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StarTopic Fire Emblem Engage |ST| Your Hidden Desire to Have Neon Joy-Con-Coloured Hair. Mark spoilers!

Don't you bring Three Houses Discourse in here!
3 Houses for me was a snooze fest on hard. As fun as the monastery was and how much I enjoyed raising your army, the actual FE battles were largely bland, uninteresting maps with enemies that posed no real threat to your army. Engage enemies actually put up a challenge and know how to take advantage of the game's systems to kill you.

I would love to take 3H training up your units and put it in Engage's maps and combat system.
Wow at Celine getting a 1% crit chance and shouting “It’s tea time!” as she obliterates a named enemy unit in response to a dagger throw. Sometimes the numbers DO work in your favor!
IS really get clever with their references to older games in Engage.

In this chapter, you're introduced to Emblem Micaiah, and it's also the game's first fog of war map. The map features beacon torches scattered about that can be lit to help visibility. This very specific fog of war mechanic was only seen previously in Micaiah's origin game, Radiant Dawn.
For as much as the main cast bores me, I have to say I’m a big fan of Jean’s “fuck off, I’m a doctor” shtick. He takes absolutely no shit whatsoever and I am here for it.
Currently at chapter 10 on Maddening and I’m loving this game so much.
The only thing that makes me a bit sad is that I don’t get a lot of references since I played only Fates, Echoes and TH. But now I kinda want to do a FE marathon before doing a second run (it will be impossible, I want to do the second run when the last dlc comes out and I doubt I’ll be able to play every FE by then with university, other games and stuff irl 🥲)
Played a bit more on Maddening and got past chapter 10 (this one is rough) and I will say the game feels decidingly more balanced than basically any 3DS era game on this difficulty. Even with fixed growths most maps have a somewhat varied approach you can take and the emblem rings make it so you can kind of make even lesser units work if you want to. It's much less of a meme difficulty than in something like Awakening, pretty good. My one issue is still with how the bosses can feel like a bit much and they obviously come at the end of the map usually and having your entire army solo'd by 1 angry bandit man with a name feels a bit bad after spending like 2 hours on a chapter but that comes with the territory.
Got Dire Thunder on an S Ring. Instantly made a Mage I was going to bench viable as I don't have to worry about speed anymore.
Played a bit more on Maddening and got past chapter 10 (this one is rough)
This chapter is a nightmare lmao
I wasted 2 hours yesterday because the boss killed my Alear with a crit and I had finished the Chronogem charges 🥲

(I’m playing on Maddening and tbh in times like this I don’t feel so good at this game lmao)
The Chapter 10 music goes hard, I was not expecting it to ramp up more when you break the main door, great stuff
Someone at Int Sys seem to really like beagles, that's two games in a row with beagles roaming in your base. You all know I'm only putting beagles in that farm, this is so good.

It even has Lemon Beagles ! I'm currently at 3 beagles, 1 lemon beagle, and one calico cat roaming in my farm. The moment I find a 5th beagle though, the kitty goes back into the barn.
It’s Feline Emblem for me :D 🐱
Trio of questions:

1) Should I be liberally spending my SP to learn skills? The problem is that looking in the list, some skills that are really good are extremely expensive, so I'm worried about using SP on things I don't need later/skills that will become obsolete later. As a result I have yet to actually spend any SP

2) Are paralogues linked to anything like support conversations? I've had a grand total of two of them, IIRC, and I'm on chapter 9. Feels like I should have had more of them by now.

3) Are skirmishes auto-scaled to some kind of level? It feels a bit odd to me that that my current available skirmishes' recommended level is three levels above the recommended level of the next story mission. Especially since I kind of thought the point of skirmishes was to be able to train up units who might be lagging behind in XP, yet they're full of higher level enemies
1. Not sure. I picked up the cheaper skills just to fill out their skill slots but otherwise am waiting. I suspect it depends on how much you want to swap around the emblems later on. No point buying skills that duplicate the ones you get automatically from syncing with the ring, but there may be if you aren’t going to be carrying it any more. I’m kinda waiting to see at what point the ring bonds max out I guess.

2. Not sure but I doubt it. If you want more support convos, keep your formation tight so units fight while adjacent, rather than getting spread out.

3. Yeah I’m wondering about this too. I suspect they are random or keyed to the MC or average level or something? I remember having a variety of them in previous FE games. But I’m also now having units that have fallen far behind so I’ve got a range from level 4 to level 9, with battle full of level 8 enemies being a tough ask for the weaker units. What you need to do is have the stronger units use their weaker weapons to leave enemies on a handful of hp so your junior units can finish them off.
IS really get clever with their references to older games in Engage.

In this chapter, you're introduced to Emblem Micaiah, and it's also the game's first fog of war map. The map features beacon torches scattered about that can be lit to help visibility. This very specific fog of war mechanic was only seen previously in Micaiah's origin game, Radiant Dawn.
I noticed that too- the nighttime raid on a bandit camp by torchlight reminded me of the first mission with Ike’s crew in RD.
I like Sigurd’s voice acting.

Hope he’s gets to lead a game…

Celica over Alm is funny to me. Even those it’s obvious why, it’s more his story in Echoes then hers. Lyn Over Eilwood is similar but Hector is cooler then Eilwood too, we got his son anyways.

It’s just shows.

Make more Leads that ain’t Male, IS! But I guess with Avatars. It might just alternate
I think there is more alteration between the avatars. Byleth seemed to be more focussed on the male variant, where as Alear seems to get more focus on the female variant. Robin was more male and Corrin more female? Tho I am not sure about those two as I wasn't really in gaming mode during those games.

Don't you bring Three Houses Discourse in here!
There is no discourse only truth ;)

Seemingly the House Leaders or Edelgard en friends have a cool interaction together with Byleth :D. Small spoilers if you want to find out yourself :).
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I'm playing on maddening and outside of a couple of brutal difficulty spikes (the castle chapters lol), it's been quite manageable. I'm on chapter 12 now

The emblem mechanic is extremely versatile and maddening actually forces you to use all your options quite cleverly. I love it

Everyone's already dunking on the characters and story, but the writers are leaning really heavily on some cheap affordances. Everyone's immediately all buddy buddy with the emblems, like just because we the audience are familiar with them means the characters are too? They're all just instant friends with almost zero dialog lol

And a ton of the emotional stuff is totally unearned too. Why are characters reacting this strongly to people they've known for like five minutes lmao

But, one neat side effect that playing on maddening has on the story is that the desperation at certain points feels totally real lol. Like I'm experiencing it right alongside the characters

For example after chapter 10,
when Alear completely breaks down after the emblems are stolen, I felt that because it just followed a brutal, exhausting marathon of a chapter. Can you imagine if you just breezed through it on normal/hard though, I'd basically just be like "Dude calm down"

And the chapter following it with the escape and all the enemies using the emblems against you was sick. Having to account for so many unique, broken abilities in such a desperate situation was awesome. In general you get tons of options but so do the enemies. Game is delivering hard on the mechanical front

And finally getting to see the Somniel again after like six hours of nonstop beatdowns and barely clinging on to life was such a reprieve lol. I felt such a huge sense of relief

Some real generating emotion through gameplay I tell you what
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Delivery service had mercy and delivered my game on saturday after all. Only played the first three maps because i had one hell of a weekend, though not in a good way.

Like the map designs so far. Also like that new Break mechanic and improvements done to healers (like that Protect skill) and i love how IS really polished the tech, especially considering this is running on Unity which isn't exactly known for stellar performance on Switch.
And i really appreciate that they streamlined the micromanagement stuff at Somniel over TH's monastery.

But story-, character- and artstyle-wise, i have to admit that i do think that Three Houses was way better in these regards.

Anyway, i will enjoy my time with the game and the content from the Expansion Pass (because of course i couldn't help myself and had to get it too).
So there seem to be two types of map battles (maybe more) - skirmishes with corrupted and training battles. Does anyone know if units dying in training battles makes them permanently unavailable?
the music in the later chapters are by are the best in the game.

also kagetsu is nuts, hes doubling with a 60% crit rate, with a dancer he can basically one shot bosses with revival stones.

advanced class jean also goes kinda insane, 44 damage doubled so around 88 damage is how much he can do per turn, he's nuts.

spoilering cause midgame unit
my pannette became very very tanky, with ike she can reliably solo half the map while your other units do other stuff.

those were my standout units so far tbh and louiss of course, though major story spoilers for chapter 10
without sigurd hes sitll good but he gets hit hard by it, he is sitll really good dont get me wrong but its proabably the worst mblem loss, next being cellica.

spoilers for late game gameplay (not story)
and form my experience by being close to the end, the difficulty kinda goes away mostly because of how many ways you can improve your units you can just turn them into gods, even the worst unit in this game is probably better than the majority of fe units, however its very late endgame to postgame so that makes sense. the game tires to combat this by rapidly powercreeping the enemies though, its a rather intesting endgame as 1 mistake will cost you everything but if you dont mess up you can pretty easily sweep everything.

anyway i will probably finish the game today, but regardless this is my favourite fire emblem, im probably gonna max out everyone in the postgame or do a challenge run afterwords, i have not decided yet.
I’m on Chapter 5 of Engage and I am loving every minute of this game. I really love how satisfying and snappy the gameplay is, I adore the overall aesthetic find the English Dub quite great - I also want to give a special shoutout to the music so far. My god it’s so good.

And want to throw in too - I genuinely find the graphics/setting/style so attractive and gorgeous. I love seeing the castle in the background of a village I just saved. Talking to all the townsfolk and walking around their little countryside town after saving it from Corrupted realty adds a sense of depth and world building, I just looove that stuff!
Slapped the Tiki bracelet on Diamant as soon as I got him, and now on Chapter 20 I think he can solo every map lol. It is busted.
Slapped the Tiki bracelet on Diamant as soon as I got him, and now on Chapter 20 I think he can solo every map lol. It is busted.

I have to say even the non DLC Emblems have a somewhat "I Win Button" feel on them.

For example, map 3, the town also shown in the previews / trailers. A Engaged Alear with Marth's special clears the armor knight better than the mages.
Chapter 7. It’s weird how even stuff like
the party crossing the border into Brodia is treated as if it’s just the MC and the prince out for a stroll rather than leading a dozen armed people at that point, at least 3 of which are mounted. Which makes the Prince of Brodia stepping out with his bow feel distinctly unthreatening when presumably there’s a small army behind us. Same goes for the battle afterwards. I appreciate it exists to show ‘enemy units can carry emblems too’, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt my army was less threatened in a FE game than when a bunch of incompetent kids in clown outfits are performing in front of my force and they are the enemy command group. It’s like… sure FE has kids in combat all the time, but this is just getting silly when apparently the only qualifier for an army command role is that you’re a teenager is an outfit you picked up from the local pantomime. I always dislike the way rpgs have units get up and run away in a cut scene afterwards too. Sorry, I’ve just cut someone down in a crowded melee after wiping out their force, I don’t get how they and their little friends manage to run away rather than me finishing them off and taking the emblem off their corpse. It all comes under the same kinda ‘endless tired cliche’ that had me give up on Trails of Cold Steel.

Anyway, I like the range of units and the sheer variety emblems offer. So I’ve now got a thief unit with Micaiah’s emblem, so she’s also a healer and when she’s powered up she can heal the whole team, light up the map and is a combat mage too. Which just feels ludicrously useful in terms of utility.
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Really digging this so far, especially now that I'm unlocking more things to do and more characters. A lot of the stuff in Somniel feels unnecessary right now, but I suppose maybe that will change when I get further into the game. Right now I just don't feel like I need those temporary little stat boosts from working out or things like that.
So what is everyone's impression on Ivy? I think she's great.
She's one of the deeper, more developed characters in the cast. Haven't seen a ton of her supports, but they have been better than the Firene chuckle squad by a fair margin. Though most characters that join in the midgame have better supports than the initial cast.
I thought growths are fixed in everything but some special Maddening difficulty run?
I think it’s the opposite - Normal and Hard have random, but your first Maddening run is fixed.

My Etie has had nothing but underwhelming level ups and I love bow users so I’m sad about it.
Boucheron is going to spend the rest of the game as a bench warmer, I think. Just extremely underwhelming on the battlefield for me.

I think it’s the opposite - Normal and Hard have random, but your first Maddening run is fixed.

My Etie has had nothing but underwhelming level ups and I love bow users so I’m sad about it.
I gave Etie the house leaders' bracelet and that is hilarious.
Boucheron is going to spend the rest of the game as a bench warmer, I think. Just extremely underwhelming on the battlefield for me.

I gave Etie the house leaders' bracelet and that is hilarious.
Yeah...haven't really found much of a use for Boucheron either. I know that the roster is pretty huge so I can't imagine sticking with him. Etie has been MVP for me a few times just because it's so nice to have an archer pick off weak foes.
Yeah...haven't really found much of a use for Boucheron either. I know that the roster is pretty huge so I can't imagine sticking with him. Etie has been MVP for me a few times just because it's so nice to have an archer pick off weak foes.
Yeah there’s so many characters that I find it hard to find a place for average infantry units that don’t do anything better than anyone else. Boucheron was the first unit I stuck on the subs bench.
I know everyone loves Louis for good reason, but I also know Jade is coming and I want her on my main squad when she shows up.
Boucheron has been fine for me so far - useful for chain damage and as lesser aggro bait or walling enemies off when Louis is busy.

I’ve not been using Vander much since he’s already an advanced class and that feels like a trap lol. Jean I’m wondering about since he’s just an extra, lower levelled Framme right now. And as an Anna hater, I doubt I’ll be using her either. I’m definitely gonna struggle with sticking to a core team though, and that’s where I sort of miss 3H - since I knew I’d be playing it again that wasn’t a big deal.

I gave Etie the house leaders' bracelet and that is hilarious.
I probably won’t pick the DLC up til the last wave with new characters and a side story (at least I think that’s what’s coming?), so I’m missing out on these extra Emblems!
Boucheron is going to spend the rest of the game as a bench warmer, I think. Just extremely underwhelming on the battlefield for me.

I gave Etie the house leaders' bracelet and that is hilarious.
I did this with Anna and yeah, she became a killing machine
So there seem to be two types of map battles (maybe more) - skirmishes with corrupted and training battles. Does anyone know if units dying in training battles makes them permanently unavailable?
At least in normal / classic, the training battles don't kill you chars. You will get the retreat text instead of the dead animation (probably the same on hard). Also every character in the map get exp at the end even if they didn't act.
Yeah, The Bouch has been pretty bad for me too so far, which is unfortunate cuz I really like him lol. ahhhhh, the struggles of liking a low-tier FE character...
Me: You can’t make muscles your entire personality!

Also me: Loving pickles is such a complex and multifaceted personality trait that suggests an inherent goodness and quality of character…
I am surprised but delighted to to say this , the story gets really good. I only have a couple chapters left I think.
is it just me or is the fishing in this kinda....boring?

i'm usually a sucker for fishing minigames in games(and did far too much of it in three houses) but here I did it a couple times and feel no urge to ever touch it again
Boucheron has been fine for me so far - useful for chain damage and as lesser aggro bait or walling enemies off when Louis is busy.

I’ve not been using Vander much since he’s already an advanced class and that feels like a trap lol. Jean I’m wondering about since he’s just an extra, lower levelled Framme right now. And as an Anna hater, I doubt I’ll be using her either. I’m definitely gonna struggle with sticking to a core team though, and that’s where I sort of miss 3H - since I knew I’d be playing it again that wasn’t a big deal.

I probably won’t pick the DLC up til the last wave with new characters and a side story (at least I think that’s what’s coming?), so I’m missing out on these extra Emblems!
With Jean, I looked at his skill where he is supposed to get good growth stats, and thought ‘Is that like the old rookie units like Donnel and Ross and Amelie etc, where they eventually promote into a basic class?’ But I’ve been using him and to be honest, he’s still a bit rubbish compared to other healing units at the moment. Especially when you’ve got the Micaiah bonded unit around so you aren’t exactly ever short on healing.

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