Where would the evidence even exist as most cancellations or delays would be very private?

It feels like this declaration about timelines via taping out are based on extremely shaky information.

I would assume the answer is we really don't know one way or the other. I will say this, I have reason to believe this isn't common, especially for a videogame console. Its one thing for Intel to have a CPU that they ultimately decide not to bring to market, and its a totally different thing for Nvidia to spend 2-3 years developing an SOC for Nintendo and then cancel it right at the point it is being prepared for production. Nintendo has had a timeframe in mind for quite some time now on when they would deliver new hardware. Even if they intended to be flexible with a 18-24 month window for when they would release, scraping their SOC so late in development means a delay of new hardware for years. What would it be about Ampere graphics cores and ARM CPU cores that would mysteriously throw up big problems late in development? This isn't exotic hardware, they can get accurate simulations for performance and power draw well before actual silicon is ever produced.
Anyway May 9th is critical.
They must say something (not “we will release a new hardware” but “we are working on a new hardware”) if it is CY23 or FY24
What is the corporate speech for
"we will launch a new hardware next FY, we have to legally hint it to you but also stay vague enough to not hurt our business"?
Do we have precedents?
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The second contract would be signed when the design of the SoC is effectively complete, and would trigger the tape out, verification and manufacturing of the SoC. This would also likely define the per-unit pricing, delivery quantity and approximate delivery dates of at least the initial shipments of the chip. Based on what we've seen from LinkedIn profiles and Linux commit messages, I presume that this contract was signed in early 2022
I've got a memory of hearing about Jensen Huang being in Japan late last year, maybe around October when he was also visiting Taiwan. Could a second contract be signed as late as this, after tape out but before manufacturing?
I fail to see the logic behind that. Drake's announcement would not take away attention from whatever game is coming out, unless it was super obscure; I already stated my reasoning.
Some are saying it won’t affect sales in a negative way and maybe it’s just me but I think the successor would possibly boost sales of software.
A lot of people might just be tired of the switch or tapping out after this many years but seeing a brand new shiny switch 2 that, lets be honest will most likely be backwards compatible might boost software sales a decent amount.

I mean if I was putting off buying a game for switch I know I would pick up some stuff just to play it on my shiny new device.
What is the corporate speech for
"we will launch a new hardware next FY, we have to legally hint it to you but also stay vague enough to not hurt our business"?
Do we have precedents?
Maybe “we are actively working on new hardwares but cannot give more details”
So I would say they that NVidia can get along without them, but having them as a strong partner definitely pays out
Thanks for your answer.

Nintendo seems to me to be in a really advantageous position if they can maintain and deepen their relationship with nvidia going forward. But it was a bit unclear to me how the calculus looks from Nvidias perspective.
What is the corporate speech for
"we will launch a new hardware next FY, we have to legally hint it to you but also stay vague enough to not hurt our business"?
Do we have precedents?
I have checked some previous Q&A
Q: I’d like to ask about the next home console system. You told us last year that fun games can still be developed on Wii, that the company was actually preparing for software to be launched in 2010, and that adaptation to HD was not considered as an imminent plan as it would have to wait for the next hardware. Now that a year has passed, I would like to hear an update from you.
A: We are developing new games all the time. Also, as soon as a new game system is made, we start thinking about plans for the next (game system). Because of this, whenever I am asked if we are developing the next home console video game system, I am making it a point of answering that we are. On the other hand, if I’m asked whether or not I feel that we need to launch it immediately, we are not feeling any urgency at all now. Because we believe that we have other things that we can do on Wii, I have no information to share with you today as to the prospects of the next home console video game system.

Here is what Iwata said in June 2010:
Q: And then the second question is, as you think about the next home console platform, the next Wii hardware cycle, is it solely based on the velocity of hardware sales or does a slowing software volume, and a lessening of the momentum of that platform, start to drive the timing of the next Wii console?
A: I do not think that there is an immediate need to replace the Wii console, but of course, at some point in the future, that need will arise. So I will answer your question from the perspective that we currently do not have an answer as to what point in the future that need will come.
And then after the reveal of the WiiU during their Financial results:
Q: Also, I would like to know why you made the announcement of Wii's successor system at the same time as the announcement of the financial results, while investors seemed to expect this announcement at GDC. Did you intend to avoid the leakage of information? Or, were you trying to persuade people to attend E3?
A: Next I would like to tell you why we announced Wii's successor system at this time, not at GDC. Naturally, the earlier we announce a new system, the more speculation will be encouraged and there will be a higher risk of information leakage from those who are working cooperatively on it outside Nintendo. In addition, a lot of people interested in our next move might be less amazed at E3 if we disclose too much information in advance.

At the same time, however, if we make a totally surprising announcement at E3 on the spot, which would be an effective way to astonish people, some busy people might say, "Oh, Nintendo is a mischievous company. I could have visited E3 if I was informed of the announcement in advance." We decided to make the announcement at this time because now is our last opportunity to inform people so that they can arrange their travel schedule for E3.
We can assume this was a move to raise interest in Third Parties for the WiiU. This year we don't have a E3 and I doubt that Nintendo has problems to attract the interest of Third Parties at the moment. So what I read out of it is, that they don't have to announce anything and still do a surprise reveal. This was clearly discussed as you can read out of Iwatas comment.

In January 2010 Reggie btw said this
“We are confident the Wii home entertainment console has a very long life in front of it.”
For giggles from the same Question as the first quote
Q: On another subject, a portion of the casual users that Wii and Nintendo DS have attracted might be flowing into the likes of social games. Asking them to own a dedicated home video game console and/or a handheld device might become obsolete in the era of cloud computing.
A: Should we stop what we are doing, the current business configuration with a video game system and dedicated software could become obsolete. However, as we have been thinking and proposing new ideas one after another, we do not think that it will become obsolete at all. I have never thought that we will need to launch social games in order to avoid our offers from becoming obsolete.
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I've got a memory of hearing about Jensen Huang being in Japan late last year, maybe around October when he was also visiting Taiwan. Could a second contract be signed as late as this, after tape out but before manufacturing?

I'd be surprised if Huang travelled half way around the world to sign a contract in person with a customer. My guess is that if Huang was meeting Nintendo in Japan it was probably a courtesy visit timed to line up with other business he had in Asia. By that time early silicon should have been available, so maybe it coincided with the first shipment of engineering samples for dev kits, but that could just be coincidence.
• Tears of the Kingdom
• Switch Successor reveal
• Pikmin 4

We’re talking as if Nintendo can’t do several stuff at the same time. Yes, a Redacted reveal will overshadow X or Y, but it’ll be momentarily. Yes, Switch 2 could overshadow Pikmin, but it’s hardware vs software. They’ll still buy the game.

Switch 2 announcement is going to eat some Switch (1) sales, as well as take attention away from upcoming releases at least for a moment. But it's inevitable, and at some point marketing of the brand new hardware is going to take precedence. It could be weeks away from launch this holiday, and I swear I'll still hear a faint cry "...but the holiday sales!"

PS5 "Future of Gaming" event existing didn't stop TLOU2 from being a home run on the current PS4, and Ghost of Tsushima a month later, etc. Pikmin 4 will sell as well as Pikmin 4 was ever going to sell, with or without new hardware on the horizon - if anything as a title that was described as being able to benefit from 4K, it could end up getting a soft re-launch for the new hardware with a showcase worthy update.

Edit: Not throwing my hat in the ring for late 2023 here, just pointing out that 'overshadowing X or Y' has to happen unless they want a content drought for Switch (1), and things will work out fine.
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I'd be surprised if Huang travelled half way around the world to sign a contract in person with a customer. My guess is that if Huang was meeting Nintendo in Japan it was probably a courtesy visit timed to line up with other business he had in Asia. By that time early silicon should have been available, so maybe it coincided with the first shipment of engineering samples for dev kits, but that could just be coincidence.
For final signature of a potential billion dollar deal (and symbolic handover of the final chip)? Nahhh, who would do that...
To me a Switch Pro makes more sense. If you’re worried about it eating up Switch 1 sales, it would be the same as the Switch OLED eating the LED and Lite versions sales. Just a new member to the same family and library of games.

Maybe some of the new stuff is patches to older games, 1080p for games in handheld, and a dock that is HDMI 2.1 with HDR and DLSSS 4k in docked mode. Maybe with the Switch Pro you can now do VOIP with friends over a bluetooth headset. If it is 100 percent backwards compatible, then they just need to plan to release like the OLED and say these are the new additional Switch Pro features. I would also expect one of the prior versions like the original LED version to stop being manufactured. Then 6 or so months down the road a new Switch Pro Lite comes out at $249 with the new chip to knock off the last 2 old versions (Lite and OLED).
IIRC this guy owns a game store in Japan. Once tweeted about dinner he had with people in the industry. Not sure if he’s reliable but bro seems chill.


Switch 2 announcement is going to eat some Switch (1) sales, as well as take attention away from upcoming releases at least for a moment. But it's inevitable, and at some point marketing of the brand new hardware is going to take precedence. It could be weeks away from launch this holiday, and I'll still hear a faint cry "...but the holiday sales!"

PS5 "Future of Gaming" event existing didn't stop TLOU2 from being a home run on the current PS4, and Ghost of Tsushima a month later, etc. Pikmin 4 will sell as well as Pikmin 4 was ever going to sell, with or without new hardware on the horizon - if anything as a title that was described as being able to benefit from 4K, it could end up getting a soft re-launch for the new hardware with a showcase worthy update.

Edit: Not throwing my hat in the ring for late 2023 here, just pointing out that 'overshadowing X or Y' has to happen unless they want a content drought for Switch (1), and things will work out fine.
Yeah. It’s a matter of accepting that there’ll be some collateral damage.

To me a Switch Pro makes more sense. If you’re worried about it eating up Switch 1 sales, it would be the same as the Switch OLED eating the LED and Lite versions sales. Just a new member to the same family and library of games.

Maybe some of the new stuff is patches to older games, 1080p for games in handheld, and a dock that is HDMI 2.1 with HDR and DLSSS 4k in docked mode. Maybe with the Switch Pro you can now do VOIP with friends over a bluetooth headset. If it is 100 percent backwards compatible, then they just need to plan to release like the OLED and say these are the new additional Switch Pro features. I would also expect one of the prior versions like the original LED version to stop being manufactured. Then 6 or so months down the road a new Switch Pro Lite comes out at $249 with the new chip to knock off the last 2 old versions (Lite and OLED).
A Pro revision at this point of the Switch’s lifetime? 🥴

I’d be appalled
For final signature of a potential billion dollar deal (and symbolic handover of the final chip)? Nahhh, who would do that...
Nintendo are a big client, and I have no doubt Huang would want to visit Nintendo and meet Furukawa and the rest of the leadership team once every so often. Perhaps that could be scheduled to coincide with sampling of the chips so he could symbolically hand over the first chip. I just don't see them actually signing the contract in person. That's the kind of thing you want to do if you want to make a press event of it, which Nintendo certainly don't, and otherwise it just means delaying the signing of a contract (and therefore potentially delaying both companies from working on the project) while you try to find time in the schedule of the CEO of a $680 billion company to travel half way around the world to meet the CEO of a $50 billion company to do something they both could have done remotely.
To me a Switch Pro makes more sense. If you’re worried about it eating up Switch 1 sales, it would be the same as the Switch OLED eating the LED and Lite versions sales. Just a new member to the same family and library of games.

Maybe some of the new stuff is patches to older games, 1080p for games in handheld, and a dock that is HDMI 2.1 with HDR and DLSSS 4k in docked mode. Maybe with the Switch Pro you can now do VOIP with friends over a bluetooth headset. If it is 100 percent backwards compatible, then they just need to plan to release like the OLED and say these are the new additional Switch Pro features. I would also expect one of the prior versions like the original LED version to stop being manufactured. Then 6 or so months down the road a new Switch Pro Lite comes out at $249 with the new chip to knock off the last 2 old versions (Lite and OLED).
“Switch Pro” (supposed to be powered by T239) is even a worse name than WiiU.

The worst console name in the history, worse than WiiU, Xbox series and Xbox One.
Why do you think that? We have precedent with the PS4 Pro.
The performance gap between Drake and original switch is much larger than the one between PS4 Pro and PS4.

Imagine 7 years after PS5, Sony release something with PS6 level SoC but name it “PS5 pro”.
I very, very strongly doubt Nintendo will follow a naming precedent set by Sony. If the Drake ends up being named "Switch Pro" or "Switch 2" I will eat my hat.

Granted that means I will first need to go buy a hat.
Granted, I was gonna suggest Nintendo do their own thing and name it the Super Nintendo Switch (even though I said it jokingly). Or the Nintendo Switch Advance. But I feel like Super has more appeal to it.

And why do you think a Switch successor won’t be labeled as the 2?

Also, it’d be funny that, after all this speculation, what comes out is a Switch 1.5 instead of a full successor xD
Granted, I was gonna suggest Nintendo do their own thing and name it the Super Nintendo Switch (even though I said it jokingly). Or the Nintendo Switch Advance. But I feel like Super has more appeal to it.

And why do you think a Switch successor won’t be labeled as the 2?

Also, it’d be funny that, after all this speculation, what comes out is a Switch 1.5 instead of a full successor xD
I'm sure they'll do the surveying and market research for the name.
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